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2083 - A European Declaration of Independence






2083 - A European Declaration of Independence




2011-07-24 (by Anonymous)


The book written by Norwegian terrorist Andreas Behring Breivik; posted on the Internet just hours before his carried out the horrific attacks. Welcome into the mind of a very sick person.


  1. terrorist
  2. breivik
  3. behring
  4. oslo
  5. shooting
  6. bombing
  7. conspiracy

Files count:



4.45 Mb




piratgold (2011-07-29)

Hi everyone
I am a hindu from India, and i want to bring something into the attention of international community
I am very sad for all those who lost someone in the shootout
The killing done by Anders Breivik is very bad method and its sad, but what he said about hindus being killed is very true.
We hindus were always targets of muslims.. crores of hindus have been killed by moslesm. We are a peaceloving community and we dont know why they are eliminating us..We are suffering from islam since centuries. We are butchered since islam entered india thousands of years ago. But nobody does anything to stop it.. we have suffered more than jews or anyone in this world have suffered. Even two weeks ago a bomb blast was done by jehadis in mumai killing innocent hindus.
Our crime is we are the most peaceful race in the world... and we welcome everybody to our home. Thats our crime.. They bomb blast our temples, and kills people who comes to pray there..
And now this political party named Indian National Congress rules the contry as an alliance called UPA, and they are doing everything politcally to suppress hindus too...
Its funny that hindus were once the ancient inhabitants of india, and we welomed everybody who came here, but now we live like slaves or refugees here... hindus are killed/converted or hindu women are raped everyday. But no justice comes for us ever
If international community doesnt intervene, and throw Congress led UPA out of power, peaceloving hindu race will be wiped off from earth for ever... we are facing extinction. We have always stood for humanity and the world knows our contribution to the humanity and that we have always embraced peace. India never invaded any country.. Hindus never forcibly convert anybody...
I request UN or any organization to come to india save hindus.. to stop hindu genocide led by indian national congress(INC) and jehadis and missionaries. The leaders of INC - rahul gundhi, sonia gundhi, chidambaram, digvijaysingh etc gets crores of rupees from pakistani spy agency ISI for helping in eliminating hindus
milions of kashmiri hindus were killed and thrown out of kashmir, before moslems took over there with the help of pakistan's spy agency ISI.. Many stilllive as refugees, but nobody did anything about it. We hindus never gets justice..
We have always done our best for the world, and its time for the rest of humanity to save us from extinction. Please help us..
Please come to india and study how moslems are eliminating hindus since centuries.. UN and other organizations must study on Hindu killing done by others.. Please save us
Let peace prevail..

michoacana (2011-07-30)

fuckin indian just shut the fuck up

piratglod (2011-08-06)

by insulting me calling me as idiot, u have proved that u are a true muslim... same intolerance towards others opinion
Usually i dont reply to fanatics like u.. but since u are hiding truth and pushing ur agenda, let me reveal ur ugly true face
THer was a communal riot in gujrat, and both hindus and muslims died, the number of muslims died were higher, its true..
But u didnt say a word about how that riot happened... All violence is bad and i am not justifying it, but wHat was the reason for that riot?
How did you forget to mention that fanatic muslims set a train bogey full of hindus on fire and burnt all hindus to death at Godhra? (Google for "godhra carnage" and everybody can sese how cruel these people are) How come u forgot to say that, Godhra massacre led to gujart riots?

It has been proven that, the local muslims conspired in their mosuqe and bought galons of kerosene, and set fire to a group of hindus in train compartment.. They closed the doors, and threw stones at them.. nohindus could get out.. all were burnt to death..
ALso how come u forgot to mention that, 200 cows were slaughtered in daylight only to provoke hindus.. (we hindus are nature worshippers, and we think cows are sacred..)local administration heard about this planned slaughter and they banneed it. But a group of armed muslims did it, they killed 200 cows, just to challenge the authorieis..
So how do u account for these real reasons behind the gujrat riots? How come u didnt mention these?
Its funny that u didnt say anything abuot these or the murdering done by muslims since thousands of years... and u are worried about a few hundreds of death at this riot.
Learn to live peacefully dude, stop butchering people.. live and let live. If ur religion is too big for u, pack ur crap bundle and go to arabia, and let rest of the world to live in peace...
I think this is enough to prove what is ur agenda.. also i think some have noted u also coy pasted ur comments multiple times