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Buddhism - General Topics - 500+ files
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Buddhism - General Topics - 500+ files
2011-06-24 (by timnehguy )
Here is another one of my messy archives of Buddhist materials in a variety of formats, although not EPUB or MOBI. I am uploading these with the hope that some downloaders will convert them to EPUB and MOBI for use on popular ebook readers.
This torrent includes texts on sex, science, daily devotion, ecology, American Buddhism, funerals, economics, prayers, and relics. There are also stories for young people. Many of these files come from, where you can find many more Buddhist resources (graphics, texts, audios).
Take what you want, share what you take, and please seed.
Files count:
72.88 Mb
1. General Buddhist Topics/Arising/WheelOfLife/A Basic Buddhism Guide Dependent Arising_files/wheel.gif 316.52 Kb
2. General Buddhist Topics/Arising/WheelOfLife/A Basic Buddhism Guide Dependent Arising_files/Cold%20and%20Hot%20Hells.gif 48.28 Kb
3. General Buddhist Topics/Arising/WheelOfLife/A Basic Buddhism Guide Dependent Arising_files/World%20of%20Gods.gif 42.13 Kb
4. General Buddhist Topics/Arising/WheelOfLife/A Basic Buddhism Guide Dependent Arising_files/World%20of%20Titans.gif 31.37 Kb
5. General Buddhist Topics/Arising/WheelOfLife/A Basic Buddhism Guide Dependent Arising_files/World%20of%20Ghosts.gif 30.44 Kb
6. General Buddhist Topics/Arising/WheelOfLife/A Basic Buddhism Guide Dependent Arising_files/World%20of%20Men.gif 30.01 Kb
7. General Buddhist Topics/Arising/WheelOfLife/A Basic Buddhism Guide Dependent Arising_files/World%20of%20Animals.gif 27.98 Kb
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9. General Buddhist Topics/Arising/WheelOfLife/Arising.htm 15.16 Kb
10. General Buddhist Topics/Arising/A Discourse on Paticcasamuppada.doc 416.50 Kb
11. General Buddhist Topics/Arising/Wheel.jpg 200.96 Kb
12. General Buddhist Topics/Arising/Dep_orig.PDF 183.57 Kb
13. General Buddhist Topics/Assorted Lectures/Beginners Mind Workshop.doc 100.50 Kb
14. General Buddhist Topics/Assorted Lectures/Our Real Home.doc 80.50 Kb
15. General Buddhist Topics/Assorted Lectures/Working with the Ego.doc 71.00 Kb
16. General Buddhist Topics/Assorted Lectures/Meditating on No Self.doc 68.50 Kb
17. General Buddhist Topics/Assorted Lectures/The Path To Peace.doc 67.00 Kb
18. General Buddhist Topics/Assorted Lectures/The Human Family.doc 65.50 Kb
19. General Buddhist Topics/Assorted Lectures/Ground Path and Fruition.doc 60.50 Kb
20. General Buddhist Topics/Assorted Lectures/The Quality Of Mindfulness.doc 59.00 Kb
21. General Buddhist Topics/Assorted Lectures/Mahamudra.doc 58.50 Kb
22. General Buddhist Topics/Assorted Lectures/The Buddhist Path and Social Responsibility.doc 58.50 Kb
23. General Buddhist Topics/Assorted Lectures/E Learning.doc 52.00 Kb
24. General Buddhist Topics/Assorted Lectures/A Lamp For The Enlightenment Path.doc 51.00 Kb
25. General Buddhist Topics/Assorted Lectures/The Essence of Ones Heart.doc 48.50 Kb
26. General Buddhist Topics/Assorted Lectures/Being Nobody.doc 47.50 Kb
27. General Buddhist Topics/Assorted Lectures/Observing the First Precept.doc 46.50 Kb
28. General Buddhist Topics/Assorted Lectures/Beyond the Self Position.doc 46.00 Kb
29. General Buddhist Topics/Assorted Lectures/For The Aged and The Sick.doc 45.50 Kb
30. General Buddhist Topics/Assorted Lectures/The One Vehicle and Expedients.doc 44.00 Kb
31. General Buddhist Topics/Assorted Lectures/Meditation Instruction.doc 41.00 Kb
32. General Buddhist Topics/Assorted Lectures/The Wheel Of Analytic Meditation.doc 41.00 Kb
33. General Buddhist Topics/Assorted Lectures/What Does It Take to Become Buddha.doc 41.00 Kb
34. General Buddhist Topics/Assorted Lectures/Beyond Being and Non-Being.doc 40.50 Kb
35. General Buddhist Topics/Assorted Lectures/Noticing space.doc 38.00 Kb
36. General Buddhist Topics/Assorted Lectures/Listening to Thought.doc 37.00 Kb
37. General Buddhist Topics/Assorted Lectures/The Ten Worlds.doc 35.50 Kb
38. General Buddhist Topics/Assorted Lectures/Even the Best Meditators.doc 35.50 Kb
39. General Buddhist Topics/Assorted Lectures/Our One Unfolding Life.doc 34.00 Kb
40. General Buddhist Topics/Assorted Lectures/The Purpose and Importance of.doc 32.50 Kb
41. General Buddhist Topics/Prayers/buddhist25.htm 36.82 Kb
42. General Buddhist Topics/Prayers/buddhist11.htm 35.55 Kb
43. General Buddhist Topics/Prayers/buddhist14.htm 35.52 Kb
44. General Buddhist Topics/Prayers/buddhist12.htm 34.91 Kb
45. General Buddhist Topics/Prayers/buddhist16.htm 34.71 Kb
46. General Buddhist Topics/Prayers/buddhist10.htm 34.43 Kb
47. General Buddhist Topics/Prayers/buddhist17.htm 34.41 Kb
48. General Buddhist Topics/Prayers/buddhist15.htm 34.41 Kb
49. General Buddhist Topics/Prayers/buddhist13.htm 34.40 Kb
50. General Buddhist Topics/Prayers/buddhist1.htm 34.32 Kb
51. General Buddhist Topics/Prayers/buddhist30.htm 34.09 Kb
52. General Buddhist Topics/Prayers/buddhist19.htm 34.08 Kb
53. General Buddhist Topics/Prayers/buddhist21.htm 34.08 Kb
54. General Buddhist Topics/Prayers/buddhist31.htm 34.06 Kb
55. General Buddhist Topics/Prayers/buddhist18.htm 34.05 Kb
56. General Buddhist Topics/Prayers/buddhist23.htm 34.03 Kb
57. General Buddhist Topics/Prayers/buddhist9.htm 34.02 Kb
58. General Buddhist Topics/Prayers/buddhist4.htm 33.87 Kb
59. General Buddhist Topics/Prayers/buddhist32.htm 33.82 Kb
60. General Buddhist Topics/Prayers/buddhist29.htm 33.81 Kb
61. General Buddhist Topics/Prayers/buddhist20.htm 33.77 Kb
62. General Buddhist Topics/Prayers/buddhist3.htm 33.76 Kb
63. General Buddhist Topics/Prayers/buddhist6.htm 33.75 Kb
64. General Buddhist Topics/Prayers/buddhist8.htm 33.75 Kb
65. General Buddhist Topics/Prayers/buddhist22.htm 33.71 Kb
66. General Buddhist Topics/Prayers/buddhist2.htm 33.70 Kb
67. General Buddhist Topics/Prayers/buddhist28.htm 33.67 Kb
68. General Buddhist Topics/Prayers/buddhist7.htm 33.66 Kb
69. General Buddhist Topics/Prayers/buddhist27.htm 33.64 Kb
70. General Buddhist Topics/Prayers/buddhist26.htm 33.63 Kb
71. General Buddhist Topics/Prayers/buddhist5.htm 33.54 Kb
72. General Buddhist Topics/Prayers/buddhist24.htm 33.54 Kb
73. General Buddhist Topics/Prayers/buddhist33.htm 33.51 Kb
74. General Buddhist Topics/Prayers/Buddhist Hymns and Prayers.doc 25.50 Kb
75. General Buddhist Topics/Prayers/A Great Buddhist Prayer.pdf 23.79 Kb
76. General Buddhist Topics/Prayers/A Great Buddhist Prayer.doc 23.00 Kb
77. General Buddhist Topics/Prayers/INDEX.htm 11.04 Kb
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125. General Buddhist Topics/Sex/Sexuality.mp3 17.82 Mb
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