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VSO ConvertXtoDVD 4 v4.0.12.327-TE~DiBYA
VSO ConvertXtoDVD 4 v4.0.12.327-TE~DiBYA
2010-06-01 (by DibyaTPB )
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▄███ â–█▌ â–„ TE 2010 PRESENTS â–„ â–█▌ ███▄
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▄▄▄███▄▄ ▄▄ ██▄▄▄██ ANOTHER FINE RELEASE ██▄▄▄██ ▄▄ ▄▄███▄▄▄
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Release: ConvertXtoDVD 4 v4.0.12.327 (c) 2010 VSO Software
Date: 05/31/2010
Cracked By: Twisted EndZ
Release Type:
[X] Registration/Serial Crack
[ ] Activation Crack
[ ] Trial Crack
[ ] Server Check Crack
[ ] Serial
[ ] Hidden/Added Features Enabler
[ ] Other
[ ] Loader Patcher [ ] Patch [X] Precracked [ ] RegFile
[ ] Keygen
â–„ â–„
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▀▀▓▓█▄▀▀██▄▄▄ ▄▄▄██ RELEASE NOTES ██▄▄▄ ▄▄▄██▀▀▄█▓▓▀▀
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ConvertXtoDVD video converter, burn DVD
ConvertXtoDVD - top-choice video conversion software - convert
and burn any videos such as Avi to DVD, WMV to DVD, MKV to DVD,
ogm, mpeg, quicktime mov !
This award-winning divx to dvd video converter software burn
video and audio formats to DVD, video conversion supports avi,
divx, wmv, mkv, xvid, vcd, vob, dvd...
All in one video conversion and burning software.
Backup and transfer your movies to DVD and enjoy watching them on
any home DVD player.
Key features:
â•– Video formats supported: avi, divx, xvid, mov, mkv, flv, mpeg1,
mpeg2, mpeg-, nsv, dvr-ms, ts, ifo, vob, asf, wmv, realmedia,
rm, rmvb, ogm, existing files from digital camcorders, TV/Sat,
capture cards, etc. No external codecs needed like avi codec
download More formats...
â•– Create DVD menus with different templates available,
possibility to add background video, image or audio, have
chapter and audio/subtitle menus
â•– Conversion advisor wizard, control of the conversion speed vs.
â•– Fast and quality encoder, typically less than 1 hour for
converting 1 movie, and supports Multi-Core processors!
â•– Included burning engine with burn speed control choice of SAO
or packet writing methods, supports all DVD formats
â•– Custom and or automatic chapter creation with markers and
preview window
â•– Advanced file merging possibilities
â•– Audio formats supported internal and external: AC3, DTS, PCM,
OGG, MP3, WMA and more... Select audio output format.
â•– Subtitles files supported internal and external: SRT, .SUB/IDX,
.SSA, opensubtitles, dvbsub with color and font selection, and
supports tags like italic, bold, turn on/off with DVD player
remote control
â•– Video output for video standard (NTSC, PAL), TV Screen
(Widescreen 16:9, Fullscreen 4:3) and DVD Resolution (Full D1,
Broadcast D1, Half D1, SIF), or choose automatic for all
choices listed above. Also convert video from NTSC to PAL or
â•– Video post processing settings like video resize-pad/cropping
and de-interlacing options
â•– Multilingual support available languages...
â•– Works with 32 and 64bits edition of Windows XP, Vista, 7
Minimum requirement:
â•– Processor Intel Pentium III / AMD Athlon (Intel Pentium 4 / AMD
Athlon XP or equivalent recommended)
â•– 512 MB RAM with Windows 2000 or XP
â•– 1 GB RAM with Windows Vista
â•– Hard disk drive with at least 4.3 Gbytes free
â•– DVD Burner
╖ Windows« 2000 SP4, Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista, Windows 7
Whats New?:
ConvertXtoDVD -
regression fixes from version 4.0.9
- 0003343: [Bug] v4.0.11.326: Files are lost when we try to load
a saved project
- 0003366: [Information] Change URLs for RegNow certification
ConvertXtoDVD -
Fix many problems related to multithreading (especially when
there is 8+ processor cores
Fix issues with IFO / VOB file support
Test burning engine (for improved DVD-R readability)
Redesign of the registration dialog
- 0003307: [Feature Request] change default burn speed to 8x
(not 4x)
- 0003312: [Feature Request] registration info clipboard
- 0003313: [Feature Request] default trial registration
- 0003314: [Feature Request] enter key in registration window
new presentation
- 0003139: [Bug] When entering key by hand, click on paste
and you get an error message. activation message
not clear enough
- 0003220: [Bug] settings video processing - never allow
number of cores used to be "0"
- 0003245: [Bug] Loading IFO does not pick up matching VOBs
For More Information On ConvertXtoDVD Visit:
TE Release Filename:
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▀▀▓▓█▄▀▀██▄▄▄ ▄▄▄██ INSTALLATION NOTES ██▄▄▄ ▄▄▄██▀▀▄█▓▓▀▀
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Install vsoConvertXtoDVD4_setup.exe. After installation copy
precracked files into ConvertXtoDVD's installed folder
(C:Program FilesVSOConvertX4), making sure to overwrite the
existing files. You now have a fully registered version of
ConvertXtoDVD 4!
Included is the manual as CX2D 4 is more technical now and not
thought as a easy to use single click converter now (hate it or
like it).
Thats it! Enjoy.
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▄ Don't Hate The Hacker, Hate The Code ▀░
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Files count:
29.69 Mb