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2006-04-04 (by starshiponthenet)


[email protected] /* */ZZ8ZZZZZZaZZZ8088Z8Z8Z88ZZZ8ZZ888Z8 08800880808888008080888Z888888ZZ000BWBZZW@BaXSZ88WBWW8Z8BB8MM00B@WBW8B@B@@BBB0Z880808888808888808Z88 8ZZZ80008880088880808080088888800BWB7SZZ27SBMMMMMMMMMM@@W87S2BWW@MMMM@@W080800BWBS800888000BB008Z8WW @WW08ZZZZ88000800080880008088000WW7XS8aS0MMMM@B000@M@MMMMM@WZ2SWMZ@MWWWW@WBWBWWBB0BB0BBB0B00880WMMMW MMMMMMMM@W08ZZZ888000000888080WM0ir800aWW@W8aBMMMM@@WWWW@W@MM@ZZ0008W@BBWWW0a28BW0BWB000008Z8W@@WB08 MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWB8ZZ880000BBB@@; 8@WaaMMW8BMM@MMWMMM@M@MWMMMMW0@@WWW@BWWMWBWW@WX BB0W00Z8Z0BWWWWWWMW MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM@0ZZZ88B@Z XM0;iMM08@WM@MW8WBWWWM@@@MMWZ8@@MW8@WB8arSZZZZZaMWZZ2@@MMMMM@@M@BB8Z8 MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWMMr,@ZX2MM0ZM@M@M08W8WMMWWBWWM@Z8@MMWMB@W@WWWBWBWB0WB2S0Za8B@M@BBW0XSZW@@W MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM:SM;20M02W@W00@B0W0@W0WWM@MW2Z@MMMB@W0WWWW0BMBBWMMBB@BW0B00ZWW@@B0WMWBWWW MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMZ aW2:MMXZMB00WZXa8@00@M@0@@2aMMMMWWBM8BMWBWWB@80880ZBW08BZW88@@MW08BBBBB2a MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM:,X0S;@@X8WW2aWSWMBS8BM00MM;;WMM@WW@WWM8WB0@W8W@B@WZWW0BWZ0Z8@BWM0aBW@BWWWW8 @WWWWWBBW@@MMMMMMMMMMMM:XSB7aMZ700WSXZ0B@iX@MWWM@. 2MMMW0@MWW@0WWW8@B0@MWBWW@WMBZZWXS;MW0ZW@@MWB8B80 W@@@@@@WW@[email protected]@M ZMMMMX8;WWBB8ZM8ZZWB8@W08WBWZ0aZX0W87@@2M@@W0BB00B8 @WWW@@@W@@@@WWWBBMMMMXSXB;2Mrr8Xa2W@MM87@MWZ8 :MMZ8M0X87MBW0Z8W2aXW8aZW2SaB@@MMM80aW:MWWM@BBBWWWWB2 @@@WBW@W@WW@WW@WWWMMiiXZ8S2 XBX2SMMMrr MB., .ZMMMW2@[email protected]@W88B@W2 WWWWWWWWWWWWW@WW@MBS:S7r8 7SMSr0@W8r,:Za XXSM@B8@0ZW20 ;B@MZa2@2Z20@arBrS7rrrXaZB@B002XMW8B@88WW0aXi WW@@@WWW@W@@WWW@@M8:Xa7B702ZX8M0XXiiiXaX0ZaM00W08ZBB8:,;BM8ZS8BS7Z0ZiZW;XrX7Xr7B8MM0BZZMZZWSr88Z27:i WW@WWBWBWWWWWW@WM@;S;2M2@aZXMMi ZZ2BM0SSSWZBaWBBaB0S.rZM8X7XWZSSZ87SW2i;;rrX7rX77a0@7B2aBS8W0Z22i:; @WWWWWWWWB@WWWWMW;7Z2@8BM;@0riX MM00M0ZZ70WZZBZ08rBS .80@XSS80r78aXr27,riirr7rXrSaS20iB78X8WaXZSX;7; @WWW@@@WWWW@BWWMSZ2Z0Z2M780; a8@MW0BXXM,78X8Z8a8,B8 X0MrX;S0irXX;SZ;.:7i;rrrr7Xrr280;X7:2W20277irri WWW@WWW@WWB0@WM8ZW8M0ZMaX0iZSW0M0BZW0@XZraX;Z7r;S8: ZZW;iiSX:rSSXXai .:rii;;rrr777rXBS8;;X88SrS7r7ri WWW@WWWWWWWWWM0S@XaMaMBX:ZrWBMMW02BMSX7,7r772.2 aS ;Z7.;i2:77i:XSX..:i:riirri;rrri7X0XS0;r88rrXr;r;i @WWWW@WWWW0WBMZ0@ZM0@M8XBWBW@MWB;BMB 8;arSSXr72rX Xr7 rr;7a7.iaS: .,:::;::i;i;;r77rXZ7arr7BZ2iSr;;ii WW@@WWWWMBW@WWZ8MaMBMWZBZ8@@MWZ7WMWiia8ZZ@a22WS;rZ7 .:7:27 SW: .:ii::i,::ii;;r;;r7Za8ir7MW2r27;;i: WWWWWWWWM8WWW0a0MMWMB8aWB@[email protected]@r ;S7X2 ,SW; ...,:::i:i:i::ii;;;rSBr77 M0SXX7r;ii W@WWWW@W@BW@WWa@MWBW8WWWWMMWWZ0M@0 W7W8WMB0W8BB@X;Z8SSi X@, . .. ,i777MSXX M0SXX7riii WW@WWWWW@WB@B8W@WM@MB@@@M@WW00MMZ,BrBB8MB8W0W@Z7iZa27;aZ .:;a08Ba0BWM@8i iXW222 MWXS7X;iii WWWWWWW@W@W@@8M@@MWWWMWW@@BB0M@araX2WBWBB0WM8;rBW@0Z8X . rr78aZ0M88W2XX77SS8MM0X2XX7 8MXrXXrrii @WW@WWWWWWBB00MWMMBW@@WMMB0BMM70iZ MM@@BB@W2XW@MZ87. ..:.iZ0aX0aSZX. :WX8a7r ;M2rXXr;i: WWWW@W@@@@WW08M@@@W@MMMW@8WMMaa7 rM@@B@MMWZB0BZS. . ..,::2X2: , .:,.,,..,::..:;XWi8i M8i77X;ii WW@W@@@W@WWWBZMW@WMMMWWWBWWM0ZrXZMM@@BBWMW@MM0r., ..,,. .:,,i...,iiiii, ,;;r;;i:iiiir2S X:.;MXr77;;: W@WWWWWWWWWMW8MMMWMWW@@BW@MMWBMB@MWWW@MW08SriX8Xi.,,,,...,,.,::::... .:XSX;ii::::iS7X7r; MBrrS7;: W@@@@WWWW@@@8XMMMBMWW0W@WW@@MW8WMM@W@MB, ,: .,;i,,,,. ,:,ir;::;r8MMM0MMMWZMM0S;i:i7S7Xr: 8MSrS7,, @WW@W@W@WWMB@2BM@@@WMM@@[email protected] /* */@i .,,7Sri,:,..:::7rXi.2M0 .MMMMZS7WMM02S7i;S0; ;i M@;7S:S WWWWWWWWWW@8Ma@WWWMMMWW@M@@B@MM@B8W8 XSMMMMMW07. 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Gamers assume the role of Marcus Reed, a former criminal turned cop, and use and abuse their authority to hunt down the murderer of Marcus' mentor while also cleaning up Manhattan neighborhoods from Harlem to Chinatown. Undercover investigations weave players through a murderous web of gangs and deceit as they battle crooks, Marcus' past and everything else the city throws at them. iNSTALLATiON.: Extract Install Mount CD1-Use CureRom Play WANNA JOiN OUR GROUP: WE NEED A LOT OF THINGS: - DVDs before the official retail(street) date - Direct Audio SUPPLiERS - GAME SUPPLiERS - APPS SUPPLiERS - CRACKERS - Affil Sites, 100mbits+ to affil as countryHQ - .Nfo Designer - Any other thing u think we might want ? - EMAIL US @ @ [email protected] /* */

Files count:



1858.32 Mb




AToolhead (2006-04-04)

0 leechers hope this isnt a goes nothing I'll be the guinea pig.

Mr.Mushroom (2006-04-04)

And did u get it to work starship?
No u dindt...
Guys, dondt bother wait for a proper release.

 Knaster (2006-04-04)

Whats the colour of the main character ingame? Hope it's not black again cause it's just damn weird playing a black dude!

starshiponthenet (2006-04-04)

i havent installed it cos im wating for A RELOADED CRACK.. I never mount anything..

SDude (2006-04-04)

Yeah we better wait for a crack or an utility

Mr.Mushroom (2006-04-04)

The reason why this Clone/release wont work is because there is no DPM info gained (Data Positioning Measurement) wich is usualy stored in a .mds-file
This is needed to emulate the SecureROM copyprotection.

kely (2006-04-04)


SDude (2006-04-04)

No Securom loader 1.1 and 1.0 doesn't work either

kely (2006-04-04)

Hehe, u r not right at all my friend, just search for Securom Loader 1.1 on google, and u will find it! ;)

SDude (2006-04-04)

I've said that it doesn't godamn work. btw who need google if you have this

They have everything you need to crack something.

starshiponthenet (2006-04-04)

all you need to do is download the RELOADED EXE CRACK FROM GAMECOPYWORD AND YOUR DONE!

mmeii (2006-04-04)

Look here!

We need the repacked version!
But I don't find the torrent...

SDude (2006-04-04)


SDude (2006-04-04)

The repacked version is the same thing as this one. Only CD2 and CD3 are bin/cue format now.

Mr.Mushroom (2006-04-04)

Again, dondt bother the repack wont work iether
These guys are a bunch of amatures
Get the Reloaded version ..

xeenn (2006-04-04)

"all you need to do is download the RELOADED EXE CRACK FROM GAMECOPYWORD AND YOUR DONE!"
I can't seem to find that crack on CGW, link?

mmeii (2006-04-04)

WOHO, the torrent is her!:D

starshiponthenet (2006-04-04)

WTF when gamecopyword has the crack in a day or so install the fucking game and copy crack to ur install dir!

 robbie1412 (2006-04-28)

Seed for fuck sake!!

mathiash (2006-05-08)

Guys it would be reaaaaaaallly nice if somone (even greater with more then one) would seed this one ...Otherwise it's kind of pointless having this torrent, right ?;)
So , cmon and help me out !

LonleyX (2006-06-26)

Plz anyone Seed !! iam on 99% i would be very happy plz make my day ! /thanks

LonleyX (2006-07-03)

Seed plz (A) 99%

duder1 (2006-07-09)

OK,,is anybody getting an ad for the Chappelle Show on July 9th when they play this game? If so does it repeat over and over and over again, it's very annoying on my computer. was wondering how to get rid of this annoying audio.

duder1 (2006-07-09)

also, I dunno if Securom Loader 1.1 works, but I do know that Securom Loader 1.2 works with the repacked version in .mds format loaded in Daemon. (2006-07-10)

kan nån seeda snälla (2006-07-10)

seeda 99% (2006-07-10)

seeda nu för fan 99%

drakemore999 (2006-07-15)

seeda ffs. it's'nt funnier if them to want do have it can download stuck on 99%

The_Big_Man (2006-07-20)

seeda för fan jag vill ha spelet och den e på 99% plz seeda :)

Uncle_robby (2006-08-01)

Please seed! I'm at 99.1%! I had 230kb/s going and just when I had a minute left, the bastard stopped seeding!

Gizmo92 (2006-08-05)

i guess we've all have learned something from this torrent; never download an exaust torrent again.
This sucks

Dogge_Swe (2006-08-20)

Seeda är på 98.9%

snorky (2006-08-21)

seed pls stopped at 99.1% :P

snorky (2006-08-22)

C'moun seed!

Blue-Ice (2006-08-27)

WTF is goin on , everything i download stops at the last % , even this true crime , could u PLEASE SEED???????

The_Big_Man (2006-09-02)

99,2 seeda plz

pbjoker87 (2006-09-04)

Seriously, for fuck sake, will someone please seed? I've been stuck on 99.2% for what seems like forever. Honestly, how hard can it be to seed a damn torrent for a day or two?

Tonny_W (2006-09-04)

PLZ SEED.............Just for 5 min......

linus_pingis (2006-09-09)

snälla seeda jag har fastnat på (99.2)
please seed i have stuck on (99.2)

The_Big_Man (2006-09-11)

seeda plz har fasnat på 99,2% seeda plz

Alecc (2006-10-10)

seeda för fan.. 99.2% å vill fan ha hem spelet i år.. d e ju därför man tankar å inte köper skiten..

Fonzii (2006-10-16)

kan nån seeda snälla e på 99,2% plz

roaben (2006-10-18)

Finns det crack eller?

Antza-92 (2006-11-06)

somebody who has 100% come seed fast

TevyN (2006-11-24)

Seed plz, the most are fast at 99.2 %.
Seeda snälla, dom flesta har fastnat på 99.2%

ricsii (2006-12-15)


mathisen91 (2006-12-18)

99,2% Kom jeg til, men den stoppa der.. Og den steina helt.. hva er feil med den ?

sedaminagi (2007-01-03)

I need seed, please. I'm at 99,2% I'd like to finish. Tnx.

chriz00 (2007-01-05)

any1 plz seed !

chriz00 (2007-01-06)

plz seed 99.1 %

BPik (2007-03-13)

I'm in 99,2% please help!!!

BPik (2007-03-13)

I'm in 99.2% please HELP!!!

DCshoe (2007-03-15)

now im stuck too seed pleaz i dont think im alone beeing stucked at 99,2%

alamicu (2007-03-31)

PLS Seed stuck at 99.2 .

alamicu (2007-03-31)

Everybody SEED now !!! :P

alamicu (2007-04-01)

Come on ! PLS SEED ! i have been downloading for 4 days

DCshoe (2007-04-02)

i dont think anyone seeds this torrent anymore because i have been stucked at 92.2 % for maybe 6-7 weeks now. but i wont give up yet so seed please that person who got 100% please!

JimmyTheHand (2007-04-04)

i would suggest switching to the bitreactor version

marten$ (2007-04-11)

SEED FFS!!! Im stuck at 99.2%!

onasis (2007-05-15)

i fucking stuck at 99.2%. someone seed

the_nightwalker (2007-06-21)

SEEED!!!! im on 99.2

abitofbittorrent (2007-08-12)

Please Seed (Stuck @ 99.2)

ladebeck (2007-08-13)

I¨m also stuck at 99.2 % Why dont you just give us the torrent. Starshiponthenet, you have stopped the torrent. There is people hows sedding. But you wont give us the hole game! Why not if 37 peoples got it why not more?
Anyone agree?

mattifattig (2007-08-20)

Hem... Some1 seed please? stuck at 99.2%... many people r stuck so

Knutli (2007-08-20)

seed please

aldross (2007-08-22)

SEED I'M AT 99,2%

T.jensen (2007-08-26)

Seeda fastnat på 99,2%

VujjaN (2007-09-01)

Plz seed i'm stuck att 38%

_jona_ (2007-09-23)

thanks for the game!!i love it

_jona_ (2007-09-24)

stuck at 99.2% seed plz

molle94 (2007-10-12)

Seed plz

molle94 (2007-10-12)

seed i'm stuck at 99.2%. please seed me so i can play^^

arturg1 (2007-10-15)

this is the worst torrent iv ever downloaded starship u r so fuckin shit these files wont even extract u r the dunbest fuckin person in the world no1 ever download this bullshit

peti88 (2008-02-16)

a rohadt anyád te geci

dobermann69 (2008-04-01)

This torrent has been stuck in 99.2% since 2006!!
so, newcomers..

robban_lol (2008-04-22)

seeed plz stuck at 99,2%

beerswagger (2009-08-10)

fuck this guy he wants people to buy him games and pc hardware like he is somthing.this guy could not even wipe my ass...fuck you asshole

coptic71 (2012-02-09)

hi guys i need help i accidentally formatted my hdd and now when i try to re-install the game it comes up with a error 1324 the path to true crimes new york city contains a invalid character then it closes the installation box can someone please help me