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FS2004 Jeppesen Instrumetation video part 1 of 3






FS2004 Jeppesen Instrumetation video part 1 of 3




2007-01-05 (by neslesman)


I have my doubts if this will work, it\'s my first torrent upload. If it doesn\'t I\'ll just keep trying. My apologies if it doesn\'t. I thought it was my turn to start giving back here, now that it\'s 2007. These videos are very good and there is two more after this, if it works. I've also got some other good stuff, mostly reseeds though. Feel free to post with any advice, I probably need it.

Files count:



4463.94 Mb




neslesman (2007-01-05)

Well I'm surprised I got this far. These three Jepp videos are a total of 10 hrs. so they are real thorough.

neslesman (2007-01-05)

Shoot I didn't zip this. Should I do it over with the zip, otherwise it looks like it works.

Dr. Frikadel (2007-01-05)

Great job neslesman. I made a quick tut on the other torrent where posted your question but appers to be going well. Only thing to remember is to keep SEEDING. I'm downloading now and seeding.
Dr. Frikadel

Dr. Frikadel (2007-01-05)

Just leave the iso. Zip doesn't compress it much further.
Dr. Frikadel

neslesman (2007-01-05)

Great then, I'll remember to rar in the future. That's something else I'll have to figure out. The ISO worked great on my system and I even burned it with Nero and it works on the TV's DVD player.

stevekasian (2007-01-05)

Cool neslesman ... good job.
One more thing, which again might sound really stupid, but you never know...
If you do alter the file you're uploading at all without completely re-doing the entire torrent setup (both on your end and on the PirateBay), you'll get a hash error which will make this useless. So if you do change it's format, add a file to the archive, alter anything in a ReadMe.txt which might be included in it, etc., you'll need to do it all over again. ;-)

neslesman (2007-01-05)

Thanks for the tips and handholding guys. No I won't touch that file until I'm all finished with this upload which will take a long time at my supposed high speed connection. Unfortunately it's only high speed on the download side of the equation.
I'm also doing a practice .rar zip on a different fille to see how that goes. Didn't realize it woudl be so slow.

neslesman (2007-01-05)

the speed is lousy isnt it? It's getting 13.9 kb/sec now,hopefully that will speed up. It's peak time right about nown in central canada. I also quit seeding my other downloads for now to save the bandwidth for this one.

stevekasian (2007-01-05)

Well, the whole hype about the bittorrent protocol being such a high-speed solution is pretty much a joke as far as I can tell. If enough people can get connected in the correct ways, it can go like mad. But in my experience, more often than not there is some sort of chronic connectivity problem in the whole mix, which leaves people like you and I wondering why there are 10 leeches connected to you, along with another seed or 2, but you're left sitting there with a 0kB/s upload rate half the time.
But what r u gonna do...

neslesman (2007-01-05)

Oddly I ususaly have a cumulative upload rate of about 70 kb when seeding my own downloads yet all I can squeezw out of this so far is about 10 average. I think or a least hope it will pick up otherwise I'll do another one with a zipped version. Different new torrent of course.

stevekasian (2007-01-05)

'Won't make a difference. Also, it's always best not to duplicate a torrent - otherwise you've got the peer volume split between 2 or more torrents. Additionally, those who've started DLing on the first one will remain connected with no seed, even if you delete it from TPB.

neslesman (2007-01-05)

Good thinking, I never thought about it that way. Well I at least I know how to get it right from here on. should be piece of cake from now on.
BTW these 3 vids total 10 hours, that's why they large and are exactly the size of one DVD. Very good quality , not like most training stuff. They start kinda mickey mouse from day 1 about the instruments then quickly move on all the way to commercial IFR training.

BlackBug (2007-01-05)

Has anyone seen this before ? It is the BAe Jetstream by Precision AeroBus. And is there any way you could share it with all of us ? Thanx.

namestain (2007-01-05)

Is it worth converting the remining files into divx / avi or some other compressed video format ?
at about 700M each ( thinking about movie files ) they would make a much quicker download - not only for the obvious reason that they would be significantly smaller but would also attract more downloaders and the torrent would build up more momentum.
I've seen many cockpit-type videos in this format and they're still totally watchable.
Just a thought but thanks for the effort in the meantime.

ps108975 (2007-01-05)

Thx for the upload.
I'd also like to see them in divx format, significantly lowers the file size and is still excellent quality. Great for us with shit bandwidth.

David-7237 (2007-01-05)

wow, very big...
thx.. if able to make it less than 1 Gb

Dr. Frikadel (2007-01-05)

How..? It's an iso file

bushbear (2007-01-05)

thanks neslesman.
Another way is:
4.3Gig , usually (i asume it's an iso image of the CD or DVD's MPEG.) equals an AVI of aprox 720MB.
So if you play the original movie using your set-top DVD player, and capture it using a PC with a capture-card, then save it as an AVI (aprox 720 MB long) and torrent it, it will save some time when downloading.
Just a tip.
Thanks again. Parts 2 and 3 comming, too?
Many regards :)

bushbear (2007-01-05)

..more,,, (but you need a capture card PC)
A perfect example: CHILDREN OF MEN (movie)

This is a 718MB AVI download (segmented in rar pieces that puts together itself).
The download took about 12 hours, (not too fast bandwith here), then i made a DVD from the AVI (with the excellent interVideo's WinDVD Creator 3- trial free-30 days - while the crack is avail. it works 100%!!! - set it to 'COMPATIBLE TO DVD PLAYER' not DVD Recorder)
interVideo's WinDVD Creator 3- beats NERO, Toast 7, etc. for player compatibility
i ended with a 4.3 Gig DVD with no-menu. Perfect.
This movie is a killer..!!!!

namestain (2007-01-05)

tip : watch the iso (when you finally have it) in VLC player - saves burning onto a blank disc

ps108975 (2007-01-05)

The easiest way to convert to divx is to mount the iso using daemon tools. Then convert from DVD to divx using the converter. Divx can be found on TPB.
Real easy, why not give it a try.

neslesman (2007-01-06)

Who ever asked, yes I'll get the other two vids up after this one finishes.
I'll let someone else do the re coding, getting my first torretn up was exciting enough for one day. Now I'm going to drink a bottle of cough syrup and watch my computer de-frag.
2.6 G of this has now uploaded so it's not moving too badly.

namestain (2007-01-06)

21 people will now proceed to give you the benefit of their widely differing views on the best cough syrup to use
just looked at the 27% of the ISO I have using VLC player and it looks very intersting indeed - thx

WinnieXL (2007-01-06)

I have this one already and i am seeding this one now here also. So if you upload other ones here also, keep the file names intct, so i can help them seed here also.

WinnieXL (2007-01-06)

If we al keep the torrents alive the speed can be great. I got this elswhere in one day.

bushbear (2007-01-06)

still, people, 4.36Gig is an enormous download.
god luck!

Sangeki (2007-01-07)

No, 4.36 GiB is not an enormous download.
DVD5 and even DVD9 scene releases are everyday business.

Sangeki (2007-01-07)

Oh, and THX for the up! ;-)

caruso2006 (2007-01-09)

Thank you very much...burnt it and oy runs fine
Any chance of seeing the rest?

dongatto666 (2007-01-09)

Very good, thanks! Nice quality. Hope to see the next two!

neslesman (2007-01-09)

Yes I'll get part two up over the next day or two. I'll rar it this time but it's only about 6% smaller.
Good videos aren't they, all ten hours? As with all training videos they can be boring but these are very high quality and very comprehensive.
Here's the table of contents for the set as it helps to keep track of where you are or where you want to be.
Part I ? Discovering New Horizons
Chapter 2 ? Principles of Instrument Flight
Section A ? Flight Instrument Systems
Section B ? Attitude Instrument Flying
Section C ? Instrument Navigation
Chapter 3 ? The Flight Environment
Section A ? Airports, Airspace, and Flight Information
Section B ? Air Traffic Control
Section C ? ATC Clearances
Part II Segment 1 ? Instrument Charts and Procedures
Chapter 4 ? Departure
Section A ? Jeppesen Departure Charts
Section A ? NACO Departure Charts
Section B ? Departure Procedures
Chapter 5 ? Enroute
Section A ? Jeppesen Enroute and Area Charts
Section A ? NACO Enroute and Area Charts
Section B ? Enroute Procedures
Section C ? Holding Procedures
Chapter 6 ? Arrival
Section A ? Jeppesen Arrival Charts
Section A ? NACO Arrival Charts
Section B ? Arrival Procedures
Disc 2
Part II Segment 2 ? Instrument Charts and Procedures
Chapter 7 ? Approach
Section A ? Jeppesen Approach Charts
Section A ? NACO Approach Charts
Section B ? Approach Procedures
Chapter 8 ? Instrument Approaches
Section A ? VOR and NDB Approaches
Section B ? ILS Approaches
Disc 3
Part III ? Aviation Weather and IFR Flight Operations
Chapter 9 ? Meteorology
Section A ? Weather Factors
Section B ? Weather Hazards
Section C ? Printed Reports and Forecasts
Section D ? Graphic Weather Products
Section E ? Sources of Weather Information
Chapter 10 ? IFR Flight Considerations
Section A ? IFR Emergencies
Section B ? IFR Decision Making and
Flight Considerations
Section C ? IFR Flight Planning
Part IV ? Commercial Pilot Operations
Chapter 11 ? Advanced Systems
Section A ? High Performance Power Plants
Section B ? Environmental and Ice Control Systems
Section C ? Retractable Landing Gear
Chapter 14 ? Commercial Maneuvers
Section A ? Maximum Performance Takeoffs
and Landings
Section B ? Steep turns
Section C ? Chandelles
Section D ? Lazy eights
Section E ? Eights-on-Pylons
Section F ? Steep Spirals
Section G ? Power-Off 180° Accuracy Approach
and Landing

Lambrechts84 (2007-01-15)

Thank you ver much for part 1 and 2.
But......... please, where is part 3???

Nitrox_Diver (2007-02-20)

Thanx! Great UL!
Little bit slow download now, could you guys please seed some more for a while? :))

leal2alc (2007-04-26)

Has anyone managed to get this to work on a DVD player ???
& if so, how ???
Many Thanks...

rozaniv (2008-02-06)

Hi guys! Who can seed this file by smaller part? I can't download 4.36 Gb at once.... So much for my FAT32 formatted hard drive :-/

Luccino (2009-01-12)

Great videos!!! very useful!!! Do you have... or anybody has those of multi-engine!!! Many thanks!

blob76 (2010-04-29)


Acswaggr (2011-03-09)

Thank you for this! Please Seed people!

VNE (2011-10-01)

seed pls!!!