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Half-Life 2 DVD Retail-VENGEANCE
2004-12-01 (by sotis )
V e n g e a n c E P r e s e n t S
Half-Life 2 DVD *Retail* (c) Valve/Sierra
Release Date : 11-30-2004
Protection : SecuROM/Steam
File Count : DVD=54x50mb
Game Genre : Shooters
Vengeance presents yet another excellent release of the action-packed
thriller Half-Life 2.
This time around, we have made a fully compatible installer for those
who did not wish to have their internet connection active while
installing this game, or for those who had firewalled STEAM/VALVE servers.
In addition, we have also upgraded the emulator's capabilities and as a
result the game runs even FASTER than our previous release. As a result,
you can expect even better gameplay, and shorter loading times.
The emulator has been carefully profiled against Half-Life 2, and file
data throughput has been optimized even further. This brings the emulator
to version 1.10. Most of the important emulator settings are configurable
for advanced users by using the steamemu.ini configuration file.
And in addition to improved game performance, we have enabled our
emulator to create cracked servers for Counter-Strike Source. Thus,
whoever is running the game using the Vengeance emulator from this release
can create their own cracked servers for CS: Source, and also play on
other cracked servers.
Please note that the previous release DOES work, if you have your internet
connection active and your firewalls off.
Install Notes (Please follow these instructions IN ORDER)
1. Unpack the release with WinRAR or equivalent
2. Burn with Nero Burning ROM, CDRWin or equivalent.
Disconnect your computer from the internet if you do not
wish any contact with the VALVE servers during the installation.
This WILL NOT alter or disable gameplay or any features, so do not worry
if you have chosen to disconnect your internet.
4. Run the autoplay, choose "Install Half-Life 2", then follow the
instructions on-screen to install STEAM, and then Half-Life 2.
*NOTE* You MUST install Counter-Strike Source as well or you will get an
error for the file hl2.ico1 in on CD4.
This is by fault of VALVE itself and this error is found on the
original retail copies of both the cd version and dvd.
5. After installation, depending on if your internet connection is active,
STEAM will ask you to create an account or login as an existing user.
Simply close this window once you see it as you DO NOT need a STEAM
account to play this release, nor do you need to launch or logon to
It will also attempt to update the STEAM platform client, so just turn
on your firewall if you do not want to update the STEAM client.
If your internet was inactive during installation, once you reconnect it
may pop-up for you as well, so just close the window and turn on your
firewall only if you wish to avoid contact with STEAM at this point of
the installation.
6. From the /VENGEANCE/HL2Installer/ directory on the DVD, double click the
file hl2install.exe.
This installer will automatically rename needed GCF files in the
SteamApps directory on your HDD (which is normally done by STEAM when
installing with an active internet connection).
The installer has now been modified to work offline, without any
interaction with the VALVE servers. So no worries about the installation
ever being blocked or calling home.
Next, the h2install.exe will automatically extract the necessary files
to run Half-Life 2 to "SteamAppsUserHalf-Life 2".
Finally, the hl2install.exe will render the game into full offline mode,
meaning, upon the first launch of the game, there will be no contact
with VALVE's master server or friends servers.
*** SAVED GAMES TIP ******************************************
You can copy your save games to the following folder to
continue playing them:
"SteamAppsUserHalf-Life 2hl2SAVE"
And note that the "User" folder literally means User, it
DOES NOT refer to any STEAM account name you previously used.
*** REMINDER *************************************************
Remember, you DO NOT need a STEAM account to play our release,
nor do you need to have STEAM running when you do want to play.
This step is only for those who wish to play CS: Source online, to host
or play on cracked servers generated by our emulator.
*** IMPORTANT STEP *******************************************
From the /VENGEANCE/ directory on the DVD, double click the
file "Steam Online.reg" to return the game to online mode.
If this step is not done, the game will remain in offline mode
and Counter-Strike Source will only work for LAN games.
From the /VENGEANCE/CSSInstaller/ directory on the DVD, double click
the file cssinstaller.exe.
This installer will similarly to hl2install.exe, rename the needed
GCF files and extract necessary files to play Counter-Strike Source.
Counter-Strike Source will be installed to
"SteamAppsUserCounter-Strike Source".
However, cssinstaller.exe will enable the emulator to play
Counter-Strike Source!
You can create and join cracked servers by choosing the appropriate
action while playing the game.
8. --- Half-Life 2 ---
To play Half-Life 2 double click the "Half-Life 2" shortcut found on
your desktop.
(Half-Life 2 will work in either OFFLINE or ONLINE mode - read below)
--- Counter-Strike Source ---
To play Counter-Strike Source double click the "Counter-Strike Source"
shortcut found on your desktop.
(CS: Source is ONLY functional if you are in ONLINE mode and
have completed step 7 - read above and below)
*** SHORTCUT NOTICE *******************************************
Our installers will make shortcuts ONLY to the REAL location
where windows believes the desktop is. If you have played
around with the desktop using TweakUI or other programs, you
may not see the shortcuts on your "desktop" which is NOT where
windows thinks the desktop actually is. So, follow these
instructions to make your own shortcut:
For Half-Life 2:
"SteamAppsUserHalf-Life 2hl2.exe" -steamlocal
For Counter-Strike Source:
"SteamAppsUserCounter-Strike Sourcehl2.exe" -steamlocal -game cstrike
being wherever you installed the game obviously.
*** OFFLINE / ONLINE MODE *************************************
--- ONLINE ---
From the /VENGEANCE/ directory on the DVD, double click the
file "Steam Online.reg" to put the game in ONLINE mode.
Make sure your internet connection is active and the needed
ports to play CS: Source are open (or turn firewalls off).
--- OFFLINE ---
From the /VENGEANCE/ directory on the DVD, double click the
file "Steam Offline.reg" to put the game in OFFLINE mode.
The game MUST be in ONLINE mode to play Counter-Strike Source
on cracked servers, or to host a cracked server, and you
obviously must be connected to the internet.
OFFLINE mode is for those who do not have a constant internet
connection or for those who do not want any contact with VALVE
servers and want to play Half-Life 2.
Remember that OFFLINE mode will disable Counter-Strike Source
online capabilities. So if you want to play online, follow
the instructions above to enable ONLINE mode.
Remember, STEAM does NOT need to be running to play either
Half-Life 2, or Counter-Strike Source and you DO NOT need a
STEAM username/account.
Files count:
2552.93 Mb
Marcil (2004-12-01)
Marcil (2004-12-01)
Sorry skit i det jag skrev tidigare, ögonen hänger inte riktigt med klockan 5 på morgonen :)Ber så mycket om ursäkt!
MisterKiller (2004-12-01)
lol. får nog bli att dra denna:) goare med en dvd fan thnx för uploadenTurboTure (2004-12-01)
Tackar...blaatann (2004-12-02)
noen som har fått til å spille cs: source fra denne dvd en.følger nfo riktig, men blir kastet ut av alle servere, også "nosteam" servere.
erroren en får er at "steam needs to be running"
kasperms (2004-12-02)
Could somebody please upload/seed just the hl2installer.exe... I got a copy from a friend and with this little magic program I bet i can get my own copy to work!phat.mofo (2004-12-02)
Jag får fel vid installationen av Steam, den säger att en .cab-fil är korrupt! Jag har kört CDCheck på den brända dvd-skivan och den säger att allt är ok! Måste vara en .cab-fil inuti en annan .cab-fil som är korrupt men hur avhjälper jag det??? Och WinRAR påstår att arkivet är intakt, är då VENGEANCE .iso buggig? Jag kan inte dra någon annan slutsats....DegJ (2004-12-02)
din download kanske är kass då? fel nedladdning, eller är det felet med cs:s ? det att man måste välja install cs:s anars går det inte.m4qs (2004-12-02)
Source går ju som sagt inte att spela på vanlig servrar.. Någon som har nått ip till en crackad server?Hypicz (2004-12-02)
Hej skulle vilja ha lite hjälp jag har följt infon o gjort allt rätt hoppa jag men när jag startar HL2 så kommer först loggerna sen står det loading och då startas min data om :S Någon som vet vad felet kan va? Tacksam för svar.berggren (2004-12-03)
som sagt ovan, kan någon va sjysste och bara slänga upp deras installer så jag kan använda den till min retail-skiva?!Erfa (2004-12-05)
Nja, jag orkar inte ta hem en hel DVD. Tar dessa i stället:Half-Life.2.PROPER-EMPORiO
Counter-Strike.Source updates 6-EMPORiO
Fungerar prima!
danny5025 (2004-12-06)
Dennna release funkar felfritt. Tackar så mycket. Har dock ett annat problem. Hur får jag ner konsolen i spelet? Jag har provat att ställa in det under "keyboard" och "advanced" och sen försökt med alla möjliga knappar men skiten kommer inte ner. Det går inte att skapa en genväg iheller där man lägger till -console på slutet för då startar inte spelet alls. Någon som vet????Jan_e (2004-12-06)
sök på HL2 MODS så får ni dom härHalf-Life 2 Bullet Time Mod v1
Half-Life 2 Deathmatch Create Server Mod
Half-Life 2 Deathmatch Multiplayer v1.1a Mod
reefer45 (2004-12-06)
erfa: mmmm.... för VENGEANCE rellarna knäcker ju inte emporio grejset stenhårt!? du borde prova denbeware (2004-12-07)
En liten fråga när man har tankat hem spelet och kört winrar så alla små filer blivit till en stor, ska man då bara packa upp filen på hårddisken eller ska man installera med daemon eller?Tacksam för svar.
Gava (2004-12-07)
du extractar (packar upp) winrar-filerna och mountar .img filen (eller vad det nu är) i daemon tools och installerar.equimanthorn (2004-12-09)
Funkar utmärkt.Dock har jag ett litet problem, varje gång jag startar datorn så kommer ett STEAM-fönster upp (samma som kommer upp när du installerar, logga in eller skapa nytt konto tror jag det står). Hur löser jag detta?
Larssa (2004-12-10)
När jag ska packa upp vng-hl2 så står det att den antingen är skadad eller av okänt format!?Vafan ska jag göra eftersom det inte går med winrar
buffel (2004-12-10)
Ahh, detta är den överlägset bästa Half-Life 2 releasen. GJ vengeance! Funkar perfekt...equimanthorn (2004-12-10)
är det ingen som har samma problem som jag beskrev i tidigare inlägg?mamed_90 (2004-12-10)
aa hej kan nån snälla hjälpa mej ja kan inte ladda ner half life 2 har ja har go music som nerladdnings program men det laddar inte nermeshuggah (2004-12-11)
Tackar för denna. Funkar klockrent.Kabel-Arne (2004-12-11)
Jag vill veta hur man gör smilies.hellgate2000 (2004-12-16)
cs source and hl2 dm dont work propive installed hl2 vengeance and css and hl2 protocol 7 update, and its worked fine untill recent when ive gotten the "css certification error 0/number"
i read on
about a new update in steam, is there an new update from vengeance on the way, or is it a prob with my comp
css also crashes sometimes, again it started doing these recent
the_Masq (2004-12-16)
Hellgate; my guess is that the Steam update is the problem. My crack worked nicely until the update.Sure hope vengeance makes another patch, which would be great.
filmkillen85 (2004-12-18)
Seeda, den har stannat på 99.7% och lyser röd :(filmkillen85 (2004-12-18)
Jag har stora problem me installationen... jag gör allt rätt!Så här står d när HL2 installationen gått ett tag.
"Error 1305 Error rending file from:
F:SpelValveSteamSteamAppsbase source shared models.gcf. Verify that the file exists and that you can access it."
Vad ska jag göra? Nån som haft samma problem?
mamed_90 (2004-12-29)
var kan man få tag i cd keyIStallion (2005-01-01)
jag har installerat de och följt alla instruktioner rättmen när jag startar nån av half2 eller conterstrike så kommer bara den stream rutan up inget mer
Dekker (2005-01-04)
Splendid work, VENGEANCE.thewonderer (2005-01-08)
arrhhh...when i try to update this package with the protocol 7 update from vengeance and following the instructions to the T it says that a file is missing...
counter stike source client.gcf is missing
I looked and i do not have this file... has n e 1 else had this problem? how do you fix it/get the file?
Jolaki (2005-01-16)
mamed: Du behöver ingen cdkeyIcecore (2005-01-23)
Glöm bara inte att köra de två små-installationerna från Vengeance-katalogen på skivan efter installationen av HL2puTTe- (2005-02-05)
sprkz (2005-02-07)
nån som vet om det finns en uppdatering så man kan köra med bots?SphinX-DK (2005-02-20)
Seede lidt?SphinX-DK (2005-02-22)
Seede...PLZ....i will never Get it before HL3 comes! ;)Freddish (2005-03-08)
finns det nån nyare version av CSS? för att jag kan itne spela online nu..Marxtz (2005-05-25)
när jag har installerat från jag inte upp någon mapp i C:ValveSteamSteamAppsuser varför?horusrogue (2005-07-08)
CnCan I mount the unrared files with say Daemontools?rehan (2005-08-01)
Can someone tell me how I can make the .iso file to autoplay when I put it on drive. ThanksPirateStyle (2006-01-22)
Hi ya´ll! i got a problem with this game... when i have played a while all enemys freezes an just stands there, it stands "A.I. Disabled" on the screen.please help! send me a personal messege if u have any solution!V for Vedran (2006-04-14)
när man installerar detta så får man med source eller?Mido99 (2006-08-11)
10 out of 10.... this is a great torrent works perfect. well done.P.S. Great Game aswell :P
Grave88 (2006-12-30)
"Unable to load filesystem_studio.dll"When I click the hl2.exe, it sais that. What's wrong?
Jontey (2007-08-23)
(PACSTEAM)download this so can u play what ever you want just do that it stands in info .. u download the games at steam owne servers .. its work very good i have test it by my self and its perfect allt the games on steam u can download too not jst counter strike its about 300 games or something ^^my_monkey88 (2008-02-14)
well put by danyorcher, this release is great, me and my friends play cs:source on lan.mike.sufc (2008-03-18)
I get the errorInvalid or corrupt background texture materials/console/background01.vtf
I get this after running the hl2install...Any ideas??
chocolatemaster317 (2008-04-11)
God bless you xDDirty_Pretty_Thing (2008-05-07)
does this install half life 2 AND CSS???or just HL2?
doctorrandom (2008-11-08)
Haven't gotten around to trying to counter strike: source bit, going to try that in a few minutes, and perhaps add a comment on that, but so far I have tried the Half life 2 portion of it and it works perfectly, being such a cheapskate pirate, I must say thank you for this release, however it was one of the slowest torrents I have ever downloaded.atariangamer (2009-01-01)
PLEASE Seed...its taken almost 2 days to get 88%...dhruv990 (2009-06-08)
How do we get the mods to work with this?Despereauxes (2009-06-22)
Okay, how the hell do you go from 3 seeders to 1 seeder? Come on, I'm 95% done with the download and I was patient enough to wait the 3 days I've been downloading. Someone please start seeding again! Thank you.Sincerely, your pirate friend...