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2009-05-31 (by AiTB )



Files count:



778.06 Mb




thanger (2009-06-01)


Kalaha666 (2009-06-02)

For anybody considering downing this film I suggest you watch the trailer on youtube or something first. For people not considering dl I still reccomend the trailer it's hilarious.

Winborn (2009-06-02)

i havent watch yet... but if Angelina Jolie isent playing... then it sucks !

soniksony (2009-06-02)

Guys this is the cheapest movie ever,simply just sucks.Dont download this shit .This movie is uber gay

sniffeyfingaz (2009-06-02)

this looks like a made for TV movie but it is 24 carat loada crap but still
@ 6401-0705-2395-6037
she is definately fuckable
V~10, A~09, M~(a sorry) 02
but thanx 4 da UP though m8 ;)

sammaful (2009-06-02)

check the trailer out

hahahaha this film is tacky as you like not worth my bandwith but each to there own
note!! if its supposed to be about when she was younger whys she driving a hummer they wernt around in the 80's especially big bright yellow ones with 20's on hahahahaha

sammaful (2009-06-02)

1 more thing allthough not my kinda film thanks for the up always appriciated :-)

herman1111 (2009-06-02)

I checked out their website. it was shot on a budget of 20k and in 7 days! for that its pretty fucking good so cut it some slack!

folafolablakken (2009-06-02)

Need a rope? so you can join the rest of your friends?

Sillysauce (2009-06-02)

I think all women should shave off their bush too..
..or did I misunderstand you?

herman1111 (2009-06-02)

its actually not an american film you jihad sweat, its british and again its fan made just some guys and a camera. pretty good if u ask me!!

drae5266 (2009-06-02)


knightgangsta (2009-06-02)

im a fan of tomb raider en WTF is this
sucks big time

herman1111 (2009-06-02)

stop with the terror talk man its just a tomb raider fan movie!

MAXSG1 (2009-06-02)

THIS IS THE piratebay NOT!
guantanamo bay

MAXSG1 (2009-06-02)

sry Guys the movie is very very bad. save yourself the download and dont bother.
Movie -3

UKRich (2009-06-02)

Mahmood........ you're a dick! Straight forward enough? The infidel ridden america (I'm a Brit by the way but we're in it together!) and their allies are the only ones who got your sorry, tiny dicks out of a camels ass and out of the stone age by buying your oil.
By the way, how do you know it is one of those western whores parading if you didn't watch?? Physician heal thyself (Posh way of saying Shut your hypocritical mouth, prick)
Here's a deal for you. Keep your ill-thought out, stone-age, cleric interpreted, medieval views away from our site and I GUARANTEE that 99.99% of the guys here won't come to any of your peaceloving websites.

Filmcheck (2009-06-02)

ok.. the movie is not eaven on IMDB.. so it has to suck.. and sence angelina jolie is not in it.. it sucks eaven more!
if you dont belve me, watch the trailer:

janrik (2009-06-02)

#mahmoud071109# Jesus died for me. Allah wants you to die for him. Islam is as Islam does,
"Proud Infidel"

smidio (2009-06-02)

Worst case scenario, Really really ugly cheap whore
Do not download I repeat do not download

 DeeLee (2009-06-02)


xoGazzaox (2009-06-02)

This is film is like the grudge, it's cursed and it's very contagious. For fuck sake people whatever you do, don't download this. I watched 10 seconds of it there now as i skimmed through and i'm already traumatised :'(

Zenman1976 (2009-06-02)

Y'all people hating on each other need to get a fuckin brain-scan.. I really cant believe how many of you think mahmoud071109 is actually some muslim..
Its some stupid kid trying to get a rise out of people, and succeeding. The same standard shite has been repeatedly spewed out for over a year under different names. Its some 12-15 year old kid FFS and that shit is as old and stale as many of the bile infested retorts that usually follow..
Still, he does help to highlight the stupidity and ignorance of some of you people, frankly your two sides of the same coin as those you think this juvenile prick represents.
OK, so flame on me all you want now but the fact is that people who make comments like:
"America is gonna nuke your shithole pile of sand real soon."
"Jesus died for me. Allah wants you to die for him."
are just as ignorant and primitive minded as those you categorise as an entire race, rather than a small group of mindless drones much like yourselves. The world would be better off without the whole cursed lot of you.
At least Sillysauce had the right idea with his whimsical comment.. Some of you other fuckers though are the reason this site should be members only like demonoid, so we could flush you all down the pan and leave you all DLing from the only places your worthy of KAZAA or SHAREAZA.

abgar (2009-06-02)

Unbelivable shit.

lil_downloader (2009-06-02)

"symposium_of_shit" u seem to have a big mouth for a tinny dickless guy like u should be tied to a tree and hanged before sun rise.. that would serve u right for ur idiotic comments !!!

zanibar (2009-06-02)

This is the shittiest D-Movie I've ever seen... MST3K should be making fun of it, it's soo bad. Talk about low budget!.. That chick is soo ugly... and those over exaggerated bangs look soo stupid, is this seriously a real movie? I can't imagine it even being on cable TV at 2:00AM... I can't believe how fucking stupid this torrent is.. I hope the uploader gets AIDS from anal horse sex rape!

NastyBen (2009-06-02)

Wow that was bad ... i think the biggest expense in the movie was all the glow sticks she went through!

spygame23 (2009-06-02)

Seen a lot of posts about this movie sucking. Thats all great but does she get naked at all?

Pungo_SR (2009-06-02)

All?hu Akbar!
All?hu Akbar!
The day of reckoning is upon you! God shall smite all wicked infidels!
All who do not believe in Pungoism shall perish!!!
All?hu Akbar!

Pungo_SR (2009-06-02)

Allahu Akbar!
DAMN funky a's wouldn't copy...

Pungo_SR (2009-06-02)

Wow, there's no "a" with a line over it in the alt commands...

Pungo_SR (2009-06-02)

Quick serious comment here, you know Iran doesn't even want nuclear weapons? It's against their fatwa (and as a nation full of Muslim zealots, that should count for something). They want nuclear enrichment for civil energy programs.
Who knows? When Khamenei is out later this year and hopefully superceded by Khatami, we can see peace between Iran and the US for the first time in over 30 years.
Our other options aren't half bad either... we could draft the monkeys making racist comments on TPB and force-feed them the lucrative career of Minefield Engineers! Clean up monkeys!

martian_neighbour (2009-06-02)

Stop all this bullsh**!...
All of you Brits should fix your teeth you goofy looking bastards.

sean.mitchell1 (2009-06-02)

I think the comments made here are actually more riveting than the movie. You have action, international tensions, a bit of swearing and a whole bunch of block heads trying to start fights on a web site. Its kind of like spy game meets eagle eye meets munich meets dumb and dumber. Seriously Mods delete this shit.

martian_neighbour (2009-06-02)

BTW I forgot.
Thanks 4 the bad upload.

sphincter_soup (2009-06-02)

I think i just burst a seminifrious tubule reading these comments.
Please, all of you, kill urselves in the most expedient manner.
If in doubt, and lacking a firearm, a tall structure is a sure bet.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.

VJwannabe (2009-06-02)

this is the real shit :O

VJwannabe (2009-06-02)

@ CornelisBM at 2009-06-02 10:19 CET:
shut your faakn mouth or the mod wil ban your ass
so hard that your mom wont shir right for a year she would have to shit through her mouth and u will have to eat it

azmavaz (2009-06-02)

I don't know why everyone likes to bash B or C movies. I'd love to see some of you bashers come up with something better than this. If you don't like it F*** off. Simple as that

MAXSG1 (2009-06-02)

could a Mod please step in here. there is no need for all this hate stuff its a movie torrent comment/review section.
thanx for the upload AiTB, but the movie is not that good, thanx for sharing anyway :)

Zenman1976 (2009-06-02)

For anyone who thinks I was hating, I wasn't..
I was just frustrated that the world is so fucked up and full of these ignorant people and we cannot even come to collectively share without having to put up with pointless diatribes of accursed hatred. We got a hard enough deal ahead of us removing idiots from power and breaking down the corporate and fascist shit that engulfs us without having to worry about people like those I mention.
My comments were born out of the annoyance that even in this virtual realm meant for sharing that we cant seem to get away from these morons, though my comments they may have come across different. Hearing asinine shite from people like that most of the day in RL I guess my fuse was a little shorter than normal when coming here for some solace and to find something decent to DL (which isn't this movie by the way).
I return simply to write this in order to clarify for all those REAL TPB users who have some humanity within them and to apologize, regardless of whether I will be called a pussy or pansy for showing a little remorse to my fellow man (and women) by some of the people we have to put up with here.
So in short, sorry peeps, next time I will keep my mind in a better frame and either simply ignore it, or at worst make some whimsical comment like others did.

knutodd (2009-06-02)

what da fuck is wrong with ya people?gettin all hatin' because it was a bad upload?you should be ashamed of yourselfes.

itsluis (2009-06-02)

no imdb info...y?

djmaroc (2009-06-02)


scumbug (2009-06-02)

Terrible I mean not good at all

av3ng3r47 (2009-06-02)

I dont know why everyone is cursing this movie... At least someone has made an effort and got the guts to make a movie... the least u guys can do if u dont like the movie is to shut the F*** up...

av3ng3r47 (2009-06-02)

U guys dont realize it is fan movie... and for a fan movie they have done a pretty good job.. the least u can do is to shut ur mouth...

tattoobob19671 (2009-06-02)

at least there are some peep's out there tring to give us FREE movies,some times we have to what we get or you can just wait untill it comes out on DVD lol

magga123 (2009-06-02)

good quality ;) A=10 V=10 ;)
but the movie S U C K S!!

amority (2009-06-03)


tomy782 (2009-06-03)

this is by far the biggest bullshit of a movie that I have ever seen

capeli (2009-06-03)

HI, i just wanted to thank AiTB for his effort to upload this movie :) Haven't seen it, but to take time out of your day, to satisfy us "pirats" deserves respect..
Chill guys...

DeBeuker (2009-06-03)

Thanks for the advice i stoped downloading!!

omegastar013 (2009-06-03)

this movie was just awful

lotr_553 (2009-06-03)

moar QQ please... its so wonderful to read.

lotr_553 (2009-06-03)

oh and the movie... its just like a p0rn movie without any nudity.

megadolon (2009-06-03)

bad movie......
dont download

Dumplo (2009-06-03)

WTF. Save ur self some time and dont download this shit. I deleted it after only 30 sec. This must be the worst film ever. CRAP

dyrsten (2009-06-03)

Again, it's a FAN MOVIE i.e. made by a fan, not Hollywood. Get it? So quit complaining about low budget and what not. Or make a better one yourself?

thooz (2009-06-03)

At first i thought i'd downloaded a porn flick instead of a real movie since the acting was so bad :D
A big dissapointment really

MADHeXa (2009-06-03)

If it whas a porn movie !!
I like the girl do :)

Archimag (2009-06-03)

Movie : If you enjoyed "Straship troopers 3" that crap movie is just for you, only tje acters are ugly.

pistolslug (2009-06-04)

the director has funded all of his own movie's im sure he put in too this if you people can make a better version do it, as he has tried. his vision has forced hollywoods hands to make a hollywood version of the origin of lara croft
cheers for the upload

Abefar007 (2009-06-04)

Suks, Homevideo or some other amateur shit!!

andybeck (2009-06-04)

what the fuck!!!!!!

craigdallie (2009-06-04)

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Rafhael_ds (2009-06-04)


Corgs (2009-06-04)

This is fucked and for any stupid (") who thinks this is better then the Angelina ones is FUCKED in the head dont waste time DL this video. Just check out the clips on YOUTUB LOL BAD ACTING is not the word for it......

LgdaryBlkDgn (2009-06-04)

Yes this wasn't the best movie ever, it surely wasn't the worse i've ever seen. I mean this is a Fan Movie....What the hell do you expect? Seriously poeple c'mon. All you do is complain how bad the movie is and how much it sucks. I ask you this...Can you make better? Have any of you making negative comments ever made a movie and spent your own money on it? I highly doubt it. So quit your bitching and hating and just move on if you don't like it.
As for the movie....
Yes the acting was sub-par and dry in spots but the actors are amateurs. And there was a few cheesy parts during the fight scenes And her bangs were overly too long and got in the way alot.
And as for the star, She may be no Angelina Jolie. She does have nice body and form and spirit of Lara Croft. Nice uses of Locations and equipment for the scenes (Mansion, Caves, Hummer and Helicopter) And brings back a original element that the Hollywood films lack...Lara's gymnastic talent.
Tomb Raider:Ascension is a very good Fan Film, that excels in parts were the Hollywood films fail. This movie was truely made for the fans and not for money. And im quite impressed for a low-budget film to have a included Croft Manor and things like a Hummer and Helicopter. I give this movie a 4 out of 5 as far as fan based movies go. I say choose for yourself if you like it or not instead of basing it off what others say. Most others are basing it off the Hollywood video's and not giving it a fair chance or only watching it a few minutes and labeling it garbage. The movie is alittle slow to start but picks up halfway through...I look forward to any other installment that may come.
Thanks for the upload...

tombmx (2009-06-05)

lol the director for this movie is an idiot.

themotherfucker (2009-06-05)

@LgdaryBlkDgn, was right. I watched it, i am not a big fan but i like the film. if you like the game then download it. bad comments are from peoples who watched em hollywood's version but never play the game when it first came out on PS1 or not even know that the game exist, like i said, if you love Lara, then this will probly get you off pretty well. Lara does it and im a jack it!

evenf (2009-06-05)

This is a very good, but BAD movie!

falle2 (2009-06-06)

Fuck me sideways this movie sucks!

Lord_Greenbeans (2009-06-06)

Sorry, what the fuck is this?

redhare (2009-06-08)

Only thing that might make this worth downloading is IF Laura had turned around when she took off her shirt -- but she doesn't. A truly LOUSY movie that never gets any better from frame 1 to the end. Don't waste your time. You have been warned. Even if you are a FAN this is tainted food.

nemozeen (2009-06-08)

thx for the up. File was broken but vlc could repair it. Quality is ok, but the movie is like a pornmovie without the sex.

boulder_dash (2009-06-09)

starship troopers 3 is cool

secrectcard (2009-06-09)

do you have eng sub for this film

MTLGENTLEMAN (2009-06-09)

Given the colorful feedback(??) this only peeks my curiosity.
Thanks for the DL however good /bad the movie is !!!


1. Tomb.Raider.Ascension.2008.DVDRip.DivX.WBZ/Tomb.Raider.Ascension-2008-DVDRip-DivX-WBZ.nfo 1.60 Kb
2. Tomb.Raider.Ascension.2008.DVDRip.DivX.WBZ/Tomb.Raider.Ascension.2008.DVDRip.DivX.WBZ.avi 778.06 Mb