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Scarlatti - Thirty Sonatas for the Harpsichord






Scarlatti - Thirty Sonatas for the Harpsichord




2008-02-29 (by YowzaTheBear)


Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757) Essercizi per Gravicembalo (1738) (Thirty Sonatas for the Harpsichord) From the preface: "Reader, Whether you be Dilettante or Professor, in these Compositions do not expect any profound Learning, but rather an ingenious Jesting with Art, to accommodate you with the Mastery of the Harpsichord..." - -Domenico Scarlatti Joseph Payne, harpsichord Recorded June 4-8, 1990 at the Forde Estate, Boston, Massachusetts, USA Instrumentarium: Harpsichord in the Flemish tradition, with two keyboards (2 x 8', 4') and plectra made from crow-quill, by David Jacques Way (1980) in Stonington, Connecticut, USA Performance texts: Facsimile reprint, Gregg Press Ltd., 1967 Fernando Valenti, Ed., G. Schirmer, 1979 Label: Grammofon AB BIS original dynamics recording Master DDD, total time 73:37 mp3 @ 320 kbps Thirty Sonatas for the Harpsichord 1. I. (L.366) Allegro (D minor) 1'26 2. II. (L.388) Presto (G major) 1'22 3. III. (L.378) Presto (A minor) 1'49 4. IV. (L.390) Allegro (G minor) 1'49 5. V. (L.367) Allegro (D minor) 1'36 6. VI. (L.479) Allegro (F major) 1'29 7. VII. (L.379) Presto (A minor) 2'31 8. VIII. (L.488) Allegro (G minor) 2'33 9. IX. (L.413) Presto (D minor) 2'02 10. X. (L.370) Presto (D minor) 1'27 11. XI. (L.352) - (C minor) 1'33 12. XII. (L.489) Presto (G minor) 3'09 13. XIII. (L.486) Presto (G major) 2'32 14. XIV. (L.387) Presto (G major) 1'53 15. XV. (L.374) Allegro (E minor) 1'40 16. XVI. (L.397) Presto (B flat major) 3'04 17. XVII. (L.384) Presto (F major) 2'14 18. XVIII. (L.416) Presto (D minor) 3'58 19. XIX. (L.383) Allegro (F minor) 3'12 20. XX. (L.375) Presto (E major) 1'41 21. XXI. (L.363) Allegro (D major) 3'10 22. XXII. (L.360) Allegro (C minor) 3'03 23. XXIII. (L.411) Presto (D major) 2'53 24. XXIV. (L.495) Presto (A major) 2'58 25. XXV. (L.481) Allegro (F sharp minor) 2'07 26. XXVI. (L.368) Presto (A major) 2'41 27. XXVII. (L.449) Allegro (B minor) 2'15 28. XXVIII. (L.373) Presto (F major) 2'28 29. XXIX. (L.461) Presto (D major) 3'07 30. XXX. (L.499) Fuga (G minor) 3'42 I have also uploaded other classical & baroque composers - click on my user name.

Files count:



168.71 Mb




mic1303 (2008-10-25)

Thanks for this!

fabzXII (2010-03-21)

Crazy Genius Music

yamato74 (2011-07-24)


claude_animo (2013-04-10)

Thank you Yowza for these pieces...


1. Scarlatti - Thirty Sonatas for the Harpsichord/01 I. in D minor, L.366 - Allegro.mp3 3.37 Mb
2. Scarlatti - Thirty Sonatas for the Harpsichord/02 II. in G major, L.388 - Presto.mp3 3.19 Mb
3. Scarlatti - Thirty Sonatas for the Harpsichord/03 III. in A minor, L.378 - Presto.mp3 4.52 Mb
4. Scarlatti - Thirty Sonatas for the Harpsichord/04 IV. in D minor L.390 - Allegro.mp3 4.28 Mb
5. Scarlatti - Thirty Sonatas for the Harpsichord/05 V. in D minor, L.367 - Allegro.mp3 3.75 Mb
6. Scarlatti - Thirty Sonatas for the Harpsichord/06 VI. in F major, L.479 - Allegro.mp3 3.52 Mb
7. Scarlatti - Thirty Sonatas for the Harpsichord/07 VII. in A minor, L.379 - Presto.mp3 5.85 Mb
8. Scarlatti - Thirty Sonatas for the Harpsichord/08 VIII. in G minor, L.488 - Allegro.mp3 6.04 Mb
9. Scarlatti - Thirty Sonatas for the Harpsichord/09 IX. in D minor, L.413 - Presto.mp3 4.76 Mb
10. Scarlatti - Thirty Sonatas for the Harpsichord/10 X. in D minor, L.370 - Presto.mp3 3.81 Mb
11. Scarlatti - Thirty Sonatas for the Harpsichord/11 XI. in C minor, L.352.mp3 3.62 Mb
12. Scarlatti - Thirty Sonatas for the Harpsichord/12 XII. in G minor, L.489 - Presto.mp3 7.29 Mb
13. Scarlatti - Thirty Sonatas for the Harpsichord/13 XIII. in G major, L.486 - Presto.mp3 5.83 Mb
14. Scarlatti - Thirty Sonatas for the Harpsichord/14 XIV. in G major, L.387 - Presto.mp3 4.41 Mb
15. Scarlatti - Thirty Sonatas for the Harpsichord/15 XV. in E minor, L.374 - Allegro.mp3 4.07 Mb
16. Scarlatti - Thirty Sonatas for the Harpsichord/16 XVI. in B flat major, L.397 - Presto.mp3 7.15 Mb
17. Scarlatti - Thirty Sonatas for the Harpsichord/17 XVII. in F major, L.384 - Presto.mp3 5.36 Mb
18. Scarlatti - Thirty Sonatas for the Harpsichord/18 XVIII. in D minor, L.416 - Presto.mp3 9.19 Mb
19. Scarlatti - Thirty Sonatas for the Harpsichord/19 XIX. in F minor, L.383 - Allegro.mp3 7.64 Mb
20. Scarlatti - Thirty Sonatas for the Harpsichord/20 XX. in E major, L.375 - Presto.mp3 3.96 Mb
21. Scarlatti - Thirty Sonatas for the Harpsichord/21 XXI. in D major, L.363 - Allegro.mp3 7.42 Mb
22. Scarlatti - Thirty Sonatas for the Harpsichord/22 XXII. in C minor, L.360 - Allegro.mp3 7.04 Mb
23. Scarlatti - Thirty Sonatas for the Harpsichord/23 XXIII. in D major, L.411 - Allegro.mp3 6.69 Mb
24. Scarlatti - Thirty Sonatas for the Harpsichord/24 XXIV. in A major, L.495 - Presto.mp3 7.07 Mb
25. Scarlatti - Thirty Sonatas for the Harpsichord/25 XXV. in F sharp minor, L.481 - Allegro.mp3 4.88 Mb
26. Scarlatti - Thirty Sonatas for the Harpsichord/26 XXVI. in A major, L.368 - Presto.mp3 6.21 Mb
27. Scarlatti - Thirty Sonatas for the Harpsichord/27 XXVII. in B minor, L.449 - Allegro.mp3 5.26 Mb
28. Scarlatti - Thirty Sonatas for the Harpsichord/28 XXVIII. in F major, L.373 - Presto.mp3 5.70 Mb
29. Scarlatti - Thirty Sonatas for the Harpsichord/29 XXIX. in D major, L.461 - Presto.mp3 7.33 Mb
30. Scarlatti - Thirty Sonatas for the Harpsichord/30 XXX. in G minor, L.499 - Fuga. Moderato.mp3 9.47 Mb
31. Scarlatti - Thirty Sonatas for the Harpsichord/Scarlatti - Thirty Sonatas for the Harpsichord.rtf 2.67 Kb