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Starship Troopers: Terran Ascendancy - Complete






Starship Troopers: Terran Ascendancy - Complete




2008-03-26 (by dans1120)


The only version of this game that I've found torrents for is the stripped-for-size Underdogs version, so I went out and bought a copy of this rare game ($50!) so people can download a copy of the game as it was meant to be, with music and video. Enjoy!

Files count:



498.26 Mb




miguel1948 (2008-03-26)

Thanks very much.

dans1120 (2008-03-27)

Glad to do it!

dans1120 (2008-03-27)

Oh, I'm pretty sure that this won't run in Vista.

tavisjohn (2008-03-27)

I have gotten lots of old windows games to work FINE on Vista! (Like Warcraft 2)
Try COMPATABILITY MODE!!!!! (Under preferences for the main icon)

HellForge (2008-03-27)

Many thanks for this UL. Just hope it works.

Knyte6426 (2008-03-28)

Well, if I change the shortcuts compatiblilty mode to "98/ME" I can get into the Title Screen, but nothing else happens. Just the title picture and music. No menu or anything.
Windows XP Pro x64.

dans1120 (2008-03-28)

If the Underdogs version works for you, I doubt it'd hurt to drop in the new files.

Bikkebakke (2008-03-28)

I start the game, the vidoes comes up and the loading screens comes after but thats it. It halts at the loadingscreen and if i tab a error message comes up :/
any1 knows whats wrong?

blackfire117 (2008-03-29)

Thanks, this game sounds nice, I'll let you know If I get it to work :D (I've got vista)

geffshield (2008-04-06)

got xp,works sweet as,thanks dans,good upload

clit45 (2008-04-22)

i downloaded the game and everything...but it asks for a cd when i try to play it...i just extracted the iso file so if that is the problem then i need some help i really want to play this game!!!

geffshield (2008-04-25)

dunno if this helps,unzipped it,mounted with deamon pro,but anything should do it,install,then before playing mount rar file,this torrent works,i'm still trying to clock the thing now,you just need to play around with these things to get them to work.

goatee34 (2008-05-23)

thanks, my little boy loves the film aswell

sippor (2008-06-18)

i get o the load screen then it stops

hotness93 (2008-06-20)

i get stuck when it says Starship Troopers and thats it

tigpoppa (2008-07-05)

this doesnt work on vista
Compatability mode does nothing!
if it worked someone would have posted their settings!
Prolly works on older machines
hope someone makes an exe to load it or a patch

Cs123 (2008-07-16)

do you need crack?

tigpoppa (2008-07-17)

no its not a crack issue i am trying to run it on vista 64.
read alot online about there being a problem playing it and cant find a solution yet.
hope someone makes a fan patch!
Hint Hint!

uxarion (2008-08-08)

Hi all peeps i have Dl it and isntalled it but it says i need the cd what do i have to do please explain simple if u can =)

joe132 (2008-08-12)

Is this the entire game or not?

dans1120 (2008-08-12)

Yes, it is, I don't know why it isn't working, I've only been able to get it working in Windows 98.

katdoral (2008-10-29)

If you're having issues with not having a cd for this, try going to gamecopyworld and look for a fixed .exe, or a mini-image. Just make sure you get the right version for it and should work just fine then.

meobraz (2008-11-01)

For those having problems with the main menu not showing up, I solved it be going to...

and downloading and installing the ST: TA Full Patch then the ST Nvidia Patch. Some text seems to still be missing in the options menu and the intro movies seem to have slowdown a bit but other than that everything works. :)
As the need of a CD, I kept the iso mounted and the game works fine but if you what a fix, this place may have what you need...

danish1guy1who1loves1pc (2009-01-02)

It doesn't seem to be working... I have the same prob with the text not being shown etc... That's not the prob though...I made it work...
But everytime i try to start a mission, training or regular, then it crashes..... Can't seem to find the prob...
And a happy new year to ya all :)

ZoopChi (2009-01-09)

!!! WARNING !!!
After you download this game, go to:;3820419;/fileinfo.html

and download the pacth, extract it's content into the directory where Starship Troopers is installed, and replace the existing files! (or else the game will sometimes drop to desktop)

ZoopChi (2009-01-09)

NO CD is not required. Just mount the image with Daemon Tools or something, and play!

Llurdaen (2009-07-08)

Thanks man! Great game, thanks for the upload works 100%

Wankypantz (2009-08-04)

seed plz im only at 1kB/s

tetramon12 (2009-08-21)

plsssss seed

erborn (2011-10-01)

If someone playing the game was ever frustrated with a small number of opposing bugs, here's the tip:
1. Go to the Missions directory, inside you'll find a lot of sub-directories named like "c2m4". These are mission packs, where "C" represents Chapter and "M" - a Mission within that chapter.
2. Inside each sub-directory are several *.txt files. Those named "bh_***.txt" contain the settings for bug holes.
3. Now go into the "bh_***.txt" of your choice. Inside you'll find the following text:
// c1m2
// bughole #5 setting file
bug_type = warrior 100
What you need now is to add the following:
startmode = 2
special = 12 1000
totalbugs = -1
put the new lines just below "bug_type".
startmode = 2 will make the bugs spawn like crazies.
special = 12 1000 means (as far as I can understand) there are 12 bugs per respawn with 1000 max out of the hole at any given time.
totalbugs = -1 removes the max cap from the bug_hole.
Once you'll customize a number of bug_holes in this way, you'll notice the difference in gameplay :)
Now, what you probably should not change in bug_hole settings:
1. don't touch any "ID" or "status" lines; program often needs those for correct in-game events. tweak them at your own peril.
2. "tanker_hole" - the hole is hidden at the game start and will spawn a tanker upon activation.
3. "wall_hole" (or some such) - the hole is positioned at the wall.
About the bug types.
You can actually choose the types of bugs to emerge from the holes. Look for the "bug_type" line and write in the bug type you want. Like that:
bug_type = warrior 100
If you want several types of bugs, the line should be:
bug_type = cherrybomber 60
bug_type = warrior 20
bug_type = spitbug 20
where numbers represent the percentages reserved for any given type of bugs.
The list of bug types (the ones I remember anyway):
warrior - your classic bug
spitbug - like shit-sack spitting acid
cherrybomber - small blue-colored kamikadze
rhino - massive heavily armoured charger
chameleon - stealth bug
hopper - flying bug
brain - well, the brain
royalwarrior - jumping & deadly version of warrior bug
Personally, I would recommend to abstain from mass-spawning brains, for it's just silly.
Hoppers would not always spawn correctly in narrow tunnels (well, they will spawn, but will not be able to fly).
And fighting large numbers of spitbugs and cherrybombers is a rare and peculiar form of masochism, but that's down to individual taste.
Oh, and don't forget to stock up on ammo; actually, you'll probably need to guns per marine as well.
Go into the "interface.txt" and look at the:
Change the number at the end of that line to 30 and you'll get that many combat harnesses, which will allow you to give second gun to any marine equipped with it.
You can also think about removing some lines from EXCLUDED section. This should give you access to... well, to the equipment that is now not in the Excluded section :)

meatbag666 (2011-10-27)

Im stuck at the debrifeing on mission 2, I can't click
on "Launch Team!" button. I can only click on "Return to Campaign Update". Any help?

Arosha (2012-06-04)

Super old school game.. thanks working 100% on ATI

kuriels (2013-10-17)

for someone who is not as experienced with computers as some on this site. would someone be able to explain a little better how to make the game not show the insert cd notification. thanks