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Photoshop Resources, Layer styles, Font's and Brush packs






Photoshop resourses, styles, fonts and brush's




2008-03-31 (by Ttidy)


Collection of Font's and Brushes and Layer styles that I have gathered up over the past months and would now like to share with you all. This torrent contains the following Brush's===6 sets Font's====106 fonts (approx) Layer Styles===10 styles (TB1-TB10) Size of file is 34.3 MB Please SEED this for as long as you can, and also a simple thanks goes a long way trust me! Please visit my site; ww w. photocreator. com htt p: //photojunkie. Please say thanks and visit my site and plug it when ever you can this is all I ask for my hard work in bring all this photoshop stuff to you. click on my name for more and for all my training videos, you might be surprised at what you can learn and how easy it is to learn with my videos! Thankyou, Ttidy, Yes_No_Maybe? YNM2008 darksider, tazer, utuber, photojunkie and photocreator Enjoy!

Files count:



34.35 Mb




PervyWota (2008-05-01)

Thanks for this, been looking for more brushes and fonts

dartingtonfoxhole (2008-11-08)

Cheers man, much appreciated...

Get_Lost (2009-01-13)

Thanks a lot for sharing!

m2a0c9k (2009-03-27)

thank yas

abelinkin (2010-10-29)

thanks for sharing

culejonline (2011-11-01)

Can somebody please tell me in which folder should I copy these files? Thanks

RandomUser001 (2012-01-28)

Thank you Ttidy, you have saved all of us a lot of hard work :)


1. Photoshop Resources/Brush's for Photshop and PSP/Abstract 17 By Blazter [JavierZhX].abr 820.11 Kb
2. Photoshop Resources/Brush's for Photshop and PSP/Abstract Brushes Set 9.abr 949.75 Kb
3. Photoshop Resources/Brush's for Photshop and PSP/abstract_brushes_by_Elquisec.abr 580.29 Kb
4. Photoshop Resources/Brush's for Photshop and PSP/Abstract_deibiz__s_brushes_by_deibiz.abr 1.44 Mb
5. Photoshop Resources/Brush's for Photshop and PSP/Insects_Brush_Set_1.abr 3.95 Mb
6. Photoshop Resources/Brush's for Photshop and PSP/Xmas Brushes by lil_brokenangel.abr 56.18 Kb
7. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/architxt.ttf 39.77 Kb
8. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/Artlookin-Regular.ttf 53.39 Kb
9. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/ArtlookinBold.ttf 46.91 Kb
10. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/ArtlookinItalic.ttf 53.40 Kb
11. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/ArtlookinOneType.ttf 59.86 Kb
12. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/Austset.TTF 151.39 Kb
13. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/Base 02.ttf 109.05 Kb
14. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/batmfa__.ttf 54.25 Kb
15. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/batmfo__.ttf 69.47 Kb
16. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/bchrome.ttf 79.68 Kb
17. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/BLACKOUT.TTF 18.27 Kb
18. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/Bleeding_Cowboys.ttf 145.41 Kb
19. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/BLOODCYR.TTF 117.37 Kb
20. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/bloodfea.ttf 60.71 Kb
21. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/bloodomen.ttf 17.22 Kb
22. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/bloodrac.ttf 48.95 Kb
23. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/bloody.ttf 44.20 Kb
24. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/Caribbean_Island.ttf 64.70 Kb
25. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/cenobyte.ttf 21.57 Kb
26. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/dis.ttf 27.29 Kb
27. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/DISTF___.TTF 88.70 Kb
28. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/DYERSEVE.ttf 52.04 Kb
29. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/evanescent.ttf 35.24 Kb
30. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/evanescent_p.ttf 35.50 Kb
31. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/FEC_____.TTF 19.30 Kb
32. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/FFFGALAX.TTF 37.55 Kb
33. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/FFFGE___.TTF 37.66 Kb
34. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/Fiddums Family.ttf 18.53 Kb
35. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/Fiesta.ttf 21.88 Kb
36. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/Filmcrypob.ttf 173.67 Kb
37. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/Filmcryptic.ttf 201.07 Kb
38. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/finalf.ttf 4.34 Kb
39. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/Finalnew.ttf 19.35 Kb
40. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/FIRESTARTER.TTF 39.68 Kb
41. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/firewood.ttf 110.63 Kb
42. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/FIRSTBLI.TTF 40.09 Kb
43. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/Flame.ttf 30.58 Kb
44. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/FOY1CND.TTF 62.68 Kb
45. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/FOY1REG.TTF 63.23 Kb
46. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/FOY3CIS.TTF 130.79 Kb
47. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/GOUDOS.TTF 79.47 Kb
48. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/GOUDOSB.TTF 80.86 Kb
49. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/GOUDOSI.TTF 78.40 Kb
50. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/GOUDYSTO.TTF 54.64 Kb
51. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/Greek.ttf 13.97 Kb
52. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/GREKDB__.TTF 16.64 Kb
53. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/greko__n.ttf 47.53 Kb
54. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/HarryP.TTF 26.79 Kb
55. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/HellraiserBloody.ttf 63.77 Kb
56. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/Highlander.ttf 7.47 Kb
57. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/HogwartsWizard.TTF 81.96 Kb
58. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/HOLLHBI_.TTF 25.27 Kb
59. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/HOLLHB__.TTF 21.69 Kb
60. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/HOLLHCI_.TTF 27.34 Kb
61. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/HOLLHC__.TTF 21.50 Kb
62. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/HOLLHEI_.TTF 20.50 Kb
63. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/HOLLHE__.TTF 21.37 Kb
64. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/HOLLHI__.TTF 25.41 Kb
65. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/HOLLH___.TTF 21.74 Kb
66. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/MADV2.TTF 66.33 Kb
67. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/Magdeburg.TTF 29.14 Kb
68. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/Marker SD 1.2.ttf 34.35 Kb
69. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/MARKMF__.TTF 43.46 Kb
70. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/melting.ttf 26.79 Kb
71. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/METNEW.TTF 56.48 Kb
72. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/Miltown_.ttf 39.03 Kb
73. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/MLTWNII_.ttf 115.02 Kb
74. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/Mutlu__Ornamental.ttf 120.41 Kb
75. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/N-Gage.ttf 13.02 Kb
76. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/neurochr.ttf 86.77 Kb
77. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/NEWTOY__.TTF 55.26 Kb
78. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/Nightmare 5.ttf 19.82 Kb
79. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/NITEMARE.TTF 23.26 Kb
80. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/Parry Hotter.ttf 79.63 Kb
81. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/pixtech2.ttf 14.93 Kb
82. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/PR-VA___.TTF 89.32 Kb
83. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/PRVIRG__.TTF 167.41 Kb
84. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/QuickGreek Bold.ttf 51.98 Kb
85. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/SF Chrome Fenders Bold Oblique.ttf 28.61 Kb
86. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/SF Chrome Fenders Bold.ttf 27.62 Kb
87. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/SF Chrome Fenders Condensed Oblique.ttf 29.63 Kb
88. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/SF Chrome Fenders Condensed.ttf 30.25 Kb
89. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/SF Chrome Fenders Extended Oblique.ttf 30.16 Kb
90. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/SF Chrome Fenders Extended.ttf 30.56 Kb
91. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/SF Chrome Fenders Oblique.ttf 29.99 Kb
92. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/SF Chrome Fenders.ttf 30.16 Kb
93. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/SF Piezolectric Condensed Oblique.ttf 38.72 Kb
94. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/SF Piezolectric Condensed.ttf 46.03 Kb
95. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/SF Piezolectric Inline Oblique.ttf 57.25 Kb
96. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/SF Piezolectric Inline.ttf 52.66 Kb
97. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/SF Piezolectric Oblique.ttf 35.09 Kb
98. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/SF Piezolectric SFX Oblique.ttf 81.75 Kb
99. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/SF Piezolectric SFX.ttf 76.55 Kb
100. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/SF Piezolectric.ttf 45.71 Kb
101. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/sfdecotechno.ttf 26.94 Kb
102. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/sfdecotechnocondensedoblique.ttf 33.74 Kb
103. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/Shoguns Clan.ttf 117.56 Kb
104. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/Spykker.TTF 24.18 Kb
105. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/Star Next.ttf 44.82 Kb
106. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/Starcraft Normal.ttf 40.59 Kb
107. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/Starfleet_Normal.ttf 22.94 Kb
108. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/technott.ttf 30.73 Kb
109. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/Toy Train.ttf 226.86 Kb
110. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/VIKING-N.TTF 84.76 Kb
111. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/WARLOCK_.TTF 28.34 Kb
112. Photoshop Resources/Fonts/xtrchr.ttf 17.36 Kb
113. Photoshop Resources/Layer Styles/TB1.asl 3.45 Mb
114. Photoshop Resources/Layer Styles/TB10.asl 2.24 Mb
115. Photoshop Resources/Layer Styles/TB2.asl 5.02 Mb
116. Photoshop Resources/Layer Styles/TB3.asl 2.05 Mb
117. Photoshop Resources/Layer Styles/TB4.asl 1.82 Mb
118. Photoshop Resources/Layer Styles/TB5.asl 747.12 Kb
119. Photoshop Resources/Layer Styles/TB6.asl 1.23 Mb
120. Photoshop Resources/Layer Styles/TB7.asl 1.21 Mb
121. Photoshop Resources/Layer Styles/TB8.asl 980.12 Kb
122. Photoshop Resources/Layer Styles/TB9.asl 2.29 Mb
123. Photoshop Resources/Read_Me.txt 967 bytes