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numeric methods algorithms com, 902 records found, first 100 of them are:
Meek - Economics - Concepts and Choices (McDougal, 2008) Moon - Mathematical Methods and Algorithms for Signal Processing (Prentice, 2000)
Fundamentals of Robotic Mechanical Systems: Theory, Methods, and Algorithms (Mechanical Engineering
Error Correction Coding: Mathematical Methods and Algorithms
Mathematical Methods and Algorithms for Signal Processing~tqw~ darksiderg
Algorithms in C & Algorithms in Java, 3rd Ed, Part 1-4 - Robert Sedgewick.chm
Algorithms In Java, 3rd Edition (2002) [Parts 1-4].chm & Algorithms In Java, 3rd Edition (2002) [Part 5].chm
Algorithms in Java, 3rd Ed, Part 1-4 - Robert Sedgewick.chm & Algorithms in C
Algorithms In Java, 3rd Edition (2002) [Part 5].chm Algorithms In Java, 3rd Edition (2002) [Parts 1-4].chm
Introduction to Algorithms-Cormen Solution. & Introduction to Algorithms(Instructor's Manual)
Algorithms in Real Algebraic Geometry (Algorithms and Computation in Mathematics) [sleclub][h33t]
Algorithms and Data Structures The Science of Computing - Douglas Baldwin.chm & Algorithms and Data Structures in CPlusPlus - Alan Parker.pdf
Introduction to Algorithms-Cormen & Introduction to Algorithms-Cormen Solution
Algorithms and Data Structures in CPlusPlus - Alan Parker. & Algorithms and Data Structures The Science of Computing - Douglas Baldwin.chm
Algorithms in Java, 3rd Ed, Part 5 Graph Algorithms - Robert Sedgewick.chm & Apache Server 2 Bible
Parallel Algorithms and Cluster Computing: Implementations, Algorithms and Applications (Lecture Not
Graph Algorithms, Third Edition (Algorithms in Java, Part 5)
Addison Wesley Algorithms In Java 3rd Ed Part5 Graph Algorithms
Pinedo - Scheduling - Theory, Algorithms and Systems (Springer, 2008). & Lafore - Teach Yourself Data Structures and Algorithms in 24 Hours (Sams, 1999)
Algorithms - Robert Sedgewick. & Algorithms and Data Structures - Niklaus Wirth
Algorithms and Data Structures - Niklaus Wirth.pdf & Algorithms - Robert Sedgewick.pdf
Bioinformatics Sequence and Genome Analysis - David W. Mount & Bioinformatics Methods and Protocols Methods in Molecular Biology - Stephen Misener , Stephen A., Krawetz.djvu
Electron Microscopy - Methods and Protocols [Methods In Molec Bio, Vol 117] - M. Hajibagheri (Humana) WW
Calpain Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology) by John S. Elce [h33t][mkrandow]
Methods Of Algebraic Geometry Vol III ( 00, 1954).rar & Methods Of Algebraic Geometry Vol I ( 00, 1953)
The Finite Volume, Finite Elements Methods as Numerical Methods
Methods of Mayhem - Methods of Mayhem (1999) mp3
Methods of Mayhem - Methods of Mayhem
Numeric New Testament Ivan Panin
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Mastering Windows XP Registry (2002).pdf Memory Management - Algorithms And Implementation In C-C++ (2002).pdf
Jones And Bartlett Publishers Foundations Of Algorithms Using Cp
Mastering Windows XP Registry (2002) & Memory Management - Algorithms And Implementation In C-C++ (2002
Digital Systems Principles And Applications [by Ronald Tocci & Analysis of Algorithms - An Active Learning Approach - J. McConnell (2001) WW.pdf
Instruction Set Reference [by Allen-Bradley] n& An Introduction to Distributed Algorithms - B. Valmir (MIT, 1996) WW.pdf
Algorithms and Data Structures in C++ 1993.chm & Adobe Creative Suite 2 Workflow (2005).chm
Fundamentals of Industrial Instrumentation and Process Control [by William Dunn]. & An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms - Melanie Mitchell.pdf
Applied Algebra - Codes, Ciphers and Discrete Algorithms, Second Edition [h33t] [mahasonaz]
Introduction to Algorithms 2nd [Instructor's Manual] - MIT Faculty (2002) WW. & Dns in Action A Detailed and Practical Guide to Dns
Java - Data Structures And Algorithms With Object-oriented Design Patterns In Java.chm & Java - Core J2EE Patterns Best Practices and Design Strategies
Kofler - The Definitive Guide to MySQL 5 3e (Apress, 2005). & Fast and Efficient Algorithms for Video Compression and Rate Control - Dzung Tien Hoang
Handbook of Algorithms and Data Structures In Pascal and C 2nd Ed - G H Gonnet pdf
Kriegel - SQL Bible (Wiley, 2003).chm &JPEG2000 Standard for Image Compression Concepts, Algorithms and VLSI Architectures - Tinku Acharya.pdf
O'Reilly - Linux in a Nutshell 4th Edition.chm & Michalewicz - Genetic Algorithms Plus Data Structures Equals Evolution Programs 3e (Springer, 1996).djvu
Modern Compiler Design - D. Grune, et a , (Wiley, 2000) WW djvu & Information Theory Inference And Learning Algorithms - David Mackay
A Java Library of Graph Algorithms and Optimization (Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications)
O'Reilly - Learning Red Hat Enterprise Linux & Fedora 4th Edition.chm & Grana - Information Processing with Evolutionary Algorithms (Springer, 2005)
GPU Gems 3 - a collection of the most essential algorithms required by Next-Generation 3D Engines
McGraw-Hill - Introduction to Algorithms 2ed - Instructor's Manual [hotcyzone]
Introduction to Machine Learning - Nils J Nilsson & EXPONENTIAL SUMS IN CODING THEORY,CRYPTOLOGY AND ALGORITHMS - Igor E. Shparlinski
Algorithms and Data Structures in C++ 2004 Asp Net 2.0 Security Membership And Role Management
Springer Auralization Fundamentals of Acoustics Modelling Simulation Algorithms and Acoustic Virtual Reality Nov 2007 pdf
Beginning Algorithms (2006).pdf Beginning Mac OS X Tiger Dashboard Widget Development (2006).pdf
Algorithms and Parallel Computing{BBS}
Sequence Analysis In A Nutshell - Darryl Leon, Scott Markel.chm & Practical Genetic Algorithms - Randy L. Haupt, Sue Ellen Haupt
Algorithms & Parallel Computing (2011)
McConnell - Professional Software Development.chm & Greene,Knuth - Mathematics for the Analysis of Algorithms 3e (Birkhauser, 1990).djvu
Parhami - Introduction to Parallel Processing Algorithms and Architectures (Kluwer, 2002). & O'Reilly - Learning the Vi Editor 6th Edition
Digital Signal Processing Principles, Algorithms, and Applicatio
Gonzales - Foundations of Oscillator Circuit Design (Artech, 2007) GPS - Theory, Algorithms and Applications 2nd ed - G. Xu (Springer, 2007) WW
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