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Why Abdul Raheem Green Came to Islam.flv






Why Anthony Green came to Islam


Video/Movie clips


2009-10-04 (by Anonymous)


Abdul Raheem Green , formerly Anthony Green, born 1964 , is a British "revert" to Islam and Islamic lecturer. Born in Dar-es-salaam in Tanzania to British parents , his father (born in England), Gavin Green, was a colonial administrator in the then extant British Empire. At an early age he moved back to the UK with his parents. His mother is of original Polish origin . At the age of ten , he attended a Roman Catholic Monastic boarding school at Gilling Castle and then went onto Ampleforth College and went on to study history in the University of London. However, he left his education unfinished in an effort to devote himself to Islamic works. He became dissatisfied with Christianity at the age of eight. Green researched and practiced many religions , including Buddhism (for three years) before converting to Islam.


  1. Anthony
  2. Green
  3. Abdl Raheem
  4. Abul Raheem
  5. Islam
  6. Buddaism
  7. British
  8. Tanzania
  9. revert
  10. daressalam
  11. Buddhism

Files count:



26.79 Mb




internationalbrigade (2009-10-05)

I knew an Anthony Green once and he converted to satanism. I thought he was real dumb. I hope your Athony Green is not as dumb as mine although I am not holding much hope in view of his defective life choices.

martsego (2009-10-05)

Yeah, now he believes in the god of a religion for camel drivers and other such ignorant people, conceived by a despìcable pedophile prophet who "married" a child and now offers his ass to his god lifting it five times a day high up into the air hoping this bugger god one day will sodomize him as he wishes... It takes all sorts of sane and crazy people to make a world...

internationalbrigade (2009-10-05)

The bugger god. Nice one. Buggery 5 times a day. Whats not to like about that. Can see why convicts are so drawn to Islam.

Astralia (2009-10-05)

broad1rage (2009-12-02)

i reckon the common abdul from porkistan is anxious to download this asap to show it to his lactating "khushpoo"
meet khushpoo

aemalkawi (2011-04-07)

you are so respectful, I prefer camel drivers on being rude with no any ethics AND NO EDUCATION,,,,,,,,,
and your knowledge in history seems taken from drugs-trading casino,,,,, because although prophet muhammed_peace upon him_ married a 9-year old girl BUT she were ADULT (not child), because if you were educated you would know that south arabia regions weather are extremely high temperature , which has a great effect in early puberty,, go learn some general info and some real history,,,,,,
and marry a small adult better than looking for unlawful sex like your community which allows gays & pedophiles (so disgusting) & porn from all odd kinds, at least islam has cleaned the community from those sick-mind people
and this God you are talking about, you are bones and meat that developed from semen, so don't challenge something bigger than you,,,, god can allow nature to destroy a whole country,,,,,,,, look for what happened in japan, do you think you are so big to stand against power like that,,,, human are nothing in front of nature_which is controlled by God, and why going so far,,,,,, human are not even in control of himself, can you prevent your death that are surely coming one day, can you prevent it when your heart stop beating,,,,,,,
please think and may then you find the right way

hatepig (2013-01-22)

LOL what's with retarded christians thinking only muslims married children? Do you not know your own sick history? Fucking jackasses.