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NBC Related Material Collection (Nuclear Biological Chemical Wea






Nuclear Biological Chemical Weapons Safety Books Collection




2008-04-13 (by x_DontTreadOnMe_x )


NBC Related Material Collection (Nuclear Biological Chemical Weapons Safety) A collection of safety guides and field manuals on how to properly deal with nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons. Topics include making shelters, treating injuries, decontamination, and otherwise making yourself safer. There is some very good material in here; another torrent well worth downloading, storing away, and maybe even printing a few of the pdf's. ~~~ I am always adding new things, so check this account often. Visit roguesci (dot) org (slash) theforum, and register, for the world's longest running largest explosives and weapons forum on the web!

Files count:



242.54 Mb




 x_DontTreadOnMe_x (2009-04-15)

I am surprised this has so few seeds....oh well. I will probably upload a newer torrent soon.

Genocidetheflamingos (2011-07-31)

Great find here. Love the torrent. Hope you enjoy my infinite uploads ;)


1. NBC/Aerosol_Generating_Device,_Propellant_Based_-_US_Patent_6047644.pdf 392.39 Kb
2. NBC/Biological/Anthrax Info - DoD.doc 219.50 Kb
3. NBC/Biological/Anthrax Manual.pdf 233.69 Kb
4. NBC/Biological/Anthrax.pdf 102.21 Kb
5. NBC/Biological/Biological Terrorism Pocket Card 2.pdf 106.32 Kb
6. NBC/Biological/Biological Warfare FAQ.pdf 224.12 Kb
7. NBC/Biological/Biological Weapons Technology.pdf 216.00 Kb
8. NBC/Biological/Botulism Handbook.pdf 505.40 Kb
9. NBC/Biological/Diagnosis of Clostridium Sporogenes (Uncle Fester Reference).pdf 1.73 Mb
10. NBC/Biological/Improved Medium for Sporulation of Clostridium perfringens.pdf 1.21 Mb
11. NBC/Biological/Medical Management of Biological Casualties Handbook - USAMRIID.pdf 385.30 Kb
12. NBC/Biological/Modern_Survival_-_October_(Bio-Warfare).pdf 186.57 Kb
13. NBC/Biological/Treatment of Biological Warfare Agent Casualties - MCRP 4-11.1C.pdf 1.51 Mb
14. NBC/Biological Surveillance, Multiservice Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for - MCRP 3-37.1C.pdf 8.23 Mb
15. NBC/ChemBio Contamination Avoidance.pdf 3.50 Mb
16. NBC/Chemical/A Textbook of Modern Toxicology.pdf 5.92 Mb
17. NBC/Chemical/Assorted Nasties - David Harber.pdf 2.46 Mb
18. NBC/Chemical/Botulin - Studies on Immunity to Toxins of Costridium Botulinum (Uncle Fester Reference).pdf 797.65 Kb
19. NBC/Chemical/Casualty Decon Layout.ppt 58.50 Kb
20. NBC/Chemical/Chemical Warfare - Curt Wachtel.pdf 3.70 Mb
21. NBC/Chemical/Chemical Warfare - Marine Corps Job Aid.pdf 60.35 Kb
22. NBC/Chemical/Chemicals in War - Austin Prentiss.pdf 16.95 Mb
23. NBC/Chemical/Chemistry of Drugs and Poisons.pdf 1.91 Mb
24. NBC/Chemical/Cyanide and Ricin, Homemade.pdf 90.34 Kb
25. NBC/Chemical/Flame, Riot Contol Agents and Herbicide Ops - MCRP 3-37C.pdf 860.91 Kb
26. NBC/Chemical/Incapacitating Agents for Riot Control.pps 603.00 Kb
27. NBC/Chemical/Isolation and Comparison of Galactose-binding Lectins from Abris precatorius and Ricinus Communis.pdf 1.22 Mb
28. NBC/Chemical/Lachrymators by K. Jackson & M. Jackson 1934.pdf 766.63 Kb
29. NBC/Chemical/Lachrymators.pdf 2.40 Mb
30. NBC/Chemical/Nerve Agents and Pre-Treatment.pps 1.16 Mb
31. NBC/Chemical/Patents/Analytic_Substrates_and_Antioxydative_Agents_-_US_Patent_WO_99-67430.pdf 429.87 Kb
32. NBC/Chemical/Patents/Calcium_cyanamide_-_US_Patent_3173755.pdf 182.99 Kb
33. NBC/Chemical/Patents/Chloropicrin_(PS),_Process_for_Synthesizing_-_US_Patent_3106588.pdf 161.63 Kb
34. NBC/Chemical/Patents/CS_Teargas_-_Ortho-chlorobenzalmalononitrile,_Synthesis_of_-_US_Patent_3963770.pdf 357.81 Kb
35. NBC/Chemical/Patents/Dialkyl_Alkylphosphonothionates_-_UK_Patent_GB_0897698.pdf 459.29 Kb
36. NBC/Chemical/Patents/Dichloroformoxime,_Production_of_-_US_Patent_4558160.pdf 197.82 Kb
37. NBC/Chemical/Patents/Dimethylamidophosphoryl_dichloride_-_UK_Patent_GB_0744484.pdf 569.70 Kb
38. NBC/Chemical/Patents/Formamide,_Cleavage_of,_to_give_hydrocyanic_acid_and_water_-_US_Patent_4693877.pdf 314.21 Kb
39. NBC/Chemical/Patents/Hydrocyanic_Acid,_Process_for_Producing_-_US_Patent_2534000.pdf 377.12 Kb
40. NBC/Chemical/Patents/Hydrocyanic_Acid,_Process_for_the_Production_of_-_US_Patent_5785942.pdf 369.35 Kb
41. NBC/Chemical/Patents/Hydrogen_Cyanide,_Manufacture_of_-_US_Patent_2604380.pdf 626.01 Kb
42. NBC/Chemical/Patents/Lachrymator,_Piper_Nigrum_and_Acetic_Acid_(pepper_and_vinegar_tear_gas)_-_US_Patent_5698180.pdf 125.28 Kb
43. NBC/Chemical/Patents/Mustard_gas_-_UK_Patent_GB_0142875.pdf 167.19 Kb
44. NBC/Chemical/Patents/Nitrogen_Mustards_-_US_Patent_2072348.pdf 192.92 Kb
45. NBC/Chemical/Patents/Ortho-chlorobenzalmalononitrile,_Synthesis_of_-_US_Patent_3963770.pdf 357.81 Kb
46. NBC/Chemical/Patents/Phosgene_(CG),_Method_of_Manufacturing_-_US_Patent_1231226.pdf 98.52 Kb
47. NBC/Chemical/Patents/Phosgene_(CG),_Preparation_of_(from_carbon_tet._+_oleum)_-_US_Patent_1746506.pdf 136.93 Kb
48. NBC/Chemical/Patents/Phosgene_(CG),_Process_of_Making_-_US_Patent_1457493.pdf 240.06 Kb
49. NBC/Chemical/Patents/Phosgene_(CG)_(Carbonyl_Chlorid),_Making_-_US_Patent_1360312.pdf 90.60 Kb
50. NBC/Chemical/Patents/Phosgene_(CG)_Process_-_US_Patent_5672747.pdf 288.51 Kb
51. NBC/Chemical/Patents/Phosgene_-_Holcarbonyls_(Phosgene_by_Carbon_Monoxide_+_Nitrosyl_Chloride),_Manufacture_of_-_US_Patent_2847470.pdf 249.08 Kb
52. NBC/Chemical/Patents/Phosgene_Oxime_(CX)_Dichloroformoxime,_Production_of_-_US_Patent_4558160.pdf 197.82 Kb
53. NBC/Chemical/Patents/Phosgene_process_-_US_Patent_5672747.pdf 288.51 Kb
54. NBC/Chemical/Patents/Phosphorus_oxychloride_from_calcium_phosphate,_ammonium_phosphate,_activated_carbon,_and_chlorine_-_UK_Patent_GB_0416084.pdf 349.50 Kb
55. NBC/Chemical/Patents/Phosphorus_oxychloride_from_calcium_phosphate,_carbon_monoxide,_and_chlorine_-_UK_Patent_GB_0336065.pdf 237.76 Kb
56. NBC/Chemical/Patents/Phosphorus_oxychloride_from_calcium_phosphate,_zinc_chloride,_activated_carbon,_and_chlorine_-_UK_Patent_GB_0356238.pdf 123.77 Kb
57. NBC/Chemical/Patents/Phosphorus_oxychloride_from_calcium_phosphates,_carbon,_and_chlorine_-_UK_Patent_GB_0617990.pdf 255.20 Kb
58. NBC/Chemical/Patents/Phosphorus_oxychloride_from_calcium_phosphate_and_phosgene_-_UK_Patent_GB_0337123.pdf 176.89 Kb
59. NBC/Chemical/Patents/Phosphorus_Oxychloride_from_Phosgene_and_Ferric_Phosphate_-_US_Patent_1462732.pdf 103.77 Kb
60. NBC/Chemical/Patents/Phosphorus_trichloride_from_ferrophosphorus_-_UK_Patent_GB_0312685.pdf 143.21 Kb
61. NBC/Chemical/Patents/Phosphorus_trichloride_from_ferrophosphorus_and_chlorine_-_UK_Patent_GB_0805153.pdf 857.56 Kb
62. NBC/Chemical/Patents/Ricin,_Preparation_of_-_US_Patent_3060165.pdf 32.00 Kb
63. NBC/Chemical/Patents/Sarin_From_Phosphorus_Dichlorofluoride_-_UK_Patent_GB_0810930.pdf 231.71 Kb
64. NBC/Chemical/Patents/Sulfur_dichloride_form_sulfur_monochloride_and_activated_charcoal_-_UK_Patent_GB_0142879.pdf 172.86 Kb
65. NBC/Chemical/Patents/Sulfur_dichloride_from_sulfur_monochloride_and_a_catalyst_(such_as_powdered_iron)_-_UK_Patent_GB_0017378.pdf 73.48 Kb
66. NBC/Chemical/Patents/Tabun_with_solvent_-_German_Patent_DE_0767830.pdf 207.88 Kb
67. NBC/Chemical/Patents/Trialkyl_phosphites_-_UK_Patent_GB_0852586.pdf 429.70 Kb
68. NBC/Chemical/Patents/Trialkyl_phosphites_-_UK_Patent_GB_0865454.pdf 439.57 Kb
69. NBC/Chemical/Patents/VX,_Process_for_the_Manufacture_of_-_US_Patent_3911059.pdf 244.96 Kb
70. NBC/Chemical/Patents/VX_-_US_Patent_3781387.pdf 153.44 Kb
71. NBC/Chemical/Phosphorus & Fluorine Toxicity - Saunders.pdf 2.53 Mb
72. NBC/Chemical/Poisoning by Plant Material, Review of Human Cases.pdf 2.50 Mb
73. NBC/Chemical/Poisons - Their effect and detection-A & M Wynter Blyth.pdf 13.45 Mb
74. NBC/Chemical/Poisons - Their Effects and Detection - Blyth.pdf 13.45 Mb
75. NBC/Chemical/Puffer Fish Poison Synthesis (Tetrodotoxin).pdf 225.29 Kb
76. NBC/Chemical/Pulmonary Agents.pps 265.00 Kb
77. NBC/Chemical/Relative Lethalities of Selected Natural and Synthetic Poisons (Table).pdf 48.96 Kb
78. NBC/Chemical/Ricin, A Study of Purification and Properties of - Kabat, Heidelberger, Bezer.pdf 620.21 Kb
79. NBC/Chemical/Riot_Control_Agent_-_US_Invention_Reg_H1194.pdf 114.40 Kb
80. NBC/Chemical/Silent Death (Revised & Expanded 2nd Edition) - Uncle Fester - Paladin Press.pdf 27.29 Mb
81. NBC/Chemical/Tetanus - Rapid,Simplified Method for Production and Purification of Tetanus Toxin.pdf 959.90 Kb
82. NBC/Chemical/The Chemistry & Toxic Action of Organic Compounds Which Contain Phosphorus & Fluroine (Nerve agents).pdf 11.64 Mb
83. NBC/Chemical/The War Gases - Chemistry and Analysis - Sartori.pdf 4.19 Mb
84. NBC/Chemical/Toxicology The Basic Science of Poisons 6th edition-Casarett & Doul.pdf 11.75 Mb
85. NBC/Chemical/Why Non-Lethal Incapacitating Chemical Agents are Lethal.pdf 156.18 Kb
86. NBC/Collective Protection Against NBC Effects for Civilians.pdf 2.76 Mb
87. NBC/Defense Against the Effects of Chemical and Biological Warfare Agents.pdf 3.91 Mb
88. NBC/Field Behavior of NBC Agents (Including Smoke and Incendiaries) - FM 3-6.pdf 4.45 Mb
89. NBC/Handbook Of Chemical And Biological Warfare Agents (Hank Ellison).pdf 4.58 Mb
90. NBC/How To Make An Emergency Gas Mask - Popular Mechanics (1942).pdf 496.20 Kb
91. NBC/Ignore this.txt 19.22 Kb
92. NBC/Medical Management of Chemical and Biological Casualties - Field Training Exercises - MCBC FTX Guide 1_99.pdf 262.62 Kb
93. NBC/Medical Management of Chemical Casualties Handbook - US Army.pdf 1.96 Mb
94. NBC/Medical NBC Battlebook.pdf 3.39 Mb
95. NBC/NBC Decontamination - FM 3-5.pdf 3.33 Mb
96. NBC/NBC Field Handbook FM 3-7.pdf 3.95 Mb
97. NBC/NBC Protection - FM 34.pdf 2.76 Mb
98. NBC/NBC Survival - citizendefense.pdf 38.57 Kb
99. NBC/Nuclear/Accidental Nuclear War.pdf 96.13 Kb
100. NBC/Nuclear/Homemade Fallout Meter.pdf 1.16 Mb
101. NBC/Nuclear/How To Build A Nuclear Bomb.pdf 1.33 Mb
102. NBC/Nuclear/KFM - Home Fallout Meter, How to Make and Use It.pdf 1.16 Mb
103. NBC/Nuclear/KFM- Home Fallout Meter, A Full Report - ORNL 5040.pdf 3.02 Mb
104. NBC/Nuclear/Levels of Radiation Facts.TXT 6.91 Kb
105. NBC/Nuclear/Medical Management of Radiological Casualties.pdf 652.90 Kb
106. NBC/Nuclear/Nuclear War Survival Skills - Cresson Kearny.pdf 1.30 Mb
107. NBC/Nuclear/Nuclear Weapons Effects - Canada Emergency Measures Organization.pdf 950.19 Kb
108. NBC/Nuclear/Nuclear Weapons Effects Handbook - Radiological Scientific Officers Handbook.pdf 2.48 Mb
109. NBC/Nuclear/Protection in the Nuclear Age - FEMA H-20.pdf 868.98 Kb
110. NBC/Nuclear/Psychological Effects of Atomic Bombing - L54-134.pdf 1.51 Mb
111. NBC/Nuclear/Radiological Accidents Fact Sheet - FEMA.pdf 88.64 Kb
112. NBC/Nuclear/Radiological Defense Officers Course Manual - Canada Emergency Measures College.pdf 1.09 Mb
113. NBC/Nuclear/Radiological Monitoring - Bell Civil Defense.pdf 1.20 Mb
114. NBC/Nuclear/Recovery from Nuclear Attack - FEMA-160.pdf 6.56 Mb
115. NBC/Nuclear/Shelters/Fallout Shelter, Above-Ground - H-I 2-2.pdf 819.22 Kb
116. NBC/Nuclear/Shelters/ 348.61 Kb
117. NBC/Nuclear/Shelters/FEMA___Fallout_Shelter_H_12_1.pdf 646.48 Kb
118. NBC/Nuclear/Shelters/ 254.67 Kb
119. NBC/Nuclear/Shelters/FEMA___Fallout_Shelter_H_12_A.pdf 537.85 Kb
120. NBC/Nuclear/Shelters/FEMA___Fallout_Shelter_H_12_C.pdf 228.89 Kb
121. NBC/Nuclear/Shelters/FEMA___Fallout_Shelter_H_12_E.pdf 326.87 Kb
122. NBC/Nuclear/Shelters/FEMA___Fallout_Shelter_H_12_F.pdf 288.82 Kb
123. NBC/Nuclear/Shelters/FEMA___Nuclear_War_Survival.pdf 868.98 Kb
124. NBC/Nuclear/Shelters/Israeli Protected-Space Shelters.pdf 158.64 Kb
125. NBC/Nuclear/Shelters/Shelter Plans Concrete Block - H-1 2-C.pdf 229.52 Kb
126. NBC/Nuclear/Shelters/Your Basement Fallout Shelter - Alger Press.pdf 1.08 Mb
127. NBC/Nuclear/ 402.59 Kb
128. NBC/Nuclear/Using Radiological Instruments.pdf 707.24 Kb
129. NBC/Nuclear/Worldwide_Effects_of_Nuclear_War.lit 104.38 Kb
130. NBC/Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Aspects of Concequence Management - MCRP 3-37.2C.pdf 2.03 Mb
131. NBC/Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Vulnerability Assessment - MCRP 3-37.1A.pdf 1.25 Mb
132. NBC/Personnel Decon Center Layout.ppt 237.50 Kb
133. NBC/Potential Military Chemical and Biological Agents and Compounds - MCRP 3-37.1B.pdf 5.36 Mb
134. NBC/Protected Space Shelter Guide - IDF Home Front Command NBC.htm 44.22 Kb
135. NBC/Read me!.txt 99 bytes
136. NBC/Unknown Document - Volume 5 Chemical and Biological Warfare Agents.rar 1.02 Mb
137. NBC/Weapons of Mass Destruction by Gladson Nwanna.pdf 13.25 Mb