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Software PC






2011-02-12 (by thethingy)




  1. Microsoft
  2. Microsoft Office

Files count:



18.75 Kb




brianxxx (2011-02-12)

Love your hard work and effort to bring quality to this site! Forever grateful!

erabu (2011-02-12)

do you upload your stuff to other trackers to or have a site of your own if yes where and thanks for for the good work once again

mandipdas (2011-02-12)

That means, we don't have to rerun the activator anymore. right?

mandipdas (2011-02-12)

I have already activated my office with the previous activator. How do I activate with this over that one?

 thethingy (2011-02-12)

mandipdas, it does.
mandipdas, if you just run the old activator the click the uninstall button, if there is one, then just follow the read me from this

mandipdas (2011-02-13)

Thanks for the reply mate. I asked all the questions before downloading. I thought that was another activator. After reading all the instructions, it becomes as clear as crystal. Just one more question though, does that phone call cost me anything or it's free? I am from India, that's why I am asking!!! :)

 thethingy (2011-02-13)

promodsharma, its been in the comments for 6 months and worked with 2007 for 2 years so maybe not, the keys only have a few thousand call ctivations so the key will stop but the method wont.
mandipdas, its free

jersson (2011-02-13)

Is this only activator or office included. Very good , thank's

deepandhard (2011-02-13)

I tried it with both codes but both times it routed me to a live MS rep. I know thethingy said to just lie, but I was to chickenshit to do that, I'm too paranoid and all that. Anyway no biggie, I just used the activator and upped by thethingy a while back I was back to the 180 day cycle again. Props to thethingy for giving us options.

 thethingy (2011-02-13)

deepandhard , I think it depends on your country, the UK you always get the auto system (well I have), just say you are reinstalling or changing from 32 to 64 or 64 to 32 as you can do that.

Lilfred (2011-02-13)

slt thethingy
Merci, grace à toi j'ai appris beaucoup de choses malgré que tes logiciels sont souvent en anglais mais merci, si tu pouvais trouver aussi des trucs en français ça serait genial, tu es trop bon.

zekaralho (2011-02-13)

just to say... A BIG THANK YOU..from PORTUGAL.. and thanks a lot for all the support and help ( REPLYS ) to those who have less knowledge to deal with software installation....CHEERS MATE

zekaralho (2011-02-13)

TPB should have given the BIG GOLDEN skull to this uploader for all is effort.. a BIG THANK YOU from PORTUGAL to you "thethingy"...

Angnima (2011-02-13)

You are brilliant and should have a gold medal on your skull. Your torrents are always clean and working. I activated on 2 computers without any problems.Though one question, do you think updates are possible? I had a precracked 2007 and that couldn´t take updates. A blue screen was coming up telling it was not genuin. So I think it is clever to block Microsoft update and just use Windows update. For those who do not know Controlpanel-Windows update-Options. There just unclick update for Microsoft update.

 thethingy (2011-02-13)

Angnima, updates are fine, mak activation is permanent & always genuine even after the key is barred.

explorer11 (2011-02-14)

thethingy thanks, from sweden.

ocdboy777 (2011-02-14)

@thethingy - Sorry for posting in here, but I have not been able to get a answer. Cyperpiraten posted Acrobat X Suite the day after you. His is larger than yours, and yours is larger than the trial available from Why 3 different sizes? Is yours modified from trial? Does Cyber's have something yours does not have? Appreciate any help. :D

 thethingy (2011-02-14)

ocdboy777, ciberfag just unpacks other torrents then reposts so his copy is larger as it's not compressed, but my one is larger than adobes as it has a load of pdf manuals for the software that you don't get with the adobe trial and it has the windows hotfixes needed if you install to server or xp64bit, all have the same features.

Gashimahiron (2011-02-14)

thethingy you are the best!
polish that pirate badge of yours!
From Brazil
you also got one from my friend in japan and another in germany but they both are afraid of TBP, for reasons i don't know they don't want to sign up on TBP...
i call them dumbasses, what would you guys call them?
cowardly pricks is a good start!
hey keep sending those perfect torrents and i'll sent you my sexy sister in a living animal crate for you for free!
ahoy for one of the master pirates!
give him a crate full of rum on his birthday, you ungrateful deck scrubbing maggots!

sephticle (2011-02-14)

Doesn't work for me. I entered the code, called the number, said Office 2010, put in the code, the automated system said it couldn't validate.

 thethingy (2011-02-14)

sephticle, try ringing the UK number.

auseryes (2011-02-15)

I attempted this on the US number and it just rang and rang. Anyone had luck with an automated system in the US?

auseryes (2011-02-15)

NM previous comment I was able to get through, but it says it was not able to validate.

 thethingy (2011-02-15)

sweetu, sorry but there are a few other ways that don't need a phone;

gurmsin (2011-02-15)

This activator actually works. Just make sure to do a new install of Office 2010 first (don't try activating a previous installation). If you don't do this, you will not get your installation ID (the one long sequence of numbers in the activation window) validated.
I've also noticed that you can only run this activator once per installation, if you don't get it right the first time, then you must reinstall Office and try again. Otherwise you will not get through. So type the correct code in the boxes when asked about it on the phone.
And yeah, finally I've got an activated Office 2010, after a long time of try and fail! :)

playboy_1_2_3 (2011-02-16)

Thank You Very Much thethingy...greetings from the Caribbean :) This worked perfectly...jus build the confidence to talk to the telephone rep and your product will be activated

 thethingy (2011-02-16)

You should be able to back up your activated office licence and restore it to a new install of either 32/64bit office or windows on the SAME computer by doing this;
copy tokens.dat and cache.dat from old install and save them for later on.
reinstall Install Office on same hardware.
stop the ospp service.
copy the 2 files back.
start office and change key to the one you originally used.
restart ospp service.
That might save you having to phone again after an upgrade of windows or reformat.

 thethingy (2011-02-16)

enjoy.dhruv, and you are following the read me?, cause the keys are valid for install and the keys are valid for the activation code, the keys should get the auto response activation code but most defiantly will get the manual authorisation code, you haven't done something daft like forget to say "business" and "1 pc" or tried to use the internet to validate have you???

muzze2012 (2011-02-17)

You are THE man ! Spanx alot !

pillepolle (2011-02-17)

Fotally tucking awesome!
Works like a charm thethingy.

whychelo (2011-02-17)

ok i'm new at this so bear with me. I'm having trouble opening the activator. Is it supposed to be an application? Because when I open it, it's just a bunch of jibberish in rich text format.

auseryes (2011-02-17)

Ok so basically I HAVE to talk to a rep in order to do this at this point? I tried both keys through phone activation and it said it could not validate and forwarded me to a rep, at which point I hung up. I'm not much for phones, but I suppose it's the only option.

 thethingy (2011-02-17)

whychelo, yeh its just jibberish, delete the text files and it will activate all by it's self with no reading involved.
auseryes, its the only real option right now, but say you are in the US then use the UK number and that should work.

mind_over_matter (2011-02-17)

Wow thank you so much.. That was so easy its untrue lmao...
Im in the uk and its now 10.30am rang up and still got the automated system haha, all I will say is follow the Clear instructions posted by thethingy..
On the phone I didnt select business volume license I just chose Home and it still activated for me woohoo Thanks dude for posting your torrents never fail us :))

 thethingy (2011-02-17)

enjoy.dhruv, office links are in the description and in this download, the read me is as simple as it gets really, there are only a few basic things to do like turning your internet off and making a phone call.

kzrockz (2011-02-17)

tried both keys.but after entering id got error & directed to rep. who also said that ID was invalid.i hv done everythng u said in plz

 thethingy (2011-02-17)

enjoy.dhruv, the serial here is put into the xml file on the installer to make a "blue/black" edition, mak is the only permanent activation system for office as thats just how office 2010 is designed.
you can keep office in a permanent trial and a permanent kms (180 day loop) here;

kzrockz, the id is unique to you, so if you have the "wrong" id then it is you who is reading the id wrong.

musiclvr86 (2011-02-18)

thethingy, you are awesome so I just wanted to tell you that first. Thanks for everything you do, man!
I was hoping you could help me out here. I installed your Office 2010 Professional Plus Combined Edition, downloaded the Permanent Activator, went through the phone registration and all that. And I got it Activated no problem, but as soon as I restarted my computer and opened Word, it is deactivated again. It says Product Activation Failed.
Can you please help me figure out how to solve this problem?

 thethingy (2011-02-18)

enjoy.dhruv, the 60 day trial is just a trial, after 60 days it dies, you need Office vl editions;

and you find the activator link in the description

billy_j (2011-02-19)

Thingy, this was great--worked perfectly. Now, I installed Project Professional 2010, but it shows that it needs to be activated. How do I do that? Thanks so much.

billy_j (2011-02-19)

Thingy, this is great--worked perfectly. Now, I installed Project Professional 2010, but it shows that it needs to be activated. How do I do that? Thanks so much.

-Dan-The-MAN- (2011-02-19)

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. it worked perfectly, the automated system did not give me the code, but the actual person did without problem

 thethingy (2011-02-19)

billy_j, project needs a kms activator right now, you'll find it in the description of the torrent.
b0ssman, when you pick your country you are given the correct number so just pick another country.
enjoy.dhruv, you wont be a victim of anything, your id is specific to you so perhaps you are giving the wrong code to the system.

cowidster (2011-02-19)

Great! But I hope there will another activation method for people like me in faraway country, Indonesia. I think this method is not easy for us here, due to phone fare, language, and other else.
I thank thethigy for give valid code before and i have successfully activate Office 2010 pro plus in my two computers. Actually I need to activate more copy, but now I use kms activator for other computers, friend's computer. Anyway, thank u thethingy for giving us easier life.

kzrockz (2011-02-20)

i tried it again but it says that no. of installation hs execded fr dis.cant suggestn?

 thethingy (2011-02-20)

for those using other office apps that are not part of Professional Plus then this activator works best to activate the remaining non Professional Plus apps;
Just activate Pro Pluse with the phone thing then run the other activator with internet off, the activator will try 10 times to activate Pro Plus but will fail each time but will succeed in activating the non Pro Plus apps.
This phone thing will work with any window's/office app that you can find an old mak key for.

auseryes (2011-02-20)

I followed what Bossman said (basically needed a way to call UK, I'm in US) and it worked. Both numbers worked. The service you use to call only gives you between 5-6 minutes to get it done. It cut me off a few times trying to get the activation number so you need to be quick about putting stuff in. I used a google voice number to call the service he listed just fyi. Thanks thethingy for the MAK and bossman for that free international calling site.

shilalydawg2 (2011-02-22)

Why is it that whenever I use the freecallbutton, it tells me the UK number for MS is blocked? Just wondering if you can help.

tophtml (2011-02-24)

I have downloaded three individual Microsoft Office 2010 apps (thethingy) - Word, Publisher and One Note.
I have disconnected from the internet, run the Word app, went to Help and clicked "Change Product Code". After entering the first product code the little wheel to the left of the form field spins for about 10 seconds and presents the message that this is not a valid product code. The same thing happens when I input the second product code. At the bottom of the box there is NO "Activate over internet" box to uncheck.
Am I using the wrong procedure to activate this product?
Since I am clueless all clues will be appreciated.

ladillaxxx (2011-02-24)

man... that worked beautiful... I used the second key as you said, made the call to UK in the evening, they put me to an all-automated voice and voila!... Office 2010 activated. Although the service at it's not working, apparently they have blocked the microsoft UK number so i had to make the call using this instead:, they give you 11 min per call and that was enough for me. Cheers.

evrydaymxcnguy (2011-02-25)

I called the number using both phone services to route my call, both were blocked. =\ The U.S. number transferred me to a rep, I didn't waste my time as I knew how that was going to end, now what can I do? Do I just uninstall and reinstall your upload every 30 days? Any help would be appreciated.

tophtml (2011-02-25)

There's always OpenOffice.

sbunty (2011-02-25)

Thanks thethingy you are awesome!! Office 2010 setup and activation went on smoothly for me.
But when i uesed the keys in the readme for visio/project they were not validated. Could you help me on this??

sbunty (2011-02-26)

Thethingy a little help would be so much appreciated.
"when i uesed the keys in the readme for visio/project they were not validated. Could you help me on this??"
Thanks !!

azzek (2011-02-27)

Thank You

jmasxxxx (2011-02-27)

Hi [thethingy]. Thanks for some great torrents. I'm having a bit of trouble with the activation of the "Microsoft Office 2010 Combined Edition X64 64bit" torrent and i was wondering if you could help me out.
- I have a Dell XPS laptop running Windows 7 home premium.
- i had a trial version of office on my laptop already installed when i purchased it so i uninstalled it (going to control panel and removing the program).
- i installed the ''Microsoft Office 2010 Combined Edition X64 64bit''
- when i open word it says i need to activate the product so i follow your instructions from this torrent and when i call the australian and UK number and provide them with the 6x9 installation ID it says there is an error and it wants to transfer me to an operator. i've tried more than 6 times with both product keys
- i have also tried the ''mini-KMS_Activator_v1.053'' and i just get the error stating ''the software licensing service reported that activation is required to recovering from tampering of SL service trusted store''
any ideas on what i can do. should i just transfer to an operator an lie
thanks for your help

TheScirocco1 (2011-02-28)

Thanks... This really made my day!

 thethingy (2011-03-04)

enjoy.dhruv, don't talk crap

 thethingy (2011-03-05)

enjoy.dhruv, no there wont as office just is not designed for activating the way you want, the keys used in the phone thing were used over the net first but its the same thing and its permanent and the only permanent way so don't know what your issue is?, better? you mean more permanently activated than this permanent activation? lol.

vankleeck1 (2011-03-06)

thethingy, First I want to say Thank you so much for the many Awesome torrents that you have provided! I have never had any problems with anything that you have provided.
I just have a quick question for you. I downloaded one of your MS 2010 versions a couple of months ago. Should I go ahead and use this permanent activator that you've provided now? Or should I wait until my version is expired to do this?
Please advise!
Once again Your Awesome and Thanks for your time!!

 thethingy (2011-03-06)

vankleeck1, you can do it now if you want, it will deactivate kms and mak activate automatically.

grin321 (2011-03-07)

I tried using this to activate Microsoft Office 2010 pro plus x64 however when I get to the phone part it accepts every single one of the 9 activation IDs but then said it couldn't verify it and sent me to a rep. D: Did I do something wrong?

foxmajik (2011-03-07)

kmservice.exe is a customizable trojan dropper. That's why there are so many torrents with the same executable filename..

vankleeck1 (2011-03-07)

thethingy Thanks so much for the quick response!
Look forward to your future torrents!!
Thanks again for all the hard work!!

 thethingy (2011-03-08)

chess000master, this is the other way, the mak's never had any internet activations to begin with, testing mak activations via vamt only tells you how many online activations are left, there is no way to tell how many phone activations are left but phone activations are 3/5 times more than the internet activations so there will be up to 300,000 phone activations.
I've got 2 more but no need to post while these still work.

busypauline (2011-03-09)

thethingy, you bloody legend... I can't get either of these 2 codes working. I get all to the phone activation, all seems fine, and then at the last stage they say "activation error" and begin to transfer me to an operator. Please do provide us with another code; I'd love to permanently activate my Office, as it is now expiring since the last download I took from you.
Once again, the others are right - you're simply phenomenal!

busypauline (2011-03-09)

thethingy, you bloody legend... I can't get either of these 2 codes working. I get all to the phone activation, all seems fine, and then at the last stage they say "activation error" and begin to transfer me to an operator. Please do provide us with another code; I'd love to permanently activate my Office, as it is now expiring since the last download I took from you. (32 bit 2010 version)
Once again, the others are right - you're simply phenomenal!

sumitchahal (2011-03-09)

Hey, I am not able to activate it.

sumitchahal (2011-03-09)

I'm really disappointed about that.
thethingy, would you help me?

 thethingy (2011-03-09)

^^read the comments, depending on your country you may have to talk to a rep who will activate for you, or ring the UK number to get an automated activation.

bhutu (2011-03-10)

Dear thethingy,
I am facing the same difficulty in activating the 'Microsoft Office 2010 Combined Edition X64' as stated by busypauline and sumitchahal. At the last stage of the phone activation I get 'Activation Error'. Also strangely in my country I do not face the 11th stage as instructed by you where one has to choose business/volume use , used only on 1 pc. Shall I talk to the representative or call UK.?

 thethingy (2011-03-10)

bhutu, try the UK no first then if needs be just ask a rep for the code, say you are reinstalling after a virus or something.

shagasian (2011-03-10)

thethingy I do get the automated activation but both code does not go thru with the automated activation. Are you saying even after machine-woman voice says activation error, talk to a rep to get it activated? what should I tell them?

nedand (2011-03-10)

Thank you very much!

ToninadaS (2011-03-11)

it works for me (spain). Thank you!

Mattytc (2011-03-11)

Used this to register
Followed the instructions and it worked great!
Thanks very much! Will seed.

Peekajinx (2011-03-11)

Ok, I did have issues doing this and tried using both the suggestions about calling the UK through both phone service sites that were listed in previous comments.. for future downloaders.. the UK Microsoft number has been blocked on both of these sites... The US number DOES work but it WILL transfer you to a live rep..
This is not as scary as it sounds for those of you who are afraid of being caught downloading illegal software... The rep just got on the phone.. asked for the first 6 numbers of the really long one you just got done typing in then proceeded to give me the code to type in on my computer.. then viola.. I had activated software! I did not have to lie or even say anything at all except for giving those 6 numbers.. No questions were asked.
Thanks very much thethingy for the awesome download!

vikas4840 (2011-03-12)

Hi thethingy.. I installed and successfully activated Microsoft office 2010. Thanks for that. However, When I installed MS Project and MS Visio 2010, I used both the keys in the read me file but these two keys didn't work. It said invalid key. Any idea? Pls help me in activating Project and Visio too. I couldnot install KMS host also on my laptop running on windows xp.

 thethingy (2011-03-12)

Mattytc, that version of pro plus is a beta escrow build (not the final bug free one), the proper finished build is here;
the other pro + variants are here;

and linked as tpb torrents in the download

 thethingy (2011-03-12)

vikas4840, this is for pro + only, in the other torrents click on the activator link in the description and you'll get several activators and permanent trial resets, the "localhosts" one activates by kms but don't install anything or open any ports so that will work for you.

thehooter (2011-03-12)

I guess this doesn't work for me! Tried both the keys given and after calling it says product activation error and directs to the microsoft representative who after confirming the ID says its been used beyond bounds :(( :(((

niram123 (2011-03-12)

Question: I misread the instructions (doh) and chose "private" instead of "business/volume" during the Q & A.
Is it still safe? It activated and works fine, but I don't want to be caught for anything :)

 thethingy (2011-03-12)

niram123, no that's fine, activated is activated it don't really matter how you got the code as long as you get the code :)

thehooter (2011-03-12)

Any suggestions on how i can activate this product from my country India!! I called them thrice and each time even after lying they say the product activation has reached its limit. Would this happen if i call the US number as well??

 thethingy (2011-03-12)

thehooter, ring the UK number

10c (2011-03-13)

i am living in india and tried this method by calling the india no. but did not work.So if i ring the uk no. from india will the call be free?and will i get the confirmation id after typing in the installation id on the phone or do i have to talk to an operator?

 thethingy (2011-03-13)

10c, it might be free depending on if you pay for international calls or not, it will work and if needs be spending a few pennies on a phone call to save hundreds of pennies is no big deal.

timslangen (2011-03-13)

works great!!! (the netherlands)
Thank you!

Raze2KX (2011-03-14)

Followed the instructions, transferred to rep using US number, gave him the whole activation code, was NOT asked how many machines or what purpose it was used for, he gave me back the confirmation ID, entered it, activated successfully, registered on TPB and posted this comment just to say thank you. Thank you.

tangatangatanga (2011-03-14)

someone give me a number which i can call for free
and please give me the confirmation code

 thethingy (2011-03-16)

biscusman, both keys are still valid, just checked, they are and always were blocked for internet validation so pointless doing that.

scandal0us (2011-03-16)

Thethingy you are a beast!!!! This worked to perfection. Called us rep and blammo activated for good.

 thethingy (2011-03-16)

biscusman without activation it lasts for 30 days then after 30 days you get pestered to activate, try ringing another country as people are still getting this working and the keys are not as yet blocked as you can check with wamt

scandal0us (2011-03-17)

USA. Figured use the local number for free. They don't ask you hardly any questions. Just make sure you type the right numbers in when prompted over the phone. Too good to be true. Says activated tho. No complaints here.

scandal0us (2011-03-17)

By the way I downloaded a cool program which backs up your office settings.EZ Backup Ultimate. Really cool program does a whole bunch of stuff as far as backup but it was nice to save my outlook stuff before upgrading.

 thethingy (2011-03-17)

biscusman, the UK

gobbles1 (2011-03-17)

I got neither of keys working. It couldn't even get to select if i wanted to register over internet or phone. There is only the box where i'm supposed to enter the code. When I do it it says "This is not a valid Office Product key. See above examples to learn more."

 thethingy (2011-03-17)

gobbles1, only works with the pro + torrents that are in the read me, it will not work on retail or trial versions

cr250msr (2011-03-17)

It worked for me! After dealing with Activation Errors I downloaded this and just followed the instructions and called the US number. After a few minutes I'm now fully activated. Thanks!

thisthingworks (2011-03-18)

Just activated my version in the UK. You guys rocks!!!

Garbeta (2011-03-18)

Just registered to thank you thethingy and to encourage people to talk with the phone rep.
She just asked me for my ID, and then gave me the code back. Not a single question.
And I'm from Argentina, the illegal software country.
Worked like a charm. Thanks again.

 thethingy (2011-03-18)

biscusman, the conformation id is at your end and is specific for your pc so you must be typing it in or reading wrong, close Office and just start from the beginning again and you'll get a new conformation id

 thethingy (2011-03-19)

biscusman sounds like your Office is dodgy, try uninstalling with this;
then reinstall using one of the torrents linked to here or in the torrent as they are all the final rtm builds, best with 32 on 64 you know as all the addons work for 32

 thethingy (2011-03-19)

biscusman, thats fine yes, I think its corrupted somehow, mabey you used an activator before and its done something, just try uninstalling any previous activators and trying again, the code ms gives you will be valid as they would tell you no if they weren't going to activate for you.

johnvc (2011-03-19)

thanks thingy. it amazingly worked for me for Pro Plus. If I wish to add Visio/Project, 1) is there a way to save current activation codes in case i need to reformat/reinstall ? 2) if i need to use a new activation method for visio, will it remove current valid activation? is there a way to maintain current for proplus and new method for visio?

johnvc (2011-03-19)

thanks thingy. it amazingly worked for me for Pro Plus. If I wish to add Visio/Project, 1) is there a way to save current activation codes in case i need to reformat/reinstall ? 2) if i need to use a new activation method for visio, will it remove current valid activation? is there a way to maintain current for proplus and new method for visio?

 thethingy (2011-03-19)

You should be able to back up your activated office licence and restore it to a new install of either 32/64bit office or windows on the SAME computer by doing this;
copy tokens.dat and cache.dat from old install and save them for later on.
reinstall Install Office on same hardware.
stop the ospp service.
copy the 2 files back.
start office and change key to the one you originally used.
restart ospp service.
That might save you having to phone again after an upgrade of windows or reformat.
you can use one of the other activators for viso etc at the same time as this, the activator miight try to reactivate this but it will fail, I use this one for the other apps;
with the method to activate without opening a port and it tries to activate pro plus again but fails but activates everything else and when done pro + still has the permanent activation intact.

 thethingy (2011-03-20)

wiggy2k7 (2011-03-21)

Thanks thething :)
This works great, i now have a fully activated Office 2010 Pro Plus. No more 180 days stuff

verbtim (2011-03-21)

Thanx for ur work,But im not able to activate it,when I called to India toll free,It was activation error and then connected to customer care,there she said the Installation id was been blacklisted and it come under piracy..
also she asked a question to which i was not able to answer "Under which lisenced version did u purchase the product?"
also please guide me hot to call to UK from india,when i call to toll free reply has been coming as "invalid no"

Beanies (2011-03-23)

Okay, I know this may sound stupid, but I don't know exactly what to do.
I've read some of the comments, and they say that I need to talk to a rep. Is there a way to activate it without the need to talk to one?
Thanks, will seed.

pharaohrocks (2011-03-23)

SWEET DUDE. Totally worked for me. Had to talk to a rep but I think they're just like oh whatever and give you the code. He didn't ask any questions. Just gave him the numbers from each box then he gave me the code, I took a screen shot and saved it and voila. You're the best. Oh and I'm in the U.S.A. :P

nosimplicityme (2011-03-25)

Hey TheThingy thanks for the upload though it didn't work for me :(
During phone activation, i entered the id provided but it says invalid (i tried a few times, but in no avail). i guess the id's are blacklisted here in my country :( [Same case as verbtim, i guess.]

wiggy2k7 (2011-03-27)

@ gomatto
Works great, it must be you thats not working

teh_kiki (2011-03-27)

I'm in the US and used the US number and it worked perfectly, just followed the fantastic, 100% crystal clear readme instructions and no issues. It initially said it couldn't validate and sent me to a representative but he didn't even ask anything other than what it was that i was trying to activate.
Thank you SOOOOOO much thethingy for all your hard work and your consistantly clean torrents! much love!

ashkhn (2011-03-28)

this is the legit way of registering a product with microsoft. all thos epeople who has never bought or activated a genuine copy, this is the process...problem is that the last person who does the activation gets the final activation and the people before them will get an update and hence will cancel their subscription. hope you all getting me. if not write to me and il will explain wid

Reed_pel (2011-03-28)

it's telling me that the codes are not valid.

 thethingy (2011-03-29)

ashkhn, dude, you are crazy, activating is not registering.

ephol (2011-03-29)

i got the message the codes are not valid. should i proceed with human representative..? what should i say if they asked questions...?

ephol (2011-03-29)

i also got same message as Reed_pel.. Its telling me that the codes are not valid. Should i proceed with human representative...? what should i say if they asking questions...?

 thethingy (2011-03-29)

ephol, go for it

MySaUn (2011-03-29)

Was a little nervous, like ephol, but called - no questions asked, was given the confirmation code and voila! Activated! Thanks thethingy!

epmasters (2011-03-30)

Followed instructions as stated, ended up having to talk to a representative but hey, everything went really well for there were no questions asked! Can not thank you enough man.

GigaBoii (2011-03-30)

Really works, that is amazing. Like you brain washed microsoft to give everyone free software... LMFAO!!!! THANK YOU Thethingy, I always seed your torrents 10 fold.... =D

GigaBoii (2011-03-30)

BTW, I installed the 32bit, how would I install 64bit. I see the file names in the ISO, but cant get it to work. Thanks a lot!

pirateboy17 (2011-03-30)

i've installed office 2007 on my laptop now. should i reformat my windows to install and activate office 2010? or i just remove my office 2007 then install office 2010? thanks.

ywarez (2011-03-31)

Says 'Error' in India !
There is no specific option for activating a VL License , gotta have to choose between MAC or PC versions , H E L P !

ywarez (2011-03-31)

On second thought I am providing below informations , I hope you guys will help :)
installation id :
004475 939554 767064 303550 626965 121524
582575 741291 853391
Those who are in US please just call below :
and enter above , followed by thethingy's instructions and please give me the
Confirmation ID From Block A to H
Will take few minutes !
Thank you for this upload :)

IA4 (2011-03-31)

works!! thank you for sharing Thingy!

ywarez (2011-03-31)

help guys help !!!!

pirateboy17 (2011-03-31)

even i have to speak with the representative, IT'S FINALLY ACTIVATED and DON'T HAVE TO REFORMAT MY WINDOWS! Great step by step tutorial EVER!
thank you THETHINGY!
but i don't know if microsoft will trace the installation ID. my question is, if my windows crash and need to reformat, should i dial the number again to activate it?

ywarez (2011-03-31)

oh Common anyone ????

rigadoog (2011-04-01)

worked, thanks. once you put in your id, they transfer you to some indian guy who gives u the confirmation.

ywarez (2011-04-01)

I talked and they say the Key is used for n number of times !!!!
I think you guys are lucky :)
But can someone at least give my Installation IDs a try???

 thethingy (2011-04-01)

ywarez, send me a pm;

sam881985 (2011-04-02)

Thanks like charm.... great work...
Guys dont hesitate to call the number...
I was also scared to call....But its all done perfectly.
Its an automated response....
It will not ask you for any personal details.....
My activation code is given below..
158064 348892 023824 854034 771665 262232 035351 339395
Im in UK btw... Thanks again 'thethingy'... :)

sthillr (2011-04-02)

Ok ppl thethingy is THE BEST
I freaked first then again and after a dozen failing automated, I got transferred and the guy just asked for the first code and he just gave the Confirm ID.

ywarez (2011-04-02)

I have sent the pm from the forum you mentioned, please let me know if I have sent to you correctly .

anth333 (2011-04-03)

i have windows7 64bit and i wanna install office 2010 which i downloaded earlier.Now the problem is before installing only it asks for key and also my antivirus not allow to run the keyjen can you help me please?

ywarez (2011-04-04)

@anth333 - I think you have downloaded from MS directly or its Retail one , as only those copies ask for a serial before installing , so download a fresh copy from :[thethingy]


than give a try to this Activation Method as it works for many people here and will give a permanent activation or use below :

ratheeshrath (2011-04-05)

Dear Thingy..
I tried to activate this product through the method as specified by you. It did not work. I got an error message then it redirected me to the customer service. The representative asked me the first six digits and said the last six digits to me. The representative then said that this license has exceeded the maximum activation counts. So, is there any other methods of activation? Waiting for you reply...

ratheeshrath (2011-04-05)

Doesn't work for me.. The representative told me that the maximum number of activation exceeded. help me..

 thethingy (2011-04-05)

^^ring another number.

Stiff_123 (2011-04-07)

Wow ya'll got some Big Balls! As much as I would like this program, I don't feel confident MS will be cool about it for long.
They've probably caught on by now I would think.
No Offense at all I'm just amused that everyone is brave enough to talk to them over the phone...
Crazy Stuff but humorous good luck.
One other thing, you DO Realize they know who calls them Right? Caller ID & The Patriot Act of Dishonorable Congress!
Just a thought!

Arshia1 (2011-04-07)

I don't get it! Please help me because I'm kind of retarded XD
It's just a few rtf files and internet links. How does this permanently activate my Office 2010?
I'm looking through comments and seeing stuff about people calling MS, but what am I to do with a few gibberish files? X.X

 thethingy (2011-04-07)

Stiff_123, put your head back in your ass and turn off caller id/withhold your number.

firewolf369 (2011-04-07)

I called the representative too. she also said it have reach maximum number of activation

Bzekid1 (2011-04-08)

Hey thethingy i was following the instructions on the activator, but i reached the part where is says Enter confirmation key and it has letter A B C D E F G H what does that mean? Can i get a confirmation code??????

michaelwilliamson (2011-04-09)

For all the above comments about speaking to an actual human being on the other end of the phone, RING BACK UNTIL YOU GET THE AUTOMATED SERVICE!!!! Thanx to the uploader works a treat for me and all my mates and family. Make sure you get the auto service when ringing!!!

BigPDogg (2011-04-09)

I have another method which worked for me. You can follow thethingy's directions all up to the point of actually calling microsoft. Once you get to this point, cancel out of all that activation stuff as the real trickery begins.
All I did was, because that method failed me, I went ahead for the 180 day trial activation crack thing. The one I used was KMS-Activator which can be found:

Upon running the crack, I suppose the previous serial number some how got stored, and instead of getting the 180 trial thing, my office now says 'product activated'
woot. thanks thethingy for all your hardwork

 thethingy (2011-04-09)

BigPDogg, dude you only have 180 days, its says "product activated" with kms also, check here;
Open an command prompt with administrative privileges.
Type cd \Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14 and hit enter to navigate to the Office14 folder
Next type: cscript ospp.vbs /dstatus and hit Enter.
If it dont say MAK then you have kms.

Stonekiller (2011-04-09)

As usual, yet another fantastic Upload by thethingy - thanks for helping out a poor student!
This works a treat, used it on[thethingy]_
tho I haven't installed Visio yet... Used the automated service using the second serial in the instructions, only question that wasn't covered was telling the automated voice it was preinstalled... went straight through without any issues!
I have a request tho - can you provide a crack or serial for Autodesk Inventor Suite x64 2011?
Thanks again thethingy - you're not only smart but incredibly generous! Keep up the good work!

 thethingy (2011-04-09)

Stonekiller, the autodesk stuff is here;

fantomscribla (2011-04-11)

Should i be worried about MS catching up on me/us?

fantomscribla (2011-04-11)

I used skype to call, since im International, cheaper to call from Skype.
Should i be worried about MS catching up on me/us?

jbtalk2me (2011-04-11)

Called the US number at 4 am! Rep was from overseas, didn't act skeerd... got my activation code. :)
@ thethingy: You ROCK!

crazy5150 (2011-04-12)

thethingy, I followed your instructions to a T. After the microsoft rep gives me the code and I input it, the software lookes to be activated. After restarting and opening word, it says it's configuring and comes back with adtivation failed. What am I doing worng. Appreciate your input. Thank you in advance.

the_guy_321 (2011-04-12)

I followed the instructions
"01. Disconnect internet, and start Word.
02. If the activation window appears close it.
03. Go to menu File, Help, Change Product Code, and then enter key:"
but it says: "This is not a valid Office Product key"
regardless which of the two provided keys I enter.
What did I do wrong, if any, and what else can I do (aside from trying another activation method)?

 thethingy (2011-04-12)

the_guy_321, you installed a retail edition.

the_guy_321 (2011-04-12)

I installed this one:

Is that the wrong version for this to work? If so, which one do I need?
Thx again.

 thethingy (2011-04-12)

the_guy_321, yip it's wrong, you need Professional Plus.

FSSimon (2011-04-13)

Just did it from Canada. The nice lady gave me my code.
Nice upgrade from the KMS 180 day activator.
cscript ospp.vbs /dstatus confirmed I have MAK now.

the_guy_321 (2011-04-13)

Oh I see, thank you. Hate to annoy you, but can you tell me if it is available on the pirate bay? So far I failed to find it.
Thx in advance

the_guy_321 (2011-04-13)

Please ignore my previous post, I just found it via your link :)
Keep up the good work!

the_guy_321 (2011-04-13)

Worked like a charm, thank you very much :)

anseio (2011-04-13)

Wasn't finding the installation code, so routed me to a person who gave the confirmation code without problem.
Thank you, yet again, for your great work!

-Dan-The-MAN- (2011-04-14)

Would this work with your Visio upload? i assume i would need a serial number for Visio and i would just follow the instructions with the exception that i would be on Visio instead of Word, but it's probably more complicated then that?

Deadaus (2011-04-14)

I am from Canada and I also did not feel comfortable talking to someone on the phone. I actually chose the UK as my country and just paid the long distance call and activated my copy of the phone with the automated system. Takes about 10 minutes and it works. Worth the long distance call compared to the full price of Office suite.

 thethingy (2011-04-14)

-Dan-The-MAN-, no that will work, so far I've activated Win 7 Ultimate & Enterprise, Office Project & Visio with keys I've googled. Just be sure you have the correct key for the software (it will tell you anyway).

BigPDogg (2011-04-16)

idk why or how, but my shit worked. i used a combination of this, and kms activator.
What i did was I followed the instructions all the way up to the point of actually calling. For some reason the activation failed on me at this point and I had to stop anyways. Then I just ran the 180-day kms activator, (which I had b4), and now its permanantly activated.
I dont know what I did wrong, but I definetely did something right and my entire office is activated. woot! vizio/publisher/and all core programs

10c (2011-04-16)

thanks thethingy it worked.I jut would like to know if you could make a keygen for driver detective as all torrents of driver detective are not working.

-Dan-The-MAN- (2011-04-16)

@thethingy Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou, i'm off to lie to the lady on the telephone

 thethingy (2011-04-17)

BigPDogg, dude, running a kms activator gives you 180 days no matter what, kms activators input the kms key first, you'll find out in 5 months when it tells you to activate again.

Mclectric (2011-04-17)

Thank you thethingy! Permanently Activated! Automated didn't work but the Rep. Did!!!

therainisfree (2011-04-17)

Can someone from the US call for me and post it back here? They keep saying I have reached the maximum limit.
The Installation ID is:
020982 080115 838381 144626 155874 713902 933325 810565 529085
Thanks for anyone who can help me!

B3d30n3 (2011-04-17)

I have pro plus, and I used your product codes, but I never find "activate", it keeps saying "change product code" after I restart Word. What's wrong?

blazeguy_2000 (2011-04-17)

I have a Win 7 64 bit OS. Would this activator and the associated office 2010 professional plus work on my computer? Thanks for the upload buddy.

machacker904 (2011-04-18)

I use WINDOWS 7 64 BIT and office 2010 by thethingy. WORKS great. they asked me @ the end for the product key and i lost service so i got my confirmation ID no sweat. THETHINGY LIVES!!!!!!!!!

crossfire92x (2011-04-18)

Dude...I was so nervous talking to the lady on the phone when activating, BUT IT WORKED. are very kind. :)

giuliar (2011-04-18)

Hello thethingy,, I have ms office pplus 32bit version 14.04734.1000 ,, just downloaded the file .. I'm so not computer savvy,, will this work or do I need something else..Too scared to try,, I called the automated line and they were going to transfer me to a live person,, Don''t know what to say.. can someone help me ..thanks a bunch !!!!

udunk (2011-04-18)

dear thethingy
I'm from Indonesia and I've called microsoft office lady for 3 times and she say that "this product is based under a company that cant be buy and get very easily" she also memorized instalation number that I've entered, could you explain what should I say so I can get the confirmation ID ?
I also have call the US and UK but I'm afraid to speak with the microsoft representation
Need help , , thax b4

giuliar (2011-04-18)

Hi Thethingy,,, You are a prince !!!! called the nice lady in canada and it worked YAHOO !!!
You rock !!!!

d4v3g (2011-04-20)

The automated woman failed to find me a code.
The nice Indian lady gave me a code right away!

d4v3g (2011-04-20)

The nice Indian Lady gave me an activation code right away.

ComposerQ8 (2011-04-21)

Hi , I have Download Microsoft office . then i burned it on a DVD Writer, then i Open it and wants to install it .. A Message Shown To me "The Upgrade Patch Cannot be installed by the Winsows Installer Service Because the Programe to be upgraded may be missing ,or the upgrade patch may update to a Different Verison of the Progame ,verify that the programe to be upgraded exists on Your Computer and that you have the correct the patch " .. This is my first download Torrent .. Could You help me step by step how to do ? .. and Thxxxxxx So much :)

acekingspade (2011-04-22)

The automated response said that the activation key is invalid - what do I do now?

Heromist (2011-04-23)

@ComposerQ8 hey dude sorry to tell you need to get 2 things, magic iso and magic disk, you can get them almost any where! know the thing is that you have to ripp it all the way!! now my thing is that i dont waste cds to make shit, i make isoa dn have Magic Drives on pc's that way i can access like as if it was. so this way you get the whole thing without fucking up if you hapve an issue come talk to me!!

 thethingy (2011-04-23)

^^ignore that, tokens are unique to the machine.

 thethingy (2011-04-23)

bradleygarrison, call the UK, or just talk to the rep who will give you the code

jjmoney1 (2011-04-24)

The product keys given in the instructions do not work. What do I do?

 thethingy (2011-04-24)

jjmoney1, the ksys only work with the torrents liked inside.

mindhunter84 (2011-04-25)

tried numbers of india, uk, us, canada
but no luck, rejected everywhere
help me
help me

Beanies (2011-04-26)

I've tried both keys and when I type the installation ID with the automated system it would say that it can't validate it.
I need some advice before trying this with a representative, I'm too pussy :\

p0wnm0us3 (2011-04-27)

Unbelievable that Microsoft doesn't notice this! and thank you for all your great torrents!

sinctykid (2011-04-27)

Followed the go...called after it didn't work...good to go (^_^) TY (US)

InfamousJoeG (2011-04-27)

Holy crap! Just called the US number & talked to the nice Indian guy at Microsoft. Everything was going smoothly until he asked me, "How many computers have been activated so far?"
"Uhhh... I don't know..."
"Are you authorized to activate this product?"
"Oh, of course!"
"Ok, I'm going to give you the activation numbers 3 at a time..."
Point is, if you're thinking twice about calling because you gotta talk to a human being, don't be. Just *67 to block caller ID and call. They're super nice and they just really want to get your software activated.
thethingy -- you sir, are THE MAN! I'd just hate to be working for the company this volume license is for...

normabet (2011-04-28)

Dear thethingy, you are a revolutionary. You go to so much effort to create complete packages with your torrents, and even provide after service! Seriously amazing work.
By the by, I had to 'speak to an operator' as well (I called the Australian toll free number from Australia) and the friendly chap gave me an activation code immediately. Win!

riverdude (2011-04-29)

Oh GOD!, Oh GOD!
So I did everything in the instructions... but at the end the guy told me they where only delivering the codes by e-mail, now I don't really have any anonymous e-mails, so I gave them my actual email, the one I use for pretty much everything & anything... I Panicked!!
So yeah... careful with that...
Am I in trouble???

pari12 (2011-04-29)

haha this rocks absolutely...i call up the system it connects me to a sweet girl Andria who instantly gives me the conformation ID to like a charm mate thanks!

EmperorGraald (2011-04-29)

Works like a charm! Automated call just hands you the goodies! Splendid...

brandonv23 (2011-04-29)

I used the activator, talked to a representative and got it activated and it works but then once i close it and open it back up its invalid and needs to be reactivated, how do i get around this?

dalwhin (2011-05-01)

@thethingy: thanks for your great uploads.
However, when trying with Project Pro 2010 (from you as well), when entering any of the 2 keys you provided, Project waits for 2 minutes (Network cable disconnected) and then comes back stating this is an invalid serial number.
HELP !!!!!

omzzone (2011-05-03)

Hey thingy. me again.
I have 64 bit PC with microsoft office 2010 starter which is still within the 6 month trial period. I want to now permanently get ms office 2010 on my comp. I downloaded this torrent, clicked on permanently activate, got the instructions, closed internet, opened word starter, clicked HELP but there is no place that says "change product code" anywhere on the page. Am I doing something wrong or downloading the wrong torrent?

rishad333 (2011-05-03)

dude it says exceeds the activation limits for the key.any solutions?

SHMaRiM (2011-05-03)

Called the number *67 (heart beating like crazy) and the indian lady asked me for a serial number... gave the second number and she gave me an activation number.
Thank you!

pcaddict69 (2011-05-04)

First of all.. Thank you..thank you & btw thank you for all your precious torrents rock!
Second (the real question here) does that torrent work with any language version of Office (like french)? Or only work with the english version?
Again..thanx a bunch "Thethingy"

 thethingy (2011-05-04)

pcaddict69, it works with any language of Office 2010 Professional Plus volume license edition

hro910 (2011-05-04)

Thanks man!! works like a charm in germany!!!
keep up your awesome work!

pcaddict69 (2011-05-05)

Thank you again Thethingy (first, for this torrent again) second, for taking time (and doing it so quickly also!) for replying to my question..
Like i said earlyer... you rock!

anonim12 (2011-05-05)

Sorry man..didn't work for me :(..tried to call 3 different countries, all rejected the installation id (not verified) you have any suggestions?
Nice torrent though :D cheers

pcaddict69 (2011-05-05)

Dang.. did everything as stated and after giving my 20 (somewhat) numbers i get tranfered to the rep on the phone.. after talking with him (he remained polite and professionnal) he stated that my number has reached the limit potential of activation (and i should provide a different number)...what to do now??
Still saying that this torrent rocks thou (since it has worked with lots of peeps according to their comments)

ksjdngo (2011-05-06)

Was put through to a rep. I just answered the questions and said I was reinstalling. Whole process took less than five minutes.
Great work thingy.

 cclloyd (2011-05-06)

Went to a rep. I hunt up :P
Any chance you can get one that works without having real human interaction?

 thethingy (2011-05-07)

cclloyd, call in the evening or use another countries number.

trixr3 (2011-05-07)

In the "Change Product Code". The two codes provided are coming up as invalid.

emd90ro (2011-05-07)

can you make a Microsoft Office 2010 Combined Edition 32bit. version ? or do you have a link to it?

emd90ro (2011-05-07)

can yo make a 32 bit. versionMicrosoft Office 2010 Combined Edition? or if tou have it pls link

 thethingy (2011-05-08)


Beepbox (2011-05-08)

Excellent, Thank You!
Installed on two systems, first install automated (luck of the call), second put through to rep (US), very nice people, don't be freaked, just need the activation numbers, it's not the Inquisition!
Thanks again thethingy.

kevindd992002 (2011-05-08)

I had no problems using this technique with Microsoft Office 2010 Professional Plus but the serials don't work with Visio Premium? Are they supposed to work with Visio (included in Combined Office 2010)?

mattpre (2011-05-08)


mattpre (2011-05-08)

OMFG it actually worked. the automated one said key could not be validated and was transfering me to a rep and i said well what the hell ill try it (thinking if a computer did not validate it a live person sure as hell wouldnt) and to my suprise without even asking which version it was or how many computers its been installed on she just asked for my install id and read me back a confirmation id lol love u thingy ur the shit bro

JohnyNZ (2011-05-09)

LEGIT. Automated activation didn't work, but got transferred to a Microsoft rep and just asked some simple questions. They gave me my ID and done~ Nice torrent

 SnowCrash01 (2011-05-09)

You're the man!

AUhair (2011-05-10)

This works great!! Now I don't have to use the KMS updater anymore!! Just man-up and opt to talk to the ms phone rep and it works!

opeth49 (2011-05-10)

I can't believe this. The woman on the phone was super polite and gave me the number without asking any question.
I almost feel bad for stealing it. They gave me a good service even though I'm pirating their software.
Thanks to the guy who found this out!

 thethingy (2011-05-10)

opeth49, dont feel bad, they wouldn't if they stole the £200 odd they want for this from you.

ashaab2007 (2011-05-11)

wow!! omg omg omg..i actually calld 3 countries all of them told and some crap...finally i decided to call up USA...nd guess wat...she just asked me the first and last group of id...nd BAAM..."SIR COULD YOU PLEASE NOTE DOWN THE CONFIRMATION NUMBER" haahhaha...thethingy UR THE MAN brother...awesome...

ashaab2007 (2011-05-11)

lol i cant stop grinning from side to side...i just finished activating it on my second they gave it away this time they asked me HOW MANY PCS ARE INSTALLED ON THE SAME SERIAL..i just said THERE ARE FEW NO IDEA...he ws like okay SIR HERE IS YOUR CONFIRMATION NUMBER...lmaooo... ;)

ashaab2007 (2011-05-11)

actually talkin to actual humans is a lot easier and they don't be a pain in the a** like the machine....bottom line the machine's a B.I.T.C.H :P btw all hail thethingy ;)

outamoney (2011-05-11)

Worked great. Authorized by a rep. Thank you sir.

PhoenixKing (2011-05-11)

Just logged in to tell that this didn't worked for me. :( I'm from the Philippines and told every possible lie to persuade the customer service about stuff but aw. They asked for the product key you provided and told me about legal stuff and blah. I was redirected to a Singaporean call center then she made me wait for about some minutes with Beethoven's song playing in the background then I failed. :(

okezzeko (2011-05-12)

hmmmm... i'm sceptic about this.
It is ok if you call from unregistred number...but if your number is registred, it could be dangerous...they can ''catch'' you :S
Am I wrong??

 thethingy (2011-05-12)

okezzeko, you are "paranoid", but still on mobiles you can choose to not send your number and in the uk from a landline if you dial 141 first then your number is not sent, use a payphone or something, it's free.

Keech62 (2011-05-12)

Great activator, worked like a dream over the phone, many thanks mate

okezzeko (2011-05-12)

thethingy, thx...anyway..i did that and it works :)
I dial toll free number to avoid human interact.
- You have to be a little bit paranoid theese days, ( you know ) but i believe that you are not a ''bad'' guy :P :P
p.s. great work!

liranh (2011-05-13)

works! thank you :)

guccicar (2011-05-13)

Didn't work for me.

rjv_3 (2011-05-13)

thethingy, good stuff once again.... activation over the phone worked like a charm :-) always dig your uploads..... keep 'em coming! cheers....

Tovsky (2011-05-14)

this works really well like a charm, thanks! It's a roundabout way, but it works very well.

danuluu (2011-05-15)


testingxp (2011-05-15)

The Thingy, Thanks for your upload, its worked just like your other uploads...
I have activated professional using your Office 2010 permenant activator by phone.
However when I am using the same for Visio, I am getting the serial is invalid, which you have given in the permenant activator.
Any idea how to activate Visio?
Many Thanks

ashaab2007 (2011-05-15)

for pple for whom it worked on the machine thingy...could you please tell me which countries toll free number did u dial?

blackops123 (2011-05-15)

i am a complete noob to this, lol. for some reason it says i have all ready got an activator on my pc. also, for some reason, it downloaded the MO 2010 home and student. so i was wondering if you could up activation codes for MO HnS thanks alot :)

Tridec (2011-05-15)


10c (2011-05-16)

i have activated ms office through the kms activator and have set up the auto kms and wanted to ask if it is safe to delete the activator rar file.

rutraind (2011-05-17)

algum brasileiro conseguio validar com esse metodo?

coolnsexy19 (2011-05-17)

didnt work for me. the product keys are blacklisted by MS

xplrtim (2011-05-18)

I just called in and the gentleman couldn't have been nicer. Didn't ask me a single question. Had to have a couple of drinks before going through with it, but it was great. If I didn't like chicks, I think I would consider courting you Mr. thingy. You rock!!!

LFGPDS (2011-05-18)

Good Work! :)
Your are the best!
Got a question, can u crack Office Language Pack 2010 ?

thanks for all ur great torrents! :)

WizHub (2011-05-18)

Works flawlessly. I had to call them and all they asked about was for the ID and the rest is history. lol I was kind of nervous to call but man is perfect.

rfgattu (2011-05-19)

Brazilian guys: eu liguei e perguntaram se eu tinha contrato com a microsoft pois esse produto só é comercializado para empresas. Mais tarde eu tentarei de novo falando que sim.

wheretheactionis (2011-05-19)

I didn't hide my called ID, is there any chance i get caught?

-Dan-The-MAN- (2011-05-19)

Hey, i commented a while ago on this torrent asking if i could activate Visio with this and you said you have tried it and it has worked. I have googled a bunch of keys and Visio says they are not valid Office product keys, could you tell me what key you have used?

goonz26 (2011-05-19)

i was able to activate it.. actually had to call in twice.. first time i called in they asked for first 6 digits of the code, then gave me the activation code.. then next day, when i started word, it said it was configuring files.. then bam.. license couldnt be activated so called in again. this time i saved the number they gave me.. and sure enough the next day.. TODAY.. i started word and then again said it was configuring files, then same thing. license cant be activated.. so i put in the activation code that i saved, and it activated it.. but does anyone know why everyday i have to keep activating it? its like its good for just 24 hours then i gotta do it again. if anyone know of a way to fix this let me know please thanks

b221651 (2011-05-19)

Neither of the product codes are working for me with Project Professional 2010.

 thethingy (2011-05-19)

b221651, they only work with pro + vl (the torrents linked)

b221651 (2011-05-19)

So even though I used the Project Pro x86 torrent
I have to also have one of the other Office torrents?

b221651 (2011-05-19)

I installed Office Pro Plus and activated it over the phone, but Project Pro still shows unactivated, and will not accept either key.

natjeffg24 (2011-05-20)

I called (U.S) put in the code and it said it couldnt be validated. Help ?

natjeffg24 (2011-05-20)

Nm on that previous comment got through nicest people no questions. Great job !

goonz26 (2011-05-20)

im on the 4th day.. every 24 hours, or withint 16 hours after its activated, i open word, and it says its configuring files, and bam, unactivated again. i checked the status and it said no producet key installed. but ive put it in 4 times already and activated it.. anyone else have this problem?

flyerwolf (2011-05-21)

I was unable to get the reg. code through calling. Says registration error.

flyerwolf (2011-05-21)

But i was able to get activation through the other windows 7/ office 2010 activator from you. So thanks too.

hilux1960 (2011-05-22)

Hi Thethighy,
Sorry mate does not work, phone system comes up with invalid code on both numbers. and to rub salt in to the wound the KMS activator will now no longer activate for 180 days.
Any body got any good ideas ??

10c (2011-05-22)

phone activation does work.Try calling the UK or the US phone no. and the kms activator still works.

10c (2011-05-22)

phone activation does work.Try calling the UK or the US phone no. and the kms activator still works.

boogerpie (2011-05-24)

Everything was working fine until I got to the window which stated my product ID and where I had to enter the confirmation code. I don't know if it's just my stupid computer, but the window was too small and it cut off the last group of numbers of the ID. I can only see 3 numbers in the last group. Any way to fix this?

eXoflow (2011-05-24)

It worked :) We'll see how long it lasts

Frejalight (2011-05-25)

Works beautifully, thank you!

jumpingm (2011-05-25)

When I get to the part where I put in the country, I do not get an installation code or a phone number. It just says [installation code].
When I try to re-register through KMS I get an error stating that the application is running within the valid grace period. I even tried uninstalling Office and reinstalling your version. No dice. Suggestions?

mkcpys (2011-05-25)

I don't understand why you all don't use the "Permanent Trial" uploaded by @thethingy a while back. It's much easier, and continues to update with no problems. I can't find it on here any more though!? Where is it @thethingy?

tinygiantz (2011-05-26)

shit, i have to call a number? there goes the 30 days i had left. :(

XmadbunnyX (2011-05-26)

Neither of the product codes are working for me
I'm trying to use it on this torrent:

XmadbunnyX (2011-05-26)

Neither of the product codes are working for me with

 thethingy (2011-05-26)

XmadbunnyX, the codes only work with the torrents linked in the read me (professional +)

jumpingm (2011-05-26)

Okay. I think I should offer more detail regarding my problem.
1. Originally installed the trial version and used KMS activator.
2. Saw permanent activation and thought that would be nice so I followed the instructions, changing the key etc.
3. When I get to the part where I put in the country, I do not get an installation code or a phone number. It just says [installation code].
4. Now I can no longer renew through KMS. When I try to useh KMS I get an error stating that the application grace period ended.
5. I deleted the key using KMS and tried again and it would not work. No firewall or antivirus is running.
6. I uninstalled office and downloaded thethingy's professional plus X86 torrent and reinstalled.
7. same problem as step 3
8. So I again try KMS and it still says that the trial period is over.
9. I admit that I fail.
What should I do?

emd90ro (2011-05-27)

@thethingy i have trid to install a x64 version of the combinde edition on my x32 vres. and givs me error pls tel pe wahat can I do ( win 7)

emd90ro (2011-05-27)

this activation works with the combind edition ?

emd90ro (2011-05-27)

I hav install the x86 ver. ad it warks but still , this activator works with the combined edition ?

FearMindKiller (2011-05-28)

I think your keys are in the microsoft system. They wont validate through the phone call.

nylon61 (2011-05-28)

someone plz share a working key for this. thanks.

emd90ro (2011-05-28)

but I want recive the message that this copy is not valid ? If y reciv the message haw can i stop it ? or haw can i validaitit

emd90ro (2011-05-28)

dont want*

jetbear2002 (2011-06-01)

Attention pirates, more facism is brewing: The "PROTECT IP Act of 2011"
(keep an eye on it with me)

dianalov3 (2011-06-02)

I wish I would have read the comments before downloading (not that it was that big of a deal). It asks you to make a phone call to Microsoft... I don't know if it works, I will just look for an alternative way to activate it. Thanks anyway, thethingy :)

kb25p (2011-06-03)

Will this method also work for Windows 7 Ultimate VL edition?

 thethingy (2011-06-04)

kb25p, it will if you find a serial

Dark_knight11502 (2011-06-04)

Resp: Jetbear2002: Thanks for the tip on Protect IP Act of 2011. I wish ALL Americans would be more involved with what is happening with our Government and let their voices be heard.

hoodski (2011-06-05)

Worked perfectly first time - thank you

hoodski (2011-06-05)

Worked perfectly first time on 2 computers - thank you

ron916 (2011-06-06)

This one worked perfectly for me following the instructions in the MS Word file using MS Word 2010 and doing the automated phone activation. Thanks!

fuji321 (2011-06-07)

Thanks man worked like a charm, the automated call didn't work like everybody said it wouldn't but when i got transfered to the rep she was very friendly and wasn't questionable at all! :) Im not gonna lie i was pretty nervous talking to the rep though XD

catsfanj (2011-06-07)

Is there a manual for the KMS activator? It says I don't have a valid key or something. I need it ASAP before my mom finds out I did it on her laptop!

catsfanj (2011-06-07)

Is there a manual for the KMS activator? It says I don't have a valid key or something. I need it ASAP before my mom finds out I put it on her laptop!

shazzy_k (2011-06-07)

cooool!!!!!!!! workd in the 1st attempt!!!!!!
tks dude!!

cujo31ne (2011-06-07)

for those of you who don't wish to download
The notes are based on using Word, but any other Office 2010
application can be used (phone activation takes less than 2 minutes).
01. Disconnect internet, and start Word.
02. If the activation window appears close it.
03. Go to menu File, Help, Change Product Code, and then enter key:
04. Untick the "Activate over internet" box at the bottom, and click "Next".
05. In the window that appears click "Install".
06. When finished the Install process, close word an then reopen Word.
07. An activation window will appear (if not, go to menu File, Help, Activate).
08. Select the "Phone Activation" option, and click "Next".
09. Pick your country, then ring the number and follow the instructions.
10. When asked for your ID, input the code given in the Word activation window.
11. When asked which edition, choose business/volume use, used only on 1 pc.
12. A code will be given back, and enter the code into the activation box.
13. Click "Next", and Office will say that it's permanently activated.
14. Close Word (and any other Office 2010 application).
15. Restart Word, and go to Help to check the subscription status.
- If you don't get the automated system when calling then phone back in the evening or Sunday.

PiratesFirstMate (2011-06-08)

*sigh*... I tried mutitple times over phone.... It says my installation ID couldn't be verified...
Does anybody know ANY key that works?

ar1397r (2011-06-08)

@cujo31ne------------thank you thank you very very much it has worked to me thanks

vilu85 (2011-06-08)

This works! I called and now my office is activated.

ar1397r (2011-06-09)

thank you uploader this trick has worked to me.........thank you very much

bta1987 (2011-06-09)

To those living in the United States: if you don't want the FBI, TSA, or local police agents to come and knock at your door step some day in the future, forget about picking up your phone and calling that 1-866 number , for every call is recorded and tracked by Microsoft.
The safest & most anonymous way to activate Office 2010 is using the KMS Activator, it worked flawlessly and classified as a safe-ware according to a comprehensive scan of 48 major antivirus programs out there including Symantec Norton.
link here:

ar1397r (2011-06-09)

i format my computer now i when i called activation error i got why plzz tel me someone who knows.......pllzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

estudyante_blues (2011-06-10)

HELP! i activated Office 2010 Pro Plus using KMS Activator. I already have it working for the past 4 months til recently i came across this torrent. With the hope to activate it "forever" and this activation scheme was uploaded by a very generous man like thethingy I activated it again thru this torrent. however, when i dialed the number i cannot reached even the voice for some reason or the other.
now, am stuck with this and i tried to activate it again using KMS (and even reinstall Office 2010) but all i can get is error .
So my question is: can i still activate Office 2010 using KMS? If yes, how? If no, what are my other options aside from dialing the number the whole day?
very much thanks to thethingy for providing the world with so much and doesn't need anything in return.

estudyante_blues (2011-06-10)

the error i mentioned in KMS is 0x8007000D. i did try to follow the generated instruction by the KMS Activator but still i get the same error. Thanks

estudyante_blues (2011-06-10)

the error generated by KMS Activator is 0x8007000D. note that i did try recover it by following the instruction as generated by KMS. but to no avail it generated the same error

syncborg (2011-06-11)

awesome...worked in the first attempt!!

YakumoFuji (2011-06-12)

Fuck me, it worked! Shit lots of keypressing though!
Jag bor i sverige.

yeshu26 (2011-06-13)

Hi mate!
Congrats on this great post.
I have a question.
If someone activates Office by using these keys which you have uploaded here, is it possible that anti piracy websites, and law enforcement agencies would be able to track the activators PC?
As one uses landline number to activate this key, then your number might record on the MS activation line?
If they have the activator's phone number, does that mean he is in lot of shite?
Please comment

yeshu26 (2011-06-13)

@dapid. Come one man, dont take a piss.
I know I am little paranoid, but can you and others give a normal response.

Tokyo1 (2011-06-13)

Its actually doesn't work. It looks like it works but it doesn't. 24 hours it will ask for activation again.
Is this for Win 7 systems only? Because it does not work on XP at all.

smoothcou (2011-06-14)

It works. It really does! However, I'm just afraid that Microsoft might track me down since I inputted two different, er, installation codes. First, I used the original one on the bot. It said it was invalid. Then, I tried the second one on the bot. It said it was invalid. So then I used the original one on a rep. It worked, after another try since she gave me an invalid confirm code. So now I'm just scared since they might get suspicious since I used two installation codes. Is it honestly possible that they could, er, find me? I really don't want to go to court over this thing ._.

capuccino (2011-06-14)

It really works! It's so cool when we use the system to trick the system! Thethingy, you're the man!

zsudip (2011-06-16)

OMG IT worked
THank you so much dude u r the best
U saved my 400 euros

ICU81I812 (2011-06-16)

I have internet phone service so, I would have to connect to the internet to get the confirmation code.

lugosi13 (2011-06-17)

thanks thethingy! It worked after a lot of fiddling and trying over and over again. Then added an exception to my AVG, then turned off Firewall, and finally got it working. Great stuff. :)

vinodvyas (2011-06-18)

i couldn't did that cause confirmation id what it is ??/ help!!!!!

patrin0s (2011-06-18)

Greece here, this thing w-o-r-k-s, plain and simple. The phone procedure is a pure joy, yes please give me the code to your software. Wonderful stuff, congrats and thanks.

lazinhobrrj (2011-06-18)

Please Help Me.
Code: 007113 815290 407464 805856 366146 820870 693236 534942 180784.

Mitch_Bainwol (2011-06-20)

Regarding this torrent, I'm not about to call Microsoft. It's not a good "solution." (nor am I stuck, I was just looking at various torrents; MAFIAA is more impressive in its doings)
Regarding "Protect IP", declare an address in the USA and sign the petition to kill it.
First and second version of the email/web page:

Sign up for their alerts too.

vinodvyas (2011-06-20)

now here comes the edge i tried to make it over a month a i got nothing pls someone help me.whenever i ring they don't give me Confirmation id and say me to contact to their customer care representative we should i do.i am to nervous that every-body is taking profit of it i am not

followthebrocode (2011-06-20)

This worked for me perfectly. I was hesitant at first, but when I called I was put through to a call representative who asked a couple questions and even when I didn't present him with a product key he still gave me the code for activation.
Also, don't forget to write down the number they give you for future activations!

tuah (2011-06-20)

Dear Thingy... just called the microsoft number of my country...after given all the installation id number the robot said that my installation id number is invalid...
Just curious...there are 3 choices when i call the number.
1. to activate office on Mac.(if i heard it correctly)
2. to activate windows any version and office.
3. to active msdn,server, and to obtain volume key.
i choose 2, is this correct? because if i choose 3 some operator will answer and ask me questions.

NSgsus (2011-06-21)

Why does everyone is getting in trouble with microsuck office, when you have Open Office for FREE wich is way better than Office. forget about dealing with keygens, cracks, serials, use FREE software...

Canweed (2011-06-21)

Hi, I have a problem with the third step of the Permanent Activator. None of the 2 product keys you provided is Valid.
I was wondering if there were a solution to this problem?

Canweed (2011-06-21)

I read through some old comments, and found out that the "Permanent Activator" only works with proffesional + torrents.
The one I tried to use it on was your "MICROSOFT OFFICE 2010 WORD X64" torrent. What activator should I use here?

ladooqa (2011-06-23)

The Customer Service Officer asking me from where u have this version ? and i tell him from my love thethingy (Joking :p)

Tram8yn (2011-06-23)

I have the 64bt versions and the serials are not working anymore

vinjoe22 (2011-06-26)

works just fine
great advice "call up and lie"

damir100 (2011-06-26)

Worked great! Thank you.

Stellarjay79 (2011-06-27)

I cant believe it worked, I called customer support for a pirated copy of office 2010 and they gave me the activation code right away!

toxigyn (2011-06-28)

When I called I got put through to an operator, freaked out and hung up. When I realized this is normal, I reached under my skirt, grabbed a set of balls and called back. I lied and they walked me right through it!
Awesome fix.

Alpha_Link (2011-06-29)

@toxigyn Yeah, same here. You would think they would question the legitimacy of the product and installation ID, but nope!
It's a pretty nice activation hole right there! Too bad there isn't one for Windows 7 (at least not one that I know of). Many thanks to you, thethingy!

Alpha_Link (2011-06-29)

UPDATE: I can confirm that so far Office is still activated after installing Service Pack 1 that was just released today. Although it's not a required update for now, it shouldn't hurt to install it anyway so Windows Update doesn't bug you later about it.

 thethingy (2011-06-29)

Alpha_Link, yeh this is permanent so every update and service pack will work forever

gprager (2011-06-29)

Worked perfectly. All applications up and running in less than an hour total from download to activation.

ywarez (2011-07-02)

hey thethingy I hoped you remembered me , I had a lot of issues of activating office :)
OK today again I have two issues :)
I use your ' might method ' to activate office with phone chat , and it finally worked :D
now I want to know that whether I should install the SP1 or not :(
A more thing I can't get my password reset @ suprbay :( as whenever a new password reset link is sent even if I entered the randomly generated password I am getting login error with 2 attempts left later the timeout of 15mint !
thank you again for you help :)

 thethingy (2011-07-03)

ywarez, install the sp its fine, join the chat at sb for password reset;

JohnShit (2011-07-04)

Thanks thethingy.

thesouthernthreathimself (2011-07-04)

ya, i got to admit. i was skeptical at first but after doing i gotta say thanks. what better way then to walk into enemy territory and walk out with them patting your back.

stapesygy (2011-07-05)

thethingy, thank you very much from england. much appretiated. clear concise instructions. And I garrentee it works and I am a relative novice. For those having problems stick at it its real and if I can do it anyone can. cheers.

RowdyMP (2011-07-05)

Kudos! I was hesitant to speak to the live operator but IT WORKED! Unbelievable :) THANKS

miggy98 (2011-07-06)


James.Hook (2011-07-07)

Hi thethingy (or someone else who know), is it possible to use this keys and method to activate a swedish version of office 2010 pro plus?, for example
(which was the only swedish version I found on tpb)
If not, is there any possibility to convert your/thethingy's office 2010 pro plus to a swedish one?

James.Hook (2011-07-07)

Hi thethingy (or someone else who know), is it possible to use this keys and method to activate a swedish version of office 2010 pro plus?, for example
(which was the only swedish version I found on tpb)
If not, is there any possibility to convert your/thethingy's version to a swedish one?

James.Hook (2011-07-07)

Hi thethingy (or someone else who know), is it possible to use this keys and method to activate a swedish version of office 2010 pro plus?, for example
(which was the only swedish version I found on tpb)
If not, is there any possibility to convert your/thethingy's version to a swedish one?

James.Hook (2011-07-07)

Hi thethingy (or someone else who know), is it possible to use this keys and method to activate a swedish version of office 2010 pro plus?, for example
(which was the only swedish version I found on tpb)
If not, is there any possibility to convert your/thethingy's version to a swedish one?

James.Hook (2011-07-07)

Hi thethingy (or someone else who know), is it possible to use this keys and method to activate a swedish version of office 2010 pro plus?, for example the one by Nikolas (which was the only swedish version I found on tpb)
If not, is there any possibility to convert your/thethingy's version to a swedish one?

James.Hook (2011-07-07)

Sorry for posting the same comment several times. (the fucking browser was cheting me)

jellymelly (2011-07-07)

haha called up aus toll free hotline, automated voice said it reached maximum activation i think, press 1 to talk to a real person, i was like screw it dont wanna waste my phone money and pressed 1.
nice indian woman asked has this been activated before?? i said no. (is it right? am i supposed to say no? someone reply cuz i have activate office on another computer again later)
and she's like give me your installation id. i read it out and she gave me the confirmation. easy peesy. oh and people whose activation says 29 days after you press finish, just restart your office program.

boomboomroom (2011-07-07)

thethingy, is there anyway to send u a private message on here? still cant figure it out

mlittlewood (2011-07-08)

I just wanted to thank you thethingy
for all your great torrents

witzki (2011-07-10)

didnt work man, TF is wrong damn it

blastoise21 (2011-07-10)

Screw this, why cant anyone make a torrent for people who arent good with computers. sigh this method is too complicated for people who are not computer genuises

mlittlewood (2011-07-11)

Thank you so much thethingy for all your torrents.For this torrent, I had to talk to a microsoft operator but everything worked. I did this on July 11,2011 and still works.
Thanks Again Fellow Brit.

TYSeedRs (2011-07-12)

Thank-you worked perfectly doing it the non-automated way.

four0deuce (2011-07-12)

Worked fine U.S.- Talked to indian dude. Told him it was installed on 1 computer for business and that I had to format the computer and was reinstalling.
Read him the code. He read me the code. Win win.
Got real stoned and sacked up first but only took like 4 minutes.

four0deuce (2011-07-12)

It won't just work though. Definitely need to call and lie unless can find new keys.

ledamay (2011-07-13)

THIS HAS A VIRUS... It will use your ISP to MASS SPAM with thru your account!
!!!! BEWARE !!!!

splinter48708 (2011-07-13)

A head's-up for folks with the x86 version of Office. This will NOT install if you have any 32-bit versions of Office installed. So be prepared to back-up items that you wish to preserve (as a precaution). For some reason, the folks at M$ made certain that you can't have both. It even wanted me to uninstall FP 2002 (I know, I know...However, it makes managing my web stories easier as I don't need PHP).

burn92 (2011-07-14)

need microsoft ice 2010 product key

burn92 (2011-07-14)

need microsoft office 2010 product key

airjapan (2011-07-15)

When I use the provided keys, it says "This is not a valid office key" and I can't continue. What now?

d4rktr33 (2011-07-15)

similar to airjapan, putting in either of the product keys I receive the error:
"This is not a valid Office Product key. See above examples to learn more."
I installed the x64 version of Word for Windows 7 uploaded by you, TheThingy... this torrent here:

I turned off the internet and tried both set of keys as per the instructions, and it will not let me continue. The button is greyed out with a red [x] to the left of the invalid key.
I've never had an issue with your work in the past... any way to fix this? help!

boomboomroom (2011-07-15)


bbzlov (2011-07-16)

Don't complain. Ignorant bastards, you should just go to the store and buy it.

santaoncrack (2011-07-17)

thanks very much thethingy. just phoned the number and they did the automated activation. did not have to speak to anyone. THANKS A LOT. p.s. LOVE THE FLAG

447erock (2011-07-17)

dont work!!

Zinedin (2011-07-18)

How the hell does this work?
The "PERMANENTLY ACTIVATE OFFICE 2010 PROFESSIONAL" file contains only 3 URL files and 2 RTF document files.
What do I do? Just open the RTF files in Word or what? Because they are associated with Word, so...
There is no Readme file on board.

Zinedin (2011-07-18)

Never mind, I got it, it's activated now. I just had to open the RTF file with instructions. From that point I was good to go on my own.
But I still think it's a very bad idea to write the instructions in a bloody RTF format which happen to be associated with MS Word by default as soon as you install Office.
So you end up, sort of, compromising the whole procedure because of that. Because Word might start communicating with some Microsoft server that would detect an illegal product key or what so ever and block it. There are software applications that do that when you try to circumvent the activation process or use irregular methods for activation, I've seen a few of these.
And yet you are telling people to disconnect from the Internet before proceeding...
Just stay away from RTF man, use simple plain text documents. Why you need RTF anyway? Just to enable some simple formatting and hyperlinking? It doesn't make sense to me. You can easily just write down the URL in a plain text document. Whenever or whoever wants to visit that page, all they have to do is copy and paste it in a browser window and hit Enter.
Otherwise everything worked very well, except for this little misunderstanding, and obviously questionable choice of file format to put the instructions in.
Keep 'em coming! Peace!

 thethingy (2011-07-19)

Zinedin, chill dude, rtf is fine, you have to open word anyhow to put in the key, you turn off internet when reading so obviously you do that before putting in the serial.

d4rktr33 (2011-07-19)

Thank you, TheThingy :) MS Oriface 2010 plus pro activated
I live in the U.S. so I called after hours so that I would get an automated message. It wouldn't work with automated, so it wanted to send me to a customer rep. I chickened out.
I tried again later when my gf got home, she said she'd talk to someone. So I let her :p. After the automated number fail, she was redirected to some dude in India, and he asked for the first 6 numbers, and that was all he needed. Gave me the full ID key.
Phone convo was no hassle, no questions asked. Everything went smoothly, save the fact that he was kind of hard to understand, and she had him repeat himself a couple times :p

airjapan (2011-07-20)

"This is not a valid Office Product key. See above examples to learn more."
Any help? I tried both keys exactly as they show. Neither work.

airjapan (2011-07-21)

Alright, I simply used a different activator. Prime's MS Office 2010 Genuine Lifetime Activation reinstalled the key for me.

4PhaseDelta (2011-07-22)

i dont know if this is possible or if it makes sense, but i have your activator and i also downloaded a windows 7 ultimate program... the majority of people complain about how they cant install certain stuff because it'll make there windows 7 fuck up, but weirdly i used your activator when installing office 2010 pro plus, and i think it honestly kept my windows 7 from being seen as a fake also. ive updated everything that windows says i should and still no problem. if your activator is the reason my stuff is still running after all the updates, then i honestly owe you a lottttt for this upload dude (also havent had a single issue out of Office 2010). thanx and keep up the good work.

Brian1454 (2011-07-23)

i used this several times on different computers and it workes great!
It does take you a while (10/15 minutes) and some effrot but it works and it eventually gives you a WORKING LEGIT KEY FROM MICROSOFT!
also, i'll spare you the download since it's just a text file:
-Disconnect from internet and start Word.
-Close activation windows if it appears and go to menu file,help,change product code (the underline text to the right) and enter key:
-Uncheck "Activate over internet" at the bottom and click next.
-click "install", when it's done close word and reopen it again.
-an activation windows will appear, if not go to menu file,help,activate.
-select "phone activation" and click next.
it may seem scary to actually call Microsoft helpdesk but it is 100% anonymous, you do not actually talk to anyone (just a bot) and you only have to enter digits with your phone, also it is FREE (for most countires).
-pick your country, ring the number and follow the instructions.
-when asked for ID input the code given in the word activation window
-when asked which edition choose business/volume use, used only on 1 pc
-a code will be given, enter the code into the activation box
-click next and office will say it's permanently activated.
-close word or any other office 2010 application
-restart word and go to help to check the subscription status

KILLERST (2011-07-23)

This method is sooooo AWESOME!!! Microsoft's representative just cracked their own product for me....

techranjit (2011-07-23)

Thanks thething working perfectly fine !!I didn't speak to any representative at all ,I called through voip call ,activation done through IVR, cheers from India!!

Chupa-mos (2011-07-24)

Ty m8. It's amazing how simple it is to "hack" MS software with one call. Lawl
Keep working :3

BludRayne (2011-07-24)

I don't know what everyone is complaining about. It's so very simple.
Install as a trial and run the Office Toolkit. If you can't follow that, you don't deserve the free program.
Great job thethingy!!

BludRayne (2011-07-24)

I chose the above method. Wishing I had of done the call in and gotten the joy out of it others seems to have had :{

harishmg (2011-07-24)

thank u thethingy

klsdfj (2011-07-24)

i get product activation erroer on phn :((((

dschof41 (2011-07-26)

is the file supposed to be an iso? i'm trying to do this without a disk, so is there any way to avoid the iso part?

Horseband (2011-07-26)

This is NOT microsoft word 2010. This is a txt file that tells you how to activate word 2010. You need to download word 2010 seperately.
ALSO, You never never NEVER should waste discs on .iso files. This is the biggest newb mistake in the torrent scene. You mount the iso with a program like Daemon Tools, Alcohol 100%, Magic Iso, etc and your computer loads the iso just as it would if you burnt it onto a disc. There is absolutely no need to ever burn an iso to a disc.

xardas661 (2011-07-29)

just fuck you

R3ZBAK (2011-07-29)

The process went right but when I go to the help tab.. The program still wants to activate it. :D

windydoom (2011-07-30)

is it ok to actually lie to them like will they still give you the code with no problem?

BigSplash (2011-07-30)

Woot! Thanks!

chblue (2011-07-30)

Everytime I call the number robodude tells me he can't activate either of the IDs. When i call it asks what product I'm activating, I choose office punch in the code and no go, I try saying 'something else's punch in the code and get nothing. Should I just deal with the real person?

zoomer155 (2011-07-30)

Microsoft must love the phone data they have been collecting Number,Name,State,City,address not 100% on this. Has anyone got a call from MS ? call ID block dose not work on 800,866 numbers the last time I checked.

Korosys (2011-07-31)

used this method, automated voice guy couldn't validate but the microsoft guy I got did. Only one question was asked: "Why are you reactivating this?" told him about getting a new machine and that was that

MPAA. (2011-07-31)


hottyson (2011-08-02)

Wow, I just followed the directions.
However, I did call three times.
I got scared the first two times and hung up when I was being transferred to a person.
The third time I just read the numbers to the person and they read back numbers to me.
I didn't have to freak out and hang up or anything!

hottyson (2011-08-02)

Oh, btw, even though the recorded voice prompts were of American English accent, the actual person at the end of the call must have been in India from the sound of his accent. So, don't worry like I did. You probably aren't even talking to anyone in your own country. (Unless you live in India?)

chblue (2011-08-03)

Wow. Simply wow. I was nervous like many others about calling MSoft but when i did it was super easy. Simple questions like am I reactivatin'(yes to new compute) and how many computerzs (one)
I felt like a puss for not doing it earlier.

ShoeiXR (2011-08-04)

I live in the UK, I'm trying to get Outlook and Project to activate with no luck.
I enter the codes and they say they are not valid and when i use another code i found and it accepts it i get no option to call up, it just installs settings or something then returns to being not activated. Any ideas?
I understand that you told somebody else that Project cannot be activated this way, but outlook?
thank you for your time.

ShoeiXR (2011-08-04)

It tells me the codes you have provided are invalid, and when i use a code found by another means it just installs the settings and then goes back to being unactivated, without the option to call up and give the ID

foxeiy (2011-08-04)

Holy god this is flawlessly blowjobrobbing my mindfuck!

Noname_kbh (2011-08-05)

Work absolut perfekt in Dk.
no problem with aktivate over phone
Thanks alot

mmnoyon (2011-08-05)


johen22 (2011-08-06)

someone made it work in Brazil? it always says it is invalid!

Luxy96 (2011-08-06)

Downloaded for 1 secound, works great, tnx mate :D

Aulpay (2011-08-07)

Worked in Ireland. Fully activated and installing updates from Windows Update. Thank you so much for the share Thethingy, greatly appriciated :)

HDfreak (2011-08-07)

thanks dude,
works for me here in austria :)

svlouie (2011-08-07)

Worked like a charm! Thanks!

supershit96 (2011-08-08)

does it work in holland/the netherlands?

lowquito (2011-08-09)

wow just wow...... nothing else to say my mind has been anally raped Thanx the thingy this thing is awesome :)

abdjibr (2011-08-09)

HEy guys check this out More Serial NUmbers and this is working 100%

abdjibr (2011-08-09)

Check this link out!

abdjibr (2011-08-09)

cernwulf (2011-08-09)

yeah because anyone that has an indian accent must live in india. lol

kanenas93 (2011-08-10)

Hello this worked perfectly. activated 4 computers like this. No probs!!! thanks thethingy!!! i was just wondering if there is a preactivated MAK version of office on TPB. ive been trying all of them and i cant find them one that isnt permanetly activated. I only find the 180 days preactivated ones. Also would there be anyway to change the installation id of your install when you activate over the phone? So you can use the same installtion id and conformation id over and over again. or make a keygen to do this? I was just thinking and couldnt find anything online about this. Thanks again! This is awesome!!

kanenas93 (2011-08-10)

Thanks this is awesome. NICE!!!!!!!!!!

Kiwigit (2011-08-11)

Ringing the NZ number provided, piece of cake. Spoke to a nice chap with eastern accent and he gave me the activation code without a single question. No lies required.
Thank you "thethingy" for both torrents.
Would you have one for Neuratron Audio Score for Windows ?.

Wofford321 (2011-08-11)

SKYPE - Free Money !

SirAnthrax (2011-08-11)

Tested in SWE, worked great. From mobile.
Also would be great to know when it stops working, like update the info or delete the torrent. Would be nicer to have updated info tho.

jackpentium (2011-08-12)

still charming. nice one.

emalisse (2011-08-12)

Just done this, from US, worked wonderfully. The representative only asked the first and last 6 numbers and that was it. Easy as pie.
Thethingy : cheers mate.
Well... The accent identifies your mother tongue. Most often, you learn your mother tongue from the country you were born in. Most often people live their lives in the country they were born in.
Even though it is a generalization and as such is not applicable to the absolute majority, it is neither stupid nor offensive to assume ones place of living from ones accent...
Add to this particular case that many hotline or telemarketting companies are indeed based in India...

ruwani234 (2011-08-12)

Jus did dis 1 mnth ago...workd perfect.but 2day after updatin it again started sayin da product is nt activated.......Anyway 2 fix dis????
Pls b causious wen u update office 2010.........

ruwani234 (2011-08-13)

My prob solved.....Uninstalled office & installed fresh copy & activated as indicated in this torrent frm UK......
It 100% worked....Great upload...

xanaxmaster (2011-08-13)


zingmars (2011-08-15)

Alright, cracks I do understand, but actually calling them up? That's no longer piracy, that's scamming :/

xroblade (2011-08-16)

Activated easily and had i nice chat to a guy from india. I felt sorry for him cause he has to work all through the night and sleep during the day. It was 3 am in india.

oleg1155 (2011-08-16)

Guys help me out. I have windows 7 64-bit Prof
I burn the CD and when i run the set up this comes up "This 64-bit product may not be installed with Microsoft Office Click - to Run. Remove Microsoft Office Click - Run and try again"

Mufid72 (2011-08-17)

Many Thanks your advise, it really works! Keep it up!

AnonSir (2011-08-21)

Hello sir, I am really trying to install this but i seem to be having a problem. I downloaded your specific torrents for 2010 Word, Powerpoint, & Excel since that is all I want, however went i follow the directions given with the permanent activator i am notified that
the product key you have given is not vaild. Any idea what i should do? Look forward to hearing from you

AnonSir (2011-08-21)

edit to the post above, i dwlded pro + and attempted to install that way, but still end up with the same problem it seems those product keys have been used up. any suggestions?
also i'm getting the error that has randomly plagued others, WW.Win ..or something like that when trying to install word, any fix for that yet?

gr4yfox (2011-08-21)

Ok, I follow the steps. Works great - product activates.
But after a reboot, and I launch Word, it begins "installing" again, after which the crack becomes invalid.
What do I do about this?
Please help!

Mattytha01 (2011-08-24)

i have a real prob calling microsoft any of u that decide to do this should stop and think about that for a few... im just saying. im stayin away from this and not downloading this. be smart

driftkidd (2011-08-27)

the serial 3W3MQ-H7M6X-3WYP7-TPCH6-8G8T2 got k-banned. use the other.

XSCounter (2011-08-28)

Such a tedious method.. But it totally worked :) Thx a lot, thethingy!

pwnwolf (2011-08-30)

i can confirm as of today (8/30) the activation works. i had to call twice becasue i wrote down the confirmation id wrong the first time, i answered questions differently each time and they gave me the ID both times. i know it was the same because i partially remembered the confirmation id i got the first time so regardless of the answers u give if a rep asks questions u should get the ID. works great and its one more awesome addition to my computer that i owe to [thethingy] keep it up bro i really appreciate it!!!

Jiero (2011-08-31)

Just FYI the rep asks how many systems is this product installed in--I said one. I'm assuming this is how the second key got banned; someone must've said a different answer. Although this is just my assumption. I hope no one messes this up. So please keep that in mind! Thanks!

modelun88 (2011-08-31)

For people with no re-arms left: download CODYQX4's and Bosh's "Office 2010 Toolkit and EZ-Activator" at
These guys have done great work!

kayb27 (2011-09-03)

thethingy, you're awesome! thanks for all the help. I keep getting "this operation was cancelled due to restrictions..." whenever I click on a hyperlink on Outlook. Any relation with this activator?

Mimsaabir (2011-09-03)

the activator, it is perfect. thanks a lot.

skf73 (2011-09-04)

I have used this method so many times its unreal. Too bad one of the codes is no good any more. But I just used yesterday and I have a perfect activation. And on my main PC I used it 9 months ago and it still works solid. Love it. THANK YOU!!!!

xntryk2 (2011-09-05)

thethingy has been around a long time and has superb up-loads, but his "fixes" and "cracks" sometimes are buggy... I think he writes them himself. Buy he does have the goods!

Hokrollo (2011-09-05)

lol calling them up...what the hack

onkelma (2011-09-07)

I got excatly the same problem than biscusman on page 6. What's the solution?

kaitozero (2011-09-07)

You can use Skype to call the US number. I wouldn't use the same system you've installed Office on, though...

Playd0h (2011-09-08)

zingmars - I've seen some hypocritical BS in my life, but you take the cake. If your worried about MS, then buy from them instead of looking for torrents. Jacks$$

x7d9o346 (2011-09-09)

This things bullshit
Activation code is invalid is all the Microsoft people say and then they hang up

eatmedia (2011-09-10)

Followed the process, the MS phone system goes to retrieve my install ID and then comes back and says an an error has occured with my product ID. I can choose to press 1 to speak to a rep. (This is in Australia). Did anyone else get to this point?

Ralphwl (2011-09-10)

Works perfectly... Thanks again..

tyax12 (2011-09-12)

nice torrent ^^

jasolis (2011-09-13)

Can someone please explain to me what i am doing wrong? I follow the directions that are on the download exactly. I disconnect from the internet, open word, click file, click help, click change product key. When i put in either one of the product keys from the download i get a message that says the product key is invalid and it will not let me proceed any further. Could someone please let me know what i am doing wrong? Please i really need this.

butters72 (2011-09-14)

exactly the same problem here! then a minute or two later I got a Windows mal-ware warning...
jasolis at 2011-09-13 19:35 CET:
Can someone please explain to me what i am doing wrong? I follow the directions that are on the download exactly...., click change product key. When i put in either one of the product keys from the download i get a message that says the product key is invalid

 thethingy (2011-09-14)

butters72, you got a malware warning from a text file?, get real dud.
jasolis, keys ONLY work with pro plus listed here;

or linked to in the torrent

jasolis (2011-09-15)

the thingy, Thanks for the help. I really just needed word, but now i have the whole suite!
The keys worked fine.
Thanks again

bimmerian (2011-09-15)

It doesnt work for me. I've tried both keys, & none worked. I spoke to the Tech Support, & they simply said the key usage limit is reached. They wouldnt help me.
Please email me the working key to [email protected]
Greatly appreciated.

asd_dsa (2011-09-16)

worked perfectly for me!

vicky1510 (2011-09-16)

Thanks !! Thingy you always rock!!

put8os (2011-09-17)

Thanku so much,, I got put through to the operator, he asked for the install code gave him that and he gave my activation code.. I didnt have to lie LOL... Seriously!! Your BRILLIANT.....

powderfinger999 (2011-09-18)

i don't understand. i installed word, worked perfectly for a little while, then stopped working, said i only had two days, tried the activator again, said ERROR and when i checked status it said it wasn't installed, reinstalled the whole lot, tried to install this one and can't open it, i'm technologically useless, someone please explain to me where these instructions and product keys are? i don't use torrents usually

goeffel (2011-09-19)

Didn't work for me neither. After changing product key, no activation windows appears and unter File->Help there's also no button to start the activation. The key has just been seems that even thingys cracks don't work sometimes. :-/

powderfinger999 (2011-09-19)

I tried the two keys from the permanent activator, neither of them worked. reinstalled the IORRT 3.5 activator which gave a whole lot of error etc before saying it was installed, tried to open word again and it says I know have 3 days instead of two which it said yesterday. May just go back to Microsoft word 2007 or heaven forbid, buy the damn program...

FunzoO (2011-09-19)

Thank you ! :)

AK85zer0 (2011-09-20)

Any alternatives to this cause it told me both codes were invalid?

F79 (2011-09-22)


starzed (2011-09-25)

Thank you for the activation code! Had to talk to a person, but they gave me confirmation code that has worked!

DennisOlof (2011-09-28)

If ppl have problems with Office 2010 just get Office 2007 it is mostly the same. But you only need serial to install it, and then you can install SP1 och SP2.
No need for activation or software going bad becaus you need to re-activate.

Daddy_Spank (2011-09-29)

worked perfectly for me... no need for phone calls or scamming.

max_planck_no_1 (2011-09-29)

I just used kms activator, worked for me. 180 days till expiry

millerlite2006 (2011-09-30)

That program worked perfectly, fully activated Office 2010 Professional Plus. Thanks bro

tsihtyma (2011-10-01)

Anybody know where to get the "DR. Paper" office extension for writing term papers?

system.out.println (2011-10-01)

can someone phone this installation ID:
002681 779276 770044 382562 956234 164463 688393 469843 751405
please??? i need the confirmation id... please help me, ='( send it to my email: [email protected]
i'd appreciate it. thanks, God bless

FiReCRoW (2011-10-02)

this trick still works like a charm .. so thanks a bunch for this .. buuuut i was wondering... do you also have serials for visio and project that this would work with? cause with this it only activates the office plus products but not visio and project that you added in your combined office torrent

sndman11 (2011-10-03)

Can someone help? Has anyone tried this and went ahead and got connected to a live person. I've tried the numbers and it keeps telling me that they are incorrect and they are going to connect me to an agent. PLEASE HELP!!! you can email me at [email protected]

sndman11 (2011-10-03)

please help! Has anyone tried the talking to the representative after the code didn't work?

turduken (2011-10-06)

The keys don't work for me

emad17 (2011-10-08)

It worked beautifully 4 me....
The automated system gave me error so i spoke 2 the representative...
He will ask u a few things just Lie lol!!!
It was like i scammed microsoft :p

kilroy238 (2011-10-13)

Thanks for this great tutorial. Although it took several times due to Skype being a pain in the ass it worked well. For those nervous about talking to an agent after your number will fail don't sweat it. I got some hot sounding babe in India. She asked me for the 1st 6 numbers and then transferred me back to an automated system to get my validation number.

Fervent (2011-10-14)

Does this work with install downloaded from Microsoft?

t3h_dud3 (2011-10-16)

Holy fuck, this actually worked!!
You are a good man, thethingy!
God bless you.

davo3199 (2011-10-16)

Awesome, Thank you

jg1647 (2011-10-16)

Worked for me in New Zealand, i got automated service but when i entered the code it said error and transferred me to an indian dude, and he didnt even ask me any questions he just gave me a code... There was a phone servey he asked me to take so I did and gave him top marks. Thanks thethingy, so simple yet so much more effective than using trial extenders!

5even (2011-10-16)

noooo, why this is not working for me?? the operator said that the code has been activated 1503 times. i've tried to lie if maybe i was a victim of a scam, and he said he can't help me, what a jerk!

iamokaw (2011-10-17)

I love this. It's such a karmic bitch-slap for Microsoft. They outsourced their support India because of the production numbers they got for their money. Know why those numbers are so high? Why the Indians are able to process so many activations so quickly? Because 90% of them don't bother denying service for flagged serials, as they know that will result in a back-and-forth that's going to take four times as long as just saying "ok, here's the automated process for your activation."

addamaha (2011-10-17)

Please help
It all worked for me, but when I closed word and then opened it, an error message comes saying,
"Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 cannot verify the license for this product. You should repair the office program by using Control Panel"
Reach me at [email protected] or reply to my comment.

addamaha (2011-10-17)

^^^^^^ same for all office applications ^^^^^

yzftat (2011-10-19)

Dude you rule sweet as anything to get activated, love it man!!!!

girdoks (2011-10-21)

this method does not work. Microsoft system recognises it calls you a victim of piracy :D wow :D

XOIIO (2011-10-21)

FUCK YEAH! I was fucking nervous but it was easy as hell XD

peerGeek (2011-10-21)

Worked like a charm! Thank you, thethingy!

phuynh (2011-10-22)

Could someone give me a working product key. I don't want to download the whole file since this is a new computer and all it needs is product key. Thanks!!

tristanpower98 (2011-10-22)


karlocool (2011-10-23)

Thanks :)
so easy, i just said that it was install on 1 computer and they give me a code :)

cee202 (2011-10-24)

holy crap, this was so cool, talked to an agent and they activated it for me. 100% works, there is nothing to be scared of just call.

Macutin (2011-10-25)

Man, big thanks from chile. They transfered me to an operator that didn't ask anything just the numbers, don't be scared if they say that the call is being recorded and all that bull crap. Just call, nothing will happen to u.

mw2pro123 (2011-10-25)

I used this one:
I dont want no bitches calling me at home.

bluephoenix71 (2011-10-26)

I would like to know if your permanent activator would work in downloading first the trial version in microsoft site¤cy=GBP&country_id=GB&culture=en-GB

I am in UK, and when I have installed the trial version and I tried to activate it... the activation by phone is not highlighted or can't be chosen...
Does this mean that I can only use your Permanent Activator by downloading the office 2010 in your torrent site or file?
I hope you can answer since I have re-setted my laptop to factory settings a number of times aalready :D

Gerardonj (2011-10-27)


homertimpson (2011-10-28)

to bluephoenex71
I downloaded this last night

Installed it - followed the instructions as per the Activation Read Me - phoned the UK freephone number when prompted and got a totally automated service - no 'humans' at all.
Gave out the 48 digit code generated in Word and received another one back immediately.
Entered this into the appropriate box and, hey presto, fully activated - again, much respect to thethingy for an awesome upload :-)

homertimpson (2011-10-28)

As an aside, my mate bought a full copy of 2010 + via his employer for £10 - he works in the Education sector. Paid the money - downloaded the full version from Microsoft and was sent a product key via email.
He gave me the downloaded version he used 14.0.4514.1004 and I tried to install that last night [4 times]. Every time it would get to 99.999999% and finish with a "setup has encountered an error" and ask for a reboot.
thethingy version I downloaded was version 14.0.4755.1000 and it installed 1st time tonight.
Download thethingy version for a hassle free install.

jweeezy (2011-10-29)

Worked flawlessly.
Followed instructions, talked to an operator, give her the first 6 digits of the installation ID and she transferred me to an automated machine which gave me the the confirmation number.
Repeated the same process for another computer and was successful again.
Thanks thethingy!

noprobsin (2011-10-30)

Man.....Its so easy.Thanks a lot.

tcai534 (2011-10-31)

thethingy, your the best! the key didn't work at first with the automated machine, but after i got transfered to the operator, i just needed to say 1st group of numbers and my confimation ID was given

tcai534 (2011-10-31)

tried it on visio and project, didn't seem to work there. thethingy, any suggestions or solutions

baggyrab (2011-11-02)

Worked absolutely perfectly. Cheers.

duckquack (2011-11-02)

Called in, everything went great until end. After entering everything and getting the OK the Microsoft comp operator said it was an invalid product. No numbers given back, no activation just a message telling me to take the product back to the store.

tyrabit (2011-11-04)

DO NOT BOTHER TO TRY THIS, this method is not working any more!
Called in, gave the code and the clerk told me it cannot be activadet, because it is a pirated copy. And you know what? He was absolutely right, this was a pirated copy of O2K10 :D

 insinuendo (2011-11-05)


Harrison. (2011-11-06)

hey it worked for like 2 months then the key thingo came up but you can just close it :)

ReMO67 (2011-11-08)

It worked perfectly!
Even though I activated as 'home user' :)
Called in late at night to avoid any 'rep' coming to the phone :)
Thanks again @thethingy!

RafVne2 (2011-11-08)

Now isn't that a bitch... I have had it already aaaa... half... maybe a year ago... I've done it over the phone, thru machine... And I don't know if that was some new upfate or it just got corrupted... it started asking me for activation again, I entered the same one I've gotten over the phone , and it seemed like it was accepted, but after a while whole thing didn't allow me to even open it fully...
anyone knows if we should stay clear from some particular update?

upldrmx (2011-11-11)


mishmashbang (2011-11-12)

Hey thethingy well done mate it works a treat from the uk number any chance of cracking the new autodata 3.37 a Big please

ers2258 (2011-11-14)

@thethingy. This worked GREAT! Had to call and got connected to a MS Rep. All he asked me for was the first group and the last group of numbers, then he put me back to the automated head which proceeded to give me the code to enter. AND BAM! It worked perfectly.
After successful activation, I then did the Windows Update thing and got 15 updates just for MS Office.
Downloaded and Installed all 15 and restarted PC.
Everything works as it should.
Thanks, Thanks and Thanks Again!

docleung (2011-11-15)

Office Home and Business 2010 25-digit key (15th Nov 2011)

goat_512 (2011-11-15)

Microsoft call centre staff keeps asking for the Volume License number. Without it, they refuse to give the code. Please advise ?

scoobyboy (2011-11-19)

tried both keys any niether work anymore.

sanchopanza321 (2011-11-19)

@ docleung works as of 2011-11-19 thanks did not download anything i just entered it into the preinstall that came with my new cheapo laptop. lol

sanchopanza321 (2011-11-19)

great work! i used docleung key and it work!

00ffej (2011-11-22)

Used this key with phone in activation, worked tonight:

efromnyc (2011-11-27)

This activator is no longer working, I tried the 2 keys included and tried these 2 from the comments TMBJY-D7W6M-KVVPR-3MFGY-FPDXB
I call then 1866 number, enter all the digits by groups, then it transfers me to a rep because it cannot activate.... damn microsoft is getting smarter! lol.... help us al mighty thingy!!!!!!

black_sabbatical (2011-11-27)

I used W2YJ6-F2GQB-7TCX8-MJPPK-PKHDT and it worked fine, you just have to disconnect the internet while it installs

efromnyc (2011-11-29)

W2YJ6-F2GQB-7TCX8-MJPPK-PKHDT does not work... it sends you to a rep.... what now?

efromnyc (2011-11-29)

actually W2YJ6-F2GQB-7TCX8-MJPPK-PKHDT is not even a REAL OFFICE key says this is not a valid office key... the other 2 provided with the install txt work but then when you try to activate through the phone it tells you it cannot and to please hold to speak with a rep...I never wait I just hang up... rep is going to tell you its a pirated key....

efromnyc (2011-11-29)

why are you lying? W2YJ6-F2GQB-7TCX8-MJPPK-PKHDT is not a VALID office key... it does not even get you to the next step which is to call Microsoft for activation...

CraigMRemix (2011-11-30)

I disconnected from the internet and used
It worked fine, no issues at all

Xeginy (2011-12-03)

Read the instructions, people. Disconnect the internet before you do anything.
And chances are, you'll end up being sent to a rep. It's no big deal, it doesn't mean anything bad. Just repeat the code to them, tell them it's only for 1 computer, blah blah blah, and they'll give you the code that you need.
Again, thanks for this complete download. This is awesome.

lyfsuxxx (2011-12-05)

12-4-2011 code W2YJ6-F2GQB-7TCX8-MJPPK-PKHDT
worked with no problem excellent upload thanx

Xfri (2011-12-05)


shittalkerism (2011-12-10)

The activator process didn't work for me so I tried the activator given by @yahyacanet above and it finally activated mines.

Mimsaabir (2011-12-10)

me too tried all these codes and not worked.
finally activated by the link given by yahyacanet.

Uzi_kage (2011-12-11)

NE one have new keys?

Uzi_kage (2011-12-11)

yahyacanet's tool kit didn't work for me. It's said that IORRT would cancel out the activator. Process failed.

rhalls28 (2011-12-12)

It's not working anymore because some stupid, imbecile noobs post them in the comments.

3shirts (2011-12-13)

Just used this (with the first code in the document) and it worked perfectly on my partners laptop.
I used the local rate number and got the automated system. I cocked up the numbers first time so it wanted to put me through to an operator. I hung up and rang back and it worked fine the second try. Takes a while but it's worth it!
Many thanks

BEinspiRED (2011-12-15)

Worked like a charm!
Ty mr thingy

rayb2009 (2011-12-16)

Once again a great share from thethingy, thanks a lot Buddy, worked perfectly for me (Belgium). Keep on the good work.

superus3r (2011-12-19)

This didn't work for me, and it makes perfect sense why it wouldn't. Thousands of people using the EXACT same keys.. hmm.. Microsoft can't figure that one out, right?
Think for a second.
Now realize you have called them from your phone with a bunk key.. now they have a little information on you. If Protect IP or SOPA passes they will use this information to IMPRISON you.
How many LEO's do you think are on this site?
Food for thought.

mind_over_matters (2011-12-19)

anyone who says this dont work is either a troll working for office...or a dumb ass!!
This works and is simple to use...I used this months back but reformatted my laptop and just called up using the code given by
00ffej at 2011-11-22 04:48 CET:
Xfri at 2011-12-05 12:07 CET:
the original codes did work from thingy but I have not tested them for months so who knows to save time use the code by the above mentioned people thanks

halflifekiss (2011-12-20)

Worked perfectly fine for me.

H2Kzero (2011-12-20)

I know this will sound dumb to some of you but I am very new to all of this. Can someone walk me through this step for step?
Now I got PowerISO but what do I do from there? After I do all I need to do and install after mounting it says I have one day to activate? I thought I did it right but must have messed up? Someone help me?
And again, I am very new to all of this.

cannonball69 (2011-12-21)

im new to this. how do youo use an activator?

cannonball69 (2011-12-21)

thanks thingy. was a little worried but used uk activation. worked a treat.. thanks.. will use you more..

todown (2011-12-27)

Thx i activated i live in the netherlands and took me 6 minutes on phone!
you need to say its for buissnes, and that you havent installed it on an other computer.
you dont speak to a real person but to a robot so no wurrys !

emirom (2011-12-28)

I actually had to speak with the operator. But it worked fine with 3W3MQ-H7M6X-3WYP7-TPCH6-8G8T2. The US Operator just asked me if my activation id started with some numbers, I said yes, he asked in how many PCs I tried to install the software, I said 1, and then he said problem solved. So don't be afraid to talk with them, they don't even ask your name!
BIG Thank you, thethingy, not the first time I downloaded great stuff from you, not gonna be the last.
Good luck for everybody.

droy16 (2011-12-29)

Office Home and Business 2010 25-digit key (29th Dec 2011)

todown (2011-12-29)

it aint working anymore 3 days it worked

snobro201 (2011-12-30)

This works Great i just called the uk number and i got two licenses You are the man thethingy!!!

recruitRu (2012-01-02)

key worked for me, windows 7x64
office for home and bussiness
just download trial for free and insert key on ACTIVATE option.
thanks Man

Yoscha (2012-01-04)

These keys no longer work to validate Office Professional, then delete and download from the Microsoft website
(english) or
(portuguese) and install with the serial W2YJ6 F2GQB-7TCX8-MJPPK-PKHDT then continue the procedure to validate your Home and Business Office by phone. Do not forget to disconnect your Internet connection to make the validation procedure. The difference between the versions are the Publisher and Access programs, available only in Professional version. If you do not use, why install the Professional version?

dat_Jacob (2012-01-06)

thanks so much. works great! many cheers.

kwwk87 (2012-01-08)

When I tried the phone activation, after inputting the ID, it says error. What should I do?
I tried 828CH-G4FPY-HMH4R-32GCK-6D9BH and 3W3MQ-H7M6X-3WYP7-TPCH6-8G8T2..

Screwtape757 (2012-01-09)

Thanks for the download.
The Microsoft phone actiivition service does not recognize the code showen on the activation screen as valid. Any other ways to activate?

Screwtape757 (2012-01-09)

Thanks for the download. The Microsoft phone actiivition service does not recognize the code showen on the activation screen as valid. Any other ways to activate?

onyxchen (2012-01-10)

Should i leave the toolkit on my pc or delete it now ive got my key?
Love the fact that micosoft gave me the key lol
Also should i fix the changes its made to my registry?

duck4349 (2012-01-18)

nice work thethingy

brianfantana17 (2012-01-24)

Does anybody know the number to phone from the UK? No combination of the one on the registration form seems to exist. (44) (203) 147 4930.

FuknGr8 (2012-01-25)

AWESOME .. Dial up worked first time Bro... BIG UP for [thethingy] ... much respect..... had a few little fuck ups to start but strait forward enought ... Thanks for the up .. my daughter was needing it for school work and i thik its like £240 to purchase.... Buy NOTHING (EVIL GRIN)

fc321 (2012-01-25)

@ZmtZ: Thanks, that link has a much better way to crack Office that this here torrent we are looking at.
No offense to thethingy, I appreciate all of thethingy's many useful uploads but I must say that "Microsoft Toolkit" is a much more easy and efficient way to activate a pirate version of Office 2010

AmuLight (2012-01-27)

Unfortunately, both keys have been blacklisted on Microsoft's system, the rep made a ONE time exception for me (she could get fired for that one!) and gave me a confirmation ID, but when I went to activate another computer, this rep wasn't so friendly and just told me that I was using a blacklisted key and hung up. Don't try this people, just use the Microsoft Toolkit from MyDigitalLife.

pengy_666 (2012-01-31)

I also have tried to activate and the licence key is not valid.
Guys this is no good now.

ThatFatGuy1 (2012-02-04)

Does anyone have a working key as of February 1st? My new computer already had Microsoft Office on it, now I just need to activate it.

krissh (2012-02-08)

Hello, i have activeted it and i dont need that activation wizard, but when i go to Word- file - help it says Product activation required? does anyone else have this? what shall i do?

pyroclastPRO (2012-02-14)

the bitch you mentioned in your instructions said that my install ID is an error. This activator did not work for me. OS: Win 7 64 bit

marxyoung (2012-02-16)

em a fan of thethingy, however phone activation simply doesn't work now. I tried to auto activation and said Error then i talked to the operator and told me have my Authorization No. given by the company....

Dfizzleshizzle (2012-02-17)

Everyone, someone posted this a couple pages back so I thought it was worth reposting so more people would see it.
Use the toolkit to activate instead, it's seriously a one click fix.

Hope that helps some of you.

GuyGear (2012-02-22)

looks like this serial: 3W3MQ-H7M6X-3WYP7-TPCH6-8**** doesn't work anymore in UK. btw, the first one (828CH) is still works like a charm :)

storkebab (2012-02-29)

None of the serials works for me when i do the phone activation. Just says its piratecopies. How am I suppost to activate now?

pxpierre (2012-03-01)

It worked a few months ago but trying it today on a different PC with both keys do NOT work anymore. M$ telephone says not valid product. :-(

bluephoenix71 (2012-03-02)

I have downloaded your torrent how to permanently activate office 2010 professional plus, I have followed the instructions and was able to get all the results on the instructions you have provided. The only problem is that the 2 product code you gave that produces the codes on the activation window is now invalid... do you happen to have another one?
I will most appreciate it since I live in UK and phone activation is easier for me
PM me the codes if you can't do it here.
[email protected]
thanks again

skydiver1984 (2012-03-07)

I have the 3 day activation pop up, so i then did the activation over the phone UK number followed what thethingy had i.e.
The notes are based on using Word, but any other Office 2010
application can be used (phone activation takes less than 2 minutes).
the guy told me that too many users are on this license... so for me its all bollocks

MoNeYFiRsT (2012-03-12)

The keys provided with the instructions in this torrent didn't work, so I used the one given by Xfri 3 months ago (page 24) and it worked for me and I was able to activate. Nice one.

BKSinAZ (2012-03-18)

This Activator does not work. In both cases, I used one of the two product codes. I tried both. First problem, when calling in to activate, your directions say choose Business/volume (line 11). There is no option for that when calling to activate. I picked Micro Office 10 and gave all groups of numbers. Stated groups of numbers I gave were invalid.

BKSinAZ (2012-03-18)

Any new product codes?

sass912 (2012-03-19)

Help i have no phone!!
MY contry estonia and step 2 id:
what is my confirmation id!!!

Stevenator74 (2012-04-04)

Both keys blocked now in NZ

freesoftwarelover (2012-04-12)

how does this work? because i followed the directions but the keys just get rejected... what should i do?

jockgso (2012-04-13)

It worked for me with Ofc 2010 Pro. Thanks Thanks and Thanks again

dawsonz (2012-04-17)

Worked perfectly thanks!

ut1880h (2012-04-18)

Msg from Bill gates: "Hey - knock off the shit, people!!!"

gazmensky (2012-04-22)

When all progression was over and i try to open office i got an error about damage for programm and had to reinstall it. Tried twice and same effect.
Iam not recommend that.

hexda3m0n (2012-04-23)

All of the links are dead

Ackyroth (2012-04-23)

Worked me for me all I had to do was click setup. I'm running a 64bit laptop with OEM version of windows 7 home premium.
Thanks thethingy!

4scoresn7yrsago (2012-04-26)

lol hot the hell do we have 5 seeders?! It's only a 19 kb file

frizoky (2012-04-26)

smallest torrent on piratebay?

pira7e (2012-05-05)

The ID code over the telephone didn't work. I ain't talking to no operator.

SinesurfR (2012-05-05)

the activation ID over telephone method didn't work for me either and the voice prompt was very enthusiastic about getting me over to an operator. I called twice and tried to call it over by voice as well as type it in with my phone keypad.

jahbreeze (2012-05-15)

doesn't work anymore, bro. received response "I was not able to activate your microsoft product". Using microsoft Office 2010 professional plus.

Kelisen (2012-06-02)

No longer works, unless you just want to lie to the operator. I imagine after thousands of people downloading this guide microsoft has caught on.

johen22 (2012-06-19)

Thanks to
Yoscha at 2012-01-03 22:10 CET:
It actually worked!

Suomisisu (2012-06-20)

This method is a piece of shit. Just use KMS Activator.

photon3456 (2012-06-26)

Not work anymore....

piraterrr (2012-07-05)

^He is absolutely right!^ Simply download the trial for MS Office 2010 Home & Business, type in this activation code {W2YJ6 F2GQB-7TCX8-MJPPK-PKHDT} and follow the same instructions that came with thethingy's activator. I did the whole automated voice thing and it sent me to an Indian operator. All I did was read out the big-ass number to him and then the automated voice granted me the serial number! :D

WarezPhoenix (2012-07-21)

You can use this key for phone activations with MS Office 2010 Professional Plus.
This key will not work with online activation.

PorchSong (2012-07-25)

WarezPhoenix code works with the automated activation.
Thanks Dude!!!!!

alanmangobear (2012-07-29)

@WarezPhoenix lol you inspired me to make a TBP account just so I could thank you!!! I got Microsoft Office 2010 Professional activated with the automated phone thing. Cheers!

rdewitt (2012-07-31)

@WarezPhoenix Thanks! Your code worked perfectly!

anonyboy (2012-08-03)

ty WarezPhoenix

DaVandal6 (2012-08-04)

Used {W2YJ6 F2GQB-7TCX8-MJPPK-PKHDT} for the key. I had to call in and use the automated phone activation. When the activation software asked how many computers I had previously installed this copy on, I said '2' and it said I was verified. Worked like a charm. Thanks!

i6789 (2012-08-04)

@WarezPhoenix Thanks for the key IT WORKED
Installation ID:
001953 358664 199296 699560 983146 038445 171002 329830 767684
Confirmation ID:
448710 040884 449183 084776 136470 247623 001825 673564

andre1783 (2012-08-08)

I just did this using piraterr's code and it worked like a charm. The one's provided in the torrent, however, did not work.

laracroft214 (2012-08-13)

Thank you I had tried everything and tried you link and called at 3:30 am on a Sunday & got the automated voice. I used 828CH-G4FPY-HMH4R-32GCK-6D9BH and it worked. You are a torrent angel.

owngeek (2012-08-14)

WarezPhoenix IS DA MAN!!!!!!!!!
If I ever run into you in Vegas, will buy you a beer bro, thanks for that key worked like a charm.

CaptainRockSxD (2012-08-15)

I'm sure you hear this all of the time, but I had to create an account just to say thank you.
thethingy, you are truly a BOSS!

CaptainRockSxD (2012-08-15)

@ WarezPhoenix: Thank you for your service as well!

rugged17 (2012-08-15)

1st. will they charge me when i call?
2nd. there are 9 set of numbers and theres only 8 boxes. what should i do?

LeQSG (2012-08-16)

Thank you theThingy for the .iso of Office 2010 Plus, I used WarezPhoenix method/key, worked perfectly no problem, thanks to both of you

FireIsHot (2012-08-24)

Thanks to those two guys who gave out these product keys. - Just activated my office after trying every other method, it takes around 5 minutes. The voice is easy to understand and goes at a good pace when rounding off number groups.
I used the top one of these two that were posted here, worked like a charm. Thanks so Much!
Product ID Key:
If you can't remember the instructions open it in something other than word.

SirAnon (2012-08-24)

Unless you want to call somebody, this doesn't fucking work. Not even offline.
Just wasted a lot of time.

SirAnon (2012-08-24)

None of the keys work, even in comments.

SirAnon (2012-08-24)

You need to call someone to get a working unique serial, this is why cracks exist. Derp

Meapirate (2012-08-24)

@thetingy: You rule!
@WarezPhoenix: Thx for your supportive comments!
@SirAnon: What kind of sissy are you? Scared to call with a generated voice...

kingkc (2012-08-26)

doesnt work

theartpirate (2012-09-10)

Did the phone and doesn't work. Number no loner valid. Thanks anyway

bluejolt (2012-09-15)

Props to WarezPhoenix on the activation code. the two included with this word document don't work any longer

snobro201 (2012-09-16)

I used this key BFMDM-FG4KT-GG6K2-VBJ9K-HD36J
and did call the UK number and got everything valid
Thank you thethingy for this great upload WORKS 100%

sshh123 (2012-09-20)

BFMDM-FG4KT-GG6K2-VBJ9K-HD36J worked for me, calling the Thai number. Takes a few minutes on the phone with bot woman, but easy enough to do...

sshh123 (2012-09-20)

...oh, and I meant to say, THANK YOU thethingy, thanks for your always excellent work!

jackson.kidd1 (2012-09-23)

W2YJ6 F2GQB-7TCX8-MJPPK-PKHDT worked for me! Great job thanks a lot!!

 Heartofthorns (2012-09-28)

BFMDM-FG4KT-GG6K2-VBJ9K-HD36J worked for me. thanks.

Wongtong (2012-09-30)

BFMDM-FG4KT-GG6K2-VBJ9K-HD36J worked for me.
However, I did have to be transferred to a live person. All I had to do was recite some numbers from my screen and he gave me the conformation ID happily.

bonzoh (2012-10-08)

piece of shit

Magicc (2012-10-10)

follow the instructions!!!works fine i called and put in the numbers and its activated, if you complain that it doesnt work just dont use it.

TDizzle927 (2012-10-11)

Works Perfectly if you read and follow the instructions.... ty thethingy

IRISHMAN65 (2012-10-14)

thanx Thingy!

yesmatey (2012-10-14)

I tried all the different product ID's ppl posted here but nothing worked.
I used this activator instead:[VerifiedFiles]

Much easier, 1 push of a button & no dialing in. Works perfectly.

iCrazyNoob (2012-10-17)

this no longer works, I did it quiet a few times before but recently i tried again seems like MS changed the validation method so it says code no longer valid on the phone

SteinGalen (2012-10-25)

Yeah, the last couple of codes provided doesn`t work anymore. Where can we find working ones?

Patin2 (2012-10-26)

The codes provided doesn`t work anymore. Please Provide new codes

mickapoo (2012-10-28)

I too couldn't get this to work. I tried keys found in the Word doc and those other users mentioned here but even though they'd work in Office, as soon as I'd call in with it, the activation would get denied. I don't normally like to use torrents from other users as thethingy always comes through but in this case I used a different torrent someone else mentioned to activate, and it worked perfectly-

citeinfo (2012-11-01)

Fuk codes!

vampzcore (2012-11-06)


cheborneck (2012-11-13)

I actually have Office 2010 Ultimate already installed (because I own it) which does not come with Project. I installed your x64 MS Project torrent and tried this activator and the key does not work.

SteinGalen (2012-11-14)

None of the keys work. We`re hopefully waiting for a solution to emerge...

turbo_1327 (2012-11-19)

@ thethingy i tried to find tokens.dat and cache.dat on working office. key has since been blacklisted i read this and was going to try to save them but i cant locate them. that way will only work on the computer it was installed on not another computer? You should be able to back up your activated office licence and restore it to a new install of either 32/64bit office or windows on the SAME computer by doing this;
copy tokens.dat and cache.dat from old install and save them for later on.
reinstall Install Office on same hardware.
stop the ospp service.
copy the 2 files back.
start office and change key to the one you originally used.
restart ospp service.
That might save you having to phone again after an upgrade of windows or reformat.
as i cant call in since its blacklisted i was just trying it out, any help would be greatly appreciated if you still come here. :) props too for the first activation its been running months now, even blacklisted.

dhruv2193 (2013-02-19)

The thingy please provide us with new keys,all have been used up.Thanks

dhruv2193 (2013-02-19)

New keys please

e-princeses (2013-05-04)

Awesome and thanxx

wabaez (2013-10-24)

I ve tried codes on phone but activation failed. Don't you have another code?
I am in Argentina. Thank you anyways

wabaez (2013-10-24)

I ve tried codes on phone but activation failed. Don't you have another code?
I am in Argentina. Thank you anyways

wabaez (2013-10-24)

I ve tried codes on phone but activation failed. Don't you have another code?
I am in Argentina. Thank you anyways.

wabaez (2013-10-24)

I ve tried codes on phone but activation failed. Don't you have another code?
I am in Argentina. Thank you anyways.

wabaez (2013-10-24)

I ve tried codes on phone but activation failed. Don't you have another code?
I am in Argentina. Thank you anyways.

wabaez (2013-10-24)

I ve tried codes on phone but activation failed. Don't you have another code?
I am in Argentina. Thank you anyways.
