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Baldur's Gate






Baldur's Gate *Warez-bb Edition* - BG1& 2 + xpansions + mo




2008-10-29 (by Heliummy)


Representing one of the pinnacles in the RPG genre, here is presented the Baldur's Gate story - assembled into one great release! Baldur's Gate *Warez-bb Edition* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *No installation required! Just start the game and play! *Latest updates and nocd crack pre-installed. *BG1 and BG2 has been combined together with both expansions to create one single, fluid experience. BG1 will now use BG2's more advanced graphics and UI, and you will no longer need to switch between cd's or games when you beat BG1. It will just automatically start BG2 without delay and continue playing with your current character. Items that work in BG1 will work in BG2 and vice versa. *Hundreds of new quests and items. *New/More sounds and music. *More dialogue, NPC's, teammates, and romances. *New character portraits. *More spells *Lots of dialogue fixes and other fixes created by fans of the games. *Huge BG1 Mods including: Dark Side of the Sword Coast, Northern Tales of the Sword Coast, Secret of Bonehill, and Drizzt Saga, with small mini-mods for various other things. *Huge BG2 Mods including: The Darkest Day, Shadows Over Soubar, Check the Bodies, Tortured Souls, and Region of Terror, with even more small mini-mods. *Brand new World Map(See below). *New start menu. *Doing all of this yourself would take up around 10gb of space and take a lot of patience and involvement. I've done all the work for you, except mine is only around 7gb in size and won't clutter your computer, because it only has 2 executables. The .dat file and the launcher. Baldur's Gate *Warez-bb Edition* cover art: Thanks to Aydrian for this great release!


  1. Baldur's Gate
  2. baldurs
  3. rpg
  4. roleplaying
  5. bg2
  6. forgotten realms
  7. warez-bb edition

Files count:



7455.98 Mb




Fusoya (2008-11-02)

Anyone downloaded this and can confirm it is virus free and works?

Heliummy (2008-11-04)

Virus free and works. I know, you probably want someone other than the uploader to tell you that :P
Some people have had issues with the game.
If you have trouble with sprites and get black boxes, enable 3d acceleration and transparent shadows.
To fix the "-1" error (Tenca, this is the problem you have):
Do a search on your computer for the file "baldur.ini," and make sure that all the drive paths within it correspond to the correct drive letter which you have the Baldur's Gate dat and exec files stored on.
baldur.ini is automatically created on your computer when you double click the Baldur's Gat II - The Throne of Bhaal exe.
Further explanation:
If you put the Baldur's Gate files in a folder titled "G:\Program Files\Black Isle\BGII - SoA," then search for the baldur.ini file on your computer, open it, and change all drive letters in section [Alias] from C:\ (or whatever they are) to G:\ and the apropriate path.
Another explanation of the same proccess, for clarity, copied from elsewhere:
If your BG2 installation is in any directory other than C:\Program Files\Black Isle\BGII - SoA then you need to edit the baldur.ini file. Replace any reference to C:\Program Files\Black Isle\BGII - SoA with the path to your BG2 folder (e.g. C:\Games\BG2 on my install).

Diudiudiu (2008-11-06)

Hmm.. This works just fine. There's few problems, though.
1) When I start new BG1 game, my character has 7 levels (max. exp).
2) Is Shadowkeeper supposed to work with this? If it is, how can I make it work? It just says "can't find SoA"

dimatheone (2008-11-19)

Is it possible to get full list of installed mod? Englih is not my native language and I want to search language convertor for all mods.

sickregret (2008-12-15)

First, tanks for this upload. Next, will you please make a list of all the installed mods. I know you have tutu, trilogy and the listed mods,but I would like a complete overview. Cheers.

bryman1970 (2008-12-15)

Works like a charm. I've always loved this game. Thanx for making this torrent.

sethro454 (2008-12-16)

First of all thanks for this it is awesome these are some of my favorite games of all time. This works perfectly. But I have one complaint there is sopposed to be "New" character portraits but alas there is not. I would like to know if there is any way to edit this release to add my own portraits. anyone that even has an idea how to do this please leave a comment

bryman1970 (2008-12-16)

I was curious to know whether there was an xp cap remover installed, or if I could use one if I needed it.

Insane181 (2008-12-21)

Work, but it's glitchy.
Integrating the the BG2 graphics into the original game may sound like a good Idea but it seems to create alot of other problems like music tracks overlapping, jerky scrolling, and the game occasionally just crashing.
Still a good mod though.

adx412 (2008-12-23)

Very, very good torrent.....^^ i love this game, the best for me of the twenty years ago ^^
Works very fine for me, in the single game with one hero....but one thing left...i'd like create a complete team in multiplayer game but when i create 6 heroes which i can export... i can't import them, the game crash....scuse my bad english language ^^

EvilSquonk (2008-12-23)

What is the .dat file packed with? Nothing seems to be able to open it. I want to add the widescreen mod...

Ampithere (2009-01-27)

I'm getting the same error tenca was, but my search doesn't bring up a baldur.ini file. I'm running on vista could that be the problem? How can i fix this?

Ampithere (2009-01-27)

Nevermind, I found the file and edited it, but I am still getting the error. My system won't let me move the folder out of my documents folder, so it's inside my users profile, I got the path right up until the folder that this torrent is made of. What do I put after the name of this torrent in order for it to work?
i.e. C:\Users\[my
What do I put after that in order for the game to run?

Ampithere (2009-01-28)

...Glad to see there is support

kingcow123 (2009-01-30)

Yeah, I tried this myself, same problem as Tenca and Ampitheater. I changed everything to the new directory, no luck. Tried restoring it to the original .ini and putting the torrent files in C:\Program Files\Black Isle\BGII - SOA and still no luck.
I really want to try playing this version of the games, if anyone knows how to fix this problem, please post...

egalor (2009-02-03)

People, I just have the same problem as Diudiudiu has: I start out in Candlekeep with my XP maxed to 7 level. This ain't right.
Is anything could be done - to start out at level 1?

dark2025 (2009-02-19)

Ok guys, I think I've fixed the experience problem! I looked through all 26 pages for an answer and couldn't find one, so I messed around with the thing myself. Note that I'm running Windows XP, so it might be different for you Vista users, but it shouldn't be by too much.
First, get the xpPatcher and extract it somewhere:

Then follow these steps:
1. Double click on 'Baldur's Gate II - Throne of Bhaal.exe'.
2. When the menu shows up click on Readme.
3. Notepad will appear with the readme file. Click on File -> Open...
4. Set 'Files of type:' to 'All Files'
[i]*Notice that you are now seeing all the Baldur's Gate program files. This is the only place that I've been able to view them. They won't show up in Windows Explorer no matter what I tried, so you'll have to do everything here in the open file window. If the contents of the window isn't Baldur's Gate, you [/i]should[i] be able to see the files if you navigate to C:\Program Files\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\*[/i]
5. Drag the extracted xpPatcher.exe into the open file window.
6. Right click on xpPatcher.exe and click Open.
7. Locate the BGMain.exe file within the patcher program (Just click on the browse button; BGMain.exe should be right there) and click 'Open EXE'.
8. Type in 0 for the 'New Starting XP' field and click 'Set Starting Experience'.
9. At this point you can quit both the patcher and notepad.
10. Play the game! Your characters should start with 0 experience points now.
I tried the Widescreen mod this way too, but was unsuccessful in installing it, unfortunately.
I suppose you can also use the above way to add portraits and sounds to the game too, but just remember that whatever you drag into the game directory you won't be able to get back. You can only copy files TO the game directory, not the other way around.
Anyway, tell me if this works for you. I've only tested it briefly by creating a single character, but it seemed to work for him so I'm just going to assume it works for all future characters too :D.

macuser2002 (2009-03-17)

Thanks dark2025
Your tip did work for me. For other people trying this, be sure you create a new character from scratch once you do this fix because the character templates all seem to be at level 7 already.
Another tip, you can simply search for BGMain.exe and find the path to it that way. It should be buried within your Documents and Settings folder
For those trying to use Shadow Keeper, you can do the same thing as dark2025 suggested doing with xpPatcher: Put Shadow Keeper in the same folder as BGMain.exe and open it from within the Open dialog box in the readme.txt (otherwise it won't get the paths right). I was able to see my saves and everything. It didn't like it when I pointed it to the actual location of the BGMain.exe file buried within my Documents and Settings Folder though, it had to be opened within the readme to work.
Thanks everyone... I hope it works from here on out.

gb113 (2009-04-11)

On Vista 64 I had probs to run the xpPatcher.exe I had to copie 2 files
COMDLG32.OCX and COMDLG32.DLL on C:\Windows\system

after I had done that it was no prob to run xpPatcher
This works even under Vista64 :D ^.^ yuuhuuu I did it
I created an folder on my partition C:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Black Isle\BGII - SoA

gb113 (2009-04-11)

I created an folder on my partition C:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Black Isle\BGII - SoA

gb113 (2009-04-11)

afa2000 (2009-06-10)

I could'nt play it. It says "An Assertion failed in ChDimm.cpp at line number 628 Programmer says:
Please, help.

egalor (2009-06-15)

You *are* the genius! Your way to make the files viewable is definitely one of the most elegant I have ever seen!
I would have never been able to come up with that myself, ever! Cheers, man. The human intelligence will triumph over the machine, eventually.

afa2000 (2009-06-16)

OMG, did I misunderstand or isn't that the whole game plus all expansions in 2 files ? I doubleclick on baldur.exe, but I can't play it. It says ""An Assertion failed in ChDimm.cpp at line number 628 Programmer says:
Unable to Open BIF:DATA/HD0GMOSC.BIF".
For god's sake, please help.

Sonolin (2009-06-24)

Um for some reason the starting spells are completely wack! Is there any way to fix this because this is the ONLY thing I can find wrong with this (and it is very sucky).
(This is in regards to Baldur's 1)
I start a new game, (I edited XP to start at 0) and when I create a priest character I do NOT get all spells for my level!!?!? Why, and how do I fix? I have NO spells as a druid! If I pick mage, I get to pick 7 spells, which I am sure is too much for a level 1.
I do not want to not play a druid/cleric, as those are among my fave class types :(. Any input at all would be appreciated, thank you for the great torrent.

Sonolin (2009-06-24)

Yea! I figured out the problem with priest spells. Instead of setting the experience to "0" with xpPatcher.exe I tried setting it to just "1" and it gave me a full spellbook for first level.
I might still have to start over (making that the fourth time, but worth it for this awesome game) but it works.

Terstren (2009-07-30)

I have a stupid question:
What program you use to open .dat file? My own do not works, but I want to set my old character and play BGII

ejstout (2009-08-26)

Awesome download. I just wish the game wasn't saved as a .dat file so that I could try to further modify the game by adding portraits, mods, etc..
I can't get shadowkeeper to work though. I tried going through the readme but I am unable to drag the .exe file into the readme dat

ejstout (2009-08-28)

I figured out how to uncompress the .dat file. I used winrar to do it. Here is how I did it in windows xp
Click the exe -> Read Me -> open
From here I navigated up (the up arrow icon on the open menu) to BgII-SoA and right clicked on the folder in the open window. From here I had several options, copy, open, but choose - Add to Archive.
Once you have added to archive, chose the least compression which is Storage. Then saved the BGII-SoA.rar to the desktop. Rar'ing the file should take about 10 minutes or so.
Once it was compressed, I extracted it do the Program Files/Black Isle/BGII - SoA.
Now I have all the folders, can add portraits, sounds, additional mods, etc...
Hope this helps out.

Leokosta (2009-08-29)

How to intall ? Dont know what to do with the .dat file. Any one can help, please ?

ejstout (2009-08-29)

You don't install. Just make a directory called c:/progam files/black isle/bgII - SoA
If you put both the dat and exe files in there the game will work. If you want to use a different directory then you will need to edit the ini file.

Ragma_War (2009-09-10)

Tried it, but the game keeps crushing when my character is leaving Candlekeep with Gorion (it's the beginning of BG1). It loads the new location and then just CTD - all of the time.
Anyone knows how to fix it?

IamDUFF (2009-10-11)

umm... ok.. you're cool an all but the main reason, or so i had believed, for the "per install" was for users like me that don't have administrative rights. i've owned BG2 before, an i don't feel like buyin it, an hey, everyone's got a lil pirate in em ay? but really, 1) no ini, 2) can't create a folder for the ini to be relevant to, even if it could work an 30 thanks for all the mods, but i like to stick to the script of the original authors, they got paid for having these ideas, it's like watching a movie that changed the plotline of the book >.< but i guess the engine idea for #1 is cool.. oh well.

motuishu (2009-12-08)

The magic word for this Game is vmware ^^ you can run it everywere ^^
I run it under W7 64bit :) no probs ^^

khidr0the0subtle (2010-01-31)

thank you so much for this amazing upload!
however i have played only through baldurs gate 1 and it is very buggy both the drizzt saga and secret of bonehill have major map errors. this means they cannot be completed.
if anyone knows how too fix these problems please let me know!

dopple1234 (2010-04-12)

I tried to open xpPatcher through the readme like dark2025 said, but it just made the readme crash. I've already downloaded this torrent once before so i know it can work, but this time it's really screwed up. Any thoughts?

Relivan (2010-05-08)

having a huge problem with this when ever i try to run the exe it just immediately crashes i have the files in the correct location if anyone has any info pls respond

toomuchaxe (2010-07-28)

So I have many hours into this game, finished up for the night, saved, went to bed. I ran the game tonight, getting ready to play where I left off, and all of the settings have been restored to default, and my games saves have disappeared! I've been playing it for about a week, so this is interesting. Is there a way to restore the save game?

poijnerf (2010-09-06)

OMG, fucking great release! (with so many new lands, but the original music gone creasy lol) Thank you! I had it running on my old computer with WinXP... worked great but it crashed EVERYTIME i tried to rest! Is this normal? How can i solve this? (if possible)
Anyway, now i have a windows 7 computer, tried it and it simply won't launch... do you plan to release this for windows 7 or have i to install xp on another hard drive? thx!
P.-S.: Actually there's a trojan in the file. (Avira Antivir spotted it, ask me if you want the name) Don't open it.

chrome99001 (2012-10-31)

For those that need to install mods, or are experiencing CTD's with this version, you can try out my version. I repacked a clean version using my own discs.
