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Big Brother USA 9 Live Feeds - 03-08-08






Big Brother USA 9 Live Feeds - 03-08-08


Video/TV shows


2008-03-09 (by xx2000xx)


Big Brother USA Live Feeds - 03/08/08 - xx2000xx For youtube vids + exclusive content go to - Tons of action from today. This sets up which should be an amazing day tomorrow. It may go down as one of the best BB days ever. Part 1 - 8 min Matt talks to Ryan to make sure the plan of getting James is still in effect - Josh/Sharon talk about the POV. Part 2 - 6 min Josh talks to Ryan alone in the HOH. He makes sure the plan of getting Matt out is still going down. Part 3 - 47 min Nat/Sheila play Josh like a fiddle, some good stuff here - Nat talks to Ryan about the acting they did with Josh and then they break down the game - Sheila goes up to the HOH room to have a huge pow wow with nat/ryan. Ryan tells them that James is the target now, not Josh. Part 4 - 28 min They have a huge food fight in the house - Chelsia gets James paranoid - James/Chelsia have a spat - Chelsia tells James she thinks something bad may go down tomorrow - Matt/Adam/Ryan talk about James and the plan - Sheila talks about her life living in the Penthouse mansion. Part 5 - 50 min Josh/Sharon are ultra paranoid and worry about Chelsia - James/Chelsia have a long talk in the hammock. They talk about the POV and trash Matt/Nat - The other side talks about getting rid of James - More James/Chelsia talking shit then of course Josh comes in to talk shit too. Part 6 - 22 min Adam goes upstairs to talk to his new alliance. He talks about all that action from today. Part 7 - 29 min Josh tries to steal Nat's napkin that she's been working on for days now - Chelsia tries to go to the HOH room, James is mean to Nat - Josh gives Chelsia a big pep talk before she does the big talk to Ryan - Chelsia FINALLY has a chance to talk to Ryan. Ryan says he's down still with getting rid of Matt. She threatens him before she leaves - Chelsia tells James/Josh what Ryan said. They all celebrate because they think Matt's gone and their going to the final 4.

Files count:



600.71 Mb




TKCMullahOmar (2008-03-10)