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Petras - The Power of Israel in the United States






Petras - The Power of Israel in the United States




2008-07-15 (by CuriousGeorge )


This is James Petras's shocking book The Power of Israel in the United States (2006) which is a chapter-by-chapter analysis and documentation of the power of Israel in United States via the Israeli, Jewish or Pro-Zionist Lobby on US Middle East policy. It raises serious questions as to the primary beneficiary of US policy, and its destructive results for the United States. The extraordinary extent of US political, economic, military and diplomatic support for the state of Israel is explored, along with the means whereby such support is generated and consolidated. Contending that Zionist power in America ensured unconditional US backing for Israeli colonization of Palestine and its massive uprooting of Palestinians, it views the interests of Israel rather than those of Big Oil as the primary cause of the disastrous US wars against Iraq and threats of war against Iran and Syria. It demonstrates and condemns US imitation of Israeli practice as it relates to conduct of the war on terrorism and torture. It sheds light on the AIPAC spying scandal and other Israeli espionage against America; the fraudulent and complicit role of Americaâ??s academic "terrorist experts" in furthering criminal government policies, and the orchestration of the Danish cartoons to foment antipathy between Muslims and the West. It questions the inability in America to sustain or even formulate a discourse related to the subject of Israeli influence on the United States. It calls for a review of American Mid East policy with a view to reclaiming US independence of action based upon enlightened self-interest and progressive principles. Petras seems to cover it all in this scathing and incredibly well informed analysis of Zionist control over United States decision making regarding the Middle East. He proffers a myriad of statistics augmenting his point that the Jewish Lobby is ultimately in the driver's seat when the Pentagon, State Department and Executive Branch deliberate on Middle Eastern policy, and carry out their policy objectives in that region of the world. The Power of Israel in the United States is an eye-opening book for every advocate of democracy and every opponent of imperialism. 180 pages. A must read for everyone. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION/11 PART I: ZIONIST POWER IN AMERICA Chapter 1. WHO FABRICATED THE IRAQ WAR THREAT? /19 The Jewish Lobby, Not Big Oil /21 Chapter 2. THE US-IRAQ-ISRAEL-ZIONIST CONNECTION 127 Who Benefited from the Iraq War? / 27 Unanswered Questions: September 11 and the Israelis / 35 Theoretical Issues/36 Who Finances the State of Israel? / 39 Support for Israel from the US Government/41 Israel Bonds / 43 Accomplices to Genocide / 45 The Zionist Power Configuration in the United States / 46 The ZPC in Action: The Iraq War / 48 Israel and the Right of Free Speech / 54 Chapter 3. THE LIBBY AFFAIRE AND THE INTERNAL WAR / 61 The War Within / 63 Chapter 4. EXPOSING THE EXPOSE: SEYMOUR HERSH AND THE MISSING ZIONIST-ISRAELI CONNECTION/ 65 The Zionists and Torture in Iraq / 67 A Close Look at Hersh's Method / 67 Conclusion/71 Chapter 5. THE SPY TRIAL: A POLITICAL BOMBSHELL/73 AIPAC On Trial/76 PART II: ISRAEL AND MIDDLE EAST WARFARE Chapter 6. THE HOUSE OF HORRORS: TORTURE, ASSASSINATIONS AND GENOCIDE / 82 Empire Building/82 Imperial Consolidation / 83 Targeted Assassinations / 84 Destruction of Civilian and Military Infrastructure / 86 Conclusion/90 Chapter 7. ISRAEL'S FINAL SOLUTION: THE ASSAULT ON GAZA/ 93 Introduction/94 From the Present to the Past / 95 The Final Destruction of Six Myths about the Jewish State and the Lobby / 96 1. Israel and Democracy / 97 2. Israel and Peace / 97 3. Israel and the Possibility of a Two-State Solution / 99 4. Israel and Terror / 99 5. The Jewish Lobby: The Central Issue /100 6. Israel and Prisoner Exchanges: The Record /102 Mass Media Propaganda at the Service of Ethnic Cleansing /104 Epilogue/107 Chapter 8. "MAD DOG" RAVAGES LEBANON /110 Epilogue/117 Chapter 9. ISRAEL'S WAR WITH IRAN: THE COMING MIDEAST CONFLAGRATION/122 Introduction/122 Israel's War Preparations /122 Israel's War Deadline /123 US-Israeli Disagreements on an Iran War /124 Fabrication of Iran's Nuclear Threat/129 Conclusion/132 Chapter 10. THE CARICATURES IN MIDDLE EAST POLITICS /136 Denmark: Center of Mossad Activity /138 Flemming (or Flaming) Rose: Journalist with a Cause /139 Provoking Conflict Between Muslims and the West/139 Sayanim?Defenders of Western Civilization /141 Mossad War Propaganda and the "Cartoon Controversy"/141 Beyond Religious Blasphemy /143 Epilogue/145 PART III: EXPERTS ON TERROR OR TERRORIST EXPERTS? Chapter 11. EXPERTS ON TERROR: LOOKING IN THE MIRROR /148 The Terror Expert Genre /149 Interrogation: Questions for the Terror Experts /151 Bibliography/158 Chapter 12. SUICIDE BOMBERS: THE SACRED AND THE PROFANE /159 Introduction/159 Total War: Content and Consequences /160 Total War and the Resistance /161 Degradation: The Logic of Total War/161 The Technique of Degradation: The Larger Meaning /162 Political Consequences of Defiling the Sacred /163 Suicide Bombers: A Response to the Desecraters /164 Conclusion/165 PART IV: DEBATES Chapter 13. NOAM CHOMSKY AND THE PRO-ISRAEL LOBBY: FIFTEEN ERRONEOUS THESES /168 Introduction/168 Chomsky's Fifteen Theses /170 Conclusion/180 Chapter 14. CONFRONTING ZIONISM AND RECLAIMING AMERICAN MIDDLE EAST POLICY/182

Files count:



1.09 Mb




rantrantrant (2008-08-03)

Israel is only a US colony because the world's controlling Jews are in the US. Read


1. Petras - The Power of Israel in the United States (2006).pdf 1.09 Mb