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The beauty of Islam as seen by others
The beauty of Islam as seen by others
2011-04-02 (by iSky )
By The Name Of Allah
All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that
there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad is His
slave and Messenger, may Allaah exalt his mention as well as that of his
family and all his companions.
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34.62 Kb
kraut58 (2011-04-02)
Have to wonder if the 'beauty of Islam' also includes the beheading of innocent people?buffe (2011-04-02)
Islam was founded by the guy that invented the art of fucking male sheep in the ass. Where's the beauty in that?aemalkawi (2011-04-03)
if any of your comments are true I swear I will leave islam right now, but it is very apparent that all who comment here are uneducated people who only take their info from media and what ever they hereI wonder who is killing innocents these days, US in Iraq, Israel in palastine, ............
about raping and fucking sheeps, I think this is first seen in your sick odd commmunity, you don't know how our religion punish these odd deeds
your nations are the biggest terrorist & still you have an eye to say this
at least I want to see some morals from you, you really need to be muslims since it is the only thing that will learn you how to respect others and how to use ethics
about murders in islam, you never read quran as it only tell us to fight ONLY those who fight us
look for this sentence in quran Surat Al-Ma'idah ayah 32(((whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land - it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one - it is as if he had saved mankind entirely)))
and this in Surat Al-'An`am ayah 151 (((Say, "Come, I will recite what your Lord has prohibited to you. [He commands] that you not associate anything with Him, and to parents, good treatment, and do not kill your children out of poverty; We will provide for you and them. And do not approach immoralities - what is apparent of them and what is concealed. And do not kill the soul which Allah has forbidden [to be killed] except by [legal] right. This has He instructed you that you may use reason.")))
and please look carefully at this one that tell to fight only those who fight you:
Surat Al-Baqarah, ayah 190 (((Fight in the way of Allah those who fight you but do not transgress. Indeed. Allah does not like transgressors.)))
I'm not enemy, I'm your friend giving you some facts and knowledge
aemalkawi (2011-04-04)
cliffford97;brother I never meant a specific one by uneducated, I just meant thoese who violate islam,
you are right about you do whatever you want about your possessions, BUT, there is always a limit, FOCUS at the world (religion punish), NOT ME, it means that the allah will punish him very badly at judgment day, SO when I wrote that I was replying to that guy who said that we muslims (and OUR prophet) do this odd work, my message was that how could we have invented this while our religion prohibit, that guy (buffe) was trying to show islam as odd people by doing such odd deeds, and indeed we are so far from it, and if a muslim fuck sheep then he is not a muslim because he has'nt followed what his religion orders him
aemalkawi (2011-04-04)
cliffford97;brother I never meant a specific one by uneducated, I just meant thoese who violate islam,
you are right about you do whatever you want about your possessions, BUT, there is always a limit, FOCUS at the world (religion punish), NOT ME, it means that the allah will punish him very badly at judgment day, SO when I wrote that I was replying to that guy who said that we muslims (and OUR prophet) do this odd work, my message was that how could we have invented this while our religion prohibit, that guy (buffe) was trying to show islam as odd people by doing such odd deeds, and indeed we are so far from it, and if a muslim fuck sheep then he is not a muslim because he has'nt followed what his religion orders him
aemalkawi (2011-04-04)
NOWto the what you said about fucking sheep would'nt harm anyone, I don't think so, think about the many venereal diseases that are widespread these days (eg, AIDS), most of it where traced back to animals, so those people bring these diseases to community and must be either isolated or prohibited,
onother thing is that what would be a child reaction if he saw this odd work,
most of thing that islam punish for and you say it is a personal freedom is actually harm others by indirect way,
about unlawful sex, you say it is a freedom, thats right, and our religion don't punish them unless they where seen by 4 persons, and even if you can have evidence unless a 4 saw the action there is no punishment,,,,,, the idea here is not to restrict freedom, but to make these things away from community's sigh, so these bad things won't spread and may then one day reach the home of a respected and honored family, this is islam my friend
and believe me I hate no one nor against anyone, but just i hate to see people describing us by things that never relate to us
aemalkawi (2011-04-04)
cliffford97,about your last reply to me, you are right, neither islam neither me accept killing of anykind unless self defence or legal rights,,,,,,, so please whenever you see a killing that is related to muslims be sure they are'nt muslims, the only reason of this is that they have done what islam prohibit, so how could they be muslims??
if you have any question about any thing you think compromise the truth of islam don't hesitate to ask? I studied all the questions asked by those who are against islam, and all of it are related to misunderstanding, because for example they read a part of quran that order to jihad and don't read the preceding part that explain who to fight against or at which situation
aemalkawi (2011-04-04)
cliffford97;I wnat to comment about this sentence by you :(In particular, I am very sympathetic to the Sufi's, because I consider them the most advanced form of Islam. So I have studied some Sufism.)
actually there are no different forms of islam, there are different forms of muslims, indeed the islam is only one form which is presented in quran and confirmed sunnah,,,,,,,so if you want to study islam for true then you should'nt study a specific group, because no single group nor individual represent islam, islam only represented by those who exactly follow its teaching
and although I got no buisness between you and wasalnaser, but for me I gonna tell you that I have'nt choosed islam like the example you said about preferring apples,,,,,,,, I have watched hundreds of religious challenges between almost all common religions, what I noticed is all other religions proofed to be have mistakes that compromise creditability of those religions, islam was the only one that have'nt proofed to be wrong, although some muslim challengers were sometimes asked questions that they could'nt answer but yet I found the answer from more educated muslims, and if I find that islam is not the truth (mark my word) I will leave it, but that is more than impossible to happen because I'm fully convinced that islam is truth, I studied it widely,,,,,,
but to be fair..... even if other religion challengers where asked a question that they have no answer I still look for the answer somewhere else but alot of questions actually reflect things that can't be answered & really compromise that religion ,,,,,,,
regards, and hope you find the right road
aemalkawi (2011-04-05)
cliffford97;lets first say that you are the most respectful I found here at this site,
However, about (ban of interest), i think i need more simple explanation, actually my english is not the native one, besides I don't have much time to read another books-I'm medical trainer by the way
but I will comment about poverty you related for isalm as a negativeness
aemalkawi (2011-04-05)
now the most important point is that what you called an islamic countries is not actually islamic, despite the high number of muslims here, all the sytems of country are not islamic sytems, especially the economic system wich actually is related to capital system but with more negative influences,,,,so the poverty you talked about in these arabic (almost islamic) countries is related to that influence system not to islamic one, so the main factor affecting poverty here is the influence of the people who are controling the countries and its resources, as an explanation, and as correction, even the oil countries suffer from extreme poverty, such as Egypt, Lybia, Syria, and others, so in Egypt the majority suffer extreme poverty, on the other hand there are a 10% with extreme richness, because those are who control resources and gain their benefits without any trying to benefit the country, and that is in part the cause of the recent revolutions you saw in these countries, and on the other side even in the non-oil countries there are an extremely rich groups that also control the counties resources andinstitutions...............................................
aemalkawi (2011-04-05)
and in the technological perspective, many intelligent muslims have a very high tendency for innovation, but the fact that there are no support at all is what make them leave to more developed and supportive countries such as USA, Canada, Germany, UK, and many others, BUT WHY NO SUPPORT, becauseeven if a company or institution is about to invest on your project there are many of the controlling groups that will put their hands in it in order to corrupt the project while having the most financial benefit, and that of course on the account of the country loss, millions of projects where cancelled in our countries just as part of financial-benefit corruption,
the final most important point is that when a capital holders decide to make investments then the governments directly have a huge percent(could reach 60%) of shares without financial contribution as a condition for licence and allowance, which discourage the investor,,,,
so in summery, the corruption of governments and capital holders is the weakness point in most arabic economical systems
aemalkawi (2011-04-05)
all that was theoretical explanation of what is happening, but you won't be convinced that islamic economic system is capable of building rich and powerful country unless I gave example proof from practical life,,so the most clear is the islamic country at the time of Caliph (Omar ibn AbdulAziz), please check that part of history when all islamic rules where practically applied, just type his name anywhere and read about his empire, he came after the islamic governments became a dynasty and then changed it back to about him and I very sure you will admire him more than anyone in the world
a brief about economy at his time : ((when the time for Zakah _an annual obligatory charity of 2.5% of your unneeded money_ came, no one accepted it, they found no one to give even for animal needs, so it was to be sent to other towns to raise other's standards of living. Everybody could assist his family without begging, .))
best regards, wish you the best & best luck
aemalkawi (2011-04-05)
oh, forgot to say.........without all islamic economical intervention except for zakah(2.5% of UNNEEDED money)
ONLY zakah even in these totally corrupted countries if applied will solve the whole problem of poverty,,, when you imagine the rich here, they are extremely more than anyone can imagine,,,,,, you saw a sample....egyptian removed president APPARENT wealth were 70 billion$,,,,,,,, thats one person...... AL Waleed Bin Talal a suadi prince is classified as the wealthiest man in world, & I can't imagine the wealth of the saudi governing family,,,,,, and remember that all their wealth were derived from steeling the resources financial income of country,,,,,, so you judge,,,,
sorry for all that chatter, and sorry for taking from your time