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Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard Install DVD - full iso image




Software Mac


Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard Install DVD - full iso image




2008-05-09 (by alec_djinn)


There was some problem with the other torrent i've uploaded, i try this... if don't work search in ed2k network for the .iso file (alec_djinn tagged). .torrent created with transmission! Thi is the real full iso image of Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) Install DVD. Just burn it on dual layer DVD and ENJOY!!! Tested on G5 and Intel Mac.. Work good!!! alec_djinn (share everything)

Files count:



7687.91 Mb




albinoz (2008-05-09)

is still not the 10.5.2 :(

alec_djinn (2008-05-09)

is the iso of original copy of leopard buyed last week from apple online store... i tested this iso burning it on DVD-DL and installing OSX from it in a G5 and intel macbook (first generation) and work perfectly!

alec_djinn (2008-05-09)

please can someone else seed!!! i'm the only seeder and my connection suck!

bobtentpeg (2008-05-09)

for someone else to seed, you have to have seeded this torrent to completion for a least one person.
Open up inspecgor, go to the far tab and set limit peers to 1. Stop the torrent and restart transmission. restart the torrent and your good to go

albinoz (2008-05-09)

You buy last week and is not last version ?!

albinoz (2008-05-09)

Go to Demoide to downoad the last version install 10.5.2 !!!

alec_djinn (2008-05-09)

so.. i've downloaded the updates and all work fine.. i don't know if is the last version or not.. it's the same because after install you should update anyway...

alec_djinn (2008-05-09)

hei come on... seed please....

albinoz (2008-05-09)

with 10.5.2 install, no system update necessery.
more speed/recent install.

BrazilianPirate (2008-05-10)

My MacBook Pro too is Brand New and have 10.5
need update for 10.5.2 online .
This ISO work 100%

jazzerty (2008-05-10)

how can i update this version of mac leopard?

zapata2 (2008-05-10)

Please we need seeders

zapata2 (2008-05-13)

Why do the leechers who have finished to download don't stay on line ?

Nicholasb24 (2008-05-16)

The donwload is blocked at 99,97%! !
Why ???

FleshGordon (2008-05-16)

Stuck at 97,97 % because "alec_djinn" got tired of seeding perhaps... ?

zapata2 (2008-05-16)

For me is the same , 99,9%

mantszchun (2008-05-16)

ohhh seed please 99% just 2.8mb away...

Nicholasb24 (2008-05-16)

Is it possible to send a email to alec_djinn ???

mantszchun (2008-05-17)

yea i guess.
providing u have his email address :-/

mantszchun (2008-05-17)

i just wonder if it still works with 99.97%
apparently it does if that's a dvd movie
but this time its a system disc..
anyone willing to take the risk? :s

accountaccount (2008-05-17)

Can someone please seed?
As far as I see, there are more than 20 people are stuck at 99.9%. Even just seed for 1 hour would help a lot

alec_djinn (2008-05-17)

i'm seading.. i've upoaded more than 23 GB and 3 leechers finished download and they don't seed... please help me seed...

LoBo89 (2008-05-17)

I'll do that, at least i must have my server online for the rest of the day, first I need the last 2MB's

Speone (2008-05-17)

With me is the same stuck at 99,9%, i have seed 50GB and my upload is 150kb/s, i have open the iso and i have that is Mac OS X 10.5.1 and not 10.5.2 !!!!!! Can someone Upload 10.5.2 Retail Version ???? Please, Please i need that !!!!

Nicholasb24 (2008-05-17)

alec_djinn could you seeding me the last 0,03% plz.
I promise to seed after my fichier is complete

alec_djinn (2008-05-17)

So i'm uploading to 3 leechers and Transmission show me that they already uploaded 100% but continue and never became complete... help me to find the problem...

mantszchun (2008-05-18)

ahh forget about this whole bt thing i'm writing this msg on 10.5 already
upgraded using my flatmate's disc ;)
good luck to all of u

Nicholasb24 (2008-05-18)

could you explain what do you write, plz

Nicholasb24 (2008-05-18)

hello alec_djinn,
maybe stop the seeding et re start seeding ....
shut donw your MAC.

alec_djinn (2008-05-18)

lol.. i've stopped and resumed the torrent uploading and now transmission tell me i'm at 99.94%... so check yout downloaded file, if the size is 8061353984 Bytes then your files is complete. Try to burn it into DL-DVD and post the results...

kapaka (2008-05-18)

why not create a new torrent?
upload it and check the file again, maybe the torrent file became corrupted along the way. Users with a partial download can resume with a new torrent.
And add a link to the NEW and CHECKED torrent in a comment.

LoBo89 (2008-05-18)

First of all I hereby declare to the world that i am utterly stupid, this due to the fact that I dont know i my dvd supports dual layer burning. Second is that I am on 99.99% and that I have an iso with a size of 8061353984 Bytes as alec_djinn said. Third is that I opened the file with daemon tools and saw only the bootcamp files, which I guess would be normal?!?!? The last comment is a question, if I can install this version on a standard NEW intel pc without any OS preinstalled?

Nicholasb24 (2008-05-19)

It's doesn't work !
I've burned the iso file, and i've used the Mac OS X .app but it isn't the right file : " utiliser l'application fournit avec le disk " ....
I'm very desapointed

smooksmook (2008-05-19)

I too am a card-carrying member of the 99.x% club. There are currently 77 peers who have either joined our league or are on the fast track to getting there.
This happens, of course, because people grab the file and run (in this case, probably because it's so big they don't want to keep it on their hard drive). One poor sap was 99.9% finished when the last true seeder bailed and everyone since has picked up no more than that same 99.9%.
We need someone who has the complete file to re-seed for a time and others to show their appreication by keeping the file seeded afterward.

alec_djinn (2008-05-24)

I've the complete working iso, but there something wrong in my Transmission's "Create Torrent" process.. then, i can send via Skype at only one people the file fore remake the torrent and seed to community. If anyone wanna do this, then can contact me on skype (alec_djinn).

alec_djinn (2008-05-24)

ok.. i'm seeding

a1n5drei (2008-05-30)

I am downloading the Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard Install DVD - full iso image on a PC drive.
I have a Mac Mini, Model: PowerMAC 10.2, CPU Type: PowerPC G4 (1.5). I don't know if it reads dual layer DVDs or not. The system profiler does not specify (it just says that it reads DVDs). If my MAC DVD player cannot read Dual layer DVDs what options do I have? Can I burn the image on two different DVDs and try to install it this way? I currently have OS X 10.4.11 Tiger on my Mac. Is it safe to copy the image to the Mac harddrive and install the Leopard OS from there? I am new with Mac. On my PC I use Nero to map an iso image. What application can I use on a Mac for mapping? I know there are a lot of questions. If anyone can help me I would be greatefull.

Dutchice (2008-06-23)

This is awsome, at the moment I am downloading it at real high speeds (>1.0 MB/s) from some kind Russian fellow!
I wish someone could also post the exact version and build of the OS, here!
THANKS alot alec!

masterboyd2 (2008-06-25)

very nice, thank you man..!

mobilzzone (2008-07-05)

seed pls, i'm at 1,8gb, and it says 3 weeks...

shredtheibanez (2008-07-07)

Does it work then? i'll test

gabo68 (2008-07-10)

thanks alec_djinn, indeed the version is 10.5.1 I have proven it recovering the image in a partition of my hard disk and works perfect, still needs to burn the image in dvd-dl and I will already inform to them, while I will continue sharing the file, thanks again.

werdna (2008-07-15)

Can someone tell me how to burn this this, keep getting errors and losing lost of DVD DL blanks.
Please help

gabo68 (2008-07-16)

finally I have burned the image in dvd+r dl with the program disk utility of the operating system, I have proven it in power mac g5 and one mac pro and works very well, takes approximately 4 minutes in loading the installation

acmp (2008-07-17)

just finishing downloading. I will keep uploading this night at ~30kB/s, later I'll try to keep seeding at at least 16kB/s (I'm sorry, my connection does max at 32kB/s)

TRandRH (2008-07-17)

Hey Everybody, you can convert the ISO file to .dmg with Disk Utilities, it works so well, and the new packs you can get them for free from the Apple site
Good Luck!!

Dizaztor (2008-07-25)

I think you guys should all be carefull of what youre downloading. You never know if this ISO could be altered so that it send back packets and information back to the owner.
Cmon, This file is 7.51 GB, and with only 66 seeders,
I think it's much easier buying the whole thing and installing, instead of crap like this.

bertie4evr (2008-07-30)

will this work on virtual box on vista

antwion (2008-08-11)

can some one please help me get a good copy of
leopard server

anarchist9027 (2008-08-14)

idk about all the rest of you who cant pull this off but im 17 and all what I did was just burn the ISO in Disc Utilities onto a DVD+R DL and installed onto my 1.8 Quicksilver G4 with 768mb ram and it works fucking awesome. Thanks alec_djinn. You saved me and alot off ppl from spending 129.99 USD. Now everyone stop complaining and burn it!! idk about Windows tho cus I burned it on Mac OS 10.4.11.
Peace ;) btw, for ppl having trouble... just remember that a 17 year old can do this lol

kfagan (2008-08-15)

We need more seeders, if everyone could simply try to at least seed and extra 50% more than we download. This would speed up alot, as long as we meet this minimum. Thanks again alec_djinn!

shabeesatsangi (2008-08-18)

i have intel pentium D2.8ghz,1gb ram 667,965 motherboard and try to install this but this is not bootable and one more thing , this have the data only 470MB but the image file is of 7.5gb....
can anybody tell the reason of this ..what kind of files you guys getting when extracting this image by magic iso....
when burned image by nero it has taken approximate 15 minute that means data has written approx 7gb...
or this dvd can't work at bootime in window xp sp2 based PC
any geek help me.....

zidaneosx (2008-08-19)

hi freind's
i have a macbook 2.2 core 2 duo 1 go of ram
thes version can work on my mac

CVille (2008-08-20)

I don't think you can install this on your system shabeesatsangi. You can DL a program called VMWare and use it to install it virtually. I just got done installing Ubuntu on my pc and am going to try this next. I believe I am using VMWare Workstation 6.0.

freudeu (2008-08-20)

is there a way to install this file without burning it to a dvd? i don't have a dual layer burner...
external hd or something?

MACinized (2008-08-21)

tnx for the share alec_djinn. will someone confirm that this is the [b]RETAIL[/b] Mac OS X Install DVD (Leopard 10.5.1 version)?

jezzataylor (2008-08-25)

I joined just to say thanks to Alec for a great torrent. This is 10.5.1 Leopard. Just burn the .iso file to a DVD +R DL and leave it in your mac when you switch it on. Then just follow the on screen instructs. Very easy. It took my 18hours to download the file but it was def worth it.

zidaneosx (2008-08-26)

please help me
that version build is 9A3110 or another ?
thank's advance
and sorry for my englesh
[email protected]

LaDiLa (2008-08-27)

please seed...

slipkorn666 (2008-08-30)

can you put this on a sony vaio z series

jayysonz (2008-08-31)

how come i kt copy it over to a hard drive , it keep saying the hard drive it full wen it isnt. cuz i downloaded it in windows but i want to put it on my macbook , it wont let me copy

asa1997 (2008-09-01)

Ok All you have to do is burn the iso with disk utillity or Img Burn or something like that and then instert the disk in the computer you want to install it on but u might have to get a huge dvd r with over 7.51 gigs of space

deathbert (2008-09-03)

worked for me on a External USB drive, THANKS!

techmaster23 (2008-09-04)

Please seeed!!!! Please please please! Return the favor! I seed all the time!

deathbert (2008-09-05)

jayysonz - - make sure the drive is formatted properly, if your in mac os and you're tyring to put the iso on a hard drive that's formatted in NTFS you can't do it cause mac can only read NTFS drives, it CAN read and write to FAT32, like thumb drives.
If you're trying to boot of an external HD to install this then you have to follow these instructions: (from lckillah on demonoid)
first u will need an external hard drive with at least 8gb or a thumb drive with at least 8gb.
if u are using a thumb drive, skip this part as u wont need to partition it.
1. back up everything from ur hard drive, put it in ur computer temporarily if u have to cuz it will delete everything on ur hd.
2. go to disk utility on ur mac
3. highlight ur external hd from the left should be under ur internal hd or disc drive.
4. go to partition should be in the upper middle of page and from the drop down menu under volume scheme, pick 2 partitions.
5. u want to make an 8 gb partition on ur hd. click on the second half of unnamed box.
6. to the right, type in the volume information. i would like to name this partition Leopard OSX install and under format, select mac os extended journaled and then put the size to 8 gb.
7. now click on the first half of the box and name it whatever u want and then leave the size alone as it is the leftover.
8. now on the lower right corner of the screen it says either apply or partition, click on it, then proceed. u r now done with partitioning part.
Making Leopard OSX Backup from partition hd
1. go to disk utility if u aren't already there.
2. to the left, if u partition ur hd, u should see 2 different hd. click on the main external hd the one with ur external hd name not the partition ones
3. click on the restore tab in the upper middle of page.
4. in the source field, drag ur leopard.isodont click browse it might be greyed just look for the file and drag it there.
5. in the destination field, drag ur partitioned 8gb hd from the left the one that we named Leopard OSX install earlier.
6. click on restore. wait for a lil bit to finish.
7. once it's done copying, go to system preferences, then click on startup disk.
8. select the partitioned hd should be called mac osx 10.5
9. click restart and install leopard.
the thumb drive is similar except u wont need to partition it so u go to the second part of the tut, ignore step 2, just use the thumb drive like the partitioned hd. hope this helps. i think it's way easier to do it this way if u are just upgrading from tiger to leopard. also u dont have to waste money on bad burned disc. dl could be quite expensive if u keep going through them. also u could just keep the installer on ur hd for future referrence.

assluv (2008-09-07)

are there any problems with this download? will it cause any problems on my mac? i have a mac mini.
thanks Lansden

thesauce25 (2008-09-08)

Is there a way that I can load leopard onto my macbook but still keep tiger on there as well? In other words, can I have the option to boot either one?

Undercover_FBI_agent (2008-09-08)

Good download, but shitty speed. I'm going to seed the fuck out of this though.
All the best,
The FBI.

alifun (2008-09-10)

This is my sixth day downloading it. Guys please seed. Thanks a lot for upload

cableman44 (2008-09-23)

Took 9 days to download but it was worth it,had to hold C key down while selecting restart to make burned disc install and chose erase/install mode this took about 90mins. this is the real item Thanks Alec

marcolious-j (2008-09-26)

Thanks alec_djinn for this awesome torrent! it took me a few days to download but eventually burnt the file onto a DVD+R DL .. put it in my ibook a while later running 10.5.5 leopard! not 1 problem :D im also 17 like anarchist9027.. im seeding and have currently uploaded 8GB of this file :D

emzabug (2008-09-26)

yoinks my computer reckons its gonna take 4 weeks! thats gonna be a good few cups of tea staring gormlessly at the download bar!

andyvj (2008-09-27)

ive just put this software on my g5 dual (pre intel) and ive had problems with a black line running throw the screen on start up any idea's guys

pwnrmasta (2008-09-29)

Yo, so I am stuck as how to install this...
Can anybody help me please!

ricande (2008-10-02)

why wont this one work on my Macbook pro?
Burned in windows using Transmac.

Geggz (2008-10-05)

Everything goes smoothly on my MacBook Pro until the installation stops and an error reading: "The Installer could not validate the contents of the 'BaseSystem' package" appears. Do you think it was just a bad burn of the image? Anyone else get this problem?

damul4g (2008-10-06)

can i install this on a pc? probably cant but i just want to be sure.

Geggz (2008-10-06)

Nevermind, it was just a bad burn. Burned it at a lower speed and it worked just fine. Thanks, alec_djinn.

schoolb (2008-10-14)

I have a Macbook Pro.
I have downloaded this, but now, I cannot burn it. I have tried to burn it on windows, but after I did it, it didn't work. There was boot camp, not mac os x leopard! Maybe It's because Windows cannot read and burn the mac file. Then, I tried to burn it in Disk Utility, but it said the following: This disc cannot be used for burning. Please insert....
Please help!

pirater19 (2008-10-17)

This worked for me, Software update and everything! :D I am now running Leopard 10.5.5.
However, my first attempt at installing using a DVD DL did not work. After I burned the disk, my computer kept spitting it back out. Of course, at the time, I had been running a bad version of Leopard, and burned the DVD with that... maybe that was it? Or possibly it was just a bad burn, because when I downgraded back to Tiger the DVD did the same thing.
I ended up installing using my friend's external hard drive.

applebyte (2008-10-21)

THANK YOU VERY MUCH alec_dijnn!.

ScarredSaint (2008-10-25)

would this install over windows xp?

Joska22 (2008-11-11)

plzz seeed:]]

Joska22 (2008-11-11)

i do have one question tho, once i get it and go thru the whole dvd+r process and such, I have tiger at the moment but when i run the installation will i have to erase everything off my mac and start new with leopard? im talkin like apps, pics, and such

Turner64 (2008-11-22)

applebyte, 10.6 will be snow leopard (not very creative)
And anyways, I refuse to buy a mac (they cost too much for less), so is it possible to install this on a windows machine? Thanks!
Also would anything bad happen for installing it on a windows machine AND not paying for it (like jail fines that kind of stuff). I am kind of scared.

Turner64 (2008-11-22)

I forgot email me @ [email protected]

blossom34 (2008-11-28)

hi everybody I've been done the download burn it onto duble layer dvd put on the i mac 20'' restart the computer tousand times doesn't work can somebody help me?

WindowsCris (2008-12-22)

wiil this work on a amd processer

strict_nine (2008-12-22)

Not 100% familiar with burning .iso files, is there any prefered programs and procedures in doing so? I'm going from Windows to my mac. Can I just throw this on a jump drive and call it a day?

Davidmb5 (2008-12-25)

do i have to burn it to a dual layer dvd to instal it on my macbook?

Hshin (2008-12-26)

This torrent is a joke right? 67 seeders and still my share ratio went up to 2. Piratebay is really going to shit, I'm turning to online download.

Hshin (2008-12-26)

And to the clueless who keep asking, this is for Apple Macs only. Not for PCs. You guys want iAtkos, Leo4All, or one of those other distros. But if I were you I wouldn't even install OS X on perfectly working PCs because it's a waste of your time. You end up with a half-retarded machine, and having to dual boot into Windows most of the time, so why bother? The only reason I'm getting this is because my GF has a Mac.

baqlawa (2009-01-01)

does this works with MacBook2,1 Intel Core 2 Duo? tnx

montypi (2009-01-09)

If I got a dollar for every stupid comment...
If you have a Mac, it'll work. If it doesn't you're stupid or didn't do it right. You need a dual layer DVD or external drive. You need a brain. You need to fucking use Google for once in your life. If you cannot work out how to use this, just go buy Leopard and STFU.
Great torrent man. Keep it up.

SloSnoLeo (2009-01-11)

Hshin theres a way of using modified bootloaders to boot vanilla copies of Leo. Advantage is that you can use "System Update" ... Self-explanatory... Thats why im downloading this. Average down and up rates? mines are 3 KBps down and 3.3KBps up. Lets be more constructive than flaming.

SloSnoLeo (2009-01-11)

And yes, you can put it on a Windows machine. Right now im running Tiger on a ThinkCentre IBM.
Try this website:

Otherwise, try:

Also worth a read.

SloSnoLeo (2009-01-11)

alec djinn what is the checksum for this download?
just know in in advance

SloSnoLeo (2009-01-14)

Nobody commented since I last posted... Thats good. Means I bore out ppl.
Can you ppl upload some more? im getting 10 KBps down and somebody's jacking me 70 KBps. I hate uploading several times faster than im downloading. Then, every time that I try to throttle down the uploads they just fall down and for some stupid reason BOTH my upload and my download rates fall to 0 almost instantly. When I make it unlimited upload my upload sticks at around 3-4 KBps and suddenly im getting upload speeds in excess of 90KBps for a few seconds. Gimme a break.

SloSnoLeo (2009-01-18)

Still nobody that posted?????? Am I talking in vacuum?

i111 (2009-01-19)

I wonder what kind of torrent client you're using... or maybe you haven't open torrent ports in firewall.
Personally, I'm using utorrent and it works fine, I've never experienced higher upload than download rate.

SloSnoLeo (2009-01-21)

I've tried a billion BitTorrent clients on my Hackintosh. There is absolutely none that works without any problems:
BitTorrent: Completely useless, doesnt even start the download with "Message parsing error"
Vuze: Bloatware, every 2 minutes it fails with "Disk fail, write fail, flush fail"
Tomato: Doesnt crash (its a start) but useless once it crashed in the middle of a download, also huge upload speed low download speed
Niagara: Useless, it crashes every 3 minutes (version 0.3alpha1)
Bits on Wheels: Less useless, still crashes, not userfriendly hard to use. cant see 3d swarm
BitRocket: The one im using, it crashes every so often but its been on a nice streak lately (10 hours straight and counting no crashing) but what bugs me is that if you point it to a USB stick and it isnt there itll "make" one and download to it

SloSnoLeo (2009-01-25)

Holy Curds! got hacked and deleted!
Anybody got an idea for another website with instructions on making a hackintosh?

Goopet2008 (2009-01-28)


SloSnoLeo (2009-02-14)

Well there are Copies of Leo that are smaller (Because Developper Tools like Xcode were removed) but they dont work as well... just buy a DL DVD and burn it, if u dont have enough space on HdDisk then get another or get a 8GB Flash stick, I got a 16GB one for 24 bucks

shredtheibanez (2009-03-31)

Come on guys! Seed when you are done! Im seeding at twice the speed (getting 20kb/s download if im lucky!).
Seed Like atleast 150% (11GiB) Please!

shredtheibanez (2009-04-02)

Just wanted to say, thanks to everyone out there seeding :)
I Appreciate it A LOT! :):):)
Hope this is a good torrent :)

shredtheibanez (2009-04-04)

seed, Seed, SEED!

PeterM11 (2009-04-19)

Why can I not run this in VMware Workstation???!

kkcci88888 (2009-04-28)

Many Thanks, it is very fast and completed the download just for 1 day....
Currently installing....

kkcci88888 (2009-04-28)

kkcci88888 (2009-04-28)

kkcci88888 (2009-04-28)

Completed the installation
Around 1.15 hours

LoilHart (2009-07-08)

jesus people seed D_D lol wth slike everyone jumps on when i start to download.....ETA: 2d 13hrs.....ah nutz u.u w/e lol thanks! cant wait to use it.

LoilHart (2009-07-08)

btw ankss1000 its still a mac disc so windows wont show all the files just the 400mb of w/e but its all still there. just gotta either burn it or install it into vw.

buzbie (2009-07-09)

This is EXCELLENT, 1st Copy to work for me, first time straight away no messing... Burnt it on mac then installed it in 30 Mins....
Will seed for at least 200%

bommyo (2009-07-09)

Anybody willing to sell a working copy?
will pay postage
[email protected]

buzbie (2009-07-09)

you on eBay? email me your details..
[email protected]

buzbie (2009-07-16)

I am not selling copies of this for anyone else who is after one.. Go and buy it from a shop.

joedcurtis (2009-07-26)

I will sell copies of this 'Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard Install DVD - full iso image' on a bootable disc for £20 inc. P&P to UK or $30 inc. P&P to US. Please, any questions or orders, email me on [email protected] .

joedcurtis (2009-07-27)

This is a follow on from my comment above. I will create an eBay listing soon and post the URL so that buyers feel safe sending money to me.

joedcurtis (2009-08-02)

I have 4 discs left! 46 already gone. If you can't wait the 8 days and nights it took me to download this, just send me £19.99 to UK or $29.99 to US along with your name and address and I'll send the disc the very or next day so that you get your DVD in a couple of days! Please send payments through PayPal to [email protected] . If you have already downloaded it but need a 8.5GB disc, I am offering and blanc one for £15.99 to UK or $22.99 to US through PayPal to [email protected] .

Buzzer66 (2009-08-04)

joedcurtis: have fun dealing with Apple Legal, who for sure won't leave you alone.
Seriously, how stupid are you?
It's one thing to leech this for one self to try out before buying the real deal - But to pay this bitch 30 x the cost of a proper blanc DVD+R DL disc is just as stupid.
If you're thinking of buying - Buy a legit Leopard disc and upgrade it to Snow Leo for $29 in a few weeks.

baibaibai (2009-08-06)

I'm done downloading, and seeding. Before I waste a DL blank, can someone please confirm with me that this can be burned on a Windows computer.

al4zal (2009-08-09)

Hello guys,
for some reason when i boot from the dvd or the external hard drive the installation freezes on me at the Grey screen apple logo with spinning wheel. I have tried both burning into a DL disk and boot from an external drive. Please if someone can help me it will greatly appreciated. Its macbook pro 1.83gz . Thank u.

000ps (2009-08-15)

Need a little help...
I downloaded the torrent on a PC running Vista. Burnt to a 8.5 gig DVD using MagicISO burner. I am attempting to reinstall Leo on my black MacBook on a blank harddrive but everytime I try, it ejects the DVD and I get the multilanguage 'you must shutdown' message.
When I load it into my Netbook (which runs Vista and OS X 10.5.7) on the PC side, I can access the files but it says its just Bootcamp.
When I start the MacBook using the option key, it reads the DVD and gives me the option to load it but then ejects it again.
Anyone have any suggestions on how I can resolve this? Thanks. (2009-10-15)

sooo thanks alec_djinn
long live the pirate bay
keep it up

loveless3 (2009-11-28)

I'm stuck at like 70%! please seed!!!!

jetrule (2009-11-29)

hey can someone helpme plz
i have a mac tiger g5 and i want to upgrade it to leopard.
i have downloaded the torrent with vuze but know i dont have any dual layer DVD but i have an external drive called lacie
should it work? if i install it on lacie?

Flummig_Badboll (2009-12-02)

Hello, i was wondering how the h**l should i do to install this over a windows computer? i have windows 7

lwieise87 (2009-12-11)

Thanks alec_djinn! This worked great on my iBook G4 (early 2004) with 1.07Ghz proc. and 1.5GB RAM.
Burned using Power2Go on a Vista PC with Samsung DVD+DL burner and Verbatim DL media. Use the slowest speed possible (usually 4x) to make sure there are no errors. My iBook's Superdrive is broken so I used a Sony DVD drive with an external FIREWIRE enclosure (N.B. It is not possible to boot from a USB drive on PPC Mac)
Just updated to 10.5.8 using Software Update. It took forever because there were over 1.5gigs to update from the release in this torrent (10.5.1 I think).
I'm seeding this on my seedbox for a looong time at +/-75Kb/s.

binhate (2010-01-06)

Il faut passer par "Utilitaire de disques" un utilitaire fournis avec le système Mac. Il n'est pas possible de passer par Nero ou Toast pour faire des DVD bootables. En fait il est le seul à pouvoir créer de vrais/faux "originaux". Il y à tout pour transformer en ISO une image disque et ensuite la graver comme un original. Et c'est pourquoi il ne faut pas utiliser toast pour ce genre d'opérations.

binhate (2010-01-06)

Program : Disk Utility in Application
Disk : DVD DL- Double couche de 8,54 Gig
burn it, restart and enjoy

nattias (2010-02-07)

Hey guys i have windows 7 x64 and i was wondering if it was possible to use it in VmWare i dont want to download something that wont work any help guys???????????

LAPARA (2010-02-15)

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

archstud (2010-02-19)

Hmmm... I have downloaded this and burned with Nero onto Verbatim DVD+DL at the slowest speeds possible. This will not start in my iBook G4 1.42 GHz. Holding down the "C" key upon powering up goes nowhere, and the ibook spits the disk out, but it sounded like it was trying to spin up.
When I put this inside the iBook after the current OS (10.4) loads, nothing happens and it spits out the DVD.
I tried this in my Dell 600m to see if I could at least see the files, and I see "BootCamp" loading up?
What gives?
BTW, I have tested this in another G4 iBook, and had the same issues happen.

theselkie (2010-02-28)

Hi here folks,
I've read some pretty snooty posts around TPB on the download pages for various OSX. You know...bash the
newbies of the Mac world for being new. Well I'm new to MacWorld myself, even though a pretty advanced
laptop techie on the PC end.
I've had nothing but difficulty with the more advanced install options around here and burned a half
dozen frisbees in the process. I have a Macbook 13.3; 2.0ghz Core Duo Intel that was given to me in trade
for some PC work and a laptop. It was a mess. Anyway, all lined up again on the hardware end, I needed to
find an OSX download that would get me started down the road to Macville.
I didn't come here to whine and fuss, and I needed to download to my Dell E6500 running W7, and be able to
burn from an ISO using Roxio that would prodce a DL disc that would insert into the Macbook DVD slot and
just get its ass loaded on the HD. I had one failed install attempt until I used the "Customize" option at
the beginning of the Install setup and deselected the Printer Drivers and other Languages.
BIGTIME Kudos to the guy that URLed this download. There's a happy little Disco Doot DOOtie Doo singin' and
a setup to be done. Now, About 1 hour from inserting the burned OSX Install Disc, I'm all set up and running
Leopard 10.5.1., happily updating away.
So, the way I figure it, I give a $100 credit for a seriously thrashed Black Macbook, go down another $Benjamin$
for a battery and charger, a little patience, and thanks to the dude that rolled this download out; it's just a
matter of time to learn all the "astonishing glories" of Macdom, and all without having to talk to the beer
bellies behind the "Genius Bar" at the fancy new Mac Store in Downtown Santa Barbara. When the "Geniuses" figure
out how to make a black charger I'll grant them the time of day, maybe.
Life is good, and I'll be seeding whenever possible.
The Selkie

GSBuser (2010-04-23)

@theselkie -Thank you for your kind words. This is the kind of talking we need on PB. There's no need for frustrations. I've been Mac addict for the past 5 years. I've worked at the Apple Store for like a month. I have friends there who hook me up. For those of you who want help...learn to ask specific questions and be NICE. We techies want to help you the same way we were helped. That is the "idea" behind PB. Remember to seed!!!

skorstensmannen (2010-05-16)

If you want to install it on a pc you must have Empire Efi.

sexygirlrocks (2010-05-19)

I burned this to a dual layer disk and popped it into my iMac G4, the player sounds like it is trying to read it but never quite does. Download at your own risk.

themadhatter3030 (2010-06-10)

Here are some easy INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR upgrading a Mackbook Pro 15 in (Originally running 10.4) to 10.5 using this DISK IMAGE.
You will need a computer that can burn a Double Layer DVD (DVD-DL).
1. After downloading, right click (ctrl+click) the ISO file and OPEN WITH: DISK UTILITIE.
2. (this step is optional, but my first attempt at burning failed before I did this)
In the right hand column, RIGHT CLICK the ISO and select FIRST AID, then select RAPAIR DISK.
3. Insert your BLANK DVD+DL, and in the right column again highlight the ISO and hit the BURN button.
In the next window make sure you set the BURN SPEED TO THE LOWEST IT CAN GO. This should prevent any burn errors
4. Once burn is complete, insert the disk into your Mac Book Pro 15, open, and run the INSTALL MAC OS X.
(if this does nothing, or your computer can not read the disk, restart your computer and as soon as you hear the BOOT TONE press and hold the SHIFT key. A picture of your HARD DRIVE and the mac os x DVD should appear. Choose the DVD and the Install prompt should begin as soon as its loaded.)
NOTE* make sure you have AT LEAST 10 GBs of free space before you try to install. The first time I tried, I blew it tuff and installing with only 5 GBs free. This destroyed my system and I had to reformat my HD.
Let me know if you have any Q's.

themadhatter3030 (2010-06-12)

Make sure you:

joedirte (2010-06-18)

im getting 7 out of 17 and 6.6k which is taking forever.... for this download do you have to burn it to a dl disc or can you just straight run it.?

kaneis (2010-07-07)

THANK YOU!!! My old iMac G4 1.25GHz (PPC) (17" iLamp) is reborn! My iMac does not have a DL DVD writer, so here are The Steps: 1) download the ISO, 2) copy it on a USB external NTFS disk (after installing NTFS-3G on OS X 10.4.11 Tiger), 3) take it to a PC and burn the ISO (slooowwwly) onto a DL DVD -R, 4) take the DVD to the iMac , pop it into the DVD writer and restar holding the "C" key pressed, 5) enter the OS X Leopard installation and choose to "Upgrade" the system. It takes soemtime to do it, but at the end I had a beautifull OS X Leopard installation on my iMac.
A few days erlier I had installe 1GB external memory module. So, now my iMc has 1.5GB RAM and with the new Leopard OS X it runs great. After the installation, on the first reboot I had the system upgrade to OS X 10.5.8, the highest OS X version my PPC iMac can have.

Rocco9999 (2010-07-13)

It worked in my MacBookPro!nI downloaded the image and burned in Windows using Roxio Creator 2010 Pro (use the option Burn Disc Image), then I poped in my MacBookPro and holded the c key while it was booting. The installation program starts and all goes fine!

coloration (2010-07-28)

I'm under Windows XP Pro x64
Burning program : Imgburn
Disk : Verbatim DVD+R DL
Burning Speed : 4x (lowest)
Tested in : iMac G5 17' iSight
(PowerPc 1.9GHz + 1GB DDR2 + HDD160GB)
Results :
-Boot with "C" command OK
-Checking install DVD : 20 minutes but result OK
-Install (not full : 6GB) 30 minutes OK
After install : Version 10.5.1 totally OK
I'm downloading now the updates.

coloration (2010-07-28)

I'm under Windows XP Pro x64
Burning program : Imgburn
Disk : Verbatim DVD+R DL
Burning Speed : 4x (lowest)
Tested in : iMac PowerPC G5 17' iSight
(PowerPc 1.9GHz + 1GB DDR2 + HDD160GB)
Results :
-Boot with "C" command
-Checking install DVD : 20 minutes but result OK
-Install (not full : 6GB) 30 minutes
After install : Version 10.5.1 totally OK
I'm downloading now the updates.

Annie_L (2010-07-29)

I downloaded the file on my external disk. I have a problem with my burner, so I was wondering if there is any way I could installe the program on my macbook pro without having to burn it on a disk.
Thanks so much!

WyllyWylly (2010-08-13)

Tested and working on VirtualBox 3.2.6, XP SP3 host OS. Requires some massaging to run on Intel hardware. Still working on a hanging at reboot issue, but other than that it works beautifully. Thanks for the great upload.

housesails (2010-08-22)

This ISO worked just as it should PERFECT!!!!! I installed it on a Old Power Mac G4 533 mhz upgraded to a 1 ghz Giga Designs Processor which is supposed to have a firmware hack to get it to install. All I did was burn the .iso to a Dual Layer DVD with disk utility at the slowest speed and when that was done Double Clicked install OSX and there you have it. I have OSX 10.5.1 on an unsupported Power Mac G4 with 640 mb of ram. Currently Installing updates and everything is good so far. I will post more if there are any problems. Look for my comments.
Thank You alec_djinn!!!!! I am seeding at all times...

moimeme_81 (2010-09-05)

is it possible to make the install by mounting the iso instead of burning it???

EvgenyKorzhilov (2010-09-15)

Give to speed please

trpled32 (2010-09-23)

Will this work on my machine?
Machine Name: Power Mac G4 (AGP graphics)
Machine Model: PowerMac3,1
CPU Type: PowerPC G4 (3.3)
Number Of CPUs: 1
CPU Speed: 1.4 GHz
L2 Cache (per CPU): 256 KB
L3 Cache (per CPU): 2 MB
Memory: 1.12 GB
Bus Speed: 100 MHz

-pcp- (2010-09-28)

ok, how can i burn it in windows when there are no .mds file that you need when burning double layer iso`s !?
dowloading whit windows
Installing to a G5

jordijor (2010-09-29)

Will this work on my computer?
I have a AMD Phenom II X4 955
XFX Radeon HD 5770 1GB
MSI 770-G45
4gb ram 1333 Mhz
Now Running on Windows 7 64 Bit
But I wanna try Mac OS

redbarney (2010-10-04)

perfect. did just what is says on the tin. after a bit of mucking about installed via usb HD onto my imac G5. thanks again.

mbutton8 (2010-10-09)

Thankyou! The download works just fine if you know what your doing, these are the steps I took:
My System: Apple eMac G4
CPU: 1.25GHz (PowerPC)
1. I downlaoded the .iso via uTorrent.
2. Burnt it using Nero StartSmart Essentials, with an Asus DVD-RW DL, using a DVD+R DL 8x.
3. By default, I burnt it at 8x.
4. I had to swap DVD drives in my eMac because my standard drive spat it back out again I think because it dosen't support dual layer disks, so I used a Lite-On drive.
5. The disk booted fine first time, I didn't run the disk analysis and the installation took about 45 minutes.
Give me a message for any help. Thankyou again Alec!
Leopard is a great OS!!

drumralexander (2010-10-20)


gFrenke97 (2010-10-24)

would it work at vmware workstion 7?

don2122 (2010-11-07)

Thanks Alec. I finally got this to work perfectly on my mac G5. It took me 2 weeks to figure out what I did wrong and 15 DVD R's trashed. It was worth the effort because Leopard is a beautiful operating system. I'm a disabled Veteran and this was a nice gift!

Ferguson85 (2010-11-09)

Hi everyone. I didn't actually download this torrent, iv picked up another one on the site but i thought id max my chances of getting a reply by posting here too as i haven't got a clue what to do and i could really use some help.
Iv been given a Power Mac G5 with no OS X (they gave me Snow Leopard with it which isnt supported) so its basically just a shell.
Iv downloaded this torrent earlier today
and put it on a flash drive, but from that point on im lost. The flash drive isnt being picked up when i switch it just getting that grim folder with a question mark on it.
Any ideas?
Thank you

CG980 (2010-11-23)

You need a external drive with Firewire, PowerMacs can't boot from USB.
The steps I took on Mac OS X 10.4:
1) Partition the drive with Disk Utility--you'll need a ~8GB partition and Apple Partition Map. The type of filesystem is not important, as it will be overwritten.
2) Open the install iso.
3) Select the restore tab. Drag the install image *partition* to the source, and the newly created partition to the destination.
Then click the restore button.
The boot drive can be set in System Preferences or by pressing the Alt button at power-up until the gray apple logo appears.
If I didn't have a working Mac to do this, I'd have got myself some DL DVDs ;-)
Thanks for uploading! I haven't found Leopard for sale anywhere so you saved me from my flea-ridden Tiger.

lewframex (2010-12-16)

You can also use this through your USB.
1st, make sure that it can accommodate for Leopard Install.
2nd, have your the .dmg file on your desktop.
3rd, open disk utility and click on your USB name in the side panel.
4th, near the top of the screen you'll see a bar that reads | First Aid | Erase | RAID | Restore |.
5th, click erase - then click the drop down menu and make sure it says 'Mac OS Extended (Journaled)'. (Where it says name, you can type in what you'd like to rename your USB).
6th, click 'Restore' at the bar at the top.
7th, where it says source, you will want to browse for the Leopard .dmg file by clicking Image.
8th, where you see destination, you will need to drag your USB (that you named in step 5) to the destination box from the side panel.
9th, once you have done that, click restore.
10th, restart your computer, then double click your USB on the desktop and begin your setup!
Hope this saved some time and money!
(by the way, if when you begin setup of Leopard from your USB and it appears with a message along the lines of 'Install Mac OS X cannot be used from this volume', you will need to restart your computer whilst holding the option (or alt) key).

lewframex (2010-12-16)

**Also, at the end of step 5, you will need to click erase.**

goodiesguy (2010-12-27)

Where is a smaller torrent of this????
I need to fit it on a 4.7GB dvd.
I don't want 10.4 Tiger, i want 10.5 Leopard.
Somebody please direct me to a smaller torrent that will work. and its gotta be the g4 compatible version.

pkarovsky (2011-01-01)

How do I download this??

Pondake (2011-01-18)

I want to install it on PPC 10.4, but IF I install the new os x does the old one keep or got deleted?

Zerojohnnyx (2011-02-04)

Can someone help me out? I bought a used G4 Powerbook. 1.25 GHz PowerPC. It supports os x 10.2.7 to 10.5.8 , can anyone tell me if this will work for my Powerbook? It is not an intel core and I this one that I got off of ebay seems to only work for imac. I thought as long as the system supported the os then the rest wouldn't matter but I am not sure. Thanks for any help.

Mystery_Torrenter (2011-02-24)

Will this work on a blank computer with no OS installed with system specs of:
AMD Athlon II Neo K125(1.70GHz)
Cache Per Processor:
1MB L2 Cache
Hard Drive:
160GB SATA 5400RPM
NVIDIA GeForce 9200 Integrated Graphics
Sound card - Integrated
10/100/1000 Gigabit Ethernet LAN (RJ-45 port)

phuynh (2011-02-26)

I am having trouble with this. I try to burn it to a DVD and the ISO burner continues to stop working while burning. Even though it stops working there is stuff burned onto the DVD. I put it in my G5 and I restarted it and it just stays at the screen with the apple. What am I doing wrong? This is my first Apple computer so kind of new at this.

justwork4me (2011-03-06)

I'd love some help. I got the disc burned, put it in the computer, click "Install". It prompts me to "Restart" which I do. Then it just opens up normal, not starting the install. I read suggestions to hold "C" or "Shift" on restart. Neither worked for me. Any other suggestions?

adamine (2011-03-14)

I just ran into the same thing and learned that like burning music files to a CD there is actually more than one correct way to burn a DVD. How did you burn the .iso image to DVD DL?
A) Using the Finder (this only copies the file to the DVD which would give you what you're getting)
B) Using the Disk Utility
I'm guessing you only copied the file to the DVD using the Finder rather than the Disk Utility.
1. Insert a blank DVD DL
2. Open the Disk Utility under Applications/Utilities
3. Select your DVD burner and click "burn"
4. Navigate to the .iso file
5. Click "burn"
Hope this helps

adamine (2011-03-14)

alec_djinn, thank you!
Finally got this to work, and maybe these steps seem simple to some but took me days to figure out, so I thought I'd share.
machine I wanted to install 10.5: PowerBook G4, PowerPC, Firewire 400, OSX 10.3.9
other machine: iMac, intel, OSX 10.6.6
1) Downloaded file to the iMac
2) Burnt .iso image to a DVD +R DL using the Disk Utility on the iMac (not the Finder), ejected the disk when finished
3) Connected the PowerBook G4 to the iMac using a firewire cable
4) Restarted the iMac while holding down T to enter firewire target disk mode (PowerBook G4 was already powered on). This essentially turns the iMac into an external DVD drive for the G4
5) Inserted the DVD back into the iMac and the image showed up on the PowerBook desktop.
6) Double-click and install

luckylew (2011-03-22)

ok i have a big issue and anyone that can help would be amazing my wifes powerbook g4 10.4.11 entered black screen single user mode and well make a long story short she needs to fresh install 10.4 or 10.5 and it reads dvd's i think... anyways im a pc guy i can do just about anything but mac not to familiar with so my ? is if i burn to DL 8GB dvd+r dl will it be able to boot install or will i need an external dvd rom? please email me at [email protected] ASAP PLEASE

pedrowski (2011-03-23)

hi, i'm new to the pirate bay.
could you tell me if the number of seeders and leechers as it currently stands is correct? cause it's idle in my transmission. does anyone experience the same problem?

Anonym099 (2011-03-24)

Does this work with a PC running Windows XP that's been made into a Hackintosh?
I have a NetBook, with no CD Drive that was running Mac OS Leopard, but now runs Windows XP because of a system wipe clean. Will this work?

devilboy155p (2011-04-14)

download now @ 400kb/s - Eh, it's okay.. i'll comment when it's done. Imma try and boot it from VMware

ghostyishuntingyou (2011-04-16)

i need 10.5.8
Plz help meee

parablez (2011-04-21)

OK!!! i need HELP PLEASE!!!
i've done everything you've said please and it still didn't work..i burnt it onto a DL disk worked perfect and then tried to install it and when i restarted my computer it just went back to the beginning!!!
can someone please help???

cordaz12 (2011-04-24)

Have downloaded, installing now, going well so far. Imac G5 iSight

eze2121 (2011-04-25)

Hey parablez I believe that if when you restart your computer and hold down the c button your computer is supposed to start from the disc. I used an external hard drive just recently and it worked great. Hope this helps you!

Oathdynasty (2011-06-19)

Will this work on AMD?

gambino90 (2011-06-22)

Ok. I downloaded the whole thing, but this isn't the installation. I tried it on VMware, and on my PC. It doesn't work. Running windows vista SP1, VMware is recent. I put it in a virtual drive and it came up with just under 500MB. This is bull crap and I'm going for another download.

Macman.74D (2011-06-30)

i have tried to download but the file size is only 152kb and when i try to open i get the mesage "there is no default application" any ideas waht i'm doing wrong?

Tj_752010 (2011-07-04)

hey im new to trying to install os's to computers can anyone please help me because i would like to run this os on my toshiba satellite L655d-S5050
and a Dell inspiron 1521
both are AMD processors

MortalKombat9 (2011-07-05)

Wow, thank you so much for this! You are the mannnnnnn! Everyone, this really REALLY works! I dont know how I could ever thank you enough! You saved me so much time and money. Thank you again! Perhaps one day I shall have something in a torrent that will be helpful to you.
Take care my friend

BossieB (2011-07-15)

I am updating from OS10.3.9 G5 on my Mums eMac. Do I need to do a clean install or will it automatically update?
Thanxs for the up : )

ddsaday (2011-07-18)

Seed please. Right now, it's showing the ETA is infinite.

turdcrow (2011-10-03)

Good grief. I am appalled at how many people are complaining because the program they got for free that was written to run on APPLE hardware doesn't magically boot on DELL hardware! I am also appalled that anyone would dare to say "i have tried to download but the file size is only 152kb and when i try to open i get the mesage "there is no default application" any ideas waht i'm doing wrong?" You don't understand the entire concept of what a torrent is.
People that inept about computers should NOT be tinkering with OSes. Do the world a favor and just use what the computer came with or hire someone else to change it for you.

turdcrow (2011-10-03)

OH, and you people complaining that it's not 10.5.what you want need to get a life. Install this and go to system update and download the difference. Good grief! Some people are too stupid for my sanity!

Characterise (2011-10-08)

i need help i downloaded it and burnt it on cd then put it in my 2007 macbook but all the files like setup etc come up as choose application and i dont know what to choose as i dont know macs and the first time owning one and ive tried all the google information bout installing it by usb but its not working, just please someone help me install it i just want leopard 10.5 so i can download itunes etc because atm its not allowing me keeps saying i have to have mac os x 10.5

Characterise (2011-10-08)

please email me if you can help even if you know how to do it with a flash usb, [email protected]

charlie94 (2011-11-22)

To clear up any confusion, this is a Retail Copy of Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard.
It is in the *.ISO format. This means it can be burned using a Windows (Or Macintosh) Computer.
This does not allow direct installation onto a Windows Based Machine OR a Virtual Machine.
There are tutorials on-line that can help you install an ISO version of OS X on a Windows Based Machine:

This Image DOES allow Direct Installation onto a Macintosh Computer. (Tested on My MacBook Pro)

michaelrwatson (2011-12-20)

DOES anyone know if i can put this .ISO file on a USB/Flash drive (e.g. an 8GB one) and then install 10.5 to a second internal hard drive from that?
i.e. never actually burn it DVD..? The problem is: i don't have a dual-layer burner :p
Or, do you have to *start up* from the 10.5 DVD to install..? I should know this from having installed 10.4, but it's been ages.... Thanks.

Luther496 (2012-01-22)

can you give step by step insructions? i am using a PPC based G4 and i open the file and it appears to work and it says to restart and i do then nothing. i have tried holding down the c button while doing this also. help would be highly appriciated

themoodude (2012-02-18)

I couldn't agree with you more. Granted I know virtually nothing about Mac (I don't like Apple at all anyway, but have recently bought a second hand mac mini as a media streamer), but if people don't understand what they're doing- don't complain! That'd be like buying a car and moaning to Ford when it doesn't float!!!
This is not designed to boot on a PC, nor is it designed to boot and run seamlessly in a virtual machine. This is the 10.5 DVD, intended for use in supported Apple devices.

karthik2409 (2012-03-12)

how to make a bootable dvd in windows of this torrent can any one explain it in detail step by step

karthik2409 (2012-03-12)

how to install this in windows.
can you explain it step by step in detail
thanks in advance

epew23 (2012-03-25)

This iso is bigger than the normal dvd hold(about 4.5 gbs give or take on brand) You need a dual layer dvd burner and dual layer dvds for the bootable disk. You can make one via usb (9gb or more) using the linux live creator. Its free and very simple.
Also this does not work on intel machines via iBoot.

cobradude (2012-04-25)

Seed People! Seed! I have amzingling fast internet speeds which usually only takes me about 30 minutes at worst for me do download a game twice the size as this!

dude100 (2012-06-10)

I have a iMac G5 Isight 17" PPC and had no os at all and was looking for a full install and this worked... down loaded with a pc, the only program that i had that would see it at the right size was "Nero burning ROM 10" i used a dual layer DVD GB burned it and it worked perfectly i did burn it at a slow speed but don't know if that contributed or not. let it do disk check during install and it passed, If your burn software on your PC sees it as 430 MB it will not work, must see it as 7.5GB thanks for uploading this 10.5 I am now updated to 10.5.8 from the updates on the imac.

RockinLikeAMutha (2012-06-26)

This does work for all yous that think it doesn't, all you need to do is rename the last three letters off the file to iso, than burn it as an image to a DVD-R DL 8.5GB using the software ''iso recorder 2.1'' than run it on your mac, turn mac off, hold the option button down while turning it back on than install and follow the on screen options, done!!Easy as!!Worked for me atless!!

alaltaieri (2012-07-18)

I downloaded the file, burned it with isoburn at 2x with succes.
I installed 10.5 on my ibook g4, 1.07 mhz,512 MB Ram,60gb hdd.
It installed ok, but after restarting it just sits on a black screen and goes nowhere. It plays the on chimes and churns the DVD drive, but then nothing.
Can someone help me ?

BoneBat (2012-08-11)

I have an iBook G4 version 10.4.11, processor 1.33 GHz PowerPC G4, Memory 512 MB Built-In, Startup Disk Macintosh HD. i dont know if this computer can burn dual layer dvds or not. so what i did was try burning the image file to a dl dvd on a Windows pc and then install it on my iBook. i try putting the file on a flash drive from my iBook and the file was too big to transfer there so i use Split & Concat to Split the file into the USB flash drive, and then concat the file on my Windows. after i concat all the pieces from my USB flash drive to my Windows computer i burned it to a dual layer using poweriso at the lowest speed possible. it took about 30 minutes or so to burn. after the burn was completed i inserted the the burned dl dvd into my iBook. it reads it fine in the beginning and it says to click restart to begin upgrade, so i click on the restart and it restarts and takes me to the grey screen with the apple logo and a spinning wheel under it and it just stays like that. nothing happens. i left my iBook on all night and when i woke up the next morning the screen was still the same.. Can someone PLEASE tell me what i am doing wrong? i really want to upgrade my mac and i dont want to give up just yet. (i also try pressing the option key in the beginning to start up my mac with the dvd and the same thing happens) HELP ME!

wolf024 (2012-08-13)

In the hope that this one works

wolf024 (2012-08-13)

He works! i has needed that I change my DVD reader (I had to buy a double layer reader - fashion ide) and the update appears very well. Thank you!

BoneBat (2012-08-14)

i provably need a double layer reader.. :(

wolf024 (2012-08-16)

I have a PPC G5, Tiger ( 10.4.11 ), it has a space to work on it. It in easy and the ridiculous price! ($5.00 with $10.00 ) but the old model: IDE, it is imports (below: 2006)!

KlausSchmidt (2012-09-20)

Thanks Alec! I would have been willing to buy this, if Apple still bothered to sell it. Now our orphaned PPC Macs can limp on for a few more years with the latest versions of HandBrake and other Mac software that won't run on 10.4.11.

kendo96 (2012-10-15)

Hey man, ive been having the same problem, and no matter how long i searched nobody had the fucking answer lol
This program helps soooo much, because you can use a usb instead of disks, its awesome!

yutik (2012-11-18)

Exellent Work PERFECT on G5

DeadToll2012 (2012-11-26)

fuck... 7.51 GB... nah man im not gonna download it my down speed is painfully slow like a snail.

Batzilla (2013-01-05)

Downloaded this took 2 days thanks to the Crappy Broadband here however loaded up the ISO it shows as a 405mb disk with Boot Camp browsed the ISO in general and that's all that is showing is there a reason for this?

Batzilla (2013-01-05)

Downloaded this took 2 Days thanks to my Crappy Internet loaded up the ISO file and got a 405mb Boot Camp disk appear instead so I went to browse the ISO file and that's all that was there any reason this might be?

Batzilla (2013-01-05)

Figured it out by using TransMac

geo.metro (2013-01-18)

Tried on my iBook G4, 1.4GHz, 1 GB of RAM, but did not do anyhting. I downloaded it on my Win 7 PC, then burned it with imgburn to a new DL DVD, wasted it it, any one got this to work or are we doomed to live with 10.4.11 forever!

indotiger (2013-04-19)

Not work with Power Mac G5. Burn ISO to DL disk. Not recognized as Bootable CD. Have to use other torrent.

swif16 (2013-06-14)

this torrent worked for me after being on crappy tiger 10.4.11 ! on a imac g5 just need the boot camp so i can do a dual boot with windows 7 !!

sonicfan2 (2013-06-28)

thanks now i can install the iso to my virtual box machine

zandersig (2014-01-06)

Can someone please email me the. torrent file? I can't use magnet links until I get 10.5 installed.... :-( charlie1146 at myopera dot com
It will be greatly appreciated guys! TIA!

r4t3d (2014-01-13)

This is 10.6.3 not 10.5 I have tried to download it twice ... First time full D/l and attached .dmg file is for snow leopard 10.6.3. Thought I made a mistake so d/l it again ... same thing. This is not 10.5 Leopard it is 10.6.3 Snow Leopard.

sjons (2014-01-14)


MissAnthropy (2014-08-27)

Please disregard the previous two comments.
- This is the installation DVD for Macintosh OS X 10.5 Leopard, NOT 10.6 Snow Leopard.
- It is an iso, not a dmg.
- It works perfectly.

EDZER0 (2014-10-30)

Hey MssAnthropy,
Any chance you can help me update My moms e-Mac? Me external isn't coming up in system preferences and I can't burn the image. Please help ed_romero1 yahoo

texaspoet (2015-03-16)

Probably worth looking at for making a usb boot from this file:


1. Mac OS X Install DVD.iso 7687.91 Mb