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Resident Evil 3 for PSP




Games PSP


Resident Evil 3 for PSP




2007-07-23 (by Bukkaneeri)


Playstation's Resident Evil 3 with custom XMB. Converted using PSX2PSP.

Files count:



426.58 Mb




rsbadboy (2007-07-26)

hi can some 1 help me plz i dowloaded this game and put it on my psp and it comes up but when i go to play it is says ( to use this content you must activate the system ) some 1 help

Bukkaneeri (2007-07-26)

What firmware are you using?

rsbadboy (2007-07-26)

i think it is 3.52

rsbadboy (2007-07-26)

some 1 help me

Bukkaneeri (2007-07-27)

You need a custom firmware and I don't think 3.52 can be downgraded at this time.

rsbadboy (2007-07-27)

that is gay so i cant play no games what i dowload ?

Bukkaneeri (2007-07-27)

Pretty much, yeah.

voltaire64 (2007-07-30)

For those who have never downgraded and want to know if they can check out the forums at

goalie_35 (2007-08-02)

i vilken mapp ska man lägga spelet för det ska gå att köra?

smoke714 (2007-08-03)

i dont know what is wrong i have custom latest of dark alex and it normally played ps1 but not this game i dont even see any game icon under my memory stick did anyone got it to work?

Bukkaneeri (2007-08-05)

On your PSP memorystick go to to folder labelled PSP and then go into GAME (or GAME340 this depends on what have you set to be your homebrew folder) and just put the Resident Evil 3 folder.

realhenke (2007-09-06)

hello gays! öö got a litle problem. I don't know how to play the games:S. i did what Bukkaneeri sayd but it dident work. Do I need that program as named fire wire? when i kicik on the game icon it show like 10 files and it don't what to work! I realy need help plz!!

realhenke (2007-09-06)

Heej!! Jag har ett litet probelm som är ganska stort! Jo det är såhär att jag vet inte hur eller var jag ska lägga in mina psp spel:(. Jag var i thailand och fick några på skiva(vanlig Cd skiva) killen i affären visade hur man skulle lägga in dom på pspt och allt var bra! Men min moster var i thailand sen och köpte ett helt gäng till cd skivor och dom är i ett annat format! Det vanilga formatet vill säga. Och nu vet jag ej hur jag ska lägga in dom!! Och behöver jag det där programet som heter fire wire!? Tack på förhand!

zero_defekz (2007-09-20)

Two words:
Pandora Battery
4 more words:
Spare battery & memory stick
G00gle it. ;o)

casperboo (2007-12-12)

Ya know what is really gay? When people that are too stupid to know that you can't run PSX Game ISOs on standard retail firmware and complain about it like it is the fault of the torrent poster that they were born with below average intelligence.
And if you think I am insulting your intelligence wrongly, then think again. You actually thought that Sony would release the PSP with the ability to play games from the PS1 just by copying over an ISO? My God, you are on a torrent site to get a hold of warez and you have no brains to do research on an expensive handheld game console. How long have you owned it that you just now figured out you can crack the firmware. Without cracked firmware, the PSP is USELESS with the pathetic amount of movies and games available.

Criticalt3 (2007-12-22)

I can launch the game fine, I'm using 3.71 M33, but when I start a new game it plays the cinematics, white text comes up at the bottom, I'm assuming that's Allas talking, but then it just stays black. And the only thing I can do is press home and choose to restart or quit the game, basically. So what's wrong with it? I'm also using IR Shell, as a XMB Replacement.

Bukkaneeri (2007-12-28)

This was converted from the NTSC version and it's not 3.71 M33 compatible. I read that PAL version will work even with 3.71 M33 firmwares.

dabigsmoke (2008-03-19)

i jst downloaded re3 an when i try to turn it on it on my psp it says copyright protection invalid...any1 know how to fix it?

Bukkaneeri (2008-03-24)

Are you on official firmware, dabigsmoke?

jisumy (2008-06-12)

when I put it on my ISO file and then i go to start the game the game isnt there its empty some 1 help me pls

terrenceansell1 (2008-06-15)

i have psp ver 3.4, can i directly download the game and trensfer to psp from pc?

terrenceansell1 (2008-06-15)

plz increase seeders it is downloading very slow for me

Bukkaneeri (2008-07-27)

Sorry, but I have abandoned this torrent.

damp_linus (2008-10-16)

Funkar (INTE)

doggy_444 (2009-04-07)

I'm stuck at the PlayStation logo too... any suggestions?

doggy_444 (2009-04-08)

Sorry for double post.
Found out the solution : PoPsLoader.
Google search "pops pack popsloader" and download for your firmware.
Install it on your PSP, activate it from the boot menu and then enter the game. It should work now.

TakoyakiBoy (2009-06-03)

Could you seed please, stuck @ 98%

BeastOfMidian (2009-12-12)


paerchu (2010-01-08)

@louise, tried it on my batchmate's 3000 running 5.03 chickhen, just freezs,,, works like a charm too on 2004 and below...
@all who gets stuck after the boot logo,
OC your psp to 300 mhz (through vsx or recovery menu-google how) and set iso mode (from vsh or vsx? LOLZ) from m33 to sony 9xxxx

pspgamer2010 (2010-02-23)

how does this work? :P

juanrogu (2011-02-24)

Hi Everybody, i just purchased psp 3001 with firmware 6.2, and i am using the patapon 2 to flash it and play downloaded games, now the problem is with psx games, i downloaded RE3 and i put it on the game file and everything, when i try to play it this appears: "the protection informatios of the coryright is not valit (8010850E)"

beatax (2011-08-15)

full game play:

Ingrata44 (2011-08-21)



1. Resident Evil 3/EBOOT.PBP 426.58 Mb