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2009-03-31 (by AiTB )
Files count:
4413.86 Mb
elgura (2009-03-31)
102 leechers on 0 % this will take some timemrsshorty (2009-03-31)
Good things come to those who wait:-)cueball1878 (2009-03-31)
does the rock band instruments work with this?elgura (2009-03-31)
you know, queball.... when i reach 100 % i will let you knowneutrino_ (2009-03-31)
proper nfo:
cueball1878 (2009-03-31)
cool ill download it anywayAlexrose (2009-03-31)
Ricky, you're a moron. Don't talk if you've got nothing useful to say.Guitar Hero: Metallica is compatible with all rock band instruments. Guitar Hero: World Tour is not.
Also, can you direct upload this to megaupload as well please.. or even instead? This will take hours and you'll have to stay online for ages to keep your torrent online, then everyone else will, and everyone will get slow download rates. If you upload it in rar parts to megaupload then everyone can get a really nice download rate and you won't have to maintain your upload for weeks on end. You could even post it on this forum.
Where they do loads of [mu] isos.
cueball1878 (2009-04-01)
cheers alexrose hope that is right!!!laloThe1 (2009-04-01)
nice 0 seeders but i still get a nice download speed from the peers around +500kb/shuujj (2009-04-01)
does this work in europe or only in usa?cueball1878 (2009-04-01)
the game works but rb instruments dont WORK!!!! looks like am off 2 buy aa Guitar Hero!!!cueball1878 (2009-04-01)
or is it because i have a pal wii and the game is usa???cueball1878 (2009-04-01)
the game is brilliant even with just the mic but guitar hero world tour and guitar are on sale at hmv (uk) £35 bargin!! off to town 2moz now!!DysturbedOne (2009-04-02)
I think its funny how theres people here that have apparently already downloaded and are playing this torrent....yet im not seeing any Seeds. Very fucking interestingDysturbedOne (2009-04-02)
seed FFS, im stuck at 87.7%hobjock (2009-04-02)
I've been stuck at almost 90% since yesterday. Going to work and if I'm still stuck at 90% I'm calling this a lost cause and stop seeding too.basort (2009-04-03)
i try to unrar but the files 47 to 95 are corruptedsomeone can help me??
mudyjimmy (2009-04-03)
sssssssseeeeeeeeddddddd.....or open your torrent speeds!!!
195 seeders with a dl speed of 4.0..... wtf!!
johnnei (2009-04-03)
I'm downloading this one at 1mb/s (from binaries so not from this torrent) when i got i'll seed it.(max seed here: 100kb/s)
Ariba78 (2009-04-03)
does this work on PAL wii?Funkar detta på PAL wii?
basort (2009-04-04)
maxigawathank, works fine
Angeliceyez4u96 (2009-04-04)
Just wondering what you need to get this to workcueball1878 (2009-04-04)
works fine on pal wii with backup loaderAriba78 (2009-04-04)
do i need backuploader or can i just put the dvd in my wii pal and play?jkh123 (2009-04-05)
How do i play this?i've got wii fw 3.1E. I have soft modded my wii (i have HB Browser). What apps do i need to run the game? What if GHM' s fw update is 4.0?
how do i play a burned ntsc game on a pal wii with 3.1E fw? Do i need to upgrade?
zela (2009-04-05)
går det att spela på ett pal med wiikey2?????nån som vet eller har provat???
gasly (2009-04-07)
Ok so I know i'm gonna sound like a total n00b but i really don't care now. I've been trying to extract this ISO at least 10 times but can't. This isn't my first game and extraction too but this one just keeps annoying me. RegionFrii says it isn't a "normal" ISO. Burner says it's incorrect ISO each time too. I have WinRAR so plz help me...zela (2009-04-07)
nu har jag provat det på mitt wii som är ett pal med wiikey2 och det funnkar klockrent..Det är ju hur kul som helst att lira låtarna man växt upp med..
zela (2009-04-07)
jag packade upp det med winrar och sen brännde jag det med imgburn i 2x och det funnkade direkt..gasly (2009-04-08)
Could some one please post another torrent with the ISO that actually works for a start. I can't use it coz it says it's corrupted. If anyone knows another torrent of this tell me please.Espyyyyy (2009-04-12)
Hey everyone =)I've just downloaded this (Which took a while lol) and I wonder what I got to do next?
I'm new to this.. A real noob on copying games ;) So I would love some help that can make me understand this better.
I've also downloaded "All you need to play copied wii games" or something, and I suppose I need to install that on my Wii first, right? But is there anything else I got to do? I've seen some guides where they tell about this, but I don't seem to get it :(
And what's PAL Wii? And Wiickey (or whatever it was)?
Thank you very much =D
Kozeri (2009-04-15)
Downloaded, burned, works for me on a Pal wiikey2. Just wondering if the online play works on these burned guitar hero games??Tarkkanix (2009-04-18)
How i can burn it? I don't know how! Please help!WiiFreak09 (2009-04-18)
Kayy... i downloaded the game and now i'm trying to iso patch it but it says no iso reconizable.. and i'm just wondering what do i do?? o.Ogasly (2009-04-24)
I'm having problems with this one, can someone plz tell step by step exactly what he did to get this to work (NTSC or PAL I don't care)enkoo (2009-04-24)
Jag får inte igång det, har wiikey men det fungerar inte :( någon som vet vad jag behöver göra för att få igång spelet ? HEEELP!gasly (2009-05-03)
I finally managed to burn this. Use Alcohol 120% ppl.dimebagd (2009-05-30)
hi I have a problem with this one and can t wait anymore to play it !!I unrar it but when I putted the iso into wii free it tolted me :
this file doesn t look normal===>not a wii filn
in wds tools it don t show me the game id ant tells me :
no update needed and i can t change region
I patched it with region frii to try and the dvd was n t reconized by the wii
I also tried to unrar it again and the same thing happened
any idea guys?