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Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition Version 10 2 Vista - Fixed






Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition Version 10.2 Vista - Fixed




2007-02-03 (by LOKI_LOKI)


THIS VERSION WILL ONLY WORK WITH WINDOWS VISTA SO DON'T TRY INSTALLING IT ON EARLIER VERSIONS OF WINDOWS BECAUSE IT WON'T WORK. This torrent was previously posted however it contained adware so I removed the adware, repacked it and have now uploaded it for your stress free enjoyment. Feel free to check for adware/spyware but you won't find any... now :-) The previous torrent had an adware program embedded in a fake setup.exe file. The fake setup.exe file was actually a self extracting executable that would launch the adware program silently in the background and install symantec antivirus so if you didn't know better you would think you were ok when you were actually getting infected at the same time you were installing something that was supposed to protect you... disappointing, I know. So, what I did was use WinRAR to extract the TRUE setup.exe file from the fake one and replace the fake one and then repacked it for your stress free enjoyment. Here's how to install this First off, it doesn't need a serial key in order to be installed so no need to ask for one. Second, just use a program like WinRAR or WinZip to extract the contents of the .zip file. Go to the folder \SAVVISTA look for setup.exe and run it easy as pie :-D You will of course need to download the lates virus definition updates from Symantec after the installation is complete. AGAIN I WANT TO REMIND YOU THAT THIS VERSION WILL ONLY WORK WITH WINDOWS VISTA SO DON'T TRY INSTALLING IT ON EARLIER VERSIONS OF WINDOWS BECAUSE IT WON'T WORK. Feel free to ask me any questions but I think this is pretty self explanatory.

Files count:



31.05 Mb




LOKI_LOKI (2007-02-04)

Symantec AntiVirus Enterprise Edition for enterprise workstations and network servers within a scalable cross-platform virus protection. Use strategies to enhance the security and centralized management. Manager of Client and Server Management Group Logic. In addition, administrators can create, and the deployment strategy and the setting up of safety lock. and the latest state of the system at any time to maintain the correct configuration. Through centralized management console, administrators can audit network Recognition of the node and is not protected by Symantec AntiVirus Enterprise Edition, or Computer Associates. McAfee, and Panda. Trend Micro or Sophos anti-virus products to protect the nodes. This function of active defense before the accident occurred, managers can not protect the node, so as to ensure the normal operation of system and user efficiency.

kanuuna12 (2007-02-04)

this version DONT work with 64bit vista.

LOKI_LOKI (2007-02-04)

NOT True,
You can go directly to symantec's website here
and here

It has all the info about Compatability issues with their software regarding Windows Vista, and I quote:
"Vista Compatibility Information
Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition. Version 10.2 is compatible with 32-bit and 64-bit editions of Windows Vista. All Symantec AntiVirus customers with valid maintenance contracts are entitled to this release. Please visit the Symantec AntiVirus for Vista page for the latest information.
Note: Customers currently testing pre-release builds of Windows Vista will need to move to the final version of Windows Vista. Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition 10.2 will not be supported on pre-release builds of Windows Vista.
Symantec AntiVirus Enterprise Edition. Version 10.2 offers client antivirus/antispyware compatibilty with 32-bit and 64-bit editions of Windows Vista. Server components will not be affected in this release.
All Symantec AntiVirus Enterprise Edition customers with valid maintenance contracts are entitled to this release. Please visit the Symantec AntiVirus for Vista page for the latest information. Symantec AntiVirus Enterprise Edition provides comprehensive malware protection for every network tier in an integrated, easy-to-deploy solution."

LOKI_LOKI (2007-02-04)

Do your homework before you comment, how's that saying go, OPEN MOUTH, INSERT FOOT! You are probably using a PreRelease build of Windows 64bit Vista. If you had actually tried to fix your problem then you would have noticed that Symantecs website says
"Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition 10.2 will not be supported on pre-release builds of Windows Vista."
So if it's not working for you then there is a problem on your end.

kanuuna12 (2007-02-04)

to loki loki:
no , i have geniune "vista ultimate oem".
instalation programs says :" this version of symatec antivirus does not support 64-bit platforms. Please install symantec antivirus for Win64 instead." ;)

spammerdespam (2007-02-07)

Thanks! Works perfectly (on Windows Vista 32-bit, not even final retail version)

Jimmy1Cool (2007-02-10)


cplsyx (2007-02-17)

Sorry LOKI_LOKI, but this version does NOT work with Vista64. I'm running a retail copy, and it will not install. The 64bit edition must come as a separate app.

Xochi (2007-02-18)

I can't run this on vista 64bit. I get a message saying this version is not for 64bit vista.

hertwig (2007-02-24)

Thanks buddy, works perfect on Vista 32-bit

vista924 (2007-03-03)

this looks real good..thnx so any other nice programs?

vista924 (2007-03-03)

does it have an expiring date? and how did you create it without serial codes or anything?

vista924 (2007-03-03)

it says that im not connected to the internet , but i am:S please anybody..HELP!!!

LOKI_LOKI (2007-04-19)

Not sure why your install isn't downloading the updates. It could be that the updater is being blocked by a firewall. Do you have any firewalls installed that you know of. You could also check to see if UPnP is turned on on your router.

LOKI_LOKI (2007-05-22)

I'm not sure, this is strictly the Anti Virus program. Check to see if your version has more components to it than just the Anti Virus.

viramP (2008-01-03)

is this good for your personal single user laptops , how is it in comparison to norton internet security 2008

RobrPatty (2008-01-22)

What version is this...10.2.276 or 10.2.298?

headfog (2008-01-26)

This is version: 10.2.276
I am running Home Premium X64 and I get an error stating that this version is not supported on X64. If this *version* is supported on X64, this installer does not support it.

LOKI_LOKI (2008-07-13)

Regarding vit100's post,
Yes, while it may be dangerous to install something that was previously infected the thing to understand is that the program itself was not infected. The file the other person had posted was a SELF EXTRACTING EXECUTABLE. For those of you who don't know what that is a self extracting executable is basically a compressed file like winzip, winrar, 7zip that when ran, acts like a program extracting files to a certain location then, if set to do so, runs a file. So the symantec antivirus program files themselves were not compromised or infected in any way. The basis of what the creator of the previous file had done was piggy backed a virus on a real file. So when you would run what you think is the install file you were really running a self extracting executable that would attempt to install a virus and the program at the same time. My antivirus software caught the virus and I recognized it for what it was which was a self extracting executable hiding a virus behind a legitimate installation. So I merely removed the legitimate installation program from the self extracting executable, which I remind you is a compressed file, so now what is left is the legitimate installation program for symantec. I hope this clears anything up about the program itself being compromised in any way, shape or form.

luvsnookie69 (2009-06-20)

I down loaded this for a friend. When it installed she said her internet access was blocked. She is using Vista32. Any suggestions on how I can get the program and her internet to work properly?

yxwz (2010-06-28)

It gets installed ... but the live update doesnt work.
There seems to be some problem with the live update.
There is no point in downloading the software when u cant update it . Hence , This download is absolutely bogus.
Please dont download it.

LOKI_LOKI (2012-08-28)

@ yxwz - I'm not sure what kind of setup you have but this download still works just fine. I just finished installing it on an install of Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit. It installed fine and Live Update ran, downloaded and installed all the updates no problem. There is a possibility that you may have previously installed some other download of Symantec AV and as a result some of those installs add entries to the hosts file blocking some of the symantec servers which is done to prevent the software from checking that you paid for it. I highly suggest you check your own computer to make sure that it is working properly before you go making claims that it doesn't work.
@ luvsnookie69 - not sure what your friend did but this software does not do anything to your internet access. Maybe it wasn't even her, maybe it was her ISP. If her internet access isn't working it's not because of this software.
For everyone else, to clarify something I put in the description. I said that this version will only work on Windows Vista. At the time Windows 7 was not released yet. So this version will not work on Windows operating systems earlier than Windows Vista but will also work on Windows 7. I have not tried installing this on a 64-bit version of window so if any of you try please let me know the result.