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TCC - Darren Staloff and Louis Masur - The History of the United






TCC - Darren Staloff and Louis Masur - The History of the United




2005-01-14 (by thescavenger)


TCC - Darren Staloff and Louis Masur - The History of the United States Course Number 830—70 lectures (45 minutes/lecture) Taught by Professors: Darren Staloff and Louis Masur—City College of New York James Shenton—Columbia University Michael Sugrue—Princeton University Few subjects demand as open a mind as history, whose permanent "truths" are perhaps more fragile and transient than those of any other discipline, demanding reinterpretation with every layer of knowledge we add, with every ounce of wisdom we accrue. That is, perhaps, why we love it so much, and why our 70-lecture SuperCourse, The History of the United States, promises you a learning experience of uncommon richness and intellectual excitement. For rather than offering you still another accumulation of raw facts—the dates, battles, elections, treaties or forms of government you’ve already spent a lifetime assimilating—this course speaks, instead, to the why of things, the significance of those facts, and the way they fit together to reflect the past and foreshadow the future. That’s what a deep understanding of history is really about. And it’s what we believe you deserve in a course designed to provoke and stimulate everyone who has finally come to understand that when it comes to history, facts alone are simply not enough. In these lectures—taught by three history professors of exceptional insight and teaching skill—you’ll experience the past four centuries not simply as a torrent of sequentially linked events, but as an ongoing evolution of intellectual and social forces, within which even the facts you’ve known for years bristle with the kind of fresh, provocative meaning that makes your commitment to lifelong learning a joy. The History of the United States begins with Professor Darren Staloff, who looks at our country’s past from a sharp new perspective. Have you ever wondered what the colonists’ relations with the Amerindian population were like? Would you be surprised to learn that the brutality of colonial military tactics shocked and horrified even the most battle-hardened Indian warriors? Would it surprise you to learn that the Puritans’ ideas about romantic love and sex were vastly different than what we’ve been led to believe? Or that their own profound love for their children meant that those children would often be raised by someone else? Or that the Salem Witch Trials ironically resulted in the execution of the most devout community members? Or that slavery may have contributed to the development of democracy? You’ll get to hear all of these provocative ideas—and many more—presented, discussed, and placed in context as you see our country take shape. In Parts III and IV, Professor Louis Masur of The City College of New York continues the story of the young nation with its initial struggles of identity through the Civil War and Reconstruction. Professor Masur covers a period of incredible intellectual turmoil—revivalism, transcendentalism, abolitionism, feminism, utopianism, and nativism. And hearing his treatment of this period and its concerns offers you a perfect demonstration of why he has been honored with Harvard’s John Clive Prize for Excellence in Teaching, and why it is such a joy to learn from teachers this qualified and this skilled. It’s a joy that will continue for you in Parts V-VII, by Professor James Shenton of Columbia University, a canny analyst and remarkable storyteller, the 1973 recipient of the Mark Van Doren Teaching Prize who has subsequently received virtually every teaching honor Columbia can bestow. Have recent years taught us that political parties will do just about anything to win the presidency? Wait until you hear Professor Shenton’s discussion of the infamous Compromise of 1877, when the Democrats literally traded away the White House so that Reconstruction could be ended in the South—accepting a bargain that would condemn millions of Americans to second-class citizenship for most of the next century. Do you believe the 1960s represented the pinnacle of citizen discontent with the government? Then listen to Dr. Shenton discuss the Great Depression—and the Secret Service agent whose lasting memory of President and Mrs. Hoover is of them walking into a White House event carrying handguns, lest someone try to shoot them! As the course moves towards its conclusion, you’ll come away with a true sense of intellectual and historical context. You’ll see how the legacy of figures like Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, and Ronald Reagan—each put into place by Professor Shenton—fits into the overall framework built in previous lectures by Professors Staloff and Masur. These 70 lectures represent a wonderful opportunity for you to walk through the hallways of American history, observing events and sifting ideas. You’ll come away from these lectures not only knowing what happened, but why—and what all of it may mean for our country’s future. “Should I buy Audio or Video?” Please Note: This course is available on audio only.

Files count:



1434.97 Mb




checks (2005-02-24)

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kakakiki05 (2014-11-30)

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