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Adventist Media, The Young Age Of The Earth
Adventist Media, The Young Age Of The Earth
2009-04-22 (by Porkster)
The Young Age of the Earth is a 76 minute VHS/DVD video which explains how a created, young Earth, is compatible with a myriad of field evidences and the Genesis record of creation in six literal days.
Dr. Robert V. Gentry and his son, David present young earth evidences supporting rapid coal formation such as polonium halos in coalified wood and the astonishingly pure giant coal beds of the Powder River Basin. These coal beds, sometimes hundreds of feet thick, are better explained by a rapid deposition and burial of billions of tons of vegetation by a massive flood mechanism. Present day oil formation in the Guaymas Basin is seen using deep sea footage from DSV Alvin. Aerial and ground based footage of the Grand Canyon illustrate features which question whether the Colorado River carved the canyon over millions of years.
Dr. Walt Brown discusses his hydroplate theory which is consistent with the biblical flood model. Scenes from the visitor center at Dinosaur National Monument are explained in a startling new way. An explanation of cavitation includes footage from the Glen Canyon Dam where the power of catastrophically driven water is demonstrated in the spillway tunnels at the dam.
Fossil Butte National Monument is also visited where inconsistencies between accepted theory and fossil evidence abound. The mass burial and deposition of millions of fish demands a theory of catastrophism similar to that required in the Grand Canyon. Dinosaur tracks in the coal mines of Eastern Utah near Price are documented and related to the age of the coal which they are found in. The published evidence from the deep drill holes in New Mexico show helium retention which is impossible to explain except by a young Earth paradigm. A synopsis of the polonium halos evidence for a rapid crystallization of granite is given explaining the difficulties they pose to the view of an anciently evolving planet from a hot melt.
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Files count:
291.09 Mb
ashh4465 (2009-08-19)
wow, this is just sad. Um if god is truth, and you guys bend the truth so badly to make it fit your tradition...mabey your tradition isnt god>?..but a tradition? Lies cant be good and this pile of garbage is loaded with emTamarind777 (2010-06-19)
Here we go again with brainless banter from a person who believes his brain is not finished evolving yet, but that he still knows everything internally. How can anyone argue with such a buffoon? You believe that life came from rocks? You believe that dinosaurs died over sixty-five million years ago, yet fresh dinosaur blood and soft tissue have been found! So, your type of science says blood and soft tissue can last for 65,000,000 years??? Really? That is science? Even if I were not a Creationist I'd still not believe in your brainless, illogical idiocy of a religion posing as science. At best it's science fiction, or voodoo science, but certainly NOT science. Do evolutionists still believe in a flying spaghetti monster? Did one evolve yet? I am still waiting. Maybe you should check with your high priest, Mr. Duh-kins. "Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools." (Rom. 1:22).Pastafarian101 (2011-04-30)
"he still knows everything internally"Actually he doesn't, in fact, atheists are the ones more likely to admit they don't know an answer, rather than claim they have a magical book with all the answers in it
"You believe that life came from rocks?"
You believe life came from clay, right? Says in the bible, right?
"fresh dinosaur blood and soft tissue have been found"
Nope, it has never been found, keep spouting that creationist propoganda!
"Do evolutionists"
If accepting one theory makes us evolutionist, than I ask you also to call me a quantumist, a gravitationalist, germ theory diseasist, etc.
"Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools." (Rom. 1:22).
Isn't it ironic how Christians often profess to be the wise? Maybe that bible quote is for you!