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2007-04-11 (by -=MaZO=-)
Description: [ ]
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Release Date:
5 April 2007 (UK)
Dark days are coming.
If the sun dies, so do we.
plot-The Sun is being destroyed from inside out by a type of highly stable form of matter
that renders nuclear fusion impossible, by turning common matter on its own kind.
The only hope is to send a team of astronauts to detonate a massive, highly energetic bomb,
able able to destroy this strange matter and restore Sun's natural state.
50 years into the future, the Sun begins to die,
and Earth is dying as a result. A team of astronauts are sent to revive the Sun
- but the mission fails. Seven years later, a new team are sent to
finish the mission as they are Earth's last hope
Files count:
608.30 Mb
romeo_must_ryde (2007-04-12)
is this any good??? Got a copy and it was dark all the way through and thats no good any1 seen what this is like???Toicours (2007-04-13)
Is that a screener or a DVDrip ?shinokkk (2007-04-14)
you fucking idiot, are you blind? it's a CAM !!!!ZmokeZ (2007-04-14)
Thx m8. Reaaly looking forward to this moviecc//Spike (2007-04-14)
the sound sux and the quality isnt much better...Nimbus3 (2007-04-14)
Har tankat hem 2 versioner från isohunt. Ingen funkade. Frös efter några minuter. Funkar denna OK ???thomsol (2007-04-15)
DAMN, some people are really dumbasses, can't you see it's a cam?? I mean, since it states: "SunShine.CAM(!!).2007" and so on... :pthomsol (2007-04-15)
And people gotta be desperat to see this movie, since so many are downloading it in cam version. Who want's to see the back of the head of the guy in front of the cam... Maybe if I was dying in 2 days, I'd consider it.Wait for the release from DiAMOND or aXXo, for fuck sake!
t1r2a3n4c5e (2007-04-18)
The quality is f**king great for being a cam! well worth dl, thanks for the great upload m8!damo6661984 (2007-04-18)
good seeding guys :)Joppas (2007-04-18)
48 min and 46 sec in the film there is photo of a dude. dunno if the flashlight is reflecting the one who is filming or just a logo he put in. Anyways was kinda funny..tybbster (2007-04-18)
Kvaliten på bilden är 4/5 för att vara cam så är den riktigt bra.Dock blir man så förbannat leds på snubben som käkar chips i bakgrunden i ett. Störigt prasslande i 99% av filmen så på ljud får det 0.1/5 förbannades jubel idiot hade han förstått bättre så hade detta varit en riktigt bra cam men men... Tur att man iaf har valet att själv gå på bio.. så ni som funderar ifall man ska ladda ner eller inte valet är helt erat men Obs ljudet Är riktigt dåligt
fliquid (2007-04-19)
Wait for the good quality aXXo Seed.bobbokrull2006 (2007-04-20)
[translation of a previous post]According to "tybbster" above the sound is very poor, with some chips eating guy sitting right next to the mic and constantly making a lot of noise... to bad, since this movie seems to be pretty sweet.
T-1OOO (2007-04-21)
Well, quality is good for beeing a cam but that motherfucker made me think through the entire movie.. I finally figured it out - he's eating popcorn and you can actually hear throughout the movie how the bag is getting empty! How? That shit motherfucker is practically DIGGING a hole in the bag during the most important parts of the movie! What was you thinking man????mrcobra (2007-04-25)
Cam versions should be banned here on piratebay..they suck!
I mean..,, epic movie is being downloaded by a couple of houndreds and still there is a fucking text in the middle of the screen of the whole movie..
and still people are downloading this shit--- why???
well well--- can´t we just all just start close all cam and ts versions out? ban the fuckers..
wobbla (2007-04-30)
Tell that Fat Mother Fucker who recorded this shit to stop Eating when he is recording.zploek (2007-05-03)
goddammit! yeah so the quality is not that good and the guy is eating next to the cam, but be grateful he made this at all.the dude was risking his cam to get us FOR FREE or have y'all forgotten that??? Nobody is holding a gun to your head and making you watch this!!! NOBODY!!!! So fuck OFF, you cry-babies.