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Islamic Calligraphy For Photoshop






Islamic Calligraphy For Photoshop




2006-11-05 (by Tahiramini)


This is the file shape file of Photoshop in callighraphy style. Tahir

Files count:



1.77 Mb




greybigtop (2006-11-05)

Besides the fact, that Islam is nonsense and garbage, this is truly a must for all donkey-fuckers!

KICKIE (2006-11-05)


gomzi (2006-11-06)

agrees ^^

drp2p (2006-11-06)

Thanks for the download, I will seed as long as I can. I see that most of the comments are from stupid Americans. Not surprising.
Peace be to all in the Holy Name of Allah.

greybigtop (2006-11-06)

Actually at least one was from a wonderful Dane, who have undersrtood since age seven, that ALL religons are childish infantile manmade fairytales created by idiots in order to control morons.
BTW did you enjoy our Muhammed-cartoons?
I understand he was very famous for fucking small boys instead of the usual donkey sex so much prefered in Burkastan!

VierZoN (2006-11-06)

merci bcp

Waldobaby (2006-11-06)

drp2p: ...I see that most of the comments are from stupid Americans. Not surprising.
I am curious. How do you see this? Is there a way to tell, other than your OWN particular prejudice?
I do agree, though, that "graybigtop" has some issues with his/her own ego.

vietnam999990 (2006-11-06)

for all your terrorist photoshopping needs :D

vietnam999990 (2006-11-06)

only messing perhaps thats a little out of line.

greybigtop (2006-11-06)

"I do agree, though, that "graybigtop" has some issues with his/her own ego."
Fool, I only have "issues" with infantile religious morons.
Religion is a highly dangerous mental disease, - not just a peculiar alternative view on flying machines and tall buildings.

volffreeman (2006-11-06)

greybigtop; fuck you man, i'm a muslim and i ain't no extremist; i'm an artist and hate all these so called freedom fighting suidcide bombers
take you head out of your ass and wake the fuck up; you go around making comment like "Religion is a highly dangerous mental disease, - not just a peculiar alternative view on flying machines and tall buildings." and one day somone is going to gut you like a fish
religion is a guide; not a way of life

atamemet (2006-11-06)

awsome work bro :D
keep em comin' and don't worry about the wackos here :P

Nazz (2006-11-06)

Thanks. The fact is that the greatest con of man is the one of Paul and Constantine. Why dont they leave Islam alone as it has proof to each and every point it makes. Attack those who believe in something that was carefully concocted. Myself dont pray on Sunday. As that was the the Constantine worshiped the sun. Why do people still worship the sun. Are they scared to use common sense or afraid they might have been wrong.

greybigtop (2006-11-06)

"it has proof to each and every point it makes."
Nonsense,how old are you child?
ISLAM is mental garbage for the deranged and like ALL religions a 100% manmade fairytale for those who refuse to think for think for themelves.
It´s also the root course of terrorism, - who ever heard of an atheist killing in the name of "god"?
ANY notion of a socalled "god" is childish and very silly, do you also believe that earth is flat?
ISLAM is the very reason, why the islamic countries are stuck somewhere in the 14th century, - it´s such an idiotic superstition that were it not for it´s inherent hatred and violent nature this mental pooh would merely be laughable.

greybigtop (2006-11-06)

"and one day somone is going to gut you like a fish"
And it´s proably going to be a stupid indoctrinated muslim, who claims Islam is a loving and peaceful religion........................
Thank you so much for delivering proof, that Islam IS a violent, hatefull and indoctrinated mental disease.

volffreeman (2006-11-06)

i'm 27 & for what it's worth I never said that a muslim was going to hurt you; you imposed your own biggoted view on that.
i don't know where you get off man but here is a free lesson; you are the non-religious verision of the islamic extremists, jewish zionists and christian bible bashers all rolled into one. I could compare you to hitler but that would be insulting him

volffreeman (2006-11-06)

besides i am a man of faith not religon, islam sets down a guide for me to follow; not stick to like glue as that would be stupid.
all holy books are mans inertpretation of the word of god; not the direct word of god.
anyone who claims religion is a cuase to kill is a wrong and they are no more religious than you
but then again your all extremist assholes so what the hey; you have nothing to beleve in and i'd willingly bet that you are a sad excusce for a human

volffreeman (2006-11-06)

opinions are one thing and they are all good an nice; but your smart mouth is going to get you into trouble one day.

volffreeman (2006-11-06)

another thing greybigtop; if you hate islam so much why are you even commenting on this page?

slut6hunter9 (2006-11-07)

its sad that so many people use this place as a sounding board for there own narrow minded, bigoted view.
I do not believe in any religion but I do believe in peoples right to have one.
and all these insults do is further fuel the divide, between, west and east. you cannot surely believe that all muslims are terrorists, that is like saying all women are whores, all men are sex pests, and all anglosaxons are biggots.
if you realy want to do something about terrorism instead of further escalating the problem why dont you join your countries armed forces and try to make a personal differance.
btw I am white anglo saxon english ex military, and was a christian till i learnt about all the murders and terrorism commited in christs name.

choron (2006-11-07)

I will make a huge poster reading "fuck you, wogs!" with that stuff

greybigtop (2006-11-07)

"I could compare you to hitler but that would be insulting him"
You could also wipe your ass, go back to school and learn how to read.
"besides i am a man of faith"
Get help.
"a guide for me to follow"
Thinking is of course ruled out completely?
"all holy books are mans inertpretation of the word of god; not the direct word of god. "
Fool, there is NO socalled "god", as ALL socalled "gods" so obviously are 100% manmade nonsense.
"anyone who claims religion is a cuase to kill is a wrong and they are no more religious than you"
Nonsense, socalled "religon"can be interpreted to mean anything you want it to, - violent, nonviolent, whatever.
But it is of course all NONSENSE, since it´s al rotating around non-existing entities like socalled "gods" and other sick figment of childish imagination.
"but then again your all extremist assholes so what the hey; you have nothing to beleve in and i'd willingly bet that you are a sad excusce for a human"
Ha, ha, - someone hit a nerve!
The only truly sad thing are supposedly grown-ups who subscribe to mental garbage and superstitious nonsense like socalled "religions" and socalled "gods", which anyone by now, - except primitive tribal people stuck in the 14th century, - ought to know is just indoctrinated make-believe and mental pooh for intellectual dwarf.

greybigtop (2006-11-07)

Don´t get me wrong, I have nothing in particular against muslims.
Especially the very young muslim boys give superior head even though having a blow job through the tiny opening of a burka is lots of fun providing the muslim woman in question have remembered to shave that morning.

JokersAce (2006-11-27)

Well, i'm Arabic, and through my experiences of traveling through Islamic Countries. I can safely say that most Muslims are in fact, Bin Laden worshippers. Hell, I've gotten into fights with my own family concerning this.

Nepacha (2008-08-09)

Shit man! Stop it with the abusive comments already. There are as many ways to interpret a belief system as there are individuals. Peace and Freedom of thought and mind. Shine on....:-)..and thanx for the up

locknkez (2010-01-04)

You are mostly ignorant. I'm not using it to nsult anyone either. rather I know that this group of insulters range from young adult to full grown and you have learned nothing in life. as for those of us that are religious. we do not force it on you. keep going your path till we meet again in the hearafter. then our dispute will be settled. until then there is no argument. I know at least feel that your mother's raised you to be a bit less hateful than you are as you hide behind TPB.
finally, it is interesting how you find a way to a place where an application for a phone is found to insult people. prove to us that you are as much a man or woman that you seem to be. go out in the street and tell the world and the news... how you feel!!!
I wish no harm and we will not stoop to insult any of you or your religion. we wish that you get what you seek and receive what you deserve.

locknkez (2010-01-04)

FINALLY!!!... your worlds seem to be plagued by terrorism, well guess what. this is a wake up call...
THE ONLY answer to your problem lies in the majority of us Muslims who are not Terrorist.
believe me had the 1.6 billion of us really been terrorists, the WHOLE world would be up in smoke right now.
We are the only ones that can really get to them.
do any of you realize that your hatred spreading and breeds more hatred. there was nothing of benefit in your hatred ramblings. at best you make someone angry and confirmed someones hatred towards you (your people) and may have cost lives. think before you open your mouths. you can quell evil by using kindness. try it just once and see how you get a benefit!
No one is asking you to love anyone. but guess what!, we are ALL stuck on this planet together. many of you sound exactly like the Germans of Hitler's time. look what that got him!!!! and despite his GREAT efforts, the Jews are very strong. in fact probably stronger than they ever would have been had Hitler not attempted to exterminate them. food for thought haters!!!!

Collecter6 (2014-01-27)

nice work bro . keep it up