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Great Books For Our Time




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Great Books For Our Time




2010-06-18 (by Anonymous)


Great books that I consider must reads. If freedom is ever to be truly embraced in America or in any nation around the world, intellect applied with principle and an understanding of human limitations and imperfection should draw a profound sense of reservation with regards to governance. We cannot create moral codes within people by the use of legislation. Government is force. In its proper limits, it is not advocacy. People must consistently choose liberty at every step and to do that principle must reign over the imperfect impulse to assault others and justify it by doing so through the legal mask of government. Legality is not necessarily morality. In order to overcome this imperfection of the human will, which makes government necessary in the first place, we must be a principled people, disciplined to our own moral cores, based upon axiomatic truth. These books are several, not all by any stretch, of those that I have found to be profoundly instructive to the best defensible truth about the proper arrangement of individuals, that being as great voluntary interaction as possible, with government restricted to stopping force, redressing fraud, and protecting our individual liberty from malicious harm, both external and internal. Hopefully, you who download this have already read several of these books but perhaps have not read them all. If you have come across other literature to the defense and promotion of these ideas, please share them. The time for choosing is now, more than ever. Ayn Rand - Atlas Shrugged Boortz and Linder - The Fair Tax Book Frederic Bastiat - Law Frederick Hayek - The Road To Serfdom George Orwell - Animal Farm Henry Hazlitt - Economics In One Lesson John Taylor Gatto - The Underground History Of American Education Jonah Goldberg - Liberal Fascism Larry Schweikart - A Patriot's History Of The United States Mark Steyn - America Alone Michael Crichton - State Of Fear Milton Friedman - Free To Choose Rad Bradbury - Fahrenheit 451 Thomas Sowell - Basic Economics A Citizens Guide To The Economy W. Cleon Skousen - The 5000 Year Leap


  1. history
  2. liberal
  3. lies
  4. liberty
  5. constitution
  6. america
  7. freedom
  8. conservatism
  9. libertarianism
  10. liberty
  11. hayek
  12. friedman
  13. goldberg
  14. rand
  15. gatto
  16. bastiat
  17. stossel
  18. williams
  19. sowell
  20. hazlitt
  21. orwell
  22. bradbury

Files count:



34.02 Mb




ytsewolf (2010-06-18)

Only a few minutes after providing this torrent, I see it is getting a little crowded. Unfortunately, my connection is not fantastic. Bear with me, however, I will keep seeding this. Thanks for the interest!

Minerva7101 (2010-06-18)

Lots of great books there. Thanks!

indiaman (2010-06-18)

Thanks "The Unknown One".Some really great classics here.Your efforts are sincerely appreciated.

jadrifter (2010-06-19)

Paranoia, denial, and absolute faith in fairy tales! The ONLY path to the right wing version of "freedom".

ghghghl (2011-03-29)

Ayn Rand and Larry Schweikart should never be mentioned in the same breath as the word "great."