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How to make procyon x3: terran conflict work






How to make procyon x3: terran conflict work




2008-11-03 (by z3rongod)


Post comments with other tips if you have any. /// P.S. Using the exe from the /data directory on the mounted image, will run the game in the initial version. And FUCKING CRACK THIS GAME ALREADY! ================================================================================= By VXDguy For AMD users: "AMD Power Monitor (minimized, right click on icon in task bar by clock, choose set power scheme from menu, then select mode) running in "Portable/Laptop" mode did the trick. Damn near crapped my pants when I saw the X3TC window come up!",,30_182_871_9706,00.html Direct Download: Further n00b instructions: Install, open amd power monitor. There's an icon in the tray, right click -> set power scheme -> Portable/Laptop. DON'T FORGET TO SET IT BACK! =P


  1. Terran
  2. Conflict

Files count:



1.90 Kb




232323 (2008-11-03)

I guess for now everyone knows how to install the daemon tools etc before they understand that it's not working :)
Some time ago I discovered that smart ruskies managed to understand how to run it. The main idea is to decrease your CPU speed so that you can trick tages into thinking it is accessing the real DVD not mounted image.
Now here is the instruction from Samsonice for you:
YES Finally I got past the "insert original disk"-error. I have had DTpro and mountet the clonedvd-version on a vIDE, but could never get it to work.
The solution is to downgrade your cpu temporarily while starting X3.
Google for "RightMark CPU Clock Utility", download it and run it.
In the profiles section select the Power saving profile. In the "AC Power" column you do the following: click "Use P-state..." and then select the lowest "FID". Normally in my system the FID is set til 9.0x and for my system it is possible to set it to 6.0x.
Then click "Use Throttling" and then decide how much you will downgrade your cpu. I set my system to 50%.
After this click apply to confirm the profile. Next you click on Profiles root and select the "Power saving" profile in "Current" under the "AC power" column.
Click apply to execute the profile.
With the multiplier (FID) set to 6 and the throttle to 50% my two CPU's are now running at 1.150 mhz each instead of 3000 mhz each.
Now run X3TC and wait for the startup-window. If you still see the "insert original disk"-error. Try setting your cpu-throttle lower.
When the X3TC-startup window shows choose the "No management"-profile instead of the "Power saving"-profile and click apply to restore your original cpu-speed.
Now you can click on the "Start X3:TC"-button in the X3-startup window.
Additional comment - if for some reason that still doesn't work then just open your virtual device with terran conflict image mounted and try launching again, it should work.

pether (2008-11-03)

Or you just follow the original .nfo?
I had no problem at all running the game.

232323 (2008-11-03)

pether: for fuck's sake stop it already, mkay? Half the people's PSs DO NOT work that way that's why this thread is needed. Ask yourself if anyone need your comment here?
Richardh754: it seems only pro version works thought some claim to have both installed and the game works for them.

z3rongod (2008-11-03)

I haven't been able to use vIDE in DT LITE.

bakermiaz (2008-11-03)

Sometimes I have had to reduce CPU below 50%.
I just used the RightMark CPU Clock Utility's next lower preset level 37.5..
Rightmark Advanced cpu sertttings , throttling /
( enable normal throttling Box ) presets.
I kept Rightmark open so once CD check finished and launcher window open, I just clicked the enable normal throttling Box again to disable throttling, hit apply , closed Rightmark then launched game..
I just hope there is a crack before my DT pro 20 day trial expires.

 nawlinz (2008-11-03)

@ 232323 & @ z3rongod
Thanks for the Info. I have this one downloaded and was going to install it this week. Glad to have the extra info if it's gonna be a beast.

JIsher (2008-11-03)

Thank you 232323,
I'd tried overloading my cpu w/ a stress test while doing this, but the check took precedence. I didn't know this was out there. Will try it out.
@pether - just because your cpu already sucks doesn't mean other people can get this to work. i've got dual 3.6's, the check goes too fast. I've gotten every other computer game to work, including the old x3 with starforce and a few others that required loading down the cpu to work (my old comp had a slow cpu anyway, so it rarely had to happen).
@z3rongod - vIDE only works in pro. and it doesn't work in xp 64 or server 2003, just fyi.

LRN (2008-11-03)

CPU throttling with RightMark - works. (i had to use x6 multiplier and throttle my E8600 down to 12.5%!).
I'm using DT Lite 4.30.1, all emulation options are OFF. I have DT Pro installed, but it is not running at the moment. I'm doing this on Windows XP x64 SP2. X3: TC is patched up to version 1.2 (i've done it before i managed to bypass the disk check).
I repeat: CPU speed reduction allows you to bypass disk check.

pether (2008-11-03)

Hey, buttfucks.
Update DT like everyone else before you complain.
I bet you dont even know how to do that, which is why you are trying with some other hokus pokus solution.

JIsher (2008-11-03)

I'm sorry you don't know the basics of CPU speed and how that might affect the outcome. Perhaps you should invest your time on the internet in research rather than snarky comments - and while you're at it, get a decent computer.
I have 4.3etc. pro installed and vIDE enabled, fresh xp install, no other emulation software ever installed, and a dvd-rom was only in the computer long enough to install windows.
Like I said, just because it works on your crappy computer doesn't mean it works on mine.
@LRN - good to know it works on Lite. I may have to try it on my main OS in that case.

LRN (2008-11-03)

pether, you do realize that there is NO vIDE driver (and thus - no vIDE support in Daemon Tools Pro) for Windows XP x64, do you? And that because of this ALL these so-called "CLONEDVD" releases, relying on vIDE to be run, are useless for me?

z3rongod (2008-11-03)

No problem, thought this would be better than to read 12 pages for only half of it off torrents =)
@"Pether" please don't answer any questions, as they are rhetorical nor to any statements addressed to you as there's no need.
@Others please crack this game =)

samsonice (2008-11-04)

Great to see that this is working for many of you. Thanks 232323 for posting my guide and a special thanks to the ruskies!! The more people to break the Tages protection scheme the better.
Although it seems that the cpu-throttling is working on Intel, more trouble seems to be with AMD-processors where throttling is not that easy. Anybody still having trouble on AMD?

JIsher (2008-11-04)

Ah, thanks to z3rongod for uploading, 232323 for posting text, and samsonice for coming up with it (I'd not paid attention to creator/uploader/commentor before). You're all 3 worth a damn in my bag. I'll name my first 3 stations in your respective honors.

232323 (2008-11-04)

JIsher: haha, thanks :)
samsonice: yeah, that's what I wanted to ask people around here - seems like Intels are able to run the game while lots of AMD's not. My friend today tried to explain something to me about the missing features AMD may have but that was too much for my humanitarian mind :)
pether: just an advice - at least become 15 years old before trying to post anything. Thanks you in advance.
Glad to see that at last people will start playing damn thing!

232323 (2008-11-04)

Oh, man, now those ruskies don't believe it was me who passed their good ideas here... so much for the gratitude :)

z3rongod (2008-11-04)

Hah wonder how you'd pronounce my nickname.
Anyhows still haven't managed to bypass the protection with the CPU slowdown on my AMD 5000+ 2x
Though I'm playing dead space till a crack will appear.

z3rongod (2008-11-04)

Also 232323 meaning 2 digits with a sequence of 3?

MackB999 (2008-11-04)

I know vIDE doesn't work in xp64, but in my case it doesn't work on my xp32 install on the same machine.

grivin (2008-11-04)

Tips is working well, ty so much!
Still did'nt try the X3 update.
Using DT Pro 4.30.
Have to test the game now !!!

232323 (2008-11-04)

z3rongod: than means nothing really :)
And, what do you know, I'm playing Dead Space right now as well
MackB999: what do you mean by "didn't work"?

JIsher (2008-11-04)

first chance i've had to check, works great with dt lite.
had to restart, f8, and disable enforced driver signing to get rightmark to work with vista 64 tho :(

bakermiaz (2008-11-04)

yes. This works using DT lite... though I needed to throttle all the way down to min preset.. Game seemed to have a little stuttering too.
Might be useful for those of us that were unable to install that Cracked DT pro and are stuck with the 20 trial version.

JuFro (2008-11-04)

Well does this fix the problem with ships randomly crashing into things?

Z0MBiE2600 (2008-11-04)

confirmed working with DT-Lite on XP SP2.

JuFro (2008-11-04)

yes it works

z3rongod (2008-11-04)

I've made the game work on scsi drive, with the re-mounting over and over method on any version. Though i would get atksy.sys or something BSOD due to TAGES driver(s).
Still no crack available. Seems all release groups are incapable of doing the job =P

LRN (2008-11-04)

I was getting BSODS when i tried to run the game inside a virtual machine. But on real hardware...that's odd. Well, we all know that copyprotection drivers are the OS's worst nightmare in terms of system stability...

JIsher (2008-11-04)

bakermiaz, game seemed to have stuttering after throttling cpu back up or did you mistakenly leave it down? you can just throttle back up after the check.
z3ron, what is the remounting method?

JIsher (2008-11-04)

bakermiaz, it runs odd after throttling cpu back up? don't forget that step.
z3ron, what's the remounting method?
and no (whomever, don't want to stop writing to look for the name) i don't get ships randomly crashing, though that's a problem with the game at times... you have to remember to use a or d to strafe away, and ai can be a problem. also, don't forget to patch to 1.2.1

z3rongod (2008-11-04)

the remounting method is the one showed in the video. Mount enter game, un-mount, re-mount, enter game, over and over 'till it works

quanpak (2008-11-05)

Is this confirmed to work on AMD's?
I have an AMD Athlon 3500+, and the throttling software didnt work, so I used WinThrottle, but no matter how low I set it (lowest possible is 87%), I keep getting the 'insert original disk'.
Also tried by launching from \DATA on mounted image, no success....

z3rongod (2008-11-05)

Lowering speed seems not to work on AMD.
Update the game and try the method from /data Be sure to disable scsi drive and if that doesn't work might want to deconect your cd/dvd roms.
If that either doesn't work, find reloaded or any "prestigious" release group and tell them "blow me geeks!"
Oh and if all else fails try re-mounting method. never fails =P

bakermiaz (2008-11-05)

Yeah this stutter seemed I am not sure about. I did throttling cpu back up for sure.
And started new game. Different game Start.; Latter I tried again and seemed normal again. Maybe this stutter is just my Video drivers or something..

JuFro (2008-11-06)

This doesnt fix problem with AI crashing randomly into things, but at least I can play now! thanks and hurry with crack!

114128 (2008-11-16)

If you are using an intel processor, follow these instructions. They may be the same for AMD, but I haven't verified them for anything but intel.
1. Download/install daemon tools lite. Enable all anti-protection measures.
2. Mount x3 iso
3. Install x3 normally
4. Download Rmclock. It is free.
5. Run Rmclock.exe, go to advancedcpuesettings/throttling
6. On drop down menu for normal throttling, select 12.5%. Click the box to the left of the drop down menu to enable the throttling.
7. Doubleclick on the shortcut on your desktop. It will ask you to install the tages drivers. Hit yes.
9. Your computer should pass the tages verification because it is throttled down. DO NOT throttle it back up until the games MENU SCREEN has fully loaded. Once it has, alt tab, go into RMClock and disable (uncheck the box) the normal throttling.
10. Enjoy!

114128 (2008-11-18)

Made a mistake here. You should update it with the --> 1.2 patch
1. Download/install daemon tools lite. Enable all anti-protection measures.
2. Mount x3 iso
3. Install x3 normally
3.5 Download patch up to version 1.2, install it.
4. Download Rmclock. It is free.
5. Run Rmclock.exe, go to advancedcpuesettings/throttling
6. On drop down menu for normal throttling, select 12.5%. Click the box to the left of the drop down menu to enable the throttling.
7. Doubleclick on the shortcut on your desktop. It will ask you to install the tages drivers. Hit yes.
9. Your computer should pass the tages verification because it is throttled down. DO NOT throttle it back up until the games MENU SCREEN has fully loaded. Once it has, alt tab, go into RMClock and disable (uncheck the box) the normal throttling.
10. Enjoy!

3261dan (2008-11-21)

Is it worth all this hassle.I mean I like the X games, but is it worth going through this everytime you want to play?
Anyone play X-tended mod for x3:reunion?
Wondering if its any better than that.

k.marko86 (2008-11-23)

I have AMD Athlon 64 x2 and couldn't make game work. Tried all metioned above but it just wont work. Also i couldn't enable throttling in RMclock (for some reason it cant be enabled) any idea why?

z3rongod (2008-11-24)

Wondering if its any better than that.
I deleted the game in less than 5 days. Then again I've never played the previous versions of X. Download warcraft III and play custom made maps till out of your mind on eurobattle or whatever

beanzor (2008-11-29)

Running AMD single core. Tried the power management app. Followed all instructions. Did not work. Do not download this ISO... it is hit and miss.

Nomad2k3 (2008-12-31)

This is strange, i've installed this on an old athlon xp3000+ 2gig ram and 256mb 7800gtx winxp sp3 but cannot get it to run on an intel q6600 4gig ram, duel 512mb 8800gt sli, just asked for original disk, ive tried installing 3 times now, with differing versions of DT,
its a pity cos my old machine will barely run it :(

Periniath (2009-01-01)

Hey there, just wanted to drop my two cents:
I couldn't get this to work before, even when trying out these tips (excluding throttling: my computer can't handle it apparently..)
But after updating my daemon tools to the newest version it helped, now i can finally play it.
Heres hoping that it'l work for some of you, 'cause it's really a great game :)

Periniath (2009-01-01)

Btw, this was done with the newest lite DT version, and after updating x3 with the 1.4 patch (1.2.1)

bad_peanut (2009-06-23)

Hey guys. For the most part I wanna say thanks. You're information on getting this game to start has been really helpful. Still though, I cannot play it =( Have tried all the methods here, am I missing something? I can get to the X3 screen where you can choose graphics options etc etc but when I click on play x3 it just crashes. Thanks again, any help would be really good.