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lula wet: the sexy empire - full disc version




Games PC


lula wet: the sexy empire - full disc version




2005-07-14 (by Orusaka)


I'm really sorry I didn't get this up faster. I forgot I had messages to check, but better late than never, I guess. So, this is the full version of the game, not a rip like those that have been posted here before. I cannot, unfortunately, guarantee that this is an exact copy on the binary level, since this disc is a copy of disc by friend had, that he had copied from his friend etc. many years ago. However, I can guarantee that this is the full disc, and that it works.

Files count:



440.24 Mb




ravoldi (2005-07-15)

i have problems with videos i can"t see them please help i thnk a problem is a a active movie i have a xp windows!!help

Tom2510 (2005-07-16)

having trouble getting this to run, tried the compatability mode but nothing.

eliminators (2005-07-18)

Thanks Orusaka,
Works for me. XP Home. Just installed it without actmovie or direct x and it ran fine (slight flicker on the text).

Miss_Pia (2005-07-25)

how should i install it?
Please help me somebody.......

pakman (2006-02-17)

great game, thanks for sharing

Nimmryn (2006-03-10)

I did download the file, though I can't open it.
Might have wrong prog or miss it.
What you guys recommend?
And does sound and everything works as it should?

Nimmryn (2006-03-10)

Ah, nevermind the first question. I did a little misstake there >.<
But I still want to know about the second question.

jankom (2006-03-11)

how should i install it?
I have bin file and I do not know what to do!
Please help me somebody.......

raybert (2006-04-30)

have bin file and I do not know what to do!
pls help

Motimann (2006-07-09)

I'm getting an error message when I start the game, something about some memory not being written.. I think it's because the game is not compatible with Windows XP Professional. Anyone have a clue if there's anything I can do to make it work?

eduardo_8189 (2006-08-21)

how should i install it?
I have bin file and I do not know what to do!
Please help me somebody.......

Piddyx (2006-09-05)

I have the same memory error. I would not bother Downloading this file until a solution is found.

natanaelcd (2006-12-31)

This game is awesome!!!!

Megantic (2007-01-03)

Nån som lyckats lösa problemet med "Memory could not be written"-Möget?

Piddyx (2007-04-25)


Phryne (2007-05-29)

Can somebody help me. I download this game, but i can't install it.

kimonasgotsis (2007-06-18)

before all, thank for seeding this wonderfull game. same problem with everyboby. how do you get the files to work?

honey20 (2007-06-24)

i thx because you have sharied

honey20 (2007-06-24)

i can't play . show me

Tmod88 (2007-07-08)

EVERYONE try dosbox :) run the game through dosbox

Mofofo (2007-07-19)

Could someone tell what do I have to do to get this work? I am getting the same error message as almost everyone.
"However, I can guarantee that this is the full disc, and that it works." - Orusaka
If it really should work, would you tell us what to do to make it work?

Infidel_ (2007-10-11)

This one doesn't work for me either. "Memory"-problem here too. Some help, perhaps, Orusaka?

colorado77 (2007-11-10)

I have error message: "Couldn't open file CD-PATH-INFO" What to do?

bart09 (2007-12-16)

i got the original game of this but is there a xp patch availible for this because when i try and play this on xp home edition the clock runs pretty quick.
i`ve tried to go into options to slow it down and no luck.any ideas

mrrrgh (2007-12-30)

DOSBox tells me that this a Windows NT executable. No dice. I run in Windows NT compatibility mode and I get the same memory error as everyone else.

bart09 (2007-12-31)

i don`t know if anyone has come across this yet but the demo and full are availible from the website the game is called NIGHTSTUD 1 & 2.
i`ve only got the demo version.
the website is;

alex8876 (2008-01-02)

OK so now what do i do with the bin file?

Desade19 (2008-01-09)

OK, I see that some people are having problems installing or running the game. I downloaded it and it's working fine. I will tell you exactly what I did in the hopes that it will work for you.
1. You need Daemon Tools or some such utility to open the .bin file. That file is a CD image. You can also burn that image to a CD using Nero and then install the game from that CD.
2. When you install DO NOT reply "Yes" when the game asks if you want DirectX or Activemovie. Others have also commented on this before me and they were absolutely right.
That was it! The game has been installed. Now, as far as playing it, the only problem I had was with the videos the game shows when you switch from the small town to the city and from the city to nationwide. To bypass this problem, I deactivated the videos when the game switched to those places. To deactivate videos, press F2 while playing and you will enter the Options section of the game. You can change audio, save etc. from there. It would also be a good idea NOT to press F1 while playing because it activates a help video which also doesn't work well. It is very easy to figure out for yourself what to do in the game and how to do it. I shall provide some help now to make it easier.
The game works like this : You start in a small town with little money and the FBI chasing you. Your first objective is to gather enough money to buy yourself a new ID. You do that by taking pictures of Lula or filming videos with her and then sell them to the Distributor or sell him the royalties to them. Once you buy the new ID, your new objective is to raise 50.000 dollars. Once you do that, the game switches to the City. So, just before raising the 50K deactivate the videos.
In the City, you raise money by producing porn films. The absolutely necessary buildings you'll need are a Studio, a Casting office, a Movie Planning building and all the staff necessary to work in those buildings as well as actors/actresses. To rent or buy buildings, go to the City map and enter the realtor's building. To find and hire staff, go into the casting building and click on the newspapers. You can place ads to find staff there. Once you find all the necessary staff, you can start making and shooting films. Your bank account can go negative but then you'll have to pay interest to the bank. Also, it is a good idea to rent or buy an apartment for Lula. You have to keep her content by buying her gifts and make her famous by having her star in films and doing promotional campaigns for her as well as organizing scandals involving her. It's easy to figure out how to advertise as well as how to evolve your business and go completely independent.
Once you raise 2.000.000 you'll go nationwide. Remember, just before that deactivate videos :). When you go nationwide, your job will be to set up sex stores. By now, you'll be experienced enough in how the game works so I won't tell you how to do things, they're simple enough. Your objective - which is the final one - is to raise 30 or 40 million ( I can't remember which ) and launch a private satellite that will be broadcasting your sex programs.
That was it. I hope I was helpful enough.

Evil_Dave (2008-01-10)

Ok guys (and gals?), after about a day of wrestling with this mo-fo I finally got it to work on my version of XP. Here's what ya do------I guarantee it works.
First, go download a copy of Virtual PC (it's a freebie) and install it. Follow the intstructions on creating a new virtual machine and set it up as a Win 98 base. Then just load whatever copy of Win 95 or 98 that you have lying around and do a full install on your new virtual machine. Once you've got that done, just mount the Lula CD image you downloaded into a virtual Daemon tools drive(I assume you already have that, if not GET IT!), go to your virtual machine and capture the virtual Daemon tools drive as your CD/DVD drive for the machine and load the game. Let it load, ignore/close through the active movie & Direct X 3.0 pop-ups (you've already got better versions of these when you installed Win98). Now, (leave the Lula CD image mounted in your virtual drive!) go open the game, play, and enjoy!! I've played about halfway through the game and I have NO problems whatsoever; video strip/cut scenes run totally smooth with no crashes at any point so far at all. A lot of work to play an oldie, but if you really, really gotta have a Lula fix, this method is guaranteed to work! Have fun boys.

Gravgaard (2008-02-27)

Why can i Download it and open the file?

angella (2008-03-23)

Hello! For me the game works well (I have an old CD). The questions are about nationwide level. To go there, you have to have 2kk. Is it important to buy or rent a house? 2kk is too little to get many shops. When you have 10 shops, you have to buy a storehouse (costs 500k; 1/4 of 2kk!!!). How do you handle with those 2kk? And the main questions is, how to use earned money from shops? I have no option to take this money to buy more shops or pay bills for the house or at least get own plain.

illbill (2008-09-30)

hmmm.. It didn't work for me ether. Tried a lot of stuff, and dowloaded Virtual PC but it still would not work after it was installed. Error "The memory could not be written". Do anyone have a copy of this game on cd? If so, please make a ISO or something and share it with the world. thx

y0us3f (2009-02-03)

son of a bitch :)

WCK6194 (2009-05-06)

Here's the problem with your advice:
2. When you install DO NOT reply "Yes" when the game asks if you want DirectX or Activemovie. Others have also commented on this before me and they were absolutely right.
The game never asks you to reply "yes" about either DirectX or Activemovie. First, it automatically tries to install Activemovie, but it can't because my computer already has a newer version. After that it brings up a box to "reinstall directX". If you cancel that, the game still doesn't work. So I have no idea what you are talking about.

helloandgoodbye (2009-05-30)

How do i open a Rar file.

Joso2304 (2009-06-01)

Yup WCK is right it doesnt ask 4 premisson to install acktionmovie or DX!

Tripz83 (2009-07-27)

Does anyone know if you can get the original first Lula game ?. Dont know if anyone remembers it. It was just a small desktop game :-). But quite funny.

SegFaultOfDoom (2009-09-21)

To make it work on WinXP (and without VirtualPC bullshit) lower display hardware acceleration to "disable all but basic acceleration" (second notch from the left). To do this:
Before launching the game, right click on desktop, select "properties" in new window select "settings" tab, press "advanced", in new window select "troubleshoot" tab, and move "hardware acceleration" slider nearly all way to the left, until text under the slider changes to "disable all but basic acceleration. Use this setting to correct more severe problems". This is second notch from the left.
Don't forget to change acceleration back to "full" after you are done playing "sexy empire", or you won't be able to play 3D games.

SegFaultOfDoom (2009-09-21)

Oh, and don't forget to click "ok" after lowering hardware acceleration. After that game should work fine, it will complain about "primary surface not locked", and it might occasionally crash, but it will work, and will be playable.

QoMSoL (2009-12-06)

Doesn't run correctly under Windosw 7.

Wisher_SiD (2010-01-08)

none of the above helped to make it work...but there is another solution,which should help: when u install the game,open the mounted disk,copy DATA folder over the one in the directory where u installed the game,then open CDROM.LOC with notepad and set it to game path...hope it helps :)

electricatom (2010-01-17)

not working for me after instalation error about
"the instruction at 004447d1 referenced memory at 00d0000 the memory could not be written click ok to terminate the application"

polymorpher (2010-01-22)

1. unrar
2. Mount the ISO on Daemon Tools or burn to CD.
3. Install.
4. Copy the DATA folder from the DISK and overwrite the DATA folder where you installed the game.
5. Open the file CDROM.LOC with a text ediot like notepad and replace whatever is in there with you install folder location for me its "D:\Games\Wet".
6. Right Click your desktop go to
- there is slider make it so it says DISABLE ALL BUT BASIC ACCELERATIONS. (Note you need to get it up to maximum when you use other programs/games that need your advanced graphics features - When i disable it My NVIDIA is giving me a popup message that it cant start some module - i confirm and ignore it.)
7. Last but not least go to your install folder and select your WET.exe>properties>compatibility and make it use win98 or 95. One of them crashes the game LESS.
It still Gives some error at start of the game but he game works fully. In any case you can play now. Videos work too.
Tips for starters.
Options is accessibly at any time by F2.
As soon as you start the game decrease your game speed to minimum.
Shoot the pink pigeon. After every few killed you get 500$, (Its actually a flying dick but thats not the point, its very welcome to your starting budget)
If you want to have more money to start in the city stay in town and do NOT accumulate 50000.
Stay at minimum 1 dolar less than that and sell only royalties to the porn dealer and DON'T collect the money they accumulate. I entered the city at my 69th session and that was a total of 370,000.
Last but not least HAVE FUN BITCHEZ!

111bob111 (2010-03-20)

Any idea how to make videos work?

ugraugra (2011-04-12)

You can play videos in Media Player Classic but only in windows. It didnt work in-game for me :/

Tiafain789 (2011-06-01)

anyone know how to make this work on Windows 7? I get the intro to run, but then crash with "Memory could not be read" error message.

dabura619 (2011-06-18)

I can play the game just fine, but can't view any of the in-game videos/scenes that are played from time to time...can someone tell me why this is happening please?

dabura619 (2011-06-18)

nevermind i got it..just downloaded the iv41 codec

Ishtaya1986 (2011-08-23)

works fine, aside from a few issues: i can start a new game, but the game speed is way too fast (an ingame day only takes a few minutes or so) and i can't access the ingame menu, because i'm playing on a laptop, and my f2 and f3 buttons adjust brightness. is there any way around this?

Xmach (2014-03-16)

Put in the bin of course!