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Jesus_A Prophet of Islam.avi






Jesus_A Prophet of Islam.avi


Video/Movie clips


2007-09-28 (by Brixass)


The story of Eesa (a.s) a.k.a Jesus is mentioned in Bible and the Quran. In this documentary we shall see the how the bible contradicts with what Quran portrays. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Please DO LEAVE COMMENTS !! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Please DO LEAVE COMMENTS !! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Please DO LEAVE COMMENTS !! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Files count:



77.52 Mb




GaNjaMaaN (2007-09-29)

The Quran is Gay!!!

MYNRG (2007-09-29)

GanjaMaaN sound more gay, seems all you want is something long in your mouth all day, M0th3er F0ker

gymleader_ed (2007-09-29)

If Jesus was around today, he would be preaching against Islam.

Shipskull (2007-09-30)

fuck the bible..all0w the sex..what the fuck??and eat a's disgusting..if u learn bi0l0gy..a pig has a very non-dead w0rms that harmful our b0dy..stupid fucking h0ly shits..

deunan (2007-10-01)

Quran says, Jesus will come back to his people to lead the faithful in the righteous path of worshipping the true god. Expect his second coming as Judgement Day draws near.
Now.. The bible says thus -
"And he (Jesus) went a little further, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt." -(MATTHEW 26:39).
"And Joshua fell on his face to the earth, and did worship..."-(JOSHUA 5:14).
"And he (Elijah) cast himself down upon the earth, and put his face between his knees."-(1 KINGS 18:42).
"And they (Moses and Aaron) fell upon their faces..."-(NUMBERS 20:6).
"And Abraham fell on his face..."-(GENESIS 17:3).
Many first reactions to this information is that it is interesting, but not significant or important. "Wow, I never realized that Jesus (peace be upon him) prayed with his face on the ground, as Muslims do. That's interesting, but who cares? The important part of prayer comes from the heart, not the act of bowing." In one sense this is true. AN important part of prayer is what comes from the heart......but that's not all. Islam (submission to God) is a way of life in all respects. As such, it does not divorce the physical act of submission from the submission of the heart. When Muslims pray, they do so in a manner taught by the prophets (peace be upon all of them). Prayer is an act of mind, body, and soul. Submission takes place in all of these realms.
Jesus (pbuh) and his disciples are continuously being described in the Bible as "falling on their faces and praying" which is exactly the way Muslims pray today. They pray the way Jesus (pbuh) did. Have you ever seen a Christian "fall on his face" and pray to God as Jesus (pbuh), Muhammad (pbuh), and all Muslims do?
Lastly, when Jesus (pbuh) do arrives in his second coming, who do you think that he will think will be his people?

Erique (2007-10-02)

Instead of critisising another man or womans beliefs, we should see the likenesses instead of the unliknesses. We hate eachother because of what? One person is black, one is white, one is yellow-skinned and not to forget the beliefs. One believe in the Bible, one believe in the Koran. Does it really matter? If a person believes in one thing, then let him, one shall never think different of a person just because he reads a different book, or pray to a different God. I mean, are the gaps so great? Look at christians and jews, they even read the same first book, Torah, or as christians say "The old testament". And in the beginning of those both books, is a trace of Islam when Ishmael is born. The musleems also have that part in their book, so what is the problem? That we must see the writing EXACTLY as it is now, but not as closely as in the 13'th century? If it wouldn't have been for the war-makeing popes, we would still be friends as we were then. At least let us try it, without commenting each other's books and religion.

Bogoizbrania (2007-10-03)

Quran is a good book, but people who say that they a muslams are bad and interpreted selfish.
Moses and Aaron, Abraham , Elijah are fell upon their faces before THE LORD, not man like muslams, big diferens nofing ecual. Sori about you faith, but if you not obey THY HOLY BIBLE are siners and liers.

anon606 (2007-11-24)

Eesa was a prophet of Islam, but when they came to crucify him Allah confused the Jews, Eesa snuck off, and some other poor schmuck was crucified instead. That's what the quran says.
Even if you reject the resurrection, Eesa is to Jesus as cubic zirconia is to diamond.

death01048 (2007-12-06)

la ilah ila allah

ish_ahmed721 (2007-12-14)

GanjaMan did you know that Ganja didn't start in Jamaica first...its actually from an Arabic Country...Sure sound very ill educated to be comenting on a great religion which first perfected surgery, compass, Microscope and Quarantine systems centuries before the western world...Maybe you need to freshen up on your world history and social knowledge...and PLZ do us a favor and don't read that Highschool one sided paid by the lobbyist to stop good education books and don't use the internet..Please go into your local library and read a book that matters...and it's free...really it exists and it is free....

lodger111 (2008-01-03)

You want a comment? I agree 100% with bodthedog. The sooner you pathetic zealots die out along with your books of fairy-tales, the better for the rest of us.

Relieve (2008-03-23)

Havnt seen this movie but i most say that Jesus is mention in Bible and in Quran. Muhammed only in Quran. 2-1. And old Testament is in the Jews bok. Witch religon is the Right. I belive is the the jews from the begining and now New Testament. The Christendom.

millennium5 (2008-07-19)

Muhammed is mentioned in the Bible, he is actually the false prophet of the end times mentioned in the revelation, Allah is mentioned several times and he is really Satan and Lucifer whilst Mullah al Mahdi, the direct descended of the pedophile terror prophet muhammed is the Quran version of Jesus and he is in fact the Antichrist.
Beware of the Mahdi and Islam!

hellisreal (2009-07-17)

God Loves You My Muslim Friend - Former Muslim Ergun Caner Testimony:

Clairwil (2009-12-29)

The koran is fake.


1. Jesus_A Prophet of Islam.avi 77.52 Mb