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All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche
All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche
Audio/Sound clips
2011-04-06 (by dendiput)
This is a set of audio clips of around 400 UK and European birds split into four folders. They are listed under their Latin names, but in each folder there is a simple guide as to the name of each file.
Files count:
545.54 Mb
kuzhelev (2012-10-13)
Hello!I`m a birder and I`m looking for BIRD SOUNDS COLLECTIONS.
Please, let me know if you have any - I could propose something from my collection (near 200 items CD`s of birds all over the world).
Anyway write me to kuzhelev at
1. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/36 - Anser brachyrhynchus.mp3 2.83 Mb
2. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/34 - Cygnus cygnus.mp3 2.69 Mb
3. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/10 - Puffinus puffinus.mp3 2.50 Mb
4. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/43 - Tadorna tadorna.mp3 2.31 Mb
5. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/25 - Ardea cinerea.mp3 2.31 Mb
6. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/32 - Cygnus oler.mp3 2.24 Mb
7. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/91 - Falco tinninculus.mp3 2.20 Mb
8. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/71 - Haliaetus albicilla.mp3 2.13 Mb
9. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/31 - Phoenicopterus ruber.mp3 2.10 Mb
10. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/39 - Anser anser.mp3 2.03 Mb
11. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/54 - Aythya ferina.mp3 2.03 Mb
12. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/99 - Falco peregrinus.mp3 1.91 Mb
13. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/35 - Anser fabalis.mp3 1.88 Mb
14. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/17 - Pelecanus onocrotalus.mp3 1.87 Mb
15. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/64 - Mergus merganser.mp3 1.86 Mb
16. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/72 - Circaetus gallicus.mp3 1.86 Mb
17. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/94 - Falco subbuteo.mp3 1.85 Mb
18. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/02 - Gavia arctica.mp3 1.78 Mb
19. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/44 - Tadorna ferruginea.mp3 1.76 Mb
20. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/58 - Aythya mollissima.mp3 1.72 Mb
21. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/81 - Buteo buteo.mp3 1.67 Mb
22. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/45 - Anas penelope.mp3 1.67 Mb
23. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/37 - Anser albifrons.mp3 1.65 Mb
24. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/14 - Phalacrocorax carbo.mp3 1.64 Mb
25. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/40 - Branta leucopsis.mp3 1.64 Mb
26. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/65 - Oxyura leucocephala.mp3 1.59 Mb
27. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/56 - Aythya fuligula.mp3 1.58 Mb
28. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/33 - Cygnus columbianus.mp3 1.57 Mb
29. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/09 - Calonectris diomedea.mp3 1.57 Mb
30. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/23 - Bubulcus ibis.mp3 1.57 Mb
31. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/04 - Podiceps cristatus.mp3 1.57 Mb
32. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/30 - Platalea leucorodia.mp3 1.49 Mb
33. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/57 - Aythya marila.mp3 1.48 Mb
34. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/95 - Falco eleonorae.mp3 1.45 Mb
35. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/60 - Melanitta nigra.mp3 1.44 Mb
36. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/98 - Falco rusticolus.mp3 1.42 Mb
37. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/29 - Plegadis falcinellus.mp3 1.42 Mb
38. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/86 - Circus pygargus.mp3 1.40 Mb
39. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/11 - Hydrobates pelagicus.mp3 1.39 Mb
40. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/84 - Circus aeruginosus.mp3 1.39 Mb
41. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/01 - Gavia stellata.mp3 1.38 Mb
42. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/48 - Anas platyrhynchos.mp3 1.37 Mb
43. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/87 - Accipiter gantilis.mp3 1.37 Mb
44. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/21 - Nycticorax nicticorax.mp3 1.37 Mb
45. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/42 - Branta canadensis.mp3 1.36 Mb
46. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/06 - Podiceps auritus.mp3 1.36 Mb
47. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/03 - Tachybaptus ruficollis.mp3 1.30 Mb
48. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/59 - Clangula hyemalis.mp3 1.29 Mb
49. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/62 - Bucephala clangula.mp3 1.29 Mb
50. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/73 - Aquila heliaca.mp3 1.27 Mb
51. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/19 - Botaurus stellaris.mp3 1.26 Mb
52. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/05 - Podiceps griseigena.mp3 1.22 Mb
53. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/78 - Elanus caeruleus.mp3 1.21 Mb
54. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/85 - Circus cyaneus.mp3 1.18 Mb
55. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/27 - Ciconia ciconia.mp3 1.17 Mb
56. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/41 - Branta bernicla.mp3 1.16 Mb
57. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/22 - Ardeola ralloides.mp3 1.16 Mb
58. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/79 - Milvus migrans.mp3 1.16 Mb
59. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/82 - Buteo rufinus.mp3 1.16 Mb
60. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/20 - Ixobrychus minutus.mp3 1.14 Mb
61. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/63 - Mergus serratos.mp3 1.13 Mb
62. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/80 - Milvus milvus.mp3 1.10 Mb
63. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/26 - Ardea Purpurea.mp3 1.10 Mb
64. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/38 - Anser erythropus.mp3 1.09 Mb
65. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/70 - Pandion haliaetus.mp3 1.08 Mb
66. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/74 - Aquila chrysaetos.mp3 1.06 Mb
67. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/12 - Oceanidroma leucorhoa.mp3 1.05 Mb
68. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/46 - Anas strepera.mp3 1.05 Mb
69. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/88 - Accipiter nisus.mp3 1.04 Mb
70. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/24 - Egretta garzetta.mp3 1.03 Mb
71. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/47 - Anas crecca.mp3 1.02 Mb
72. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/92 - Falco vespertinus.mp3 1.00 Mb
73. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/28 - Ciconia nigra.mp3 1.00 Mb
74. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/61 - Melanitta fusca.mp3 999.39 Kb
75. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/83 - Buteo lagopus.mp3 996.94 Kb
76. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/08 - Fulmarus glacialis.mp3 995.31 Kb
77. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/55 - Aythya nyroca.mp3 954.49 Kb
78. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/90 - Falco naumanni.mp3 952.86 Kb
79. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/68 - Gyps fulvus.mp3 951.22 Kb
80. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/52 - Anas angustirostris.mp3 947.15 Kb
81. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/15 - Phalacrocorax aristotelis.mp3 941.44 Kb
82. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/50 - Anas querquedula.mp3 920.21 Kb
83. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/13 - Sula bassana.mp3 913.67 Kb
84. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/89 - Accipiter brevipes.mp3 911.23 Kb
85. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/66 - Gypaetus barbatus.mp3 899.80 Kb
86. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/96 - Falco biarmicus.mp3 894.08 Kb
87. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/75 - Hieraaetus pennatus.mp3 865.52 Kb
88. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/67 - Neophron percnopterus.mp3 859.81 Kb
89. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/18 - Pelecanus crispus.mp3 858.17 Kb
90. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/77 - Pernis apivorus.mp3 854.08 Kb
91. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/07 - Podiceps nigricollis.mp3 848.38 Kb
92. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/69 - Aegypius monachus.mp3 829.60 Kb
93. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/49 - Anas acuta.mp3 823.06 Kb
94. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/51 - Anas clypeata.mp3 802.65 Kb
95. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/76 - Hieraaetus fasciatus.mp3 796.13 Kb
96. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/16 - Phalacrocorax pygmaeus.mp3 734.09 Kb
97. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/97 - Falco cherrug.mp3 711.23 Kb
98. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/93 - Falco columbarius.mp3 710.41 Kb
99. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/53 - Netta rufina.mp3 665.51 Kb
100. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 1/Birdlist_Disc1(english).txt 1.82 Kb
101. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/74 - Larus argentatus, Larus cachinnans.mp3 4.84 Mb
102. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/68 - Larus ridibundus.mp3 2.96 Mb
103. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/20 - Gallinula chloropus.mp3 2.64 Mb
104. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/51 - Limosa limosa.mp3 2.62 Mb
105. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/23 - Grus grus.mp3 2.52 Mb
106. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/21 - Fulica atra.mp3 2.48 Mb
107. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/19 - Porphyrio porphyrio.mp3 2.22 Mb
108. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/29 - Burhinus oedicnemus.mp3 2.07 Mb
109. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/69 - Larus genei.mp3 2.06 Mb
110. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/31 - Charadrius dubius.mp3 1.95 Mb
111. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/10 - Alectoris rufa.mp3 1.93 Mb
112. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/06 - Phasianus colchicus.mp3 1.88 Mb
113. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/91 - Alle alle.mp3 1.87 Mb
114. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/79 - Sterna sandvicensis.mp3 1.86 Mb
115. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/27 - Himantopus himantopus.mp3 1.85 Mb
116. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/11 - Alectoris barbara.mp3 1.85 Mb
117. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/03 - Tetrao tetrix.mp3 1.84 Mb
118. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/32 - Charadrius hiaticula.mp3 1.77 Mb
119. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/73 - Larus fuscus.mp3 1.77 Mb
120. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/56 - Tringa totanus.mp3 1.75 Mb
121. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/48 - Galllinago gallinago.mp3 1.73 Mb
122. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/81 - Sterna hirundo.mp3 1.70 Mb
123. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/04 - Tetrao urogallus.mp3 1.67 Mb
124. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/38 - Vanellus vanellus.mp3 1.59 Mb
125. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/39 - Calidris canutus.mp3 1.57 Mb
126. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/26 - Haematopus otralegus.mp3 1.56 Mb
127. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/14 - Rallus aquaticus.mp3 1.52 Mb
128. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/76 - Larus marinus.mp3 1.52 Mb
129. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/59 - Tringa glareola.mp3 1.52 Mb
130. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/82 - Sterna paradisaea.mp3 1.51 Mb
131. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/89 - Alca torda.mp3 1.51 Mb
132. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/40 - Calidris alba.mp3 1.50 Mb
133. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/80 - Sterna dougallii.mp3 1.48 Mb
134. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/47 - Lymnocryptes minumus.mp3 1.47 Mb
135. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/33 - Charadrius alexandrinus.mp3 1.46 Mb
136. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/54 - Numenius arquata.mp3 1.46 Mb
137. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/22 - Fulica cristata.mp3 1.45 Mb
138. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/08 - Alectoris chukar.mp3 1.41 Mb
139. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/70 - Larus canus.mp3 1.41 Mb
140. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/02 - Lagopus mutus.mp3 1.39 Mb
141. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/77 - Gelochelidos nilotica.mp3 1.39 Mb
142. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/71 - Rissa tridactyla.mp3 1.38 Mb
143. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/30 - Glareola pratincola.mp3 1.37 Mb
144. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/72 - Larus audouinii.mp3 1.36 Mb
145. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/93 - Streptopelia decaocto.mp3 1.36 Mb
146. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/95 - Columbia livia.mp3 1.36 Mb
147. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/37 - Vanellus spinosus.mp3 1.35 Mb
148. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/13 - Turnix sylvatica.mp3 1.35 Mb
149. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/05 - Bonasa bonasia.mp3 1.35 Mb
150. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/61 - Arenaria interpres.mp3 1.34 Mb
151. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/98 - Pterocles orientalis.mp3 1.34 Mb
152. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/44 - Calidris alpina.mp3 1.33 Mb
153. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/62 - Phalaropus lobatus.mp3 1.31 Mb
154. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/24 - Tetrax tetrax.mp3 1.31 Mb
155. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/35 - Pluvialis apricaria.mp3 1.29 Mb
156. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/12 - Perdrix perdrix.mp3 1.29 Mb
157. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/09 - Alectoris graeca.mp3 1.29 Mb
158. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/94 - Streptopelia turtur.mp3 1.27 Mb
159. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/87 - Uria aalge.mp3 1.23 Mb
160. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/92 - Fratercula arctica.mp3 1.21 Mb
161. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/28 - Recurvirostra avosetta.mp3 1.20 Mb
162. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/55 - Tringa erythropus.mp3 1.19 Mb
163. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/43 - Calidris maritima.mp3 1.18 Mb
164. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/60 - Actitis hypoleucos.mp3 1.18 Mb
165. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/75 - Larus hyperboreus.mp3 1.17 Mb
166. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/99 - Pterocles alchata.mp3 1.17 Mb
167. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/41 - Calidris minuta.mp3 1.16 Mb
168. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/63 - Stercorarius parasiticus.mp3 1.16 Mb
169. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/67 - Larus minutus.mp3 1.15 Mb
170. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/53 - Numenius phaeopus.mp3 1.14 Mb
171. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/90 - Ceppus grylle.mp3 1.14 Mb
172. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/49 - Gallinago media.mp3 1.13 Mb
173. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/97 - Columbia palumbus.mp3 1.12 Mb
174. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/45 - Limicola falcinellus.mp3 1.12 Mb
175. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/64 - Stercorarius longicaudus.mp3 1.09 Mb
176. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/52 - Limosa lapponica.mp3 1.08 Mb
177. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/83 - Sterna albifrons.mp3 1.06 Mb
178. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/66 - Larus melanocephalus.mp3 1.06 Mb
179. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/50 - Scolopax rusticola.mp3 1.06 Mb
180. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/58 - Tringa ochropus.mp3 1.01 Mb
181. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/16 - Porzana parva.mp3 1020.61 Kb
182. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/01 - Lagopus lagopus.mp3 1012.45 Kb
183. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/86 - Chlidonias leucopterus.mp3 1008.38 Kb
184. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/07 - Coturnix coturnix.mp3 1005.92 Kb
185. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/84 - Chlidonias hybridus.mp3 1004.29 Kb
186. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/88 - Uria lomvia.mp3 998.57 Kb
187. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/25 - Otis tarda.mp3 961.02 Kb
188. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/15 - Porzana porzana.mp3 934.08 Kb
189. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/96 - Columbia oenas.mp3 932.45 Kb
190. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/65 - Stercorarius skua.mp3 930.82 Kb
191. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/85 - Chlidonias niger.mp3 921.84 Kb
192. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/78 - Sterna caspia.mp3 912.04 Kb
193. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/57 - Tringa nebularia.mp3 895.72 Kb
194. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/42 - Calidris temminckii.mp3 892.46 Kb
195. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/34 - Charadrius morinellus.mp3 883.48 Kb
196. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/18 - Crex crex.mp3 873.67 Kb
197. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/17 - Porzana pusilla.mp3 770.82 Kb
198. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/36 - Pluvialis squatarola.mp3 659.80 Kb
199. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/46 - Philomachus pugnax.mp3 527.56 Kb
200. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 2/Birdlist_Disc2(english).txt 3.56 Kb
201. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/09 - Strix aluco.mp3 3.79 Mb
202. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/79 - Turdus merula.mp3 2.60 Mb
203. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/14 - Athene noctua.mp3 2.43 Mb
204. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/12 - Asio otus.mp3 2.37 Mb
205. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/82 - Turdus iliacus.mp3 2.22 Mb
206. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/65 - Luscinia megarhynchos.mp3 2.08 Mb
207. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/98 - Hippolais icterina.mp3 2.07 Mb
208. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/05 - Bubo bubo.mp3 1.98 Mb
209. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/41 - Lullula arborea.mp3 1.95 Mb
210. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/16 - Caprimulgus europaeus.mp3 1.88 Mb
211. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/83 - Turdus viscivorus.mp3 1.86 Mb
212. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/49 - Anthus petrosusspinoletta.mp3 1.81 Mb
213. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/77 - Monticola solitarius.mp3 1.78 Mb
214. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/99 - Hippolais polyglotta.mp3 1.77 Mb
215. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/76 - Monticola saxatilis.mp3 1.75 Mb
216. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/02 - Cuculus canorus.mp3 1.73 Mb
217. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/67 - Phoenicurus ochruros.mp3 1.71 Mb
218. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/92 - Acrocephalus dumetorum.mp3 1.69 Mb
219. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/03 - Tyto alba.mp3 1.69 Mb
220. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/93 - Acrocephalus palustris.mp3 1.66 Mb
221. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/81 - Turdus philomelos.mp3 1.63 Mb
222. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/78 - Turdus torquatus.mp3 1.61 Mb
223. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/51 - Anthus pratensis.mp3 1.61 Mb
224. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/08 - Glaucidium passerinum.mp3 1.59 Mb
225. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/15 - Aegolius funereus.mp3 1.56 Mb
226. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/66 - Luscinia svecica.mp3 1.56 Mb
227. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/43 - Eremophila alpestris.mp3 1.55 Mb
228. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/23 - Upupa epops.mp3 1.53 Mb
229. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/45 - Hirundo rustica.mp3 1.52 Mb
230. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/63 - Erithacus rubecula.mp3 1.50 Mb
231. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/30 - Dendrocopos major.mp3 1.50 Mb
232. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/91 - Acrocephalus schoenobaenus.mp3 1.48 Mb
233. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/42 - Alauda arvensis.mp3 1.45 Mb
234. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/28 - Dryocopus martius.mp3 1.44 Mb
235. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/96 - Hippolais pallida.mp3 1.44 Mb
236. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/39 - Galerida cristata.mp3 1.43 Mb
237. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/35 - Melanocorypha calandra.mp3 1.42 Mb
238. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/58 - Cinclus cinclus.mp3 1.42 Mb
239. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/60 - Prunella modularis.mp3 1.41 Mb
240. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/40 - Galerida theklae.mp3 1.41 Mb
241. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/64 - Luscinia luscinia.mp3 1.41 Mb
242. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/32 - Dendrocopos medius.mp3 1.40 Mb
243. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/74 - Oenanthe pleschanka.mp3 1.36 Mb
244. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/48 - Delichon urbica.mp3 1.36 Mb
245. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/27 - Picus viridis.mp3 1.35 Mb
246. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/62 - Cercotrichas galactotes.mp3 1.34 Mb
247. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/22 - Coracias garrulus.mp3 1.34 Mb
248. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/37 - Calandrella rufescens.mp3 1.34 Mb
249. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/36 - Calandrella brachydactyla.mp3 1.33 Mb
250. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/75 - Oenanthe hispanica.mp3 1.33 Mb
251. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/31 - Dendrocopos syriacus.mp3 1.32 Mb
252. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/50 - Anthus trivialis.mp3 1.32 Mb
253. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/71 - Oenanthe isabellina.mp3 1.32 Mb
254. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/07 - Nyctea scandiaca.mp3 1.31 Mb
255. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/89 - Acrocephalus melanopogon.mp3 1.28 Mb
256. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/59 - Troglodytes troglodytes.mp3 1.28 Mb
257. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/90 - Acrocephalus paludicola.mp3 1.28 Mb
258. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/94 - Acrocephalus scirpaceus.mp3 1.28 Mb
259. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/44 - Riparia riparia.mp3 1.28 Mb
260. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/54 - Motacilla flava.mp3 1.27 Mb
261. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/52 - Anthus campestris.mp3 1.24 Mb
262. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/72 - Oenanthe oenanthe.mp3 1.24 Mb
263. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/38 - Chersophilus duponti.mp3 1.23 Mb
264. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/56 - Motacilla alba.mp3 1.22 Mb
265. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/21 - Merops apiaster.mp3 1.22 Mb
266. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/53 - Anthus cervinus.mp3 1.22 Mb
267. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/69 - Saxicola rubetra.mp3 1.19 Mb
268. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/13 - Asio flammeus.mp3 1.18 Mb
269. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/20 - Apus melba.mp3 1.18 Mb
270. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/47 - Ptyonoprogne rupestris.mp3 1.15 Mb
271. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/61 - Prunella collaris.mp3 1.14 Mb
272. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/88 - Locustella luscinioides.mp3 1.13 Mb
273. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/80 - Turdus pilaris.mp3 1.13 Mb
274. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/95 - Acrocephalus arundinaceus.mp3 1.12 Mb
275. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/70 - Saxicola torquata.mp3 1.10 Mb
276. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/84 - Cettia cetti.mp3 1.05 Mb
277. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/97 - Hippolais olivetorum.mp3 1.04 Mb
278. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/04 - Otus scops.mp3 1.03 Mb
279. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/46 - Hirundo daurica.mp3 1.01 Mb
280. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/73 - Oenanthe leucura.mp3 1.00 Mb
281. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/85 - Cisticola juncidis.mp3 1020.62 Kb
282. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/11 - Strix nebulosa.mp3 1016.53 Kb
283. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/26 - Picus canus.mp3 987.14 Kb
284. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/55 - Motacilla cinerea.mp3 979.80 Kb
285. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/68 - Phoenicurus phoenicurus.mp3 953.68 Kb
286. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/06 - Surnia ulula.mp3 947.96 Kb
287. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/25 - Jynx torquilla.mp3 915.31 Kb
288. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/87 - Locustella fluviatilis.mp3 860.62 Kb
289. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/29 - Picoides tridactylus.mp3 835.31 Kb
290. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/33 - Dendrocopos leucotos.mp3 832.87 Kb
291. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/86 - Locustella naevia.mp3 827.15 Kb
292. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/01 - Clamator glandarius.mp3 802.66 Kb
293. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/34 - Dendrocopos minor.mp3 800.21 Kb
294. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/18 - Apus apus.mp3 752.04 Kb
295. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/10 - Strix uralensis.mp3 725.11 Kb
296. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/57 - Bombycilla garrulus.mp3 721.84 Kb
297. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/17 - Caprimulgus ruficollis.mp3 666.34 Kb
298. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/19 - Apus pallidus.mp3 617.35 Kb
299. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/24 - Alcedo atthis.mp3 511.23 Kb
300. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 3/Birdlist_Disc3(english).txt 1.91 Kb
301. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/35 - Parus major.mp3 5.51 Mb
302. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/40 - Sitta europaea.mp3 3.23 Mb
303. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/34 - Parus caeruleus.mp3 2.79 Mb
304. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/61 - Sturnus vulgaris.mp3 2.67 Mb
305. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/51 - Garrulus glandarius.mp3 2.62 Mb
306. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/48 - Lanius senator.mp3 2.61 Mb
307. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/59 - Corvus corone corone & corvix.mp3 2.57 Mb
308. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/27 - Parus palustris.mp3 2.46 Mb
309. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/60 - Corvus corax.mp3 2.32 Mb
310. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/13 - Sylvia atricapilla.mp3 2.26 Mb
311. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/47 - Lanius excubitor.mp3 2.19 Mb
312. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/44 - Oriolus oriolus.mp3 2.00 Mb
313. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/68 - Fringilla coelebs.mp3 2.00 Mb
314. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/81 - Loxia curvirostra.mp3 1.97 Mb
315. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/71 - Serinus citrinella.mp3 1.89 Mb
316. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/11 - Sylvia communis.mp3 1.86 Mb
317. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/33 - Parus ater.mp3 1.83 Mb
318. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/29 - Parus montanus.mp3 1.69 Mb
319. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/54 - Pica pica.mp3 1.63 Mb
320. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/30 - Parus montanus montanus.mp3 1.60 Mb
321. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/89 - Emberiza cirlus.mp3 1.60 Mb
322. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/62 - Sturnus unicolor.mp3 1.58 Mb
323. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/92 - Emberiza hortulana.mp3 1.55 Mb
324. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/45 - Lanius collurio.mp3 1.55 Mb
325. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/32 - Parus cristatus.mp3 1.52 Mb
326. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/73 - Carduelis carduelis.mp3 1.49 Mb
327. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/75 - Carduelis cannabina.mp3 1.49 Mb
328. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/18 - Phylloscopus collybita.mp3 1.48 Mb
329. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/41 - Sitta neumayer.mp3 1.44 Mb
330. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/26 - Panurus biarmicus.mp3 1.43 Mb
331. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/69 - Fringilla montifringilla.mp3 1.42 Mb
332. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/76 - Carduelis flavirostris.mp3 1.42 Mb
333. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/66 - Petronia petronia.mp3 1.41 Mb
334. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/46 - Lanius minor.mp3 1.38 Mb
335. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/84 - Pyrrhula pyrrhula.mp3 1.38 Mb
336. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/28 - Parus lugubris.mp3 1.38 Mb
337. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/05 - Sylvia melanocephala.mp3 1.38 Mb
338. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/20 - Regulus regulus.mp3 1.35 Mb
339. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/74 - Carduelis spinus.mp3 1.33 Mb
340. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/72 - Carduelis chloris.mp3 1.31 Mb
341. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/24 - Ficedula hypoleuca.mp3 1.30 Mb
342. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/36 - Aegithalos caudatus.mp3 1.29 Mb
343. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/77 - Carduelis flammea.mp3 1.28 Mb
344. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/99 - Miliaria calandra.mp3 1.28 Mb
345. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/38 - Tichodroma muraria.mp3 1.27 Mb
346. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/57 - Corvus monedula.mp3 1.27 Mb
347. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/93 - Emberiza caesia.mp3 1.27 Mb
348. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/37 - Remiz pendulinus.mp3 1.26 Mb
349. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/07 - Sylvia hortensis hortensis.mp3 1.23 Mb
350. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/65 - Passer montanus.mp3 1.21 Mb
351. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/22 - Muscicapa striata.mp3 1.21 Mb
352. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/58 - Corvus frugilegus.mp3 1.21 Mb
353. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/82 - Loxia pytyopsittacus.mp3 1.17 Mb
354. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/86 - Calcarius lapponicus.mp3 1.15 Mb
355. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/96 - Emberiza aureola.mp3 1.13 Mb
356. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/12 - Sylvia borin.mp3 1.13 Mb
357. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/53 - Cyanopica cyana.mp3 1.12 Mb
358. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/31 - Parus cinctus.mp3 1.11 Mb
359. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/04 - Sylvia cantillans.mp3 1.11 Mb
360. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/63 - Passer domesticus.mp3 1.10 Mb
361. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/25 - Ficedula albicollis.mp3 1.09 Mb
362. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/70 - Serinus serinus.mp3 1.09 Mb
363. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/55 - Pyrrhocorax graculus.mp3 1.09 Mb
364. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/49 - Lanius nubicus.mp3 1.08 Mb
365. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/17 - Phylloscopus sibilatrix.mp3 1.06 Mb
366. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/80 - Loxia leucoptera.mp3 1.05 Mb
367. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/19 - Phylloscopus trochilus.mp3 1.05 Mb
368. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/94 - Emberiza rustica.mp3 1.04 Mb
369. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/64 - Passer hispaniolensis.mp3 1.04 Mb
370. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/97 - Emberiza schoeniclus.mp3 1.04 Mb
371. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/88 - Emberiza citrinella.mp3 1.00 Mb
372. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/21 - Regulus ignicapillus.mp3 1008.38 Kb
373. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/83 - Pinicola enucleator.mp3 1007.56 Kb
374. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/67 - Montifringilla nivalis.mp3 979.81 Kb
375. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/56 - Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax.mp3 961.03 Kb
376. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/06 - Sylvia rueppelli.mp3 947.96 Kb
377. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/52 - Perisoreus infaustus.mp3 938.99 Kb
378. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/39 - Sitta whiteheadi.mp3 934.90 Kb
379. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/15 - Phylloscopus borealis.mp3 930.01 Kb
380. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/95 - Emberiza pusilla.mp3 925.11 Kb
381. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/10 - Sylvia curruca.mp3 907.96 Kb
382. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/98 - Emberiza melanocephala.mp3 888.38 Kb
383. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/23 - Ficedula parva.mp3 886.74 Kb
384. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/08 - Sylvia hortensis crassirostris.mp3 874.51 Kb
385. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/03 - Sylvia conspicillata.mp3 867.15 Kb
386. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/87 - Plectrophenax nivalis.mp3 858.17 Kb
387. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/78 - Carduelis hornemanni.mp3 856.54 Kb
388. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/50 - Nucifraga caryocatactes.mp3 838.58 Kb
389. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/02 - Sylvia undata.mp3 830.41 Kb
390. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/43 - Certhia brachydactyla.mp3 805.93 Kb
391. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/42 - Certhia familiaris.mp3 799.39 Kb
392. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/09 - Sylvia nisoria.mp3 797.76 Kb
393. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/01 - Sylvia sarda.mp3 780.61 Kb
394. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/16 - Phylloscopus bonelli.mp3 775.72 Kb
395. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/85 - Coccothraustes coccothraustes.mp3 760.22 Kb
396. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/14 - Phylloscopus trochiloides.mp3 739.81 Kb
397. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/90 - Emberiza cia.mp3 701.43 Kb
398. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/91 - Emberiza cineracea.mp3 610.01 Kb
399. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/79 - Carpodacus erythrinus.mp3 486.74 Kb
400. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Disc 4/Birdlist_Disc4(english).txt 1.85 Kb
401. All the bird songs of Britain and Europe - Jean-Claude Roche/Torrent downloaded from 47 bytes