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2008-12-22 (by AiTBĀ )


info, subs

Files count:



725.63 Mb




rottenZ (2008-12-23)

rottenZ (2008-12-23) oops

rottenZ (2008-12-23)

tomh2o (2008-12-23)

here I ll help seed this as I see no one else is. I ll give up my speed but bell caps me. They Suck

Fitzerino (2008-12-24)

Mr. C.M. appear to be vexed and exercised by something. The fact remains that you took this movie, as you suggest others should do, and, indeed, you appear to have choked on it.

TastyCrab (2008-12-24)

Good audio and video, 10/10.
A surprisingly good movie too. I understand this movie to be low budget, but it's got good production and it's solid all the way through.

doubledge (2008-12-25)

Yup - IMDB Rating is 7.4 out of 10, which is a really high score for a low budget film! Sounds interesting.
Once more, THANKS, AiTB !

TeamAmerica (2008-12-25)

CreasinMaShitPants ---> I've told you before on other torrents to stop wasting all your hate on Americans. Spread the hate around a bit.
You are a very selfish person you know. And anyway, why are you creasing shit pants? Should you not instead throw them away and crease some other newer pants?

giggedyguy (2008-12-25)

CreasinMaShitPants--wasn't for us you'd be licking Hitler's balls. wasn't for us, there'd be no redcross, wasn't for us no one ever would have gone to the moon wan't for us, Einstein would have be executed in Germany. Remember, all the great people choose America to come to when they are persecuted.

fleshflayer (2008-12-25)

A cross between Alien and The Thing, this low budget movie really comes up trumps. Don't let the phrase "low budget" put you off, mind... this film rocks!!!
Excellent sound AND vision quality makes this a pretty much no-brainer choice of title to download.
I can't see you being disappointed!

fab010s (2008-12-25)

hey aitb, shove your rar files up your peehole, and then come watch me fuck your mom in the ass.

Flopis (2008-12-26)

10xs AiTB!

Mistigush (2008-12-26)

Well ... here goes
kickazzz , as for Frodo ... J.R.R. Tolkien was English, although he was born in South Africa, this was merely due to his father being promoted to Bank Manager there. Frodo would have existed without America simply because J.R.R.Tolkien existed, but would there have been a movie ... a movie lasts a few hours at best, whereas even reading the hobbit can last quite a bit longer and books are quite a bit cheaper.
giggedyguy; there are so many things wrong with the licking Hitler`s balls statement, but lets just be obvious, if Woodrow Wilson had been allowed to put more pressure on the other leaders to accept a more moderate peace proposal than under the Treaty of Versailles which called for near total disarmament of Germany, reparations, and acceptance of responsibility for the war. This lead to little or no money, unemployment, and resentment towards the rest of Europe. If Wilson`s Political Brethren had the political will and backed him, there would not have been a Second World War. They should have shoved the Treaty of Versailles down their throats and been done with it instead of worrying about how this piece of land should actually belong to France.
The Red Cross is not an American Institution, it is Swiss and was first conceived by a man by the name of Jean Henri Dunant after witnessing an horrific battle. The Red Cross and the emblem, a red cross on a white background was adopted and the institution came into being respectively in October of 1863.
About the Moon ... I have to ask ... aside from it being all happy happy joy joy for the 3 guys on Appollo 11, I have to ask ... what was so great about going to the moon. A lot of money was spent getting there that could have been used to do other things ... it`s not like the moon was going anyplace anytime soon, no one was going to steal it ... it`s too big to hide in your pocket. But it was that "We have to beat the `Ruskies`"
mentality that the propaganda of the day encouraged us to want to go there first, whether we could do it economically or not.
Did you know that only 14 people have actually been to the moon, but they took pictures, collected moon rocks, left flags should aliens try to move in and open a Taco Bell franchise ... Oh ... And Buzz Aldrin left his Left Boot Print on the Moon Floor and someone took a picture ... well ... what the hell else are you going to do on the moon ... it`s boring up there! But the cost ... estimated at between 500 Billion and 1 Trillion ... lots of money ... but we did get Shoe Insoles, scratch resistant glasses, invisible ceramic braces, and Tang, my favorite, all for less than 1 Trillion dollars. Most likely more, they never tell you what something really costs, do they?
I am not quite sure how Albert`s life was in any danger in Switzerland, where his family was living. At 17 he renounced his German Citizenship to avoid military service, 4 years later he is granted Swiss Citizenship, he remains a Swiss Citizen for the rest of his life. He did not set foot in the US until 1921 but when he does, it was his own idea, he was not being saved by anyone from anyone.
As for that part "where all the great people choose America to come to when they are persecuted." Albert Einstein came here, but he wasn`t being persecuted, was he? Well, no more than the rest of us Minorities. Every famous singer that came here came here for the money, Elton John came her for the scratch, and so did Mick Jagger and David Bowie, not because they were being persecuted.
Oh, but the Pilgrims were being persecuted and so were that lot in the south, the peeps who made up the Virginia Company, basically the first Americans here, they were run out of their original countries, like the Pilgrims ... for being too wierd. Maybe that`s why they burned the really young good looking women at the stake ... Wow, now that is Wierd.
giggedyguy, Pal, I have no idea where you get your misinformation from, but if your going to wave that flag, make sure it`s not upside down when your doing it, it looks a bit silly. You didn`t