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Secret Societies - Gardiner's Forbidden Knowledge (Malestrom)






Secret Societies - Gardiner's Forbidden Knowledge (Malestrom)




2009-02-08 (by malestrom_HH )

Description: Philip Gardiner, “Secret Societies: Gardiner's Forbidden Knowledge : Revelations About the Freemasons, Templars, Illuminati, Nazis, and the Serpent Cults” New Page Books | 2007-06-30 | ISBN: 1564149234 | 256 pages | PDF With his recent best-selling books and hundreds of articles, as well as radio and TV appearances, Philip Gardiner has started a crusade for uncovering the truth, and nothing could be more indicative of that search than his latest foray into the dark and often sinister world of secret societies. Yet again, in Secret Societies, Gardiner finds himself on a journey across the world to uncover the ancient secrets of the world's most powerful men. In one dramatic episode he finds himself driven out of Berlin in a black Mercedes by a secret organization that was believed to have disappeared after the second World War and eventually arrives in a modern Nazi watering hole. Gardiner, however, survives this incredible journey and brings us the secrets of the Order held sacred for so long. Gardiner delves into a world that is often hidden from our eyes and finds himself in situations that seem to mirror the fictional world of the Da Vinci Code. In Secret Societies, Gardiner: -Gets to the core of the secret societies' belief systems. -Explores the secret origins of Freemasonry and the links to secret Serpent Cults. -Investigates the secret hidden meaning of King Arthur and Robin Hood. -Examines the claimants to the name of Illuminati, and analyzes the history of the group in Europe and America. -Reveals the secret links within the Vatican and the Nazi Party. -Looks in-depth at the white-powdered gold theory supposedly kept secret by orders throughout time and radically re-appraises it. -Shows the link between the so-called enlightenment experience and the control of our minds. Nobody in the genre involves themselves in the tale in the same way that Gardiner does, and here he shows that the search for ultimate truth can often be a terrifying one.

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2.43 Mb




ps2ps2 (2009-02-09)

Hi Malestrom, congrats for getting a green pirate and thanks a lot one more time for all the great stuff you provide. Allthough I am a bit estranged by this conspiracy crap and was asking myself: Is Malestrom going to obscurant bull?
Anyway, all the best!

GoldStandard (2009-02-09)

Conspiracies are the norm.
Just go to any court and you will hear case after case of conspiracy to commit murder...conspiracy to fraud etc etc etc.
Do you think Madoff could pull off a 50Billion dollar scam alone? How some SEC knew that it had all the hallmarks of a scam (and multiple reports concluding it could be the biggest ponzi scam ever) and they did nothing?
How do you think a single bank can have a naked short position in silver equalling 20% of annual global mining production and CFTC does nothing?
Federal Reserve system was created by bankers getting together at Jekyll Island secretly drafting up the banking system that now has brought the western world to the brink of ruin.
I could go on for hours.
Conspiracies are simply secret agendas driven by interest groups. Nothing new there. It happens ALL THE TIME.
It is no fiction that freemasonry for instance was infiltrated by the illuminati as a vehicle to further progress their agendas. It is not up for debate, it is fact. Do your research.

ps2ps2 (2009-02-09)

I did believe that for a long time and was seeing everywhere the will and the evil genius of perfect organisations. The more you learn about life the more you see, that big organisations are not working. Wanna now about madoff? Read the best text so far on the financial crisis by Michael Lewis:

If you read his highly amusing book about his time as a banker at solomon brothers you learn a central lesson about life: At most places people have no clue what they are doing.
I wouldt say, there are no conspiracies. But the moments craze to see big secret organisations who - throug the ages - are pulling the strings, is nonsense.
Another really funny book about that by the way: Ron Johnson Them. The author goes out with the hypothesis: If it would be all true? We would be governed by reptiles, the Third Reich is alive behind the moon and superconspiracy is ruling everything.

 malestrom_HH (2009-02-09)

I really just post and share things.I haven't the time to read all the books I upload.I should give this one a read!

hoshi23 (2009-02-10)

:) really chuckled reading the description
alot of it is so heated up stories
having to do with anything but what is
at the ground of it which is often surprisingly simple
the secret serpent cults now i dont know exactly what that is supposed to be but the serpent itself is a essential symbol in many cultures
for example the aboriginies have the rainbow snake that is the center of their spirituality standing for the unification of consciousness and energy like shiva and shakti in hinduism aka life itself
there really is nothing secret or forbidden about that
maybe some of it was a few hundered years ago
anyway its old hat
and so am actually quite amazed that there are still so many diffrent complicated stories around this
and that poeple chase this stuff still in times of the internet
of course thats fine no offense go chase that with the head
try all out see how long it holds against that what is real above all else
afterall theres free will to keep the head spinning
just know that the real juice is always inside ones heart around which all else revolves
the still point
the head cannot understand this beauty
it is utterly unable to compute this and for example put it into a registry wiht a stamp on it
simply does not work that way
only with the heart does one truly see
theres no complication in that whatsoever
the simplest is the highest and highest the simplest
whatever revolves around is a passing show
thus relative
good old einstein right
that of course includes this what i wrote aswell
so do whatever read whatever
but dont forget about the consequences
all this stuff in the head brings
it can keep the wheel spinning high speed for nothing where in the end thats maybe not what you want
bliss lies rather in the stilling of the mind and goin into the heart

hoshi23 (2009-02-10)

please no one take it personal or something

daneraw (2009-02-17)

I would have to understand the diatribe to take it personally.

nikthesaint (2009-04-11)

Very good book; packed with information that presents the entire serpent conspiracy in a concise manner.


1. Secret Societies - Gardiner's Forbidden Knowledge (Malestrom).pdf 2.43 Mb