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The Ultimate Christmas Present!! (Truth-DVD Collection) 9/11, Government-terror






The Ultimate Christmas Present!! (Truth DVD Collection)


Video/Movies DVDR


2006-12-11 (by Osaka)


!!!! PLEASE HELP SEED THIS !!!! ------------------------------- This contains 4 of the best films ever made about 9/11, Government-sponsored Terrorism, the set up of a police state in America, and how the government uses fear to control the population. Its in DVD format, simply burn with NERO (reccomended) or your favorite burning software. The DVDs are NTSC (works on all normal American DVD player). The films are: 9/11: The Road to Tyranny (2002) Martial Law 9/11: Rise of the Police State (2005) Loose Change: 2nd Edition (2006) Terrorstorm: A History of Government Sponsored Terrorism (2006) --------------------------------------------------------------- Info about the films follows below: ----------------------------------- 9/11: The Road to Tyranny exposes how: ---------------------------------------- * Dozens of FBI and Defense Intelligence Agents were threatened with arrest by the Federal Government if they got in the way of Al-Qaeda operations. * How the CIA trained, funded and protected Bin Laden. * That impeachment lawyer David Schippers watrned congress and the justice department of the impending terrorist attacks. (The film includes an exclusive interview with Schippers on the Alex Jones Show just 2 weeks after the attacks. Schippers has since been threatened with arrest if he continues to speak out, and is begging the media and the American People to get this story out) * How the bloodthirsty globalists are using the terrorist attacks to scare the population into accepting high-tech slavery and a New World Order Police State. * How the recently declassified top-secret Northwoods Document written by the Joint Chiefs of Staff laid out the plans to bomb Washington and to hijack airplanes as a pretext for war. * Bill Clintons involvement in the Oklahoma City Bombing and how it was carried out by intelligence agencies to be blamed on the right-wing. * How the FBI ordered their informants to cook the bomb and train the drivers in the first World Trade Center attack in 1993. * Why the USA PATRIOT ACT is unconstitutional and un-American. * Why the government leaves our borders wide-open but tells us to give up our liberties for security and that more terrorist attacks are imminent. * FBI training manuals that are being given to police departments that state that christians, gun owners, and *Those who make frequent references to the US Constitution* are terrorists. * The unfolding cashless society biometric control-grid. * And much, much more... ------------------------ The extremely powerful film: Martial Law 9/11: Rise of the Police State documents... --------------------------------------------------------- >> What the modern day police state looks like as thousands of peaceful protesters are forcibly detained at a Guantanamo style detention camp called Pier 57 during the 2004 Republican National Convention. >> How multitudes of New Yorkers and others are fully aware of the fact that 9/11 was an inside job and are now actively exposing the people behind it. >> Why the collapse of Building 7 is potentially the biggest smoking gun indicating government involvement in 9/11. Alex returns to the scene of the crime to physically dissect why the official story can be nothing else but a fraud. >> How many of the RNC protesters are actually aiding what they claim to oppose by being deluded into thinking that a re-energization of the left will successfully counteract the Neo-Cons. Communists and socialists are confronted with the truth about the false left-right paradigm and their response only betrays their ignorance. >> The awful truth about Michael Moore, a man with basic honest intentions but also a man who has been carefully shepherded by the culture creators to pose as the orthodoxy milquetoast of the true story behind 9/11. How Moore stood at the front of the protest for his photo-op and then spent the rest of his time eating tacos. >> The occult and satanic underpinnings of the ruling elite families and how their oath to secret societies and each other makes a mockery of their counterfeit pseudo-loyalty to America and what it is supposed to stand for. >> Arnold Schwarzeneggers alarming and sordid past and why his intentions should unnerve us all in light of his fated future presidential run. A womanizing, egotistic, power-mad, imperious Nazi whose ideals are diametrically opposed to those represented by the founding fathers. ------------------------------------------ Loose Change 2nd Edition : -------------------------- The film is dedicated to the families of the victims of 9/11, and debunks the official story fed to the public by the government into pieces... more info can be found at -------------------------------------------- About Terrorstorm : ------------------- Throughout history, criminal elements inside governments have carried out terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them. TerrorStorm reveals how, in the last hundred years, Western leaders have repeatedly murdered their own citizens while posing as their saviors. In TerrorStorm you will discover that September 11th, the attacks of 7/7 in London, and many other terrorist events were self-inflicted wounds. You will witness British Special Forces troops caught in the act of staging terror attacks in Iraq and see official US government documents laying out plans to hijack passenger planes by remote control. You will learn how the Reichstag fire, the Gulf of Tonkin, and the US-backed Iranian coup of 1953 are all interconnected false-flag terror events. This powerful documentary explores the mindset of the average brainwashed Westerner. It delves deeply in to the systems of control which have been scientifically-crafted to imprison their minds and keep their eyes closed to the realities of the world around them. ----------------------------------- --- --- --- PLEASE HELP SEED THIS!! I CANT DO IT ALL ON MY OWN!! Im seeding this for at least 2 weeks, with an average upload speed of 100kb/s. Will be super-seeding this in the beginning until at least a few people have it. If it looks like there are no seeders, or if it says there are zero, DONT WORRY! There is! Its just your client thats fooled by the super-seeding thing. If you want to download just 1 or 2 of the movies, or download one at a time, then you can do so with the client µTorrent (there are other clients that support that feature, but µTorrent is the best. The official BitTorrent cleint does not support selecting and downloading individual files). --- --- ---

Files count:



16670.49 Mb




Hulla Bulla Girl (2006-12-12)

Konspirations teorier er dejlige...

CoMMaNcHe (2006-12-12)

Truth passes through 3 stages;
The 1st stage is denial.
The 2nd stage is violent opposition.
The 3rd stage is widespread acceptance as common knowledge.
People who see documentaries such as these for the first time will fall in to one of those categories;
One group of people will absolutely deny that it could possibly be the Truth and that they've been wrong.
And a second group of people will be violently opposed to the information being released, and they will do everything they can to discredit the message rather than to pay attention to the message.
And then finally, there's a third group of people who won't be so surprised, and in fact, who already have the knowledge of Truth..

IPNightly (2006-12-12)

I have some swamp land in florida to sell ya.

Osaka (2006-12-12)

No need to thank me, I'm just happy if people download this and make several copies of it and give away to friends and family, or to complete strangers.
Just remember to seed back when you're done!
(by the way, if you're reading this message then STOP, and download the torrent instead! Do it now!!)

Osaka (2006-12-12)

On a side note, I meant to write "uTorrent" at the end but that special "u" sign got messed up somehow.
Anyway, just go or google it or something if you want to be able to download one DVD at a time.
In my opinion uTorrent is the best client and easiest to use.

madjock111 (2006-12-12)

Dont get me wrong, Im sure there are little bits of truth in some of these films, and everyone is ok to have their own opinions on what/why who did whatever.
But are you telling me America killed gazillions of its own, and are still killing hundreds of its own troops as we speak, for what...fear, so Bush gets booted out, so another guy walks in, he has to keep quiet and sign up to killing hundreds more so he can keep his job.
Well sorry to say, I think its bollox, ok the whole WMD side was a bit dodgy, as they were itching to get Saddam out, but there are conspiracys and people who make anything fit what they want, just because they dont like any other policys.
Just my opinion of course.

CoMMaNcHe (2006-12-12)

That's just your opinion, yes, of course.
I'll repeat some of what I wrote before, though:
"one group of people will absolutely deny that it could possibly be the truth and that they've been wrong.."
I've already seen all of these docs and more.
They are very informative, everyone should get them.
Attention! This goes for everyone:
But for the love of God, if you download them and watch it all, and still don't believe what you've seen/heard is true, then DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH instead of trying to discredit the messengers of the info.
(bear in mind that the following is just an example, there are many more thing that you can do)
Why not, for example, go and read the declassified Northwoods Documents yourself?
And if you decide NOT TO, then think about this: Is it because you fear you might find out that it's all true? Or simply because you're too lazy?
That's the problem with most of the people who are still asleep; they are either too lazy or just scared that it might be true. It's very convienient for them to stay asleep and not do anything.

madjock111 (2006-12-12)

Wooh... there horsey
I thought I was being quite polite, but obviously not.
Lets start again shall we, if all this is so true, why will watching four films make any difference whatsoever.
1. If the media E,G THE NEWS love conspiracys which they do, for example showing every single police brutality on ethic people blah blah , why are they not jumping on the band wagon, they love giving us doom and gloom all day, and they would bring down a prime minister, president, every day if they why has this got to be watched in dvd format, every day they could tell us all the same storys every time a soldier or iraqi dies, but they dont, why....cos its all just could bes rather than IS.
I could go on, but like the whole religion epsiode, if you beleive then that up to you, I also heard that the Da Vinci Code was true and then found out that was bollocks as well..
Then there was some other stuff about a bloke and a cross, but I forget, but dont tell me I have to beleive it because its on DVD or a peice of paper.......cos strangely enough it can all be faked, so Im afraid its the chicken and the egg, or am I scared, or are you.....oh god I think I will kill myself, maybe Im in the Matrix, oh no....Aiieeeeee

everlander2007 (2006-12-12)

Thanks uploader!
wow madjock111, you really need to try and control yourself if you want anyone to take you seriously...... right there, you sound like a bizzare disinfo-spam-kiddo. naughty boy.

firedaxx (2006-12-12)

LOL everland! Don't be too hard on the little neo-con disinformtionists trolling the web. They're desperate! Hahahah..!
Anywayz, this sounds interesting...
But, woah! 16+ Gigs huh!? Hardcore!
Good thing I just bought a new HDD!! :)

All_Your_Sky (2006-12-12)

This is a very good upload. The speed is very good too but it will take some time for me to get it all down but Oh well. I woke up a few weeks ago.. I already got "The Road To Tyranny" but haven't seen the other films yet. but I've heard a lot about some of them and read reviews for Martial Law and Terrorstorm. I think everyone should download this and check it out. Not only people who are already awake, but other people as well. If you've never heard about any of these documentaries then you have even more reason to see them.

sal (2006-12-12)

all fucking gouvernments the same.
mind controlling scum cocksucking retard leeching cunt muthafucking yellow belly shithead's.

Naiykga_x77 (2006-12-12)

........Uh, I smell a Romanian...
"...sense a great disturbance on TPB" lol.

r3L1nqu1sh (2006-12-12)

DON'T SPAM!! Stupid kids...

madjock111 (2006-12-12)

I stand corrected, this must all be true.
I really am awake now, lets see, what am I going to do about it, NOTHING, the same as the rest of you, so well done the world is a safer place because of 4 DVDs.
But apart from that, and this is to all you beleivers of the tripe above.
Who has anything to gain from this, they all lose power because the people dont like wars, people dying, so who are telling me they do this, to lose respect, power....come on...

JazonX (2006-12-13)


Osaka (2006-12-13)

Now please observer that this is NOT A VERY BIG DEAL but I just discovered that the DVD of "9/11 The Road to Tyranny" has some slightly weird issues; the sound gets a bit weird at short periods of time and some other stuff, but mostly it works fine.
It was the only copy of the DVD I could find when I put it in this torrent.
If you want, you can skip that DVD and just download the other three films, which are all perfect copies and work 100% fine, I've checked them before.
But again, it's not a very big deal.

Osaka (2006-12-13)

Also, the newer the documentary is the more relevant and better information it has (usually).
For the most part, I only included "The Road to Tyranny" because it goes in-depth about the Oklahoma bombings and some other things that are not covered as much or as closely in the other documentaries.
More downloaders, please! Tell friends and people you know about this torrent and tell them to download it!

oiuumar (2006-12-13)

OK well, i'm downloading it anyway - i read thru all the info at the top and it sounds great .

Osaka (2006-12-14)

Martial Law, Loose Change, and Terrorstorm works fine,
but if you want a better quality version of "The Road to Tyranny", check this torrent out:
That one should be perfect.

DadoBong (2006-12-14)

Thx Osaka...good job.

Osaka (2006-12-15)

I've done a closer examination and comparison now, and I've concluded that the copy of "The Road to Tyranny" -->> is MUCH better than the copy featured in my (this) torrent.
If you want The Road to Tyranny, please get instead.
In other words, download all DVDs included in inside this torrent except "The Road to Tyranny"
Get that DVD from instead.

Osaka (2006-12-25)

I won't be seeding this anymore. Of course it will still be here and if someone wishes to keep seeding it then feel free to do so.
I'm planning on uploading some other stuff in the near future, and in the meantime I'm helping out seeding "911 Mysteries" --> (VERY good 9/11 documentary! a MUST download!)
and Martial Law 911 here: -->
and some other stuff.
Everyone should get the 911 Mysteries documentary. It's a bit different from the other docs on the subject, and it goes into great depth and detail about the physics involved in the demoliton of the buildings among other things.
9/11 Mysteries:

suden82 (2007-01-07)

i´m gonna seed this with my 1.4 mb/s upload!!

sodjoh (2007-01-09)

whoaaa! i think i have seen a part of this....but...Hmmm who was the responsible for 9/11? Was it Cartman or was it Kyle or....I guess we´ll never now!!!

suden82 (2007-02-05)

This is a must see!!!!
I will seed this forever... spreed the TRUTH!!!

tandyr (2007-02-25)

I have seen bits and peices of these films on UTube, and Google. They are definately informative and need to get to the genereal public..... I just wish the media would start looking at the research and help us save our counrty!

Osaka (2007-02-27)

The mainstream media (Fox News, CNN, BBC.. etc) are controlled and bought and paid for. They'll never air anything like this on TV.
YOU are the new media.
It's YOUR responsibility to get this kind of REAL information out to people and to spread the truth!
The mainstream media and news-networks responsibility is to feed the population rubbish and bullshit and fake news, to keep us from being anything else than dumbed down sheeps.
It's not working for them though.

elsone (2008-10-22)

When the student is ready, the teacher will come.

PDValentine (2009-06-19)

More hysterical conspiracy silliness.
It's bullshit.

kaoruchan42 (2010-02-21)

For all of you wondering whether the government was behind 9/11, just ask yourself one simple question: do you really think that the US government is competent enough to pull a massive conspiracy involving possibly tens of thousands of participants and all sorts of intricate plans that could have failed at any moment, so perfectly that ten years later people are still debating it? Remember, this is the same government that can't win a war against a bunch of crazy Muslim fanatics in Iraq and can't figure out how to make sure everyone has health care or stop a few banks from destroying the entire world's economy. Unless that's all part of the conspiracy too?!?!?

frode10 (2011-11-24)

REALY 16,2gb dawnload aiseesoft dvd converter suite, its goood!