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Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers






Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers




2009-06-28 (by x_DontTreadOnMe_x)


"An oddly compelling, often hilarious exploration of the strange lives of our bodies postmortem. For two thousand years, cadavers -- some willingly, some unwittingly -- have been involved in science's boldest strides and weirdest undertakings. They've tested France's first guillotines, ridden the NASA Space Shuttle, been crucified in a Parisian laboratory to test the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin, and helped solve the mystery of TWA Flight 800. For every new surgical procedure, from heart transplants to gender reassignment surgery, cadavers have been there alongside surgeons, making history in their quiet way. In this fascinating, ennobling account, Mary Roach visits the good deeds of cadavers over the centuries-from the anatomy labs and human-sourced pharmacies of medieval and nineteenth-century Europe to a human decay research facility in Tennessee, to a plastic surgery practice lab, to a Scandinavian funeral directors' conference on human composting. In her droll, inimitable voice, Roach tells the engrossing story of our bodies when we are no longer with them." ~~~ I am always adding new things, so check this account often. Visit roguesci (dot) org (slash) theforum, and register, for the world's longest running largest explosives and weapons forum on the web!

Files count:



891.74 Kb




cherrypersonee (2009-06-30)

Your a hero man, the world need's more patriot's like you, Liberty Will prevail !
Listen Man, Can I ask you something ? Could you please get your hand's on something about bunkers ? i.e. disaster shelters , whell actually military ambush bunkers would be a nice piece of literature too :D but please , a disaster shelter bunker - recipe book type, could you please up one ?

 x_DontTreadOnMe_x (2009-06-30)

I think there is a fair amount of literature on that subject in my survival torrent, but I suppose I could always make a torrent just for that. As long as it makes more people aware of my account, I can't complain. :)

suav3 (2009-07-01)

Hey DTOM; do you know what happened to The Forum?
I keep getting redirected to "Asmallorange" site; supposedly payment was overdue and the site was shut down.
However; I also noticed a DMCA violation notice...or is it just me and I banned BIG TIME?
If you have any answers; is there a way to contact you directly?

darkwrath (2009-07-02)

I get the same message ... let's just hope it's just a billing issue and they were not closed down...

suav3 (2009-07-03)

Indeed; to be honest I got quite scared after reading the message; crap...The Forum closed?! that was some scary stuff.
I guess Mega did need the money to keep RS up and running; I sent him some a while ago, but he never let me know if he received it, and since I didn't know if the money was being delivered to the right place, I stopped sending it.

9V9 (2009-07-11)

Thats horrible they aren't online anymore, i was hoping to access the massive ftp. But i never got a response, then about 3 weeks later they have not payed their bills? Hey X DontTreadOnMe X What you have uploaded, is this the entire ftp collection? I wanted to browse it.

 x_DontTreadOnMe_x (2009-07-11)

I hope too that the forum is up soon.
And no, I am nowhere near done uploading. I have had some problems of my own, which is why my uploading is temporarily on hold. Don't worry about me though, I will always be here. :)

suav3 (2009-07-15)

Goodness gracious DTOM... the FTP has been shut down as well; at least for anyways.
Something weird is happening; do you think it is because Mr. Obama went hunting on "black list sites"? I believe it so... damn bastard.
Do you have any news on the Forum DTOM? After all; you were a Mod in there.
Have you contacted Mega yet?

3474735 (2009-07-16)

DTOM... I appreciate you sharing this info. Since Loompanics went away and books on energetic chemistry have gotten harder to find, it's great to find people dedicated to keeping the knowledge out there. I have some items I can scan and contribute to your inventory. How should I get them to you?

 x_DontTreadOnMe_x (2009-07-17)

Go to torrentfreak dot c0m and read the news...... The Pirate Bay is going to become a pay site. I am completely serious. I need to find another reliable tracker for all of my content, and no, Demonoid will not work (they have removed past torrents without letting me know). If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know. From there, I will begin to upload EVERYTHING all over again.... :P
It is sad, but we all must move on.
And as for Roguesci, I have no idea what is going on. No one does, really.
As for letting me know about new content, PM donttreadonme1776 on Demonoid for now (this goes for everyone), and from there I will give you an email address.

cherrypersonee (2009-07-19)

Fellow patriot , please send me an invite on Demonoid :) or pm me on this site .

DumbLuck (2009-07-20)

The ability of humans to exchange information freely, instantly, accurately, and globally using the internet represents the peak of the electronic age. The absolute freedom of information holds within it the potential to topple oppressive governments, to render centralized news agencies obsolete, as well as to rapidly advance scientific and medical technology. The loss of TPB is bigger than a handful of Swedes selling a website, and it is bigger than some stubborn capitalists in Los Angeles ruthlessly defending their profit margins. THIS IS A LOSS OF FREEDOM.
I was sorry to hear about the verdict in April, and now I'm sorry to hear about the inevitable loss of TPB (as we know it). However, I doubt it will be too harrowing a task to get the same audio, video, and e-books elsewhere. And this speaks volumes about the intrinsic stability and brilliance of the torrent network composed of TPB, mininova, isohunt, et al. These sites will all collectively fill the void left behind by TPB, the torrent network reacting like any other compartmentalized mutualist system.
If the departing TPB owners/operators continue to support absolute intellectual freedom rights, as they say they will, then I will support them with my blood, my sweat, my vote, and my mind until I cease to be. It is obvious to me from interviews and writings that Sunde, Neij, Svartholm and Lunstrom are abmitious, intelligent, and dedicated to their cause. I wish them all the best of luck in their respective futures (politics eventually, i hope). I will miss TPB, but I will always be grateful for the impact that The Pirate Bay has had on my life and the world I live in.
Especially: bitchtorrent, x_DontTreadOnMe_x, tripiecz, and malestrom_HH, as well as all other seeders and admins.

Defendu (2009-07-22)

TPB becoming a pay site if it goes over to GGF is currently only a rumor based on speculation. This is being debated on Suprbay and TPB crew is denying that it'll ever be a pay to play model. I wouldn't go deleting my torrents before seeing what actually comes of the deal if I were you.

godie45 (2009-07-24)

How can i get invited in demonoid?

 x_DontTreadOnMe_x (2009-07-25)

Nothing is being deleted. And if anything is, it will only be uploaded again minutes later, as I will be changing the link to visit on the text file, assuming RS doesn't come back in the few months and we are forced to start new. Until things get figured out both with TPB and RS, I am not sure what else to do other than to wait. I have a lot (and I mean a LOT) of stuff to upload, but I want to do so in the most efficient way possible, and not waste valuable time, as I am a very busy person, and I am on an extremely limited connection for the next few months. I'll say it again, I am not going anywhere, it will just be a little bit until we get the ball fully rolling again. All TPB followers and RS members, check here every few weeks, and I will try to update you. It would be appreciated if anyone following my updates from either RS or TPB would make an acct and post here, so I know how many people there are (I am just curious, I have no real numbers of people who follow my torrents, and not just bored people or idiots downloading a single torrent and never coming back again).
Thanks for understanding guys.

_Intrinsic_ (2009-07-26)

Faithful follower of both RS and your torrents here, trying to stay updated on any news.

 x_DontTreadOnMe_x (2009-07-27)

If everyone can go to Tantalum on Demonoid, he has a torrent there of the last archive he took (6/14), and the page is also being used as a thread for people to talk.

_Intrinsic_ (2009-07-27)

thank you for the info

 x_DontTreadOnMe_x (2009-07-27)

No problem.

too_much_labia (2009-10-30)

I want candy!

whatsdstory (2009-12-23)

Thanks for sharing!

escravoes (2012-08-08)

T U!