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The Royal Wedding Of Prince William & Kate Middleton / BBC [HD72




Video Movies


The Royal Wedding Of Prince William & Kate Middleton / BBC [HD72


Video/HD - Movies


2011-04-29 (by aoloffline)


The Royal Wedding Of Prince William & Kate Middleton / BBC [HD720p] BBC Autorul scenariului: BBC Actori: Prince William & Kate Middleton Durata: 1h 18mn 11s + 46mn 6s + 45mn 56s + 1h 12mn 26s + 42mn 12s + 53mn 15s Limba: English Huw Edwards, Sophie Raworth and Fiona Bruce present full, uninterrupted coverage of the wedding of Prince William and Catherine Middleton. As the prince and princess-in-waiting make their final preparations, Sophie Raworth invites some of the 1,900 guests at the ceremony to share their thoughts and feelings about the royal couple ahead of the service, while Alex Jones reports from Kate's home village, Bucklebury, where the locals will be out in force to cheer on their most-celebrated resident. Huw Edwards provides the commentary as the Archbishop of Canterbury presides over the marriage ceremony, before the newlyweds step out onto the balcony at Buckingham Palace in one of the most historic moments of our time. Includes 6 parts: Part One: Introduction to the day & buildup - speaking to the crowds & well-wishers - 1h 18mn 11s Part One: Buildup - speaking to the crowds & well-wishers + VIPs arrive @ the Abbey - 46mn 6s Part Three: Groom & Best man turn up & Queen etc Royalty ready for kick off - 45mn 56s Part Four: Kick off - Bride leaves hotel.. ride to the Abbey.. Vows..Service.. - 1h 12mn 26s Part Five: Half time - leave Abbey - open carriage procession back to Buckingham Palace.. - 42mn 12s Part Six: Buckingham Palace..the crowds... the kiss... - 53mn 15s

Files count:



8922.79 Mb




 GoodFilms (2011-04-30)

Nice up. Accompanying documentary:

Dexter101 (2011-04-30)

fuck this, my sister forced me to download this.
and she's complaining because the download is very slow.

ufomongo (2011-04-30)

Spanks a lot.
Pomp and circumstance is underrated.

Ponyoo (2011-04-30)

Anal fuckers

Ponyoo (2011-04-30)

Balding Prince and wrinkled Fag bitch!!

war59312 (2011-04-30)

Makes my sick we still have countries/states/etc. that still have Kings, Queens, Royalty, Etc. in 2011.
I would liked to have thought we, humans, would known better by now.
I just can't believe people in these places around the world don't overthrow them.
Makes me sick! Sick I tell ya! Sick!!

Floradixy (2011-05-01)

@war59312 :
You are just ridiculous!
And, you obviously have no sense of history.
80% of the british people are positiv towards their monarchy. Its called tradition. Look it up and educate yourself.

5iF3R (2011-05-01)

Floradixy: yeah, tradition to be subjugated ..

hgpot (2011-05-01)

Does anyone know where I can find a higher resolution of the picture for the torrent? Not the ones in the description, but the one up near the title.

johnnieh (2011-05-01)

Really!!?? dont you people have anything better to do???

TyMod (2011-05-01)

Who the hell would want to see this shit again. I know people who got up at 5:00 am just to see this shit. Who gives a crap about her dress anyways. It wouldn't be pretty if it was a "commoners" but sense it is a ROYAL dress it's special. :/ Bull Shit. Thanks for the upload anyways man. You do put up great quality uploads!

ADhero (2011-05-01)

Amazing Upload Thanks (( aoloffline ))
Rating This Torrent:
Video 720p : ♥♥♥♥♡
Audio DD 5.1: ♥♥♥♥♥

agathecosta (2011-05-02)

You really have to wonder why they use the words: ''For richer or for poorer'' at a royal wedding...

jspyder24 (2011-05-02)

America would go mad if the government ask us to pay for a family 2 "represent" the nation by living a luxurious life. Have multiple castle that they live in depending on the season and whenever bored they perform "royal visits". At least America's queen, Oprah Winfrey worked her arse off for every brick that build her castle in California.
How is a family living a billionaires lifestyle for FREE good 4 the nation and its subjects? That have produced no art, made no contributions to science. They receive the BEST education, but do not pursue careers. What do they do on a daily basis? Im really curious. They are not even encouraged 2 get jobs. Princess Diana went to fucking Africa to help the children who lost limbs from land mines because she was bored to tears living in London. I think the Royals should get jobs and not think they ARE doing something because they have to entertain foreign dignitaries, or host dinners, or host charities. That is what the Prime Minister's wife is for!

shinobiXRT (2011-05-02)

so has anyone told her if she even thinks about becoming muslim the israeli government will assasinate her

stardust54 (2011-05-03)

war59312 and the rest of you idiots,
The Royal Family and the events such as weddings are part of history, culture and tradition. Members of the Royal Family can set a great moral example and serve as inspiration to millions of people of their nation. That is weight of responsibility not many can carry - none of you, for sure! But I am sure sure that YOU wouldn't be able to understand this kind of thing with your pea-seized brains! And just because you are not informed of every detail of their daily life, doesn't mean that it is meaningless. And judging by the comments that you leave here (on various pages!) it can be concluded that your lives are by far meaningless and time-wasting than you accuse theirs to be! So, go fuck yourselves you hypocritical tossers!!!!!!!!!

stardust54 (2011-05-03)

Oh, and thank you aoloffline and other member of this community for sharing this wonderful torrent with us!!! Very appreciated!

JRiderG (2011-05-03)

Don't understand why this is under movies. Only sad people care about this. I hope she cheats on him, and he kills her before shooting himself.

 GoodFilms (2011-05-03)

@JRiderG. You are pathetic. And you are not Britain... I am.

Hokrollo (2011-05-03)

Come on...
A torrent for this shit? Already been spammed for weeks on the news...

Maswor (2011-05-03)

To all the haters: Get the fuck out. I'm done here.

JRiderG (2011-05-03)

"I am britain"............lolololol. Don't you mean "british". I thought you people were smart. Retard.

wooffers (2011-05-05)

i would just like to say I am British and have been all my life and love the fact that we still have our Royal family. Now Prince William does not just sit on his arse all day, he serves in the Royal Air Force where he risks his life on a daily basis flying search and rescue mission to save lives, he is a fully qualified helicopter pilot. Kate did use to have a job but now she is going to do lots of charity work all over the world. Our Royal family does serve a purpose, in the past they made Britain the greatest country in the world they created the largest empire the world has ever seen, and for all you Americans who have posted abuse about our country and Royal family my I remind you that it was our country and Royal family that founded your country and that without us your country wouldn't even exist, and the only reason why you don't like our royal family is because you only have a few hundred years of history and tradition whereas we have thousands, therefore you have no idea what tradition or heritage is.
Finally if you don't like the royal family why the fuck would bother going onto a torrent that your not going to download and post comments, your lives must be so sad and pathetic.

thegr8luiz (2011-05-05)

Thank you very much for your time and effort to share this with us. I love HD! Keep up the good work. I wish all comments here were only about the upload. Who cares what people think about anything else?

mknight1701 (2011-05-09)

The Royals who do not work of which many do, i.e. Prince Andrews daughters will have to after they finish university (eighth inline for the throne) provide an irreplaceable charity bridge between those people that starve and those people that have the millions ££$$.
Of the money they have many of that comes from the lands they've owned for 100's of years. Much of that land has been donated back to people (where all you tourists come to, for culture!).
I'm not a big fan of the royals, they don't directly do anything for me but it really annoys me to listen to utter crap. These comments from a country who generally couldn't tell you where Europe is never mind Great Britain!
royal . gov .uk

mknight1701 (2011-05-09)

Damn, I got so wind up and forgot to add, thanks for the torrent.

Paul_Days (2011-05-10)

Question/Help: So I downloaded this for my mother and I want to burn this to a DVD9 or DVD4, I'm using a Macintosh. Any suggestions to help me save time? Can I just drag these files to DVD-Video on Toast or must I use something else to convert to VideoTS first...?

Ponyoo (2011-05-11)

British fucking Royals = stolen treasures around the worlds with German origins pretending English. No fucking proper blood line.
Now balding ass face prince and wrinkled bitch fag face comonner married

Ponyoo (2011-05-11)


dkent555 (2011-05-20)

To all the commenters giving negative feedback on this, directly to the Royals. You're all assholes with no lives. Get a grip.
No Royal bloodline? Of course there is. They're related to all the British Kings and Queens. They may originate from Germany, but they are more British than anyone else in the country, especially now most people in Britain are either shit skinned or smell of bombay mix. Country is flooded.

bazquux (2011-05-22)

Bread and circuses.
There was prior media mention of all those applying but failing to get Disability Living Allowance. Those benefit cheats, scroungers, work shy etc... Meanwhile, let's spend £20 million on a national extravangza. Not to mention, the attack on pay and conditions of the working and middle classes that is the bank bail out.
As for the royals working, I'd hazard that the public is forced to cough up far more than the salary of a search & rescue pilot per royal on the civil list (£8.9m). Oh, the royals are useful for arm sales (an industry subsidised by the public).
France gets more tourists. So, the lesson to learn - Off with their heads!

Ponyoo (2011-06-01)


Ponyoo (2011-06-01)


iGrenade (2011-06-06)

nobody gives a shit about this overrated wedding other than housewives and brits.
imo all royal wedding torrents should be NUKED.

CAPITALISTPIG (2011-06-28)

DEGAGE ! William.

zaroba (2012-02-13)

wow, it never ceases to amaze me at how stupid people can be. its not just because of it being the internet either, most people would rather waste their pitiful lives whining and complaining about things that have absolutely no effect on their life style then just living their lives.
like all of you who decided to waste the time coming here to complain about the wedding. you don't like it? big deal. nobody cares. unless it has a direct effect on your lifestyle, ignore it and get on with your life instead of trying to annoy others for absolutely no reason.
the comments are for posting reviews about the file. not so you can waste site resources and peoples time with your useless point of view about something that doesn't concern you.
(btw, before any of you trolls make the assumption, I'm not European nor have i ever been to Europe)