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Whale Wars Ep05






Whale Wars Ep05


Video/TV shows


2008-12-06 (by nambi)


Ep-5 December 5th 2008 The Sea Shepherd is my favorite organization which I often support. I have created this torrent soley for exposure and education. The Sea Shepherd uses alternative means to get their message accross, means that risk their lives and criminal status for the good of manknd. Please watch this documentary / series and make the appropriate donation. Even if it's just a small amount every little amount helps. **About this series** Captain Paul Watson founded his Sea Shepherd Conservation Society in 1977 because he believed his new organization had to go even further to eradicate whaling, poaching, shark finning and habitat destruction — and to uphold international conservation laws on the high seas — than the Greenpeace group he had co-founded. For several years, Watson's group of staff and volunteers have engaged in a campaign almost every winter to find and stop Japanese ships that hunt whales in the name of research, attempting to stop them by any non-violent means necessary. The eclectic group — labeled activists, heroes and/or eco-pirates — leave port in Melbourne, Australia for a two-month campaign that is dangerous, controversial and has garnered international media attention. Sea Shepherd's dedicated, international crew have spent their holiday the last several years and risked their lives at the bottom of the Earth to save whales. In the Spotlight During the 2007-2008 campaign, Animal Planet captured the intensity of Sea Shepherd's mission and the trials and tribulations of the crew in a new seven-part, hour-long weekly series Whale Wars, premiering Friday, November 7 at 9 PM. The series draws attention to this global conservation issue that has caused friction between several nations over the practice of whaling in oceanic territories. This year's campaign was particularly eventful with multiple engagements, capsizing, possible hostage taking and alleged shooting, and Animal Planet crews were onboard to document it as it unfolded. Highlighting both the controversial whaling trade and the tactics that Sea Shepherd and its staff and volunteers use to attempt to cripple it, the series documents the group's three-month sojourn across the icy Antarctic waters at the far end of the globe. Each week on Whale Wars, Animal Planet will take viewers on a powerful and adrenaline-fueled adventure and spotlight how the group takes action against alleged illegal whaling operations. Aggressive Tactics The Society's fight to eradicate Japanese whaling on the high seas — where international laws are interpreted by different countries and organizations in different ways — utilizes some aggressive techniques, including ramming and disabling whaling ships; disrupting whale carcass processing; engaging in physical entanglement; and boarding and dispersing fleets of whaling vessels. For the campaign this season, Sea Shepherd christened its vessel in honor of the iconic conservationist Steve Irwin with the blessing of his wife Terri, both of whom support the organization independent of Animal Planet. "Whaling has no place in the 21st century," noted Watson. "Sea Shepherd will not stop until the killing ends."


  1. whale wars
  2. Sea Shepherd
  3. Whaling
  4. Conservation
  5. Green Peace
  6. Animal Planet

Files count:



489.84 Mb




teif (2008-12-06)

thanks i luv whale wars!!! ready to seed!!!!

teif (2008-12-06)

thanks to seed!"!!!

nedfrog (2008-12-06)

Thanks for the upload, now can we get some seeding?

bruticus8088 (2008-12-06)

Nambi we could use some uploading from you dude.

pieszbob1 (2008-12-06)

Thanks for upload! Have been hitting refresh on TPB all day long waiting for this! Please seed for us :)! We are hungry!

thepiratenation (2008-12-07)

Thank you again, nambi. Now let it roll. plz. ;) - your grateful nation

thepiratenation (2008-12-07)

@Deadpuppies Whales are no oviparous fish, they are mammals like you.

pieszbob1 (2008-12-07)

nambi, just email me a link to the avi and I'll so you arn't so flooded with people trying to download from yah. I'll seed it for a week until it gets going. My email is
It is one thing to illegally kill a mammal, but Jesus! The way they kill these majestic creatures is fucking disgusting. They kill the calf so the mom stays with it and they end up getting both. Then they electrocute them to kill them.

Dasinator (2008-12-07)

Seed it bro we need it

badams (2008-12-07)

nambi fail? :-( thanks for all the others though have to outsource this time I guess

badams (2008-12-07)

wow not on any sites I can see any1 else get one?

pieszbob1 (2008-12-07)

I have searched high and low all day for this episode. Nambi I wish you please just upload the avi somewhere and then I can have a copy of the avi to help seed this torrent

nambi (2008-12-07)

Next week I will seed this in a different manor, I wasn't aware that there was a problem distributing this, up until now I have let this seed to about 3 times it's size then I stop it. Has this been a problem for you guys?

burgo1010 (2008-12-07)

Cheers Nambi, It Is Downloading Fine 120KB.
Thankyou for doing this, It means heaps!!
Please sign My petition.

I Hope to reach My Target By Christmas Day!!!

brunte12 (2008-12-07)


Rbarba23 (2008-12-07)

I have to give some opinions on this show. I will, however, first start with how much I appreciate the upload and the uploader. I also do NOT think that what the Japs are doing to the whales is cool, legal, or environmentally sound.
I DO, HOWEVER, HATE HIPPIES. The hypocrisy these dumb fucks talk throughout every episode is just obnoxious. I am not going to get into details, but I would think an educated person knows exactly what I am talking about. This is like taking a bunch of 3rd graders and putting them in front of an SAT or something. Vegans clearly do not belong on a boat, they are idiots. As a long time sailor, watching this show is a joke. It has become more entertainment to see how much bullshit happens with these idiots than it is about saving whales.
I will end it with this: 3 harpooning boats right? One boat filled with hippies throwing stink bombs thinking they are saving the world. So typical hippie. I am going to watch the south park episode about hippies every time I watch one of these episodes just to get my blood pressure down. Maybe they should INSANE amount of fuel they are pumping into the ocean traveling at top speed trying to catch up to these guys and have it lead to NOTHING. The world will never take radicals like these people seriously, ESPECIALLY not the Japs.
Sorry for that rant, but these people need to get a life. Oh yea, the show is also clearly pretty staged and fake at times.
Sorry again! Know that I voted for Obama, and I know this will piss people off, I guess I just don't really care. Hippies suck.

badams (2008-12-07)

going good now thanks!

teif (2008-12-07)

Rbarba23 -- i bet i cud navigate my cock in2 ur mouth u dumb fuk

jimthere (2008-12-08)

I agree with some not with others, my reason for watching this show is i cant wait to see what huge disaster these hippie vegans get into. I hope at least one dies before the show ends.
Any of you whale saving bastages ever see a cow or chicken or even a hog is slaughtered for your chicken wings dbig mac and bbq sammy????
wait your mostly vegetables and thats all most of you eat.

9urrhur8 (2008-12-08)

i love watching this show, because you know these retards are going to f*ck something up. so far i haven't been let down.
also, do these fools realize how much gas they're wasting to "stop" whale hunting.
the japanese have every right to keep doing what they're doing. it's not just a coincidence this loophole exists. but every crew member of the sea shepheard should be charged with international piracy.
also lmao at that fatF*cklazyeyehavingdouchebag reading his poetry.

cspan61 (2008-12-08)

Paul Watson what a huge coward! Sends his half retarded henchmen to say things to the crew that he should say himself. No wonder half the crew left the ship ASAP.

Rbarba23 (2008-12-08)

Ahh hahahaha, Teif, great response bro. What a clown.
Love the whales, can't stand hypocritical hippies. 'Nuff said.
Man, I could totally go for a fresh whale sandwich right now...

ThatsReasonable (2008-12-08)

I don't get it. everyone making fun about this doen't seem to know shit about this world we ALL are living in. Change your ignorant Perspective or you'll once experience your children asking you about those creatures and why they aren't around anymore.
But indeed, f it, lets get to eat some meat, feel good and laugh about the ones critizising. The Children can watch "the blue planet" in HD at home, thats enough. Youre the gravedigers of this planet and the human civilisation. Its goddamn time to stand up for what is right even if that means risking your life.
and again i'll just say, look at this world and it's history, wich side are you on, seriously?
So do a good thing today, blast a McDo or sumthin.
Why the fuck keep people calling the seasheppeards hippies, theyre not. And pointing to South Park is just ridicoulus, just look at how they show your kind: the ignorant masses my friend. Or better: STANS DAD.
And if you still decide to be an ignorant idiot, farewell, i just hope for your ass to get some damn heartattack from all that lowest-quality factory meat youre all eating. ill stay healthy and keep my head clean of the filth that represents this world...
wow im an real hero -.-

ThatsReasonable (2008-12-08)

do YOU realize how much air youre wasting with breathing? have you even heard of fishing trawlers yet? so stfu with those "piracy issues" your on PIRATEBAY you stupid fuck
(Real) Pirates are even more Democratic than your homecountry, think about it. And about the Word Freedom.

Rbarba23 (2008-12-08)

Wanna talk about freedom? I am looking for a world where I am free to walk down to my local market and purchase a big fat prime whale steak whenever I am craving one. Shit, I could just SLAUGHTER one of those right now...
Get a haircut and get a real job you hippy...

racialbastard (2008-12-09)

So true whales majestic beautiful mamals tortured and slaughter for not. But also true, to many idiots on the Sea Sheppard. Especially the episode when no one wants to go aboard the Japs boat to be taken hostage. But when the two idiots that do go get caught all the stupid other hippes talking their shit saying yeah that's what I'd do etc. Then the stupid wheres Waldo ass kisser to the captain that act's like he's some kinda Navy Seal pirate of the sea with tons of experience. What the Japs do is totally wrong but the one thing right they could do is harpoon a hippie. They truly are getting their message across the wrong way. I watch the show because what the Japs do is sad. But also to laugh at the Manson family rejects on the Sheppard making fools of themselves. Thats the talk around the plant I work at, how stupid those people are.

ThatsReasonable (2008-12-09)

Rbarba23 - You know what's funny? I don't even have to answer anything else to you because you can consider the last bit of my text as an ultimate answer to whatever you might post here.

Rbarba23 (2008-12-09)

ThatsReasonable, that was a little unreasonable. I wasn't addressing that comment at you. I'm done with this however, I was just trying to get a little bit of a rise out of some people. I mean, those guys are fools, but yea, sorry if I REALLY pissed anyone off, just havin' some fun!
I wonder in whale would taste good, like chicken perhaps? Maybe it's kinda like tuna but even richer and fattier? Either way, if someone was handing out samples at Costco, I would take a bite.

utorrentwackjob (2008-12-09)

I have to be honest, The show is okay but I was expecting a lot more out of it. What really bothers me is that I went into to this 7pt season looking for some true pirates protecting whales. (i read about the sea Shepard a couple years ago and it seems as though their tactics have completely fell off) but all it is, is a bunch of inexperienced hippies that dont even belong on a boat. Its pretty sad, its like I am waiting for something bad to happen to them and not the whalers because they cant even do simple tasks. Jesus call the Somalians at least they can get their point across.

utorrentwackjob (2008-12-09)

WOW...Most worthless episode yet! Nothing happens in the entire 45min. Their engine breaks they go back to shore, lots of people leave, fix the ship, lose the heli, and thats all! Do they ever actually stop any whaling in this series, because I have yet to see it.

thepiratenation (2008-12-11)

Thanks to Captain Paul Watson and the Sea Shepherd Crew for doing the job. - your grateful nation
And to all the honks who never risked anything thats worth to loose: save the planet - kill yourself.

monotorr (2008-12-12)

My two cents.....
I fucking hate what the Japs are doing and would happily watch Sea Shepard sink every one of the whaling fleet (lol never going to happen - anybody want to donate a torpedo?)). Are we so fucking stupid that we condemn other species to extinction?! Well, if there's a dollar to made it would seem so. It's not like they're hunting to feed a starving population. I mean as long as someone makes a few quid, we can live without whales right?! (You're an idiot if you agree with that).... We understand enough about this world to know that what mankind is doing has consequences. The planet is struggling to cope with a population 7 x times more than it should be and we continue to cause massive damage on a daily basis. We consume, consume and consume, and one day mama earth is going to turn around and hand us the biggest natural disaster in known history. We cannot continue to manipulate this planet to line our pockets. When are we, the people, going to wake up and change the way we live? When will money stop being the driving force behind progress. Mankind today will be the idiots of future history books. In a couple of centuries people will look back at us and be so disappointed that we sat back and let these creatures get wiped out of existence. Whales aren't chickens. They're not being farmed for food. Wild populations are being desecrated... and its all for money!!!!!
And just to clarify, I'm not a hippy. I'm actually one of those idiots who talks about changing the world but hasn't quite jumped on board yet.
Also, Paul Watson is a d i c k head.. and a coward. He talks the talk but doesn't take responsibility and hasn't got the balls to make the tough decisions. Anything with potentially disastrous consequences and he just gives his opinion. He refuses to order the crew, but then totally doesn't give them a choice in the matter. I admire the cause and what he does, but he's still a d i c k head. I totally support direct action and what the sea shepard is doing. The crew are (unfortunately) mostly inexperienced idiots. But credit to every one of them, they are willing to risk a lot to save another species from being hunted, illegally.
Also - this fuel used to chase the fleet isn't a waste in my opinion. It's a small price to pay to stop these guys hunting, if only for a day. The season is limited to four months(ish), the longer they spend chasing the Japs (provided they find them), the longer they cannot hunt. To me, that's a positive result.

But the biggest joke here is the Australian Government and their inability to act to uphold Australian law, in Australian claimed territory. I love Australia (spent time there) but the government isn't worth a fuck. What happened to your new PM fighting to save the whales, as he previously promised in his campaign. Gutless fuck. Gotta respect the Japs though, they at least have the balls to stand up for what they want, and they're willing to make threats to get it. Maybe the Aussie's should take a leaf out of their book.. Apologies for the rant, pisses me off how stupid we all are!
Ps. Loving the show, my thanks to uploader...

monotorr (2008-12-12)

****Typo above*** Decimated, not desecrated!

s2cutsor (2008-12-13)

Save the whales?? Shut the fuck up you stupid fucktarded morons. Paul Watson is an egotistical moron, who would only be fit to dig a ditch if he didn't brainwash weak minded dolts such as yourselves. Ask yourself why Greenpeace wants nothing to do with Paul Watson et al? And don't regurgitate what Watson says, do some research.
I'll be happy when one of these fuckers gets killed in the line of piracy. Then we'll see the bunch of cowards fuck off once and for all.
BTW, Canada, which I am proud to be a citizen of, has already seized one of the Sea Shepard ships and charged it's captain and first mate with interfering with sealing. Yay for Canada!!

monotorr (2008-12-18)

@ s2Cutsor - you really roused someone up on ep 6's comments.. lol
Dude whilst I agree with your opinion (to a good degree) on Sea Shepard and Captain Dickhead.. I think you are missing the point. Don't you think we are being a little naive in putting profit ahead of intelligent life?