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Eureka Seven Complete Series English D ed C W Rips






Eureka Seven Complete Series English Dubbed [C-W] Rips


Video/TV shows


2007-12-28 (by anakin66)


This is the complete English dubbed version of the Anime series Eureka Seven, downloaded from various Cartoon World sources, and of very good quality. It is the story of a boy, young Renton Thirston, leading a relatively sheltered and boring life until a beautiful but mysterious girl piloting a battle mech literally falls into his life when her mech crashes through his grandfather's garage. From that point on, young Renton's life will never be the same as he joins the Gekko State and tries to win over his new love, Eureka (pronounced Elreka - a language translation problem), and eventually must try to save their world.

Files count:



8568.23 Mb




anakin66 (2007-12-28)

You'll have to forgive me if this starts downloading slowly. I had to scrounge up some missing files and didn't get this online until relatively late. I always shut down my computer after 1 a.m. Atlantic time until the morning. Bear with me. I'm trying. Don't forget to seed as long as you can. Hard drive space is limited, and Christmas was expensive so no second hard drive anytime soon. Thanks. And thanks to anyone at Cartoon World who contributed files.

Reaper017 (2008-01-06)

you either goddamn SEED or STOP WASTING PEOPLE'S TIME

anakin66 (2008-01-07)

Did either of the two ignorant jerks above bother to read the very first post on this thread where I specifically said that I shut down my computer from 1 a.m. Atlantic time until the morning. If my seeding the file for 14 hours a day isn't good enough for you, don't download the file. Had I not bothered to tell you word for word that I shut down my computer at night, I might have some sympathy for you. I had been considering leaving it on longer, but after reading posts by you two jerks, you will just have to deal with it. If you don't appreciate the effort others go to to create torrents, then do it yourself. I don't see anyone else uploading Eureka Seven, and my provider engages in the hateful practice of torrent throttling, limiting my upload speed. Idiots like you make me wonder why I waste my time at all.

Reaper017 (2008-01-09)

i did read ur post thats why i commented...

Nrapture (2008-01-10)

hey, thanks for putting this together for everyone. i appreciate it. im at about 68% or so now and i cannot wait till its finished. but i have to agree, it is aggrivating when the download is at 0.2 kb/sec. its pure insanity. the longer you can keep it up for each day and the more bandwith you allocate to it would be a big thanks from us. just bear out till others can seed the file and you dont have to deal with the fact that you are the single keyholder atm. thanks for the file.

anakin66 (2008-01-10)

Thanks Nrapture. It's nice to have a positive comment. People complain about the speed but don't make any effort to do anything themselves. I am doing the best I can. Eastlink is the only viable hi9gh speed internet provider where I live, and while they have amazing download speeds, they have a practice called torrent throttling which limits upload and download speeds on certain sites. Piratebay is evidently one of them. I might have been better off joining a different site and trying them. I have two other torrents running on this site, and went through the same problem of having my upload speed limited to nearly nothing. I can do nothing about it. If Eastlink limits my upload on a torrent to 4-8 kB a second, that's all I have to work with. It doesn't matter if I allocate 45 kB for uploading (which I do) and only have that single torrent running, I only get to upload at 4 to 8 kB per second. The rest of the bandwidth simply isn't used, even if 2000 people are trying to upload. It isn't fair, and it should be illegal since they advertise as being a 15 Mbit per second service, but neglect to mention that torrents are the exception to the rule. Fortunately, there are periods during the day when this throttling limit is relaxed, and some sites don't share it because of agreements with Eastlink. Having some people swear at me and tell me to "Goddamn seed!", or "stop wasting people's time!" at least is not stopping the 88 people or so who are downloading the file from stopping. It may prevent me from posting anymore torrents on this site, but we'll see. And as for not keeping my computer on all the time, I don't have my mommy and daddy buying computers for me. I am on a disability pension with a bad back, and I lost my computer last year and had to scrounge up every penny I had to get it rebuilt. While keeping the system running 24/7 might sound great to someone not paying the bills, the longer electronics are left running, the more heat builds up, and the shorter their lifespan. If this computer gives out, there won't be another one for a long time. That's why my system is usually off from 1 a.m. until 11:30. Plus despite the complaints, there are obviously a huge number of downloaders not keeping their systems running 24/7. For instance, right now my utorrent program tells me there are 40 out of a total of 93 downloading and it is early afternoon. Geez, sorry to lay all that on you. I tend to write essays when I write. You weren't the one giving me a hard time. Hope you understand that most of that explanation was so everyone would understand the problem. By the way, utorrent gives the availability of the file as up to 1.854, which should mean it won't be long before more seeders come online. And despite my anger at the first two people to comment, I did relent and leave the computer running a little longer. I hope everyone enjoys these files. While I could find individual torrents for some files, most were not seeded at all on Cartoon-World, their originating site. Fortunately, I had been downloading as soon as they became available, so I had most, and the few I had that were in mkv format with subtitles, I managed to download the dubbed CW versions. I'll shut up now. Thanks again for the positive comments.

Vallgeran (2008-01-12)

Ty for the great, work. I did find another torrent, but alot of ppl complained on the quility, and from what I completed in episodes so far, is awsome quality.
And unlike some ppl Im willing to wait for good quality, and english. If ppl are realy desprite, they can get it in jap off stage6. But my goal is to have a quilty version to save for later watching.

Vallgeran (2008-01-13)

err this is awsome quality, wrote that after waking up, and checking my few completed episodes..

anakin66 (2008-01-13)

Thanks Vallgeran. I can't take credit for the quality as it is all compiled from Cartoon World sources. Unfortunately, they don't have torrents for the whole series listed in their torrent section (I downloaded them as they first came out, with a few exceptions that I was fortunately still able to locate), and most that are still posted are not being seeded.
Bear with me a little longer. My utorrent program is indicating availability as 1.913 which basically means that more seeders should be coming online anytime unless people finish their downloads and don't seed which is pretty low in this situation.
I have to admit that I am embarrassed at having made such a large torrent when it is uploading so slowly. Again, torrent throttling really sucks.
I apologize to everyone who has had to wait. Hopefully you will find the wait worthwhile. I know I would rather have the entire series than 50 individual torrents.
I just wish someone could explain to me why I have two other much smaller torrents that I created, both on this site, and right now one is uploading at about 3 or 4 kB/sec, and the other at nearly 25 kB/sec, while this one is only uploading at 5 to 8 kB/sec despite having 40 out of about 120 people currently downloading while the other two torrents have only 4 people each out of a supposed total of 9 each? Later on, the spped will suddenly increase dramatically on this one to close to 30 kB/sec. I can't make sense of it.
It's illogical. I can remove every other torrent besides this one, keep my upload limit set to 45 kB/sec, and my upload bandwidth will simply drop to 8 or 9 kB/sec, the amount used by this torrent, while the other 36 kB is simply not used. Yes, I've had the problem in the past and tried.
Other times during the day, my upload speed for this torrent will shoot up to 28 kB/sec, frequently in the morning (in Atlantic Canada) or at night. Can anyone explain this? Is it the website, the torrent program, the internet provider, or all three?
I know this site never accurately reports the number of people downloading the torrent.The real number is always shown much higher on utorrent, and I have even seen this site say there are 2 seeders despite me being the one to create the torrent and no one having had time to finish downloading. UUUGH. MUST SAVE THE BRAIN... THIS DOES NOT COMPUTE...
I guess what I am wondering is that although it is too late now, would I have had better luck uploading this file somewhere like isohunt or torrentreactor? After all, I am working on getting Gundam Seed Destiny, Relic Hunter, and V.I.P. (no promises on any of that, it could be a long time or never). Of course I need to get a bigger hard drive first.
Good God. MUST STOP TYPING!!! DRIVING EVERYONE INSANE!!! Bye now. (But if anyone can anwer my question about the speed problem and the site, or suggest a better torrent program, please help! Everyone would undoubtedly appreciate it :)

Nrapture (2008-01-13)

ha, right now its showing 3 seeders for me, whether or not thats true (I don't have BitTorrent open). Other than that, I'm still downloading and yes, the quality is very good. I'm also not sure about the kb/sec thing either. I've also noticed the spikes in your file around your given times. who knows....

General_Potato_Salad_II (2008-01-13)

Man, do I hear you on your comments on Eastlink! My buddy in NS recently moved from an area with DSL competition to a cable-only area, and he tells me that his torrent speed (up AND down) is down to about dialup speed.
Thanks very much for the torrent, this is exactly what I was looking for!

anakin66 (2008-01-13)

Yeah, Eastlink really sucks for doing this. They started a couple years ago, I think. And torrents tend to be the way most files are shared these days, which makes the whole torrent throttling thing idiotic. Granted pages load faster than you can blink, and if you are lucky enough to find an actual file as opposed to a torrented file, you can download it in seconds instead of days if the site has decent speeds. Oh well, I guess I just didn't take it too well when the first two people started swearing at me and telling me to stop wasting their time when a search of their own screen names showed no torrents on file. Not to mention, it took quite a while for me to round up all the files, replace the earlier mkv files with CW English files, and put them together into one torrent. Perhaps I was overly ambitious and should have split it up into two files, but I hate it when people do that, and those two guys still would have complained. High Speed Internet prices need regulating. To think they charge $55 Canadian + tax for standalone High Speed Internet, or $96 + tax to bundle it with analogue full-tier cable, and can still limit your upload and download speeds depending on the sites you visit is disgusting and should be illegal. These files are all public domain, as far as I know, so nothing illegal about sharing them. The problem here is Aliant is the only other High Speed Internet competitor, they charge as much, and their speeds on normal downloads are not even close to eastlink, or so I've been told by people who have had switched.

darkhayz (2008-01-14)

Everyones stuck at 93%... can anyone just seed it.

Vallgeran (2008-01-15)

Just have to wait for anakin66 to get back on, and if your new its about a percent or 2 a day, but I got all the episodes I haven't seen so its no problem with me, just want the rest for collection.

Vallgeran (2008-01-15)

ooh yeah, as far as the quality thing. You still went out of your way to find the good stuff, I give you kudos for that. Seems like quality english dubs are hard to come by now a days
PS hate double posting..

anakin66 (2008-01-15)

I apologize for the lack of speed uploading. The last 6 or so percent is just crawling. Plus, while I was obviously still seeding on the weekend, the speeds were suprisingly bad. I was downloading some torrents, and while they downloaded quickly, I seed until I reach at least a ratio of 1 to 1, so that may have slowed things down some on the weekend.
I wasn't initial seeding at first because my upload speed was abysmal when I tried doing so, even with a lot of downloaders (I hate the term "leechers" that piratebay uses). Now that I'm so close to the point where more seeders could start helping out, I've started initial seeding again, as I'm worried that the reason that 93 percent barrier you are talking about is there is because I was not initial seeding with utorrent for the sake of speed.
The speed jumps around like crazy when I initial seed, and I'll have to watch out for too low an upload speed and switch back to regular seeding if it stays too low a lot. Right now, it's the only way I can see of getting over that 1.937 availability hurdle in utorrent.
By the way, the reason you likely couldn't get anymore downloaded was because my system is set to shut off automatically at about 2 a.m. local time until morning to keep me from burning through another motherboard and CPU like I did last year, and I think your post's timestamp was after that. You obviously live in a wayyy different timezone than me. To make matters even more interesting, I see piratebay is doing upgrades which are taking the server down. Happy Happy.
Look on the bright side: if you've made it to 93%, it shouldn't be more than a couple more days. This is, after all, over an 8 GB fileset, with only one person with the full copy. That'll change soon once it finishes uploading.

ak74u (2008-01-17)

I'm a little disorganized, but all of my thoughts will be here. first of all; the episodes that have completed are excellent. good sound and video. it is hard to find e- dub stuff and this was done well.
Next... the term leecher is a standard torrent community term. even if you have a 1:1+ ratio and you are downloading... you are leeching. i have a 24.93 ratio on another site... if i download, im still a leecher. (just vernacular, not insults.)
Finally. i can appreciate your point of view; re: your pc, but in the torrent community, it is proper to seed what you have upped until at least one other person has 100%... gold standard, IMHO, is 2 people.

ak74u (2008-01-17)

my comment got cut off, but:: great up, once i get 100% ill seed for ya' and good luck...
(follow the forums)

anakin66 (2008-01-17)

Hey there ak74u. Glad you like the upload. As for your comment: "i can appreciate your point of view; re: your pc, but in the torrent community, it is proper to seed what you have upped until at least one other person has 100%... gold standard, IMHO, is 2 people," all I can say is my apologies, but the very first comment on this torrent was from me explaining that I auto shutdown my computer overnight from 1 or 2 pm until morning. It only takes a cooling fan malfunction to go unnoticed and you lose everything including hardware and possibly all your data.
So in that regaurd, I laid it all out on the line for everyone in the first post, and let people decide if they wanted to download this torrent or not. That's just economics in my case. No offense, but I didn't force anyone to download after they read that comment. And I still hate the term leecher. That's just me ;)
Regardless, no offense, but to my embarrassment, I think this upload would have finished long ago had someone in the "torrent community" with more experience than me uploading reminded me that Bill Gates is actually Satan, and every so often, Windows XP SP2 updates set the maximum number of active half open connections to 10 unless you apply a patch to overcome it. OOPS. :(
Has anyone by any chance noticed an increase in upload speed today? I was on the utorrent forum and came across a reference to the patch. It had been so long since I had used it because it came up fine every time I tried it, that I stopped checking and forgot about it. After checking, sure enough, a Windows update had set the limit back to 10. Urgh. I applied the tcpip.sys patch available online for Windows SP2, and lo and behold, my upload speed suddenly doubled.
I would highly recommend to anyone on any torrent board who notices a slow upload to post asking the seeder(s) if they know about the ridiculous Microsoft tcpip.sys connection limit, and the patch to overcome the open connection limit of 10 that appeared after Windows XP SP2 was released.
You'd probably be surprised by how many people don't know about it, or forget about it after the limit they set stays the same for a few months. That's what happened to me. I just never noticed. Stupid, but it happens.
Hope the bloody upload finally finishes so more seeders will come online. Try to do a favor for people, you just end up getting slammed for it (I don't mean you). Oh well.

ak74u (2008-01-17)

no up speed increase today. bottom line.

ak74u (2008-01-17)

my comment got cut again... nevermind...

gokuson123 (2008-01-17)

I thank you for uploading this torrent. I can't stand Subs and whatnot, and although I've been downloading for near 2 weeks now...I hope it finishes son. I'm at 96%. When it's seeding good I'm downloading at 150ish kb/s, although right not its at .2 kb/s :/

anakin66 (2008-01-17)

gokuson123, how 'ya doing? My utorrent program says the availability is at 1.970, so it should be possible to download at least 97 percent. Also, my upload speed for that torrent is reading 20-26 kB/sec right now, and my system will be up and running for another 3 and a half hours tonight, and on again in the morning, like always.
I hope that helps. I just wish I had remembered about the TCPIP.SYS limit and the patch to fix the limit at before yesterday. I suspect this torrent would have uploaded in a week if I had. Sometimes simple things cause the worst problems. Blame me, or blame Microsoft. Or both. Regardless, sorry for the wait.
Of course, it can take just as long with any torrent this size, even with more downloaders and more seeders, as I have had ample opportunity to learn. Some take several weeks. It sometimes depends as much on the site itself because of that torrent throttling problem I mentioned that Eastlink is getting known for. Curse them.

gokuson123 (2008-01-17)

Well I usually download at this rate. Occasionally it spikes to 120+ kb/s, but usually its .2kb/s or max of 5 kb/s. I have set uTorrent up from many guides, and don't know my problem. Hell, I can play WoW and EVE together without lag in either one at the same time, I don't know why I download so slow.

hentaiwhore (2008-01-17)

If anyone really wanted to help, they could just download the original .avi files from C-W, after doing so they could put them in the folder this torrent downloads to. Then what do you know! You have 2 seeders. Just started the torrent myself, dling at about 250Kbps I'll be sure to do my own suggestion if it's still at 97% when I'm done.
Episodes still missing pieces are:
Episodes 7-21
All other episodes are complete on this torrent and all will still play in videolan vlc, without being finished (they just skip a little)

anakin66 (2008-01-17)

gokuson123, hi again. This is getting worse than a chat forum. Regardless, I noticed your post about your usual speeds with downloads, and I may be able to help. I wish this board had a message system. I also use utorrent, so I've had too much experience with the speed issues not to know a few things.
Firstly, I don't thinbk utorrent is a great program. That is likely the root of all of our problems. Windows also sucks. That will never change until some of the big companies band together to back a fresh, cheap, and good operating system, and do away with upgrade vs complete install discs. But I digress.
One thing you should look for under preferences is to randomize your port each time Windows starts. Secondly, you should make sure your upload speed is not set so high that it interferes with your download speed. Upload rates are much lower than maximum download rates for some reason.
Also, if you read my post above, you will see my note about the TCPIP.SYS 10 half open connection limit imposed by windows xp sp2, you can go to that website and get a patch. Note that the patch is for Windows XP SP2. It is not needed on Windows XP versions prior to SP2 as the TCPIP.SYS limit had no limit. And the patch is not designed for Windows Vista.
Check on the utorrent forums using the search function for TCPIP.SYS limit, and the info should all be there, or go to the site in my post above.
Finally, if your internet provider practices "torrent throttling", which is basically limiting your upload and download speeds on certain sites, and sometimes even at different times of the day, then you're just screwed like me.
You can probably look up torrent throttling on wikepedia or do an internet search. There is a list of internet providers online somewhere which should appear in your search that actually lists providers that practise torrent throttling. In other words, ip providers to avoid if you can :)
Finally, I'm kind of surprised that the torrent is still at approximately 97 percent considering it was reading 1.986 availability last night last time I checked. Obviously, someone has more of the missing pieces than others, but isn't online right now.
This is all entirely my fault, and I take full blame. I did everything wrong with this torrent. I should have remembered about the TCPIP.SYS limit and the patch to check for it and fix it. I had not had the problem for so long that I forgot it existed.
Likewise, I should have practised initial seeding from the outset, and if people didn't share until I had uploaded 100 per cent of the file and could switch to normal seeding, that would have been their fault. But my speed was so low, again likely because of the above TCPIP.SYS limit patch not being applied, that I just did regular seeding. I'm afraid that if I do it now, it might start from scratch and take forever to upload, causing people to give up.
Finally, while I still would have shut down my computer, I should have left it on longer, and possibly left it on longer at night, and started it later in the morning. It seems like more people try downloading in the evening and late night than in the morning. In other words, if there was something to mess up, I did it.
By the way, hentaiwhore (unique name), I had already thought of your suggestion of copying files other people might already have to the active directory myself. The only problem is that it might not work because of the fact that some files were downloaded from CW torrents which are no longer seeded (at all), while I managed to scrape up the ones I was missing on a CW download site. I found a bunch just searching the forums.
If things don't improve by tonight and you wanted to try it, my only caution would be to cakup any file you tried replacing in case it didn't work, and obviously make sure the name of the file was changed to match the one in the directory since I tried to make everything follow the same conventions.
Well, I really must stop talking and posting. This is just getting ridiculous. If I have something to say, I mus

gokuson123 (2008-01-18)

Ok now I'm getting kinda upset. What the hell is wrong with my setup? My speed tests (and connection info from my ISP) say I have real download speeds of 5760 kbps and upload of 387ish kbps. I can't download for more than .8 kb/s right now...haven't been able to except for weird download spikes since I started downloading, which is why it's taken me about 2 weeks so far of downloading.

silverun (2008-01-19)

Dying for seeds here... Looks like everyone is stuck at 99.8%...

gokuson123 (2008-01-19)

Wow 71 seeders, and I was about to offer to seed. Well, if they drop, Ill seed. Looks good for now though =) Thanks a ton for he original upload, anakin.

anakin66 (2008-01-19)

Finally!!! Seeders!!! I got to about 97% of the file uploaded, and then it slowed to a crawl because of several pieces that weren't being chosen for upload. And then it finally got to 99.9% uploaded and what happens? One friggin' piece wasn't being chosen to upload, even when the speed spiked to 24 kB/sec.! I had to go back to initial seeding just to get that one piece to upload, and it still took forever which is why everyone was stuck at 99.9%.
I really hope everyone enjoys the files and continues to seed for as long as they can. I will continue for as long as I can (but still shutdown my system at 1 or 2 a.m. and return in the morning :) I have grave doubts that I will ever attempt uploading another torrent of this size. Too bad, because only 10 more episodes of Gundam Seed Destiny to go :(
Maybe on another board where I might get faster speeds like isohunt (if I join them so I can upload. I've never tried uploading a torrent there before).
If I can, let me give three pieces of advice, if anyone cares, concerning uploading. First, don't buy from an internet provider that practices torrent throttling unless you simply have no alternatives in your area. In my case, that's Eastlink (the bastards - 15 Mbits/per second my @@@. Not using torrents).
Second, make sure Windows XP SP2, or Vista users don't have that ridiculous TCPIP.SYS half open connection limit set at 10. Prior to SP2 there was no limit. There is a fix online which can be found with a simple internet search for the patch, though it is not from Microsoft, unfortunately.
And third: always, always, always!!! initial seed so that you don't have half a dozen little fragments left that aren't being uploaded to the others trying to download them, and it ends up taking days to upload 30 megabytes.
I can't believe this has taken since December 28, and I'm sure none of you can either. That's all folks. Sorry for the trouble. I've learned my lesson.

anakin66 (2008-01-23)

Does this site have any way of allowing users to send emails to one another. I am new to uploading torrents, and have only done 3, all on this site. I want to find out about using multiple trackers, specifically if it increases upload speeds, and if so how to obtain them. This torrent currently only has one tracker:

However, I have noticed when checking properties on other torrents I have downloaded that most have many trackers, and there is also mention of using "open" trackers on the utorrent forum, but no explanation.
When I created this torrent, I was only given a single tracker address to add to my torrent by thepiratebay. What is the deal with "open" trackers, multiple trackers, and how this all effects upload speed. I wish there were a better tutorial explaining these things, or some way to personal message others on the forum who seem to have experience uploading.
If anyone can help, I'm sorry to be using this torrent as a forum, but anyone who initially tried downloading knows it took three weeks, and it would be nice to avoid that in the future if I choose to upload again.
Note that my IP provider torrent throttles, limiting sppeds terribly, especially on certain websites, while speeds are great on others.
Any help would be appreciated.

General_Potato_Salad_II (2008-01-26)

Okay, hmmm. I don't know much about making torrents, but open ones are ones anyone can use. Closed ones require you to register on a site or something to use them.
I don't know how it'd improve speed, though. I'd think the extra trackers would provide a possible larger audience, but that is about it.
Anyway,great torrent, thanks for uploading!

General_Potato_Salad_II (2008-01-26)

Trackers. Open TRACKERS are trackers anyone can use. Need to be less vague when posting!

anakin66 (2008-01-27)

Thanks for the info. So more trackers would not increase upload speed. Grrrrr...

tonyman77777 (2008-02-17)

Hey anakin, if you give me the links of where you downloaded the files ill try to help seed if I can.

anakin66 (2008-02-17)

Hey, Tonyman. I believe I managed to get all of the files from, some as torrent files in the Bittorrent section that I had downloaded over months as they were released, and others were found simply by going into the forum on the same site, and doing a search for "eureka seven".
Needless to say, I tried to rename all of the files to give them some sort of consistency, and numeric order, so if you manage to find all of the files, make sure to use only backups of the files in your directory, check the file size to make sure the files are the same, and you'll have to rename the episodes to match the file names I used.
Unfortunately, most of the torrents on that site are no longer seeded. They tend to only stay seeded for a very short time, and once people have them, they soon stop seeding.
Surely there aren't still speed problems with this torrent, are there? I haven't stopped seeding, except at night as I said all along I would do, and right now piratebay is telling me there are 27 seeders to 78 downloaders, while utorrent tells me 28 seeders (total, it doesn't say how many are currently active), and about 39 downloading.
When it was just me, the speed issue was understandable, but with 27, 28, or 29 seeders, and an availability of 9.999 on utorrent, I just can't understand the problem.
I finally got a new hard drive, so some of that daytime uploading by me won't be available as I have a computer to operate on. I wish I had uploaded this file to another site. What are download rates like nowadays? I'm seeding 3 torrents, all on this site, and can't keep using up my bandwidth forever.
Thanks for the offer of help. Hopefully you can locate some of the files where I mentioned.

tonyman77777 (2008-02-20)

Hey, can you upload some of them to mega upload or something?

General_Potato_Salad_II (2008-02-20)

"Surely there aren't still speed problems with this torrent, are there?"
It's strange, but it seems like things are a bit more sluggish than I normally see of a well-seeded torrent. (Though I only took a quick look - I'm not gonna download the whole thing over again to check for sure.) I really have no idea why. Anyone know anything about speed issues with a certain seed/leech ratio? It's the only thing I can see as being a problem.

anakin66 (2008-02-21)

Tonyman77777, you sure use a lot of 7's... Does it make you any luckier? HAHAHAHA!!!!! What can I say, it's been a rough week. I need some laughs. And some luck.
Okay, once more with feeling. This isn't meant to be rude, I'm just stating some facts that may help you. First, as I've said in my last post to you, ALL (every single one) of the files, whether they were downloaded as torrents months ago, or found in the forum section using the search function, came from the site .
If this torrent, which is quite large, is taking too long for you to download, try finding the files there. I had older files that I believe were either Japanese subs, or just plain poor quality, so I did a search on Cartoon-World's forum for "eureka seven" and located the files I was missing, but I thing every file is still there.
They have a BT (bittorrent link) on their home page and you can find links to Eureka Seven there (though most are no longer seeded), or you can, as I said already, search their forum for "eureka seven". They like to use megaupload on that site (animals - just kidding - maybe).
You may have to become a member to use the forum's search engine and download from megaupload (but not to use the torrents in the BT section reached through the home page), but there is no charge to join, and you get to talk to to occassionally really rude people in the forums. Because there are none on this site (see the second and third comments for this torrent). I think they suggest donations, or something like that if you join, but there is no obligation to pay if you don't want to. In fact, you can even get a free (basic) megaupload account there.
The only other thing I can say is to ask you how the seeding is going when you are trying to download. I notice there is a huge time difference from your posts and mine. Perhaps there are fewer seeders at the times you are downloading? Also, does your Internet Provider practice torrent throttling which limits upload and download speeds on torrents? Mine does.
I hope something helps. By the way, am I the only one who thinks the comments on this single torrent are turning it into a forum, there are so many? Do any other torrents have this many comments? I think I've set a record!

tonyman77777 (2008-02-21)

Lol, well firstly no, the 7s dont make me any more lucky... sadly. But, I did find some of the torrents on CWs website but most of them were dead last time I checked.

tonyman77777 (2008-02-21)

Oh.. AND dude do you like to type or somthin? You always tend to wright HUGE comments.

tonyman77777 (2008-02-21)

Oh, AND... Again, when I try to download it usually downloads around 5kb per second.

anakin66 (2008-02-21)

Tony, I actually hate typing. All I can say is that there are lots of people seeding, but it's still a huge file. That being said, it still sounds like torrent throttling by your ISP to me. Here is the last thing I can do for you. I managed to find the section on cartoon-world where the eureka seven english dubs were located (many are likely not identical, because I had already downloaded torrents for most).
Here is the address you can try pasting into your browser:
.If it doesn't work, join, and try it again, or go into the forums and do a search for eureka seven (look for jasons dubs - the search button is on the top of the screen). They are there, if you look.

tonyman77777 (2008-02-22)

*Bows down to ankin66*
Dude thats the kind of stuff i have been lookin for for like a month now. THANK YOU!!!!!

anakin66 (2008-03-01)

How many people are actually seeding this. I still am by day where I live, and utorrent te;;s me there are as many as 106 people trying to download this file, but the availability of the file is only near two (1.958), and this tells me that while there are potential seeders, very few are bothering to share with anyone else.
If people who have already downloaded this torrent don't start seeding, the people trying to download right now may as well just give up.
This seems like a sad showing for the usefulness of torrents when everyone just takes the file, and then just quits sharing it with anyone else. Maybe piratepay needs to start taking memberships and enforcing share quotas. All the bitching people did that I wasn't downloading fast enough or seeding 24 hours a day, and now I discover that no one will even bother seeding for the others still downloading.
The numbers pirate bay is providing for seeders and leechers are definitely wrong. Someone isn't pulling their weight. If people want to download from the file site I provided a couple posts ago, feel free, I won't be offended.

gm4653 (2008-03-05)

hey i know how your feelin bout that torrent throttling... i have comcast but its not that bad. you said you have µtorrent heh?. goto prefs, bittorent, the select enabled for "outgoing" protocol encryption. hope that helps if you hadn't done that already.

anakin66 (2008-03-06)

Already done that GM, but thanks for the suggestion. The utorrent guys are claiming the new version 1.8 will be able to get around torrent throttling, but I tried the alpha version and downloads were awful.
I use Windows XP and most people using that and utorrent are familiar with the Service Pack 2 half-open connection limit of 10, and the need to use a patch to overcome it.
I've read online about some people saying that different versions of Vista allow different numbers of half-open connections. Anyone know if there is any truth to that? It was something like Vista Basic only allowing 5, Premium allowing 10 or 25, and Ultimate allowing the most (maybe 50).
If it's true, then I guess Microsoft doesn't want torrent sharing unless you are willing to pay them enough to look the other way. I was so happy to hear the EU just handed them a $1.3 billion fine for not fulfilling the terms of their 2004 anti-trust judgment against them. No one deserves it more than those scum at Microsoft. In every other industry but computers, monopolies are broken or regulated.
Regardless, the main problem here is simply not enough people seeding even though at least a hundred people if not many many more have downloaded the files. My availabilty shows just under 4 right now, meaning three pople including myself with complete copies, with others close, and my system gets shut off for the night in another hour or so. And I'm not seeding an 8+ GB file forever, if you know what I mean. Thanks again gm.

gm4653 (2008-03-14)

sorry to not be of any help then i guess. throttling sucks and comcast needs the highlest level of encryption to over come it so i feel for ya. the only other thing that i can possibly suggest is to switch to tpb's private tracker(VIP). or any other private tracker that people can trust. i heard that this tracker has some effect against our evil isp's. anyways thanks for putting your valuable time and effort into putting this torrent together.

anakin66 (2008-03-15)

Thanks to anyone who is currently seeding. I see the availability ratio under utorrent has improved, at least during the day. Day where I live anyway. You know what I mean. I don't know what it is like late at night.
Hopefully, people are having more luck downloading, and are continuing to seed for as long as they can afterwards. I never realized just how important seeding more than you download was until I made a torrent this size.
I'm downloading Inuyasha, and it's just crawling, and it's a huge file - 40 GB !! It may take months, but what the hell. Have fun all!!

shao2399 (2008-05-21)

Anakin66, it has taken me a few days to try and get this file. I do realize its very big and it seems I have about 5 hours to go on it, but can you tell me since you say it has been taken from cartoon world sources please say none of them are from Cartoon Network because of the commercials and stupid on screen labels.
By the way thanks alot for the upload this is a very big file and alot of episodes, this file in itself already makes my wife very excited since this was one of her favorites and she has not seen it all. So a very big thanks from her and from me.

anakin66 (2008-05-24)

shao2399, I haven't actually been seeding this for a while now, so I'm glad to see people are keeping up seeding. I just checked this on a whim.
As to your question, this is the entire series, and it all came from one contributor or another on . I downloaded from the torrents as often as possible as soon as I found it.
There are no commercials, and everything is in English. I cannot promise that there are no periodic station ID's since these are not DVD rips, and station ID's are required by law to be shown every so often. But the quality is great. I wish I knew how to rip or encode mpeg2 files into AVI with such excellent picture quality as the guys on can. They are experts, for shure.
By the way, depending upon what torrent downloading program you are using, if you are using something like utorrent, you should be able to see the progress of the individual files (there are 50 individual episodes, nothing is zipped, rarred or anything else stupid like that), and if some are complete, you should be able to play a couple of the files to check for yourself.

Whatlaws (2008-07-06)

Eureka Seven is quite an amazing Anime and simple because of that I will be seeding the Dubbed and the Subbed versions as well as the complete soundtracks to both seasons as long as I possibly can.
Granted I bought the shit out of this series, I still think more people should enjoy it if they can't afford it or don't feel like paying for amazing shows.

svarydude (2008-11-18)

OMG i am dling at 1 kb/s :( sigh

Redpara (2009-01-28)

Many thanks for uploading this, it really is one of the most beautifully done (and plain old beautiful) anime's ever created.
I'll keep on seeding this, so people can really see how 100% awesome this torrent, and how awesome Eureka SeveN is.

Branato (2009-06-23)

Can at least one person turn on seeding on this torrent?

YuriLuver (2009-12-25)

the pic for this torrent is misleading.. ita an Eureka one. as in the Sci-Fi series. when this is the anime Eureka Seven.

StrawberryBlonde-Kun (2010-03-29)

Whoo, the portrait threw me off for a second. Still what I'm looking for, some classic Bosch!

wmk31 (2010-09-05)

excellent quality i will seed for as long as possible ^_^

baykoala (2011-02-11)

It's nice to see people uploading and committing to seeding torrents like these. I'd really like to say thank you to the uploader especially and to all those seeding for such a great anime. I'm a little ashamed to admit I don't normally seed many things I download, but I will take the strain on my already overtaxed network to seed this.

E7Fan (2011-03-04)

I just wanted you to know how much I thank you for this. I watched the first 43 episodes online while downloading this, then rewatched them all with the files in this torrent. I'll seed as long as I can, which averages at about 250kb, and I recommend this:
to anyone that enjoys the series. I hope to see some of you soon. :)

Avinash1812 (2011-07-12)

thank u so much for this series been waiting for this

Avinash1812 (2011-07-23)

pls seed

tyriimael (2011-08-05)

ETA 12:45 min..... and i cant wait this series is epic and i want to be able to share it thats why im DLing it.... also code geass is yet another epic anime

overthewolf (2011-12-28)

Thanks for seeding! I've been looking for a good torrent for a little while now :)

superstacker007 (2012-05-03)

Is it me or is the first episode's audio out of sync? I just glanced at the first episode's opening theme and the music was out of sync by about 3 seconds... the rapid "beat-beat-beat" part of the theme did not line up with the flashes of visual images nicely. Can anybody confirm for me?

CrowX2M (2012-08-27)

Ep. 1 and 2 were alright, currently on Ep. 3 and the audio is off by about 5 seconds. Really annoying.


1. Eureka Seven Complete Series English Dubbed [C-W] Rips/Eureka_7[001]Blue_Monday[C-W][v2].avi 174.31 Mb
2. Eureka Seven Complete Series English Dubbed [C-W] Rips/Eureka_7[002]Blue_Sky_Fish[C-W].avi 174.40 Mb
3. Eureka Seven Complete Series English Dubbed [C-W] Rips/Eureka_7[003]Motion_Blue[C-W].avi 176.05 Mb
4. Eureka Seven Complete Series English Dubbed [C-W] Rips/Eureka_7[004]Watermelon[C-W].avi 175.77 Mb
5. Eureka Seven Complete Series English Dubbed [C-W] Rips/Eureka_7[005]Vivid_Bit[C-W].avi 175.76 Mb
6. Eureka Seven Complete Series English Dubbed [C-W] Rips/Eureka_7[006]Childhood[C-W].avi 175.74 Mb
7. Eureka Seven Complete Series English Dubbed [C-W] Rips/Eureka_7[007]Absolute_Defeat[C-W].avi 164.51 Mb
8. Eureka Seven Complete Series English Dubbed [C-W] Rips/Eureka_7[008]Glorious_Brilliance[C-W].avi 175.78 Mb
9. Eureka Seven Complete Series English Dubbed [C-W] Rips/Eureka_7[009]Paper_Moon_Shine[C-W].avi 173.97 Mb
10. Eureka Seven Complete Series English Dubbed [C-W] Rips/Eureka_7[010]Higher_Than_The_Sun[C-W].avi 175.77 Mb
11. Eureka Seven Complete Series English Dubbed [C-W] Rips/Eureka_7[011]Into_The_Nature[C-W].avi 175.75 Mb
12. Eureka Seven Complete Series English Dubbed [C-W] Rips/Eureka_7[012]Acperience 1[C-W].avi 175.09 Mb
13. Eureka Seven Complete Series English Dubbed [C-W] Rips/Eureka_7[013]The_Beginning[C-W].avi 175.10 Mb
14. Eureka Seven Complete Series English Dubbed [C-W] Rips/Eureka_7[014]Memory Band.avi 175.07 Mb
15. Eureka Seven Complete Series English Dubbed [C-W] Rips/Eureka_7[015]Human Behavior[C-W].avi 175.11 Mb
16. Eureka Seven Complete Series English Dubbed [C-W] Rips/Eureka_7[016]Opposite View[C-W].avi 175.22 Mb
17. Eureka Seven Complete Series English Dubbed [C-W] Rips/Eureka_7[017]Sky Lock Gate[C-W].avi 175.74 Mb
18. Eureka Seven Complete Series English Dubbed [C-W] Rips/Eureka_7[018]Communication[C-W].avi 166.19 Mb
19. Eureka Seven Complete Series English Dubbed [C-W] Rips/Eureka_7[019]Acperience 2[C-W].avi 175.73 Mb
20. Eureka Seven Complete Series English Dubbed [C-W] Rips/Eureka_7[020]Substance Abuse[C-W].avi 168.84 Mb
21. Eureka Seven Complete Series English Dubbed [C-W] Rips/Eureka_7[021]Runaway[C-W].avi 170.11 Mb
22. Eureka Seven Complete Series English Dubbed [C-W] Rips/Eureka_7[022]Crack Pot[C-W].avi 175.75 Mb
23. Eureka Seven Complete Series English Dubbed [C-W] Rips/Eureka_7[023]Differentia[C-W].avi 175.75 Mb
24. Eureka Seven Complete Series English Dubbed [C-W] Rips/Eureka_7[024]Paradise_Lost[C-W].avi 175.74 Mb
25. Eureka Seven Complete Series English Dubbed [C-W] Rips/Eureka_7[025]Worlds_End_Garden[C-W].avi 175.71 Mb
26. Eureka Seven Complete Series English Dubbed [C-W] Rips/Eureka_7[026]Morning_Glory[C-W].avi 175.64 Mb
27. Eureka Seven Complete Series English Dubbed [C-W] Rips/Eureka_7[027]Helter_Skelter[C-W].avi 161.51 Mb
28. Eureka Seven Complete Series English Dubbed [C-W] Rips/Eureka_7[028]Momento_Mori[C-W].avi 175.76 Mb
29. Eureka Seven Complete Series English Dubbed [C-W] Rips/Eureka_7[029]Keep_On_Movin[C-W].avi 175.75 Mb
30. Eureka Seven Complete Series English Dubbed [C-W] Rips/Eureka_7[030]Change_Of_Life[C-W].avi 175.62 Mb
31. Eureka Seven Complete Series English Dubbed [C-W] Rips/Eureka_7[031]Animal_Attack[C-W].avi 175.75 Mb
32. Eureka Seven Complete Series English Dubbed [C-W] Rips/Eureka_7[032]Start_It_Up[C-W].avi 175.77 Mb
33. Eureka Seven Complete Series English Dubbed [C-W] Rips/Eureka_7[033]Pacific_State[C-W].avi 175.81 Mb
34. Eureka Seven Complete Series English Dubbed [C-W] Rips/Eureka_7[034]Inner_Flight[C-W].avi 175.75 Mb
35. Eureka Seven Complete Series English Dubbed [C-W] Rips/Eureka_7[035]Astral_Apache[C-W].avi 175.76 Mb
36. Eureka Seven Complete Series English Dubbed [C-W] Rips/Eureka_7[036]Fantasia[C-W].avi 168.51 Mb
37. Eureka Seven Complete Series English Dubbed [C-W] Rips/Eureka_7[037]Raise_Your_Hand[C-W].avi 175.76 Mb
38. Eureka Seven Complete Series English Dubbed [C-W] Rips/Eureka_7[038]Date_Of_Birth[C-W].avi 167.09 Mb
39. Eureka Seven Complete Series English Dubbed [C-W] Rips/Eureka_7[039]Join_The_Future[C-W].avi 175.75 Mb
40. Eureka Seven Complete Series English Dubbed [C-W] Rips/Eureka_7[040]Cosmic_Trigger[C-W].avi 175.77 Mb
41. Eureka Seven Complete Series English Dubbed [C-W] Rips/Eureka_7[041]Acperience-3[C-W].avi 127.51 Mb
42. Eureka Seven Complete Series English Dubbed [C-W] Rips/Eureka_7[042]Star_Dancer[C-W].avi 175.76 Mb
43. Eureka Seven Complete Series English Dubbed [C-W] Rips/Eureka_7[043]The_Sunshine_Underground[C-W].avi 175.76 Mb
44. Eureka Seven Complete Series English Dubbed [C-W] Rips/Eureka_7[044]Its_All_In_The_Mind[C-W].avi 169.22 Mb
45. Eureka Seven Complete Series English Dubbed [C-W] Rips/Eureka_7[045]Dont_You_Want_Me[C-W].avi 126.23 Mb
46. Eureka Seven Complete Series English Dubbed [C-W] Rips/Eureka_7[046]Planet_Rock[C-W].avi 175.79 Mb
47. Eureka Seven Complete Series English Dubbed [C-W] Rips/Eureka_7[047]Acperience-4[C-W].avi 131.73 Mb
48. Eureka Seven Complete Series English Dubbed [C-W] Rips/Eureka_7[048]Ballet_Mecanique[C-W].avi 175.60 Mb
49. Eureka Seven Complete Series English Dubbed [C-W] Rips/Eureka_7[049]Shout_To_The_Top[C-W].avi 175.79 Mb
50. Eureka Seven Complete Series English Dubbed [C-W] Rips/Eureka_7[050]Wish_Upon_A_Star[C-W][v2].avi 175.85 Mb