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CMAP Februar 2005.rar






C-Map 93/3 Professional February 2005 Database




2005-03-09 (by fjas)


Dette er den profesjonelle databasen fra c-map, dvs den inneholder alle kartene de har laget pr. februar 2005. Den er ikke cracket, så hvis de som cracket maxsea og en eldre versjon av c-map databasen kunne cracke denne hadde det vært fint :) cheers

Files count:



686.82 Mb




makadam (2005-03-09)

Om man har programmet sedan tidigare så går det inte bara att ersätta de äldre med de nya kartorna?

fjas (2005-03-10)

hvis denne kartdatabasen blir "åpnet" så fungerer det å erstatte de gamle kartene....

a-ha (2005-03-20)

Har ännu inte fått c-map 93/3 may 2003 att funka med maxsea.
Men laddar ner den här åxo och försöker hitta någon crack.

DogFish (2005-03-23)

Anybody have a licence code/ Cr@ck for the cmap 2005 database? Maxsea won't open any detailed data. THNX....

jwest (2005-04-25)

Anyone has any instruction on how to get licenses or how to get it to work with MaxSea...

Zpike_Per (2005-04-27)

skulle någon kunna berätta för mig hur man öppnar C-Map 93/3 Professional February 2005 Database i Maxsea?
Vilken väg ska man gå, via öppna eller Hantering C-map 93ed3/S57 kort?
Behövs det någon crack?
Tacksam för svar!

fjas (2005-05-11)

Denne databasen er ikke cracket enda, så den lar seg ikke åpne i maxsea. Jeg la den ut fordi jeg håpet på at noen skulle klare å cracke den... Jeg leter fortsatt etter en crack...

SS_IMI_IEI_CG (2005-06-30)

So has anyone been able to load this database and found a way around the licensing mess? I believe it will take a keygen.

voyager97 (2005-07-01)

Någon som har kunnat öppna .dat filen för att kunna få fram cm93 (kart) filerna? Eller är det grundproblemet att dat filen är krypterad ?
Berätta annars hur du gjorde.

scentstone (2005-08-04)

Hi you all.. May we have some help on the way to install this in Maxsea 10 (snatched here and installed with the help of sailor4000)

wath (2006-01-24)

Hi, Downloaded this file. Can't get it to work with MaxSea 12. Anyone can help me? That will be great.

vhalen (2006-02-07)

How can I do this charts works on Maxsea 12. It's terrible because don't work on this software.

dajmidivx (2006-03-07)

Please does anyone have a new version? Please upload it, I would seed it for a year!!!

dajmidivx (2006-04-06)

Fuck man, can anyone explaine how to make this work?????

jcoll123 (2006-04-14)

RESPONSE TO Fuck man, can anyone explaine how to make this work?????
Contact you local C-Map dealer and BUY IT!

galbatron (2006-04-18)

still no crack??

mf1 (2006-04-27)

anyone cracked olex yet
it can be downloaded from

sonnennavigator (2006-06-29)

Hi, I am not familiar with this torrents..
how can I download c-map?
The only thing I get, when I click the download botton, is a small data file.

bko (2006-09-11)

Vil gjerne ha denne, men får ikke lastet den ned.

Siggen24 (2006-09-21)

Can someone reseed this?

mortenro (2006-10-03)

Jeg var på en båt som de hadde en cracka maxsea med alle kartene... fikk kopiert alle mappene før jeg forlot... men jeg har ikke kommet meg no videre... så hvis jeg kunne send d til noen som kanskje kunne prøvd å finne ut av d... hadde d vært kjempegreier!

tristan10 (2006-11-16)

where do i finde keygen for c-map can someone send me please

Saviore (2006-11-25)

C-Map 93/3 er ikke cracket. Vil forøvrig fraråde bruk av deil gamle C-Map 93/2 karta som florerer rundt her. Dette er eldgamle versjoner som ikkje er oppdatert. KJØP versjon 93/3.

Wiskey (2006-12-02)

- Burn the CM93 (or CM93 Ed.3) on a 900mb cd.
- Title of the cd: CM93CMAP
- The cd need one folder, named: CM93 ( or: CM93_3 )
in Maxsea
menu file/manage cm98ed3 & S57 charts
databases manager
(close help window and go to cm93/3 database administrator)
choose location of your cm93_3 folder containing C01X01.DAT, CM93_3._ID, CM93_3.ARE, CM93_3.CAT, CM93_3.COL, CM93_3.COV, CM93_3.DCT files
press "register database"
and "set as default"
close database manager
goto licence order
press "add licence manually"
choose zone and enter licence code (which I don't have)
press "add licence

scss (2006-12-21)

Maxsea prog vil ikke starte programmet behandling ac CM93_3.
Må kartene ligge på CD for å få dette til.
Maxsea "finner" ikke kartdatabasen. Andre som har problemer med dette???

scss (2006-12-24)

Maxsea won't start the application handling of CM93_3.
Do I have to have the maps on CD to get this working?
Maxsea can't "find" the map database. Someone else who might have the same problem?

needmo72 (2007-04-10)

Can anyone please seed?

douglas moore (2007-04-21)

IS there anyone out there capable of 'cracking' or providing a 'keygen' for this database ??
That would certainly stop our friendly C-MAP employee 'jcoll123' from laughing his socks off at all of us !!!!

jcoll123 (2007-04-23)

If someone can crack MaxSea 12.5 / 6 and CM93/3 i will actually be impressed.
Until then HAHA!

jcoll123 (2007-04-23)

PPS. This database is from 2005 were in 2007 HAHA! ENCRYPTION IS BETTER NOW :P

jcoll123 (2007-06-10)

No no one cracked this HAHAHA O WELL MORE MONEY FOR US!!!!!!!

jcoll123 (2007-07-18)

I am from c-map yes maxsea uses our charts (older generation) if you want a project crack our newest maxpro format
next year maxpro ultimate comes out
then maxpro ultimate plus each with higher levels of encryption and more and more features WE WILL TAKE OVER THE CHART BUSINESS C-MAP WILL WIN!

yachtvalhalla (2007-08-03)

With MaxSea running, use File/Open to navigate to the cm93 folder and double click on the file "limits.txt'.

yachtvalhalla (2007-08-03)

The MaxSea v. with other goodies for the SE Asia region is available from
Also included are other programs useful to yahties.

najad-sail (2007-08-10)

Yachtvalla-Is it possible that you can give us the CM93 1-3 as a torrent

jcoll123 (2007-11-18)

anyone cracked this ?
No ?

SupreX (2007-12-15)

jcoll123 Fuck you!

Irishbat (2008-03-11)

Cracked it and found a keygen, Great Software, It's great that it's free JColl123.

jcoll123 (2008-03-14)

care to share Irishbat
I say until i see a keygen its not cracked.

ebgb (2008-03-17)

easy peasy jcoll123. windows software generally sucks
Running it under under emulation on mac ox X 10.5
took about 60 seconds, no dongle, no crack
more holes than swiss cheese!
and if you want to know where the holes are... how much money you got? :-)

Irishbat (2008-03-27)

jcoll, why the hell would i tell you? So you can prevent others from doing it? Anyway your half right, i didnt use a keygen, but i did get it to work.Jcoll, I will give ya a small hint on how i did it however, "regedit"

mf12 (2008-03-28)

wow this has been cracked at last please can someone let me know how to do this ?

northfence (2008-03-29)

How did you fix this using regedit? Please share how you did it with us.

tiemen26 (2008-04-08)

how do you crack this plse explain in forum????

angusmcb (2008-06-19)

jcoll123 being his usual witty self, I see ;-)
Well I'm sure you're latest encryption is fairly the dog's bollocks mathematically speaking, but of course every implementation has it's flaws, and c-map's implementations are no exception to this rule. Your programmers need to get laid, go out sailing and reflect on life, or maybe just read Bruce Schneider again from the very beginning :-)
If you want, I'd be delighted to hop over to Stavanger or to Italy at my own expense and give 2 small lectures - the first on what cryptography actually is and what it is not, and the second on the dubious ethics of selling people back data they have already paid for with their taxes - and forcing them to take it in proprietary closed formats which also subject them to vendor lock-in and expose them danger on the high seas merely because they refuse to pay multiple times for the same HGO data.

sbkenn (2008-08-13)

Crack details would be much appreciated. Windoze, or Linux(Ubuntu). I would have been happy to buy a C-Map cartridge if I could use a regular USB card reader, but no, C-Map have to have their own reader !. They have also been unhelpfull about the possibility of providing selective charts for my single voyage Essex to Dublin !.

profish (2009-02-28)

if someone like it ik can upload maxsea version 10.3.5 the works fine with the maps cm93 ed2
also this maps I have possible for upload
like you see the are from 2007/2008
Source of data
Compilation scale: 375000
Digitizing date: 20071123
Source indication: NL,RNNHS,graph,1035
Horizontal datum: WGS 1984
C-MAP chart code: 10-0Z570
Quality rating: C-MAP "high quality" chart
Marks navigational - System of: IALA A
Vertical datum: Mean lower low water springs
Source horizontal datum: WGS 1984
Vertical datum for heights: Mean sea level
Longitude offset to WGS-84: 0.0 Merc.m
Latitude offset to WGS-84: 0.0 Merc.m
Recording date: 20071231
if there are 5 request I will give the link for upload or make a torrent from it
the only reason to do this is we will come closer to my special friend jcoll123
if the have enough nuts to upload the cmap newest version I will upload it to and cracked for him for free off course;)

tsgreg (2009-02-28)

dear profish..
i would very much appreciated if you could download the maxsea and the cmap (instructions included) i am seafarer and my company told me that cmap requested 5000 euro for installing the program for each vessel and 5000 euro annually to keep the charts updated. It is a very good program for me to draw ocean routes very fast and then compare with the charts. Those cmap charts can be updated somehow? can i plug the A.I.S. (Automatic Identification System) to the program? Thank you very much for your help

najad-sail (2009-02-28)

dear profish..
Yes please!

catamaranman (2009-03-01)

jcoll123-too bad every cruising boat and its dinghy is running maxsea with the perfectly workable '93 edition! ;-) Also, to anybody interested, Garmin's BlueChart is much more complete, more soundings, less errors, just plain better charts....

douglas moore (2009-03-02)

Hey Catamaranman
Do you have an address for the torrent where I can download the Garmin Blue Charts

douglas moore (2009-03-02)

Hey Profish
Can you provide the link for Maxsea as promised

profish (2009-03-02)

link for charts
I will upload maxsea before the weekend
happy sailing all of yours
and for jcoll123 happy sinking

profish (2009-03-11)

here the torrent I make from maxsea 10.3.5

pierrrre (2009-03-20)

The web site mentioned above is down. Do you know any other sites with nautical charts to download?

pierrrre (2009-03-21)

The web site is back on.

blakkbrd (2009-03-24)

Does anyone have a fully working crack for Maxsea v12.1.XX The keygen for v10.X Does not activate the navnet option.

wreckmaster (2009-07-30)

I have downloaded the cracked V 10 plus the CM93_3 all works well, Now just need a licence for charts for Ireland any one like to help me .
I also have the maxsea 7.3 plus CM93 charts working perfectly , I would upload it to any where , open to suggestions .

sailorboy24 (2009-12-27)

Anyone have a cracked version of Olex? Please email me;