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iPod 5.5G Rockbox 9-10-07 [Maga]Zine (FIXED!)






iPod 5.5G Rockbox 9-10-07 [Maga]Zine (FIXED!)




2007-09-11 (by [Maga]Zine)


FIXXXXX: I added the ipodpatcher.exe !!!! sorry! OK, so this torrent included [Maga]Zine Easy Rockbox installer. The Doom WADs needed to play RockDoom. A few Gameboy ROMs and easy info. Just read the readme in the rar or below. Come back here or ask questions.. or better ask questions at the blog: Hope you guys enjoy this as much as I do... Please make comments as much as possible.. I love them thats why I upload in the first place :0) L8r [Maga]Zine BTW!!! I am looking for a cool txt picture you know like all the groups have where its like a picture with numbers and letters? just a pic of [Maga]Zine if sum1 would do that it would be appreciated..!!! _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ROCKBOX! ---- by [Maga]Zine ----- INDEX: 1-what is it 2-how to install 3-using GameBoy/GameBoy Color Games! 1-what is it? Rockbox is another operatin system like apples ipod os or linux... You can play homebrew on your iPod.. Play games like DOOM! Use a TXT editor.. ect. Easily switch between Rockbox and stock iPod firmware... 2-HOW TO DO IT ALL EASY by [Maga]Zine: 1. Copy the folders .rockbox, music, video and ipodloader.config to the root of yoru ipod (example: F:/) 2. open ipod patcher.exe it will say a bunch of stuff basicly just confirm that your ipod is the one that it says it is. and press enter to install ipodloader.. 3. when its done exit and take off iPod. 4. A green screen will come up this is where you choose if you want to boot into Rockbox or iPod Video firmware. Choose Rockbox 5. DONE! pretty self explanitory from there.. You can download themes from 3-GameBoy games! Ok whats sweet is you can play Gameboy and gameboy color games.. I included a couple of gb games along with this.. ok so if your firmilar with ROMs you know that Gameboy games and gameboy color games have an file extension of .gb or .gbc right? well the trick is when you put them in the GB folder make sure you change the extension to .rock Then open rockbox and go to files and then the GB folder. Hold down the center button and a new menu will pop up. Click Open With... then select RockBoy and your GB game will run... Switching to HOLD brings up menu to save, load, exit.. â??â?? ** I added the retail DOOM wads so have fun with that! :0) Also a couple extra wads! And I also added some of my fave Rockbox themes! Thanks! and please help [Maga]Zine S33d!! l8r for more help installing if u have trouble!!

Files count:



13.70 Mb




[Maga]Zine (2007-09-11)

LOL here you guys go with the cool-NESS lol

Dagby_theone (2007-09-11)

Tanks man!:D
works great!:D
every body need this!:D
thanks again!

Conformist (2007-09-11)

Where'd you get Ness?
Thanks man, I was so sad yesterday when I couldn't rockbox up my iPod.
Hopefully this'll be done today so I can make all my friends feel dumb when I show them my iPod. :PPPP
Thanks again [Maga]Zine, I'll be seeding shortly, I hope. :D

Conformist (2007-09-11)

Alright, it's done.
I'll seed until...
Probably until I can't seed anymore.
Thanks [Maga]Zine. :D

Stiker71 (2007-09-11)

Since its more likly you will look in here,
Does this work for 5th Gen too?
Or only 5.5?

Conformist (2007-09-11)

I think it might work for both, I don't see why not, but, hell, give it a shot, if it doesn't work, what's the worst?
You have to load the original settings for the iPod back?

[Maga]Zine (2007-09-12)

yea i have this on my 5gen and 5.5gen ... Conformist thanks for helping me seed no clue where I go the nes haah jeez

Conformist (2007-09-12)

I need help [Maga]Zine...
The rockbox doesn't seem to work on my iPod..
I don't understand it, maybe I'm missing something in the instructions?

[Maga]Zine (2007-09-12)

what seems to be the prob? what all have you done? u have 5.5gen right?

Conformist (2007-09-12)

It just doesn't seem to work.
I extracted the RAR, copied it in ''Kyle's iPod'' and then ran the patcher.
It said something like ''Would you like to install... etc.... .
Of course, 'Y' is for yes, so, I did that.
It said it was reading it, did some action then said it was finished.
"Press ENTER to exit ipodpatcher.exe'' or whatever.
So, I did, unhooked my iPod, and it just reset, went to the thing about ''Apple OS'', ''Disk mode'' and ''sleep''.
Then, if I picked one, it would reset itself and be back to normal.
No rockbox. :/

[Maga]Zine (2007-09-12)

ok dont exctract rar to kyles ipod just .rockbox GB MUSIC VIDEO try putting those on the iPod then repatch it

Sup3rkirby (2007-09-12)

Ehh.... I have nothing wrong with packaging all this stuff nicely together, but just for the info, you can download RockBox freely from
It is open source, so of course it is free.
But It is nice for this package to include things like the Doom rom and RockBoy(gameboy emulator). Those don't come with the default download of RockBox(neither does pacman).

[Maga]Zine (2007-09-13)

Sup3rkirby: uhh yea thats why i uploaded it... plus this comes with ipodpatcher.exe made by me.. thanks for info.. seriously

Conformist (2007-09-19)

Sorry I haven't been on lately..
My mother went to get my computer 'cleaned out' and the guy..
All he did was go into 'Kyle's files', 'Kasirae's files' and 'Cody's files'.
Now, I have no 'iPod_Control'...
What should I do??
I would restore it to see if it would work, but he also deleted all of my audio/video files.
Bittorrent as well, which means I'm not currently seeding for you, but I will be soon.
I need my music back on iTunes!!!

[Maga]Zine (2007-09-20)

damn Conformist.. that blows sorry to hear.. just restore your iPod i guess man sorry to hear what that happened damn

fab88dv (2007-09-23)

hey guys, i was wondering if these games damage ur ipod after a certain period of time and if i can uninstall them from my ipod afterward...thanks alot

[Maga]Zine (2007-09-27)

fab88dv they have been on my ipod sence the ipod first came out to now and hasnt effected anything.. yes there are dirrections in there to uninstall :0)

za1no (2007-09-27)

im having the exact same prob as Conformist
Plz help

za1no (2007-09-27)

Oh and i will seed as long as long as i can :)

thepiratebayrocks (2007-09-30)

CAN YOU USE? THE NEW 160 GB ipod with this?

[Maga]Zine (2007-10-01)

thepiratebayrocks: NOOOO!! dont!!!
the 160 only plays three games.. ouch..
tools, folder options veiw hidden files folder..

l2oXXol2 (2007-10-16)

v5g anyone?


l2oXXol2 (2007-10-16)

make sure you understand i didn't even check those make sure you know what you are doing...peace.

l2oXXol2 (2007-10-18)

@ Conformist
Simply download EphPod for Windows:
then rip the music off your ipod onto your computer into the music folder...bam you have the music back, as for everything else, if he reformated your computer you are boned, if not either use GetDataBack or a undelete program and it will restore your deleted files...just do a search for the files missing in some or a full scan in GetDataBack...peace

l2oXXol2 (2007-10-18)

@ [Maga]Zine


mrspock09 (2007-11-06)

can u seed for just a little bit please! i didnt know this was on here cuz i havent checked for any updated ipod stuff in a while and i would like to have this. thx

mrspock09 (2007-11-07)

thanks for rockbox, but i cant get it working. i have the same problem that Conformist had. when the ipod boots up, i get the "Apple OS" "Disc Mode" and "Sleep", but no rockbox mode to select. any help??

scenmoninja (2007-11-19)

_____ __________.__
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\____|__ (____ /\___ (____ / /\/_______ \|__|___| /\___ >
\/ \//_____/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/

scenmoninja (2007-11-19)

M M M M Z ii
M M M aa ggg aa Z nnn eee
M M a a g g a a .. Z ii n n e e
M M aaa ggg aaa .. ZZZZZ ii n n eee

pokej6 (2007-12-15)

first off, i love your cracked games and what not.
i have a 30gb 5g? ipod. the box has bono on it. whenever i put the firmware on it, my ipod errors and gives me the screen telling me to restore. I just downloaded software version 1.2.3and whenever i try to re-install the firmware, it downgrades to 1.2.1 and gives me the errors again. With 1.2.3 the games dont work btw. What do i do?
also with rockbox. i love the idea. does it work on 5g and how do i switch back to ipod firmware after im done playing doom?

pokej6 (2007-12-15)

M:::::::M M:::::::M
M::::::::M M::::::::M
M:::::::::M M:::::::::M
M::::::::::M M::::::::::M aaaaaaaaaaaaa ggggggggg ggggg aaaaaaaaaaaaa
M:::::::::::M M:::::::::::M a::::::::::::a g:::::::::ggg::::g a::::::::::::a
M:::::::M::::M M::::M:::::::M aaaaaaaaa:::::a g:::::::::::::::::g aaaaaaaaa:::::a
M::::::M M::::M M::::M M::::::M a::::ag::::::ggggg::::::gg a::::a
M::::::M M::::M::::M M::::::M aaaaaaa:::::ag:::::g g:::::g aaaaaaa:::::a
M::::::M M:::::::M M::::::M aa::::::::::::ag:::::g g:::::g aa::::::::::::a
M::::::M M:::::M M::::::M a::::aaaa::::::ag:::::g g:::::g a::::aaaa::::::a
M::::::M MMMMM M::::::Ma::::a a:::::ag::::::g g:::::ga::::a a:::::a
M::::::M M::::::Ma::::a a:::::ag:::::::ggggg:::::ga::::a a:::::a
M::::::M M::::::Ma:::::aaaa::::::a g::::::::::::::::ga:::::aaaa::::::a
M::::::M M::::::M a::::::::::aa:::a gg::::::::::::::g a::::::::::aa:::a
MMMMMMMM MMMMMMMM aaaaaaaaaa aaaa gggggggg::::::g aaaaaaaaaa aaaa
gggggg g:::::g
g:::::gg gg:::::g

Z:::::::::::::::::Z i::::i
Z:::::::::::::::::Z iiii
ZZZZZ Z:::::Z iiiiiiinnnn nnnnnnnn eeeeeeeeeeee
Z:::::Z i:::::in:::nn::::::::nn ee::::::::::::ee
Z:::::Z i::::in::::::::::::::nn e::::::eeeee:::::ee
Z:::::Z i::::inn:::::::::::::::ne::::::e e:::::e
Z:::::Z i::::i n:::::nnnn:::::ne:::::::eeeee::::::e
Z:::::Z i::::i n::::n n::::ne:::::::::::::::::e
Z:::::Z i::::i n::::n n::::ne::::::eeeeeeeeeee
ZZZ:::::Z ZZZZZ i::::i n::::n n::::ne:::::::e
Z::::::ZZZZZZZZ:::Zi::::::i n::::n n::::ne::::::::e
Z:::::::::::::::::Zi::::::i n::::n n::::n e::::::::eeeeeeee
Z:::::::::::::::::Zi::::::i n::::n n::::n ee:::::::::::::e
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZiiiiiiii nnnnnn nnnnnn eeeeeeeeeeeeee

pokej6 (2007-12-15)

damn,that looked good in notepad

pokej6 (2007-12-15)

Stiker71 (2007-12-19)

Mega man "haha no pun intended"
You gotta get the new games up here, and all the old games fixed for the 1.23 patch!

ballerkidd5302 (2008-01-29)

does this work with iPod Classic 80 Gb?

jah32 (2008-02-01)

I have the 5.5g 80gb classic and am running vista and when i try to run ipodpatcher.exe it just says no ipod detected enter to exit, but yet my ipod is plugged in, in disk mode and i tried it also with no other programs open, but still it can't find my ipod. I tried also to install ipodlinux and had the same prob of it not being found, even though it appears as drive M: in my comp.
Plz help, thanks

jah32 (2008-02-01)

Wow, about 2 min after i posted that i went to the site and found this:
"Apple: 1st through 5.5th generation iPod, iPod Mini and 1st generation iPod Nano
(not the Shuffle, 2nd/3rd gen Nano, Classic or Touch)"
so also to ballerkidd, nope not gonna work

silentwaiting (2008-03-12)

Damn it Seed!!!!!!! i'm at 25% and it's only a 13mb file ! WTF!!!!! it shouldn't take this long!! i'm getting shit for speed and a minute ago i totally stopped!
Damn people seed!!!!!!!!!!

[Maga]Zine (2008-03-12)

sorry Im no longer seeding this file.. :0) the other people are..

7oxymoron (2008-06-10)

seeed PLZ

Yurn (2009-06-13)

Rockbox is pretty shit anyhow. Sure it supports some extra stuff, but it fails to support standard stuff. Reading album art from album tags is pretty basic man. And the user interface is just cluttered a lot of the time. Too many unwanted options.
Also, the themes are really not that great especially if you have something like an iPhoto. Hell, all up I've seen like 5 or so actually "good" themes. And no-one goes out of their way to keep making themes for older ipods (which aren't even 5 years old), when the newer models come out.
The bullshit can't even read a 250x250 jpeg and that's pretty typical res for album art.

ekimiscoolio (2009-06-21)


ekimiscoolio (2009-06-21)



1. iPod 5.5G Rockbox 9-10-07 [Maga]Zine.rar 13.70 Mb