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Al-Qari plus (Virtual Teacher of the Quran)






Al-Qari plus (Virtual Teacher of the Quran)




2009-02-13 (by umar007)


Interactive Teacher of the Quran Description: The revolutionary Al-Qari program helps you learn how to read Arabic and recite the Quran right from your computer! Al-Qari covers all the basics of reading Arabic in depth and then prepares you to master the authentic recitation of the Quran This innovative program can help children learn, and adults master, the reading of the Quran in an easy way. Some features of this product include: -much easier than learning from books or tapes -even if you've never read the Quran before, you can learn the proper way of reading and reciting from Al-Qari -uses a dynamic combination of sound, animation, graphics, and text to teach users how to read and recite the Quran -teaches advanced users how to recite the Quran with correct pronunciation -has an easy-to-use, sequential lesson format -each and every part of Al-Qari lets you hear the actual voice of an Islamic scholar from Madinah University -the command buttons will always tell you what to do.They will guide you onward in your lessons or allow you to go back to review a past lesson. -there is always a written and a visual explanation of each exercise Screenshots:

Files count:



529.53 Mb




greythorne (2009-02-13)

Please kindly seed. Thanks

moe_786 (2009-02-13)

thanks i will seed as much as possible

umar007 (2009-02-13)

My internet is a little slow...But I'm tryin my best!!

Sven the swede (2009-02-13)

I will download and seed when I have reinstalled my computer. I have a decent upload speed also.

greybigtop (2009-02-13)

The socalled "Quran" is a piece of cow dung targeting braindead primitive tribal fool.
Mohammed was a pheodofile and illiterate highwayrobber with a strong preference for taking it up the kazoo.

greythorne (2009-02-13)

do you by chance have the 64bit version of this? Seems like i cant install because its 32bit and my CPU is 64bit...

umar007 (2009-02-13)

no sory... i will check it out shud work on all...

Wapinabe (2009-02-14)

You're wrong aircru. They also kill infidels in other words non muslims like jews and christians. I've been telling this so many times. why don't we go the other way around let's kill all muslims people so there will be peace on earth.

Wapinabe (2009-02-14)

Hey small change where are you? Are you not gonna say shit about this al-qari bullshit?

umar007 (2009-02-14)

shut the f..k up aircru....y cnt evry1 practise their own religion...u dnt knw nythn abt islam..u jus hear smthn frm a bunch of faggots n write here

svangstagangsta (2009-02-15)

One man's hero is another man's terror!! So they say. Just like Bush; In USA he may be the hero but he is supporting the zionist and the zionist is killing the innocent Palestines, 'Women & Children'
He says Iraq is hiding weapons of 'Mass Destruction' but till now no shit is found till today in Iraq which by right actually he is after Iraq's Oil.
'Who is the Terrorist Now?'

umar007 (2009-02-24)

if the terrorist blow them up??how the fck do u knw they re muslims...cnt they be christians or jews or ny other human being who doesnt wana live!! there r bad ppl in evry religion...n gud 1's aswel so dnt b a fuckn racist bastard n get a life

ken55 (2009-04-20)

innocent Palestines ? How long would whatever country you guys live in would allow idiots from another country to blow themselves up in your malls, school buses, cafe's ?
How long would they put up with idiots launching rockets into your country on a daily basis?
I am surprised that Israel doesn't just declare war on their sorry asses and push them out of palestine for good.

c948682 (2009-04-21)

Especially to the people which whom abusing ISLAM, I guess none have a right to abuse none regardless, religion , color, human, animal, plant etc..., I do know that sometimes or you can say always things get wrong my Human (Evil), however if we follow evils, technically they managed to Brain Washed YA, and they also Managed to say what you saying in here - so leave people alone and don't blame innocent people - Not all Muslim are evil neither others - we all human some good & some evil - simply keep away from evil people - just be human and act human - saying the above is smart and it is the right way of getting our universe think better to live better - the above wont change much - but I guess I think that way so lots others > Cheers

umar007 (2009-04-30)

nice going there mate...@c948682

elnasr (2009-06-21)

please brothers anything about Islam we have to take it serious, more than 30 people downloaded this torrent but they dont want to seed, Thank you Umar for uploading this brother. This is call Jihad, Jihad is not by going to war, but you can do Jihad by helping to spread Islam. Think Brothers we have to seed Islam torrents, so as we will get reward by giving our brothers and sisters knowledge. SALAM

caturbudi (2009-07-25)

Thanks for this.
Im downloading while seeding is possible as I use my Workplace PC.
Guys.... Some of us know less but talk too much. Insulting others is totally wasting.
Greybigtop and some of friends, I noticed that you are messing with some posting correlate with Islam. Insulting others is also categorized as terror. Why dont read from Webster?s New World College Dictionary (1996).
Means that how you would tell other not to insult anyone by insulting them. Just like pointing a gun to your own face.
Stop doing it and start make peace with your self.

tworiver (2010-11-20)


mmhs23 (2011-04-23)

thanks for the torrent........seed pls......

mmhs23 (2011-04-29)

some one pls tell me... how could i use this? i cant install this......

mmhs23 (2011-05-06)

omar007 brother, pls help me. it wants lisecence key to install......wht should i do?

mmhs23 (2011-05-07)


nga_pak (2012-05-27)

bro umar007 i have the same problem with mmhs23 please do help...syukran...

zabhi (2012-11-04)

Not working on window 7 (64)


1. AL-QARI.iso 529.53 Mb