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The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion+Mods+NoDVD Crack+Update






The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion+Mods+NoDVD Crack+Update




2006-11-08 (by Golzari)


The Good: Huge, lavishly detailed world offers tremendous amount of action and adventure; main mechanics like combat, stealth, and magic are fun and well designed; impressive artificial intelligence and hundreds of believable characters; outstanding symphonic score, as well as excellent voice acting and sound effects; tremendous replay value, plus gorgeous graphics to make it easy on the eyes. The Bad: Frequent though fairly brief loading times; you might run into some technical issues with performance.

Files count:



4581.77 Mb




tehkhronos (2006-12-03)

cmon guys, seed. almost all of us are stuck on 14%. my dl rate went from 150-200kb/s to 0kb/s when i got to 14.6% PLS SEED

nbake777 (2006-12-03)

there was one seed when i saw this yesterday and 15 leechers, now today NO SEED and 30 leechers. something wrong? SEED!

nbake777 (2006-12-04)

Golzari you SUCK

nbake777 (2006-12-08)

im a 50% almost after a week

Jaarno (2006-12-11)

C mon i have been stuck in 50% for many days!

quiggles21 (2006-12-11)

im gonna upload this game in about an hour or so. keep on the lookout. I will seed until everyone gets it.

aotredem (2006-12-14)

I'm stuck at 75% or so. Please reseed.

skullleader (2006-12-14)

please seed a little more.many thanx

skullleader (2006-12-15)

stuck at 77%.please guys seed

aotredem (2006-12-15)

need more seed.
stuck still. It went up 4 percent for me. Now at 78.4%

bboyBlazz (2006-12-15)

CARALHO! golzari seu nalgas cagadas! lol

gangstachaldo14 (2006-12-17)

Please seed!! I'm on 94.9%

AcidCrash (2006-12-17)

I am stuck at 90/1% doesn't anybody else have the last 9.9%, get off your lazy duff Golzari and let us have the rest.

espadilha (2006-12-17)

Download stuck at 95%, i just finally cancelled it. Don't upload if you don't seed.

Sushini (2006-12-19)

Sorry but how do I install this game?
I use Deamon T. c 4.06 but I can't fint any file with it to install the game

Movie_Beast (2006-12-19)

seeda plzz

beckhamje (2006-12-23)

Please seed when finished! It helps so much. Thank you current seeders for the consideration. WE NEED MORE! its a large file and takes weeks at 20kb/s. SEED PLEASE

alexo1005 (2006-12-26)

sluta säga seeda och sluta berätta att ni har fastnat jag har laddat ner över 500 torrenter aldrig fastnat eller nåt sånt så snälla sluta klaga
Stop say seed please and stop tell when you got stuck because i dont care i never got stuck and i have downloaded over 500 torrents! så please stop.

BloodCrow_X (2006-12-31)

thnx very much for the present seeders...but plz ..we need more, im just a little more than halfway......PLZ MORE SEEDERS.

Latex-hamsteri (2006-12-31)

Why is every1 moaning about dl speeds. I haven't had any problems with this torrent, average dl speed is 230kb/s. R u guys sure ur firewall has open port though DCHP...

OOPIUM (2007-01-03)

What the hell should i mount?
Dloaded for goddamn 50 hours, i wanna play!

OOPIUM (2007-01-03)

Oh sorry... Got it now

johnnyboy333 (2007-01-05)

how do i download this? i downloaded a file which is 72kb..what do i do now?

johnnyboy333 (2007-01-05)

help!!! ive never used this before but im getting half a kilobyte per second download speed (ie. 50 days ETA!) what am i doing wrong?

tatterdemalion (2007-01-08)

For those who were asking what to mount, you need PowerISO to mount the DAA files in the "The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion + No DVD Crack" folder. (or to convert them to a standard ISO file to mount in Daemon).

Alteredmind (2007-01-08)

What exactly are the mods included?

johnnyboy333 (2007-01-09)

i dont get this.. what does 'mount' mean and how do i do it and what to?

falcoo (2007-01-12)

pleas help???
installation was good but wen i push play the game its wrong its closing
what can i do?

remz (2007-01-19)

seed please

StuntmaKnut (2007-01-19)

Hi, I have now downloaded and innstalled the game. I have updated it to 1.1.
but when i start the game, and when it is almost finished loading, at the end of the loading, it crashes to desktop, and that damn windows error report comes up.
so whats the prob? what have I done wrong?
it is all the time crashing at the very end of the loading!!!! :(

SoberanoBlue (2007-01-20)


StuntmaKnut (2007-01-20)

Well for me its bugged....and i tried to remove the movies and intro videos because they arent important etc. well i tried everything, and it didnt work.
by the way i have the video card: Geforce 7600 GT whis is said in the readme of Oblivion that its not supported :(
maybe thats the problem....

remz (2007-01-20)

works fine thanks. i will seed now

Laxarus (2007-01-29)

Could anyone plz seed this one? I'm getting between 5kb/s and 20kb/s dl speed.... :(

Nielscorn (2007-02-05)

Could someone tell me why my download won't start? it's at 49,5% but it just doesn't start the download so i don't even see how much i am dl'ing( i aint downloading in fact)
Here what my log says:
16:34:45: [5.0.5] [LocalDiscovery] announcing:

16:34:45: [5.0.5] [LocalDiscovery] Service
16:34:53: [5.0.5] [LocalDiscovery] announcing:

16:34:54: [5.0.5] [LocalDiscovery] Service
16:35:54: Warning: [5.0.5]
Tracker aankondiging nog steeds niet compleet 59 seconden na start
16:35:54: Warning: [5.0.5]
Problem connecting to tracker
Timeout while contacting server.
16:37:54: Warning: [5.0.5]
Problem connecting to tracker
Timeout while contacting server.
16:40:14: Warning: [5.0.5]
Tracker aankondiging nog steeds niet compleet 60 seconden na start
16:40:14: Warning: [5.0.5]
Problem connecting to tracker
Timeout while contacting server.
16:42:50: [5.0.5] [LocalDiscovery] announcing:

16:42:51: [5.0.5] [LocalDiscovery] Service
16:43:24: Warning: [5.0.5]
Problem connecting to tracker
Timeout while contacting server.
16:43:47: Warning: [5.0.5]
Problem connecting to tracker
Timeout while contacting server.
16:43:51: Warning: [5.0.5]
Tracker aankondiging nog steeds niet compleet 60 seconden na start
16:43:51: Warning: [5.0.5]
Problem connecting to tracker
Timeout while contacting server.
16:45:51: Warning: [5.0.5]
Problem connecting to tracker
Timeout while contacting server.

guvnor_nutter (2007-02-06)

I've downloaded this eventually but there is something strange about the 2 large .daa files.
Ive mounted plenty of files from here before via poweriso or daemon tools but with these files while I can see them I cant actually select them and open/mount them. Also in explorer right clicking on them and selecting properties gives the response that "The properties for this item are not available" but these are the only files within the torrent that are like this and azureus says the entire torrent has been downloaded so I cant work out why I cant mount them to install the game.
Has anyone else had this problem with this torrent?

Lilloe (2007-02-10)

No problem installing the game, no problem starrting it, but just as I get on playing, when you follow the king and the guards down the stairway from your cell the whole computer suddenly restarts and I get a message there's something wring with my graphic driver!
Can anyone help me? I've tried installing new Nvidia drivers with no luck..:(
My system follows the requirements:
2,9 Intel 4 prossesor
1gig RAM
Nvidia 6200 Turbocache 256 memory
If you got any ideas what to do,please post em
thx =)

C18Ricke (2007-02-12)

Oi oi game works perfect exept one thing... The landscape for me is purple, yah you heard right purple... Great grafic every else exept on the grass its purple=/
If someone know whats wrong please type an mess=/

fruitcakez (2007-02-13)

I've downloaded this game now and i can install it, i can even play with no problems even that i don't have a original Grafic card! I'ts built inside the motherboard if you see what i meen and i can still play att 100 %!

andyofswe (2007-02-14)

eeehhm okay...and this works??? p.s i want answer from a downloader as i don´t trust uploaders...

Magisken (2007-02-19)

Dudes plEASE Help me i downloaded for aloooong time and i done everything it says but the patch dont wonna ..... patch.... HELP ME PLEASEE

menu76 (2007-02-20)

Registered PowerISO wont mount the .daa files for me

Kanakattaka (2007-02-21)

I get outta the first tunnel place and the game freezes, everytime. I've tried makin a new game but this doesnt work either... is anyone else having this problem?

Magisken (2007-02-25)

i cant get daemon tools to wark plzzzzz help me!!!!! i dont know how to open it

libelle156 (2007-03-10)

This is fantastic, works great.

libelle156 (2007-03-10)

kanakatatta, i think your game is crashing because when you get out of the tunnel you emerge into the massive outside world - its too huge for your computer.

-Octavarium- (2007-03-29)

Guys please seed when your done! PLEASE!

Leandiel (2007-05-07)

Works really good :D

Vezo (2007-05-12)

Ok after a long long time of downloading this :P i read the install instructions and it tells me to mount the files with PowerISO... ok so i go into limewire and download PowerISO version 3.6 and get a register thing for it.... now i have done this the icon for the The.Elder.Scrolls.IV.Oblivion.part01 and part 02 has changed to a Golden cd kinda thing, i double click on Part 01
D:\Oblivion\The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion + Mods + NoDVD Crack + Update\The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion + No DVD

Can not read compressed image file.
^^^ this stupid thing pops up....
so i press ok and then press the mount butten in the top right next to the burn butten, i select Drive [F:] and then mount image.... everything stops for a second... i look down and there is a loading bar that says
Total 1927 MB - - - 100 %
Then a folder opens up that is called Oblivion (F:), inside it, there is a Setup information txt thing and when i open that it says
Windows can not access the specified device, path or file. You may not have the approprate Permissions to access the item.
could someone please help me?

Vezo (2007-05-12)

or if you have installed it could you please explane how you did it in good detail?

majava2 (2007-05-25)

Seed please, I am at 82,7%.

Hawkino (2007-06-02)

I install the game move folders and update and as it says. i got the game started i play without problems but after shutting on and off my computer over night it says i need a disk WTF i want to play!

chrisovaccy (2007-06-20)

can anyone help please ive downloaded the game installed the mod, the update and the crack and it comes on fine but when i press start new game nothing happens. i have 2gb ram and geforce 8600gt

karexikare (2007-08-28)

Seed pls! Im stuck...

jimi_mon (2008-01-19)


Makri93 (2008-06-16)

I've downloaded, installed, patched, fixed and launched. When i then start game, push "New" and are at making char, finishes, its all white? its all white when i make the char stuff, except the char making screen.... help me?

Makri93 (2008-06-16)

found out, my graphic card is to bad :(

necero (2009-01-29)

seed plz