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Developmental Biology (6th Edition) By Scott F. Gilbert






Developmental Biology (6th Edition) By Scott F. Gilbert




2006-04-08 (by Gaddaha)


Scott F. Gilbert - Developmental Biology (Sixth Edition) CONTENTS I Principles of Developmental Biology 1. Developmental Biology: The Anatomical Tradition 1.1 The reception of von Baer's principles 1.2 Conklin's art and science 1.3 Dr. Nicole Le Douarin and chick-quail chimeras 1.4 The mathematical background of pattern formation 1.5 How do zebras (and angelfish) get their stripes? 2. Life Cycles and the Evolution of Developmental Patterns 2.1 Immortal animals 2.2 The human life cycle 2.3 Protist differentiation 2.4 Volvox cell differentiation 2.5 Slime mold life cycle 3. Principles of Experimental Embryology 3.1 Establishing experimental embryology 3.2 The hazards of environmental sex determination 3.3 Receptor gradients 3.4 "Rediscovery" of the morphogenetic field 3.5 How morphogenetic behaviors work 3.6 Demonstrating the thermodynamic model 3.7 Cadherins: Functional anatomy 3.8 Other cell adhesion molecules 4. The Genetic Core of Development 4.1 The embryological origin of the gene theory 4.2 Creating developmental genetics 4.3 Amphibian cloning: Potency and deformity 4.4 Metaplasia 4.5 Antibody formation 4.6 DNA isolation techniques 4.7 Microarray technology 4.8 Knocking out specific genes at specific times and places 5. The Paradigm of Differential Gene Expression 5.1 Displacing nucleosomes 5.2 Structure of the 5' cap 5.3 Promoter structure and the mechanisms of transcription complex assembly 5.4 Families of transcription factors 5.5 Histone acetylation 5.6 Other recombinase methods 5.7 Enhancers and cancers 5.8 Further mechanisms of transcriptional regulation 5.9 Imprinting in humans and mice 5.10 Chromosome elimination and diminution 5.11 The medical importance of X chromosome inactivation 5.12 Differential nRNA censoring 5.13 An inside-out gene 5.14 The mechanism of differential nRNA splicing 5.15 Mechanisms of mRNA translation and degradation 5.16 The discovery of stored mRNAs 5.17 Other examples of translational regulation of gene expression 6. Cell?Cell Communication in Development 6.1 Hen's teeth 6.2 FGF binding 6.3 Functions of the Hedgehog family 6.4 Wnts: An ancient family 6.5 Eye formation: A conserved pathway 6.6 FGFR mutations 6.7 The uses of apoptosis 6.8 Notch mutations 6.9 Connexin mutations II Early Embryonic Development 7. Fertilization: Beginning a New Organism 7.1 Leeuwenhoek and images of homunculi 7.2 The origins of fertilization research 7.3 The egg and its environment 7.4 The Lillie-Loeb dispute over sperm-egg binding 7.5 Building the egg's extracellular matrix 7.6 Blocks to polyspermy 7.7 Sperm decondensation 8. Early Development in Selected Invertebrates 8.1 Regulating the cell cycle 8.2 Sea urchin cell specification 8.3 Alfred Sturtevant and the genetics of snail coiling 8.4 Modifications of cell fate in spiralian eggs 8.5 The experimental analysis of tunicate cell specification 8.6 P-granule migration 8.7 The PAR proteins 8.8 Mechanisms of cytoplasmic localization in C. elegans 9. The Genetics of Axis Specification in Drosophila 9.1 Drosophila fertilization 9.2 The regulation of Drosophila cleavage 9.3 The early development of other insects 9.4 Evidence for gradients in insect development 9.5 Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard and the molecular approach to development 9.6 Mechanism of bicoid mRNA localization 9.7 Asymmetrical spread of morphogens 9.8 Getting a head in the fly 9.9 Homeotic genes and their protein products 10. Early Development and Axis Formation in Amphibians 10.1 Demonstrating tissue affinities 10.2 Migration of the mesodermal mantle 10.3 Embryology and individuality 10.4 Spemann, Mangold, and the organizer 10.5 Mesoderm induction 10.6 GBP 10.7 Early attempts to locate the organizer molecules 10.8 The specification of the endoderm 10.9 Planar induction 10.10 Regional specification 11. The Early Development of Vertebrates: Fish, Birds and Mammals 11.1 GFP zebrafish movies and photographs 11.2 Epiblast cell heterogeneity 11.3 Mechanisms of compaction and the formation of the inner cell mass 11.4 Human cleavage and compaction 11.5 The mechanisms of implantation 11.6 Placental functions 11.7 Nonidentical monozygotic twins 11.8 Conjoined twins 11.9 Why do mammals have only seven cervical vertebrae? III Later Embryonic Development 12. The Emergence of the Ectoderm: The Central Nervous System and the Epidermis 12.1 Formation of the floor plate cells 12.2 Neural tube closure 12.3 Homologous specification of the neural tissue 12.4 Mapping the mesencephalon 12.5 Specifying the brain boundaries 12.6 Constructing the pituitary gland 12.7 Cerebellar mutations of the mouse 12.8 Constructing the cerebral cortex 12.9 Neuronal growth and the invention of childhood 12.10 Parkinson disease 12.11 Why babies don't see well 12.12 Normal variation in human hair production 12.13 Mutations of human hair production 13. Neural Crest Cells and Axonal Specificity 13.1 Avian neurulation 13.2 The specificity of the extracellular matrix 13.3 Mouse neural crest cell mutants 13.4 Committed neural crest cells 13.5 Human facial development syndromes 13.6 Kallmann syndrome 13.7 Communication between migrating neural crest cells 13.8 The evolution of developmental neurobiology 13.9 Horseradish peroxidase staining 13.10 The pathways of motor neurons 13.11 Genetic control of neuroblast migration in C. elegans 13.12 The early evidence for chemotaxis 13.13 The neurotrophin receptors 14. Paraxial and Intermediate Mesoderm 14.1 Calling the competence of the somite into question 14.2 Cranial paraxial mesoderm 14.3 Myogenic bHLH proteins and their regulators 14.4 Muscle formation 14.5 Paracrine factors, their receptors, and human bone growth 14.6 Osteoclast differentiation 15. Lateral Plate Mesoderm and Endoderm 15.1 Coelom formation 15.2 Transcription factors and heart formation 15.3 Angiogenesis in diabetes and tumor formation 15.4 Angioblast migration in the chick 15.5 Induction of the lung 16. Development of the Tetrapod Limb 16.1 The mathematical modeling of limb development 16.2 Specifying forelimbs and hindlimbs 16.3 Induction of the AER 16.4 Hox genes and limb evolution 16.5 Dinosaurs and the origin of birds 17. Sex Determination 17.1 Social critique of sex determination research 17.2 Finding the male-determining genes 17.3 Dihydrotestosterone in adult men 17.4 Insulin-like hormone 3 17.5 Roles of AMH 17.6 The mechanisms of breast development 17.7 Sex and the central nervous system 17.8 Other sex determination proteins in Drosophila 17.9 Conservation of sex-determining genes 17.10 Hermaphrodites 18. Metamorphosis, Regeneration, and Aging 18.1 The molecular biology of wing formation 18.2 Homologous specification 18.3 Insect metamorphosis 18.4 Precocenes and synthetic JH 18.5 The polar coordinate and boundary models 18.6 Regeneration in annelid worms 18.7 Ethel Browne and the organizer 19. The Saga of the Germ Line 19.1 Mechanisms of chromosome diminution 19.2 The insect germ plasm 19.3 Proteins involved in meiosis 19.4 Human meiosis 19.5 Germ line sex determination in C. elegans 19.6 Gonial syncytia: Bridges to the future 19.7 Gene expression during spermatogenesis 19.8 The Nebenkern 19.9 Hormonal control of yolk production 19.10 Transporting the Vg1 mRNA 19.11 Establishment of egg polarity 19.12 Synthesizing oocyte ribosomes 19.13 Drosophila spermatogenesis 19.14 The reinitiation of mammalian meiosis IV Ramifications of Developmental Biology 20. An Overview of Plant Development 21. Medical Implications of Human Development 21.1 Human embryology and genetics 21.2 Holoprosencephaly 21.3 Bioethics: What is "normal"? 21.4 Bioethics: Sex selection 21.5 Thalidomide as a teratogen 21.6 Mechanisms of retinoic acid teratogenesis 21.7 Our knowledge of alcohol's teratogenicity 21.8 Our stolen future 21.9 Other teratogenic agents 21.10 Maternal effects on adults 21.11 Bioethics: Genetic enhancement 21.12 Bioethics: The ethics of human cloning 21.13 Bioethics: When does human life begin? 21.14 Bioethics: Stem cell science ethics and politics 22. Environmental Regulation of Animal Development 22.1 Developmental symbioses and parasitism 22.2 Complex environmental effects on development 22.3 Mechanisms of diapause 22.4 Polyphenisms in butterflies 22.5 Nutritional polyphenism in the dung beetle 22.6 Genetic assimilation and phenocopies 22.7 Inducible caste determination in ant colonies 22.8 The induction of immune cells 22.9 The phantom limb phenomenon 22.10 Environmental endocrine disruptors 22.11 Rachel Carson and the ban on DDT 22.12 Deformed frogs and salamanders 23. Developmental Mechanisms of Evolutionary Change 23.1 Lillie and Wilson 23.2 Haeckel's biogenetic law 23.3 The emergence of embryos 23.4 How taxonomic groups are classified 23.5 Gene expression data and macroevolutionary debates 23.6 Modularity as a principle of evolution 23.7 Correlated progression 23.8 Correlated progression in domestic animals 23.9 Heterochrony in evolution 23.10 Why are there no new animal phyla? 23.11 Changing embryonic traits through natural selection 23.12 Alternative mechanisms for evolutionary developmental biology 23.13 "Scientific Creationism" and "Intelligent Design"

Files count:



34.20 Mb




w00tterz (2006-10-26)

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chuchoglez (2007-08-10)

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jazzmin87 (2007-09-20)

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HTC_3G (2010-04-06)

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ZUTSKULKS (2013-07-31)

Thanks ;)