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Planescape: Torment






Planescape: Torment




2006-09-17 (by TheWhig)


Pretty much the best game ever.

Files count:



2262.51 Mb




Sinnersfury (2006-09-18)

For all of you that has a desire to play a VERY different character, and immerse yourself in a bizarre world, this is for you.
This is the game that fans of RPG and Adventure still talk about, some 10ish years after it's release, the characters that can join you include a chattering flying skull, a fire obsessed *burning* wizard, a cleric from Hell (yes, that's right), a walking set of armor and a mad robotlike archer. Other characters exist too ^^
The plot is simple: regain your memory and mortality(!). And in so doing make deals with the undead, meet witches and fallen angels and destroy a demon or two. Rely on charms, intelligence, wisdom, cunning or brute strength, your choice^^
Clearly recommended by lots and lots of dedicated players, many who (like me) still have the original and play it often, for the hilarious comments and very unusual style... A must if you ever want to know what a GREAT game should be like!^^

kitara (2006-09-18)

This is not point if you not seed, Why you not seed ??????

Sinnersfury (2006-09-18)

Don't forget, the number of seeders/leechers doesn't always update that fast, might be hours before any update. And if he's uploading, don't be in a rush, you'll get it soon enough^^

TheWhig (2006-09-18)

For some reason I'm seeding exceptionally poorly. It might be well worth abandoning this torrent at this point.
I have no idea why this should be the case, and am truly sorry about it!
I'll stay on for a while in case my connection gets any better, but it's looking pretty bleak at this point. Again, I'm really, really sorry about this, and hope the opportunity arises soon for you guys to try this game out. It really is my favourite game of all time, and I just wanted to share that with you.

TheWhig (2006-09-18)

Sinnersfury, if you have the original game, would it be at all possible for you to set up a new torrent?
Or do you know of someone else with a copy who could do so? Because I'd really love for people to try PS:T out, but it's becoming rapidly obvious that for some reason I'm not the dude for the job.
(I'm uploading so slowly that by the time people finished the torrent, they'd only have five minutes to play before the Sun expanded to consume the Earth, which means they probably wouldn't even have time to get out of the Mortuary before dying a firey death, so you see the problem)
If you (or anyone reading this) can help out, you'd be my hero!
[I seriously don't know what's causing this problem, and am really, really, really sorry!]

Sinnersfury (2006-09-18)

As it is, my copy has a damaged disc (my brother scratched it not too long ago) so I am also downloading this =/

kitara (2006-09-18)

thx, dropp in now !!

lews001 (2006-09-18)

I also have discs 1-3 of the orginal, but my fourth was destroyed via being stepped on :( Truly one of the best games I've ever played. Have actually been planning on ordering it through ebay for awhile now but saw your torrent, thanks for trying!

Sanctos (2006-09-19)

aint this a mmorpg wich you need to pay monthly fees to play?

lews001 (2006-09-20)

no, its old school, 1999 i think, and not multiplayer at all, unless you do some sort of hot seat play or some such, it's somewhat like baldur's gate, but the story is outrageously better then even most of today's games

TheWhig (2006-09-20)

Yeah, there's pretty much no multiplayer capability at all.
It runs on the same engine as Baldur's Gate, hence the similarities. The combat in PS:T actually isn't quite up to par with the BG games, but the story and characters are much, much more developed.

Psion (2006-09-22)

Is this game still being seeded?

lews001 (2006-09-23)

I believe so, we are still working up to getting a second/third/ext. seed, as no ones finished the first run through yet, average is about 90% at this time

TheWhig (2006-09-23)

Should be done the initial seeding by tomorrow!
Now we hope that everything works once trasmitted!

Crescent99 (2006-09-23)

seems interesting.. you convince me!

lews001 (2006-09-25)

plays fine so far, only tested discs 1, 2, and 4
as my old save games were in disc 4, and the install is 1, and 2 is first play cd

Articluna (2006-09-28)

Well, at the moment there seems to be a nice amount of seeders (9 seeders, 10 leechers) so I'll try this one. Hopefully it keeps going on.
Also, I don't have that fast connection (256/256 only) but I'll keep it seeding till ration of 5 or 10. Won't be home for coming week or two so PC can load and seed in peace.
Oh and thanks, I've tried to find it two or four times a year for couple last years. :) Pretty much done with "majority" of other Black Isle games.

cfinch777 (2006-10-06)

I spent a couple hours using Nero, and Alcohol to try to find a way to burn the .nrg images with no luck. I now have 7 coasters that look a lot like CD-R's :)
Is there a trick to this that I'm not aware of? If I try to burn directly with Nero I get the "foreign image setting" window where I have to specify a block size etc. I get an error stating that the entered block size does not correspond to the image length. It will burn but the result is a CD that looks like it has data but when I open in Windows there is nothing on it???
I also tried mounting the CD and I cannot open it in Windows. Lastly I copied the mounted virtual CD using the Alcohol CD copy wizard and again the resulting CD appears to be blank although it looks like data was written to the CD.
This is only my second torrent download so If I'm missing something please clue me in. I'd love to play this game. I played it several years ago and never finished...HELP :)

Exorph (2006-10-23)

I'm having trouble installing the game.. something to do with a spells.* file..
Maybe I just have to reburn it..

KhaNStoDge (2006-11-05) has 24 seeders on this game going at rate for about 100kbs/ am seeding there too so if u wana a fast grab go there.

majtymicke (2007-01-15)

I have not played this game so Im gonna download and try it out. I heard alot of good stuff about it though.

 Ziiiiiiiiit (2007-01-18)

The best game ever made. Períod.

whoohoo (2007-03-24)

ok how do u play it? like how do u burn it?

Sentine23434 (2007-04-22)

Alright, I've unpackaged all four CD's into different folders. Now, then, how do I use the program? I seems to need CD3 in D:/, so how would I go about doing that?

Cronicgoat (2007-07-09)

Please seed

thousandwattwizard (2007-07-24)

please seed more fellas

Kiugen (2007-09-29)

When I try to enter the dead nations and have to change disks from nr. 2 to nr. 3 the game crashes. What is going on? I use daemon tools

LetTheNapalmRain (2007-12-05)

Seed, please :P

steviecj (2008-02-11)

Thank you ..much appreciated !!!

gse7en (2008-03-15)

"Best game ever imo. Can´t believe noone ever made a sequel to this amazing game"
Yeah. It's called Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, Neverwinter Nights.

Icendoan (2008-05-06)

NWN sucked. Majorly.

dearsir (2008-05-12)

This look like 4 CD ver. That mean to patch 1.1 or suffer bug.
Do so.
And if TheWhig 7-Zip first, total size would be half to download.
Have fun with great game.

mufuti9 (2008-07-09)

Oh yes indeed, the truly best singleplayer rpg up to this day. Only a couple other Interplay/Bioware titles can keep up the incredible high standards and art design of this great game (namely Fallout1&2,Kotor and Mass Effect if you ask me)
I own the game but was forced to look for a 4CD release torrent because exactly 1 file on my Disc 2 is broken :( - it is an old game, lot of time to scratch the CDs ^.^
speed is very good and if you never played this game you did right to come to this torrent, maybe you can be forgiven.
If you want a lot of neat enhancements, like restored ORIGINAL content that was cut out before release, a resolution patch to play in widescren or high def resolutions - NO stretching but true upscaling - and a lot of other fancy stuff visit this place :

and google " G3 widescreen planescape torment" for the resolution fix.
Enjoy this great game, it is a timeless classic with an still unmatched excellence in storytelling.

JenxRodwell (2008-07-10)

...You're putting Mass Effect alongside Fallout 1&2 and Planescape? Surely you jest! I'd put the Baldur's Gate series in that list.

Lloardinen (2008-08-06)

If this game is better than Baldur's Gate, I'll be playing it for days without a break....Man, this sounds promising!
as for Neverwinter, NvN 1 was pretty good IMO, but the 2 was a huuuuuuge dissapointment

arthur84 (2008-10-19)

I am mounting this using Daemon ware, but the installation seems not working for me, can anyone help please.

tigersaracen (2008-12-11)

ust to let you know i am currently downloading this file at 600Kbs. I will seed as well for as long as poss. cheers for the upload TheWhig

MKorny (2009-02-19)

To be Honest, i only played this game for a few moments as i didn't had time by then...
But seeing it that my Fav. games ever are BG2/1, Fallout 1/2, i think this might be a wonderful addition to the collection =)

Kingfish540 (2009-03-20)

I have the same problem as Kiugen. When I enter Dead Nations or any other place that requires I switch discs, I tab out to the Torment file and load Torment with Daemon Tools Lite but I can't re-enter Torment.

btarc (2009-04-23)

Frustrating, Setup.exe starts and just sits in the taskman. Tried running with Daemon tools, then tried moving all files to a folder to run setup. Nothing.... Any tips appreciated.

Tzaeru (2009-05-08)

To who implied Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale and Neverwinter Nights would be sequels to this: That's bullshit ;)
They are all VERY different games in atmosphere and style, mostly designed by different people and teams. Baldur's Gate 1 and Icewind Dale 1 are well done hack'n'slash, BG 2 is less so and more comparable to Fallout 1. Neverwinter Nights isn't even in same genre anymore, it's pure out action.

Naffster (2009-06-24)

Could someone help me? I can't seem to get the installer to run. I mount the file, the first screen comes up mentioning something bout view demo install etc. I click install the screen dissappears but nothing happens...

amnta777 (2009-07-11)

any chance of this running on vista?

Draken_Gard (2009-08-01)

How do i play this files, i extract it using winrar but error occured ?

L2_BB (2009-11-01)

I downloaded this, whiles back,
but 4 CDs ... wtf...
The Ultimate Collection torrent has just 2 CDs.
When I installed from the CDs, it did not even ask for the 3rd or 4th discs(going from memory).

BiZanO (2009-12-18)

Agnostic there was a fan made mod for Neverwinter Nights in french
It's a trilogy : Planescape : Les Marionnettes
Le Jeu des Puissances
Le Testament d'Aoskar
You can find it on NWN vault
There's also a project for NWN2 (not released yet)

v00lo (2010-01-16)

I cannot find the torment.ini file... is it there, or I've just messed something up? I'm using linux and all that stuff is pretty new to me.

EnnaSaur (2010-03-21)

this game can only be described by 2 words: the best! thanks for putting this up, I've been looking for it ^^

Alias_Andrew (2010-03-25)

I'm having a problem with the game's performance, it acts as if my pc barely meets the requirements and that's definitely not the case. Every 10-15 minutes it crashes and shuts down my pc. I've changed the compatibility to Windows 95,98 and so on, but the problem persists. Anyone's got any ideas?

here_titty (2010-05-02)

@ laclongquan
the max updates per sec for this game exceeds 40
so everyone change this line:
Maximum frame rate=40
to this:
Maximum frame rate=60

smeegy (2010-05-26)

Setup.exe doesn't do anything. Anyone know how to fix this?

JoeParty (2010-07-18)

WOW! 2 Mbps! Thank you so much guys! i will definitely return the favor by continuing to seed! Thanks a bunch once again!

ThePotatoeMasher (2010-08-03)

Lol @ 4 disks :)

tobito19 (2010-08-29)

How come you share it as nrg-files instead of as iso-files? The game would be more accessible if you made it available as iso-files.
Nonetheless, it is great of you to share the game. Thank you!

156gbe56 (2010-10-21)

how do you switch between disk images exactly?

mrtvi (2010-11-25)

can someone confirm it is the best game ever?

wwell988 (2011-02-07)

Confirmed, sir. This is, in fact, the best game ever. Period.

thirozen (2011-03-20)

can someone tell me how to install? because when i click in the autorun and click install nothing happens

wh0me (2011-05-04)

for anyone having trouble installing in win 7: try booting to safe mode, then installing. can play booting normally.

wh0me (2011-05-04)

similarly, run 1.1 patch (available elsewhere) from safe mode to install.

ReIVIeDy (2011-05-29)

Here is how to fix some issues others were having that I stumbled on. I too was having these issues. Here is what I did:
Q. The resolution is awful! How do I fix it?
A. Install Bigg's Widescreen mod.

Q. When installing Wide-Screen, I'm getting an error saying EXE patching failed, or the software simply isn't installing.
A. Download the latest ver. 1.1 patch to fix. The software's author claims it doesn't matter, but it DOES when people are pirating it. Because the ver. 1.1 is an authentic Black Isle approved .exe, I guess the software likes it better. You also must do a FULL INSTALL of the game. This is a manual process. Please consult this link to do a full install.

Q. What order do I install all the fixes?

Q. Even though I did a full install, it still asks me for CD's. Furthermore, how do I switch CD's?
A. It's normal for the game to ask for CD's. It's not asking for them for loading purposes - it's doing it for authentication reasons in a poor attempt to deter piracy. Simply alt-tab and use Daemon Tools (or another CD swapping software) to load the correct CD file. Keep the CD files as backups - you'll need them! Once loaded, go back into the game and you should be fine.

ReIVIeDy (2011-05-29)

Q. I'm having stuttering framerate issues!
A. Several solutions. It could be config related, in-game option related, D3DWindower related, driver related, and or Direct Draw related.

For config files, in the .ini, try setting...
CacheSize = 1
Path Search Nodes=32000
Maximum Frame Rate=40

ReIVIeDy (2011-05-30)

One warning: This game has taken me over four hours, and counting, in an attempt to get 100% working. If you're like me, you'll be using a lot of DirectX disabling techniques, downloading a lot of extra software (Windower, ShiftWindow, etc.)
The best case scenario is many will have to run the game in a window. If you think you're going to run this full-screen on a modern system with NO stuttering, cursor issues, or side-effects, then you're mistaken.
In a nutshell, this game has NOT aged well. Most modern systems don't know how to interpret it, and yet, I'm running Win XP, not Vista or 7. If this game wasn't one of the best games of all time, I would have gave up a long time ago.

RogherNahasa (2011-06-22)

This game is fantastic!!!
Its working, you just need to download the patchs(some non-official) and always clear the cache and temp folders.

laconic17 (2011-06-30)

Greetings from the Philippines! Thanks for the upload and for the great seeding! Been looking forward to this game ever since Baldur's Gate, just never got to downloading it :/ . Love Bioware, Black Isle & D&D!!!

MrAssistance (2011-10-08)

One thing that worked when Diablo 2 had frame rate and colour issues, was to open the screen resolution window before starting the game, and just have it in the background. I cant explain why this worked on Diablo 2, but it did. Try it out ^^

icey04585 (2012-02-17)

When I follow the link provided for the mods and the order they should be installed, I download them all at the site but when it comes to extracting.... nothing extracts and i get a window that pops up saying "Access Denied" or "The system can not find the path specified." mods would be nice someone have a workaround for this?

MeH88 (2012-04-08)

is it mulltilang?? does it have polish language??

esbornia (2012-04-19)

Thanks a lot for this.

kuske93 (2012-05-10)

Thanks a lot mate!

alabastercove (2012-08-01)

Will not install, as with many other people.
Mounted disc 1, tried autorun and setup.exe, the splash screen comes up and when I click install nothing happens. Task manager shows it running but its not there at all.

tofumunch (2012-08-10)

well fortunately it works for me no problems at all. thx a lot mate!!!

armada60 (2013-02-16)


txe8 (2013-03-07)

750K+ in 5 HOURS!