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Word Master - Improve Your Vocabulary (500 words, Audio CD, 2006)






Word Master - Improve Your Vocabulary (500 words, Audio CD 2006)


Audio/Audio books


2008-09-13 (by renumeratedfrog)


Word Master - 2006 With its smoothly alternating male/female narration and its soft, "suggestopedic" (classical) background music, "Word Master" audio tutor enjoyably introduces and explains 500 mostly well-chosen words. A tiny minority of the words in the initial unit might seem too commonplace to be included in such a tutor; on the whole, however, the range of vocabulary seems appropriate not only for advanced high school students or graduates but also many university graduates (especially those who weren't English majors).


  1. word
  2. words
  3. english
  4. vocabulary
  5. improve
  6. master
  7. learn
  8. study

Files count:



236.15 Mb




vinayfre (2008-11-22)

looks pretty good.... thanks :)

papainnocent (2008-11-22)

Thank you for this.

owosany (2008-12-20)

hey! u deserve an award``````tnx

bebancos_90 (2009-02-04)

This is the MOST GREAT way to learn. IT IS SO EASY.
You almost dont have to do anything.

furtherdown (2009-02-27)

Maybe you fucks can put your cocks away and use all that masturbation time to start learning English better.

orange_c (2009-04-07)

hi renumeratedfrog! u don't know how thankful i am for this torrent. thanks for sharing this kind of stuff. this is an A1 torrent! :)

 spanikopita (2009-06-21)

Thank you!

 crazylov3r (2009-11-27)

thanks for the great upload.keep it up!

joyfreak (2010-01-24)

Can't express my appreciation enough! Thanks! Merci!

Pheaton79 (2010-01-24)

Very nice, thanks!

Alpocalypse (2010-02-07)

This is the best vocabulary learning program I've tried so far. You learn not only the 500 words presented here but also the synonyms and words with similar meanings which counts nearly 3000 at total (at least for me). It's tiring but I have been learning around 50 words a day which is a hard study...
Thx for the nice upload!

(Adrenaline) (2010-03-19)

nice up bro, keep up the good work

jamcocktail (2010-04-05)

Thank you very much Dear (renumeratedfrog)works perfectly.Great Torrent

moalna (2010-05-13)

I am gonna seed like hell when I download this thing..

Phoofoto (2010-05-22)

i'm sure i can use this thanks
will seed

tundri (2010-07-16)

Thanks a lot renumeratedfrog for this great upload. God Bless!

hayesy316 (2010-07-18)

"Maybe you fucks can put your cocks away and use all that masturbation time to start learning English better."
You mean "-to start better learning English."

Captain (2010-09-30)

Thanks renumeratedfrog, this is Awesome.
If you've any other such torrents, please upload.
I'm really thankful to you.

TorukMakto (2013-01-14)

Thank you a lot!


1. Word Master/000 intro.mp3 857.82 Kb
2. Word Master/001 cardinal, figment, muse, negligible, reproach.mp3 2.00 Mb
3. Word Master/002 spasmodic, spurn, discharge, dissident, envoy.mp3 3.47 Mb
4. Word Master/003 fissure, menial, archetype, coalesce, deluge.mp3 1.96 Mb
5. Word Master/004 devout, farcical, inaugurate, lurch, morose.mp3 2.59 Mb
6. Word Master/005 outspoken, surmise, incantation, martial, pseudonym.mp3 2.31 Mb
7. Word Master/006 quibbling, random, scrupulous, statute, surely.mp3 2.95 Mb
8. Word Master/007 debilitate, faction, righteousness, scintillating, transcend.mp3 2.35 Mb
9. Word Master/008 welt, accrue, administer, adorn, animosity.mp3 2.75 Mb
10. Word Master/009 assent, detriment, emphatic, gingerly, implement.mp3 2.14 Mb
11. Word Master/010 inception, intrepid, matron, palatable, palpitate.mp3 2.58 Mb
12. Word Master/011 renounce, reticent, sanctity, scant, sordid.mp3 1.99 Mb
13. Word Master/012 synonymous, discreet, encumber, exploit, hodgepodge.mp3 2.61 Mb
14. Word Master/013 abdicate, aggrieved, conjecture, equity, legacy.mp3 2.21 Mb
15. Word Master/014 plebian, punitive, recapitulate, tentative, anthology.mp3 2.69 Mb
16. Word Master/015 corroborate, embellish, potion, bludgeon, divulge.mp3 2.05 Mb
17. Word Master/016 melancholy, trifling, cleft, clemency, espouse.mp3 2.52 Mb
18. Word Master/017 exodus, genial, harmony, hew, illustrious.mp3 2.18 Mb
19. Word Master/018 imbibe, impart, parochial, replete, wanton.mp3 2.26 Mb
20. Word Master/019 wiles, wrought, bolster, cherubic, fastidious.mp3 2.07 Mb
21. Word Master/020 integrate, modicum, prolific, augment, laudable.mp3 2.40 Mb
22. Word Master/021 prognosis, throttle, flagrant, jostle, penchant.mp3 2.05 Mb
23. Word Master/022 apathy, culpable, elucidate, picayune, scathing.mp3 2.71 Mb
24. Word Master/023 superficial, drivel, stead, affinity, altercation.mp3 2.15 Mb
25. Word Master/024 aspire, assimilate, dichotomy, impetus, latent.mp3 2.83 Mb
26. Word Master/025 vista, wane, atone, caper, forum.mp3 2.05 Mb
27. Word Master/026 ostracize, prone, unwieldy, vacillate, apogee.mp3 2.91 Mb
28. Word Master/027 ardent, austere, caprice, confound, cynical.mp3 2.08 Mb
29. Word Master/028 effects, effectual, naughty, prelusory, revel.mp3 2.70 Mb
30. Word Master/029 emaciated, opulent, vagrant, abase, imminent.mp3 2.14 Mb
31. Word Master/030 malign, ordeal, upbraid, vacuous, absolve.mp3 2.64 Mb
32. Word Master/031 debonair, enigma, haughty, overt, pious.mp3 2.03 Mb
33. Word Master/032 plunder, settee, affable, blasé, dauntless.mp3 2.68 Mb
34. Word Master/033 defile, facile, insolvent, paragon, respite.mp3 2.25 Mb
35. Word Master/034 rotund, trite, autocratic, ensue, extricate.mp3 2.65 Mb
36. Word Master/035 henchman, aversion, banal, censure, exonerate.mp3 2.03 Mb
37. Word Master/036 hovel, imperturbable, incumbent, inordinate, intractable.mp3 2.64 Mb
38. Word Master/037 manifest, sumptuous, vertigo, audacious, chicanery.mp3 2.23 Mb
39. Word Master/038 conducive, disconcert, furtive, infuse, plethora.mp3 2.63 Mb
40. Word Master/039 predisposed, reprove, subterfuge, acquiesce, acrimonious.mp3 2.29 Mb
41. Word Master/040 copious, diabolical, harbinger, inclement, portent.mp3 2.80 Mb
42. Word Master/041 swagger, vigil, adversity, cogitate, corpulent.mp3 2.22 Mb
43. Word Master/042 counterpart, derisive, disconsolate, exacerbate, felicity.mp3 3.01 Mb
44. Word Master/043 indigenous, intrinsic, oblivious, presence, squalor.mp3 2.04 Mb
45. Word Master/044 affray, affronted, antipathy, aspect, circumspect.mp3 2.64 Mb
46. Word Master/045 contrition, impudent, indolent, interloper, milieu.mp3 2.16 Mb
47. Word Master/046 nebulous, odious, repast, roister, ascribe.mp3 2.50 Mb
48. Word Master/047 auspicious, glower, guile, mastic, solicit.mp3 1.90 Mb
49. Word Master/048 vigilant, voracious, archaic, atoll, impetuous.mp3 2.64 Mb
50. Word Master/049 obdurate, parity, paucity, transgress, travail.mp3 2.22 Mb
51. Word Master/050 wan, commiserate, contravene, derogate, discern.mp3 3.52 Mb
52. Word Master/051 ponderous, shiftless, amity, germane, gibe.mp3 2.07 Mb
53. Word Master/052 inimitable, itinerate, mellifluous, morbid, predilection.mp3 2.76 Mb
54. Word Master/053 pugnacious, rectitude, rococo, aficionado, cede.mp3 2.17 Mb
55. Word Master/054 credence, debase, foment, forbearance, jocose.mp3 2.81 Mb
56. Word Master/055 rancor, vex, burgeon, distend, federation.mp3 2.00 Mb
57. Word Master/056 intimation, inviolate, kowtow, luminary, panache.mp3 2.69 Mb
58. Word Master/057 parry, propriety, remiss, surreptitious, acrid.mp3 2.14 Mb
59. Word Master/058 disparate, pecuniary, proviso, stigma, terse.mp3 3.05 Mb
60. Word Master/059 torrid, truncate, vapid, abstemious, capitulate.mp3 1.99 Mb
61. Word Master/060 fetid, flaccid, gourmand, nefarious, subvert.mp3 2.83 Mb
62. Word Master/061 tantamount, daunt, effrontery, indigent, mesmerize.mp3 2.12 Mb
63. Word Master/062 peevish, prodigy, salubrious, tenet, antithetic.mp3 2.85 Mb
64. Word Master/063 dolorous, fretful, progeny, ambience, cataclysm.mp3 2.00 Mb
65. Word Master/064 commandeer, demise, fester, hinterland, imbroglio.mp3 2.62 Mb
66. Word Master/065 laggard, miscreant, pallid, proclivity, quaff.mp3 2.07 Mb
67. Word Master/066 ribald, veracity, assuage, choleric, dulcet.mp3 2.98 Mb
68. Word Master/067 obsequious, remunerate, squalid, timorous, abate.mp3 2.04 Mb
69. Word Master/068 ameliorate, churlish, dilate, hiatus, lassitude.mp3 2.61 Mb
70. Word Master/069 petulant, reverie, sagacious, dire, ebullience.mp3 1.99 Mb
71. Word Master/070 émigré, florid, hapless, inculcate, infinitesimal.mp3 2.66 Mb
72. Word Master/071 noxious, parsimonious, potable, supplant, vociferous.mp3 1.97 Mb
73. Word Master/072 abject, blithe, cataract, obfuscate, obstreperous.mp3 2.06 Mb
74. Word Master/073 ossify, portend, protract, virile, ancillary.mp3 1.99 Mb
75. Word Master/074 belie, charlatan, iniquitous, innocuous, propinquity.mp3 2.16 Mb
76. Word Master/075 scornful, tenable, actuarially, assiduous, eschew.mp3 2.89 Mb
77. Word Master/076 magnanimity, perfidy, prodigious, sinuous, ubiquitous.mp3 2.07 Mb
78. Word Master/077 apprise, expiate, extant, fatuous, incommode.mp3 2.38 Mb
79. Word Master/078 incredulous, invective, onerous, perverse, propitious.mp3 2.02 Mb
80. Word Master/079 ruminate, admonish, hirsute, ignominious, implacable.mp3 2.64 Mb
81. Word Master/080 voluble, anomaly, feral, palpable, paroxysm.mp3 1.92 Mb
82. Word Master/081 tribulation, twiddle, vilify, abnegation, amenable.mp3 1.99 Mb
83. Word Master/082 ascetic, bellicose, benign, credulous, paradigm.mp3 1.92 Mb
84. Word Master/083 sequester, stodgy, suffuse, travesty, celerity.mp3 2.16 Mb
85. Word Master/084 kiosk, sustenance, tacit, ablution, abrade.mp3 2.43 Mb
86. Word Master/085 abstruse, evince, lugubrious, mitigate, patently.mp3 2.06 Mb
87. Word Master/086 perpetrate, plaintive, tractable, accede, diadem.mp3 2.64 Mb
88. Word Master/087 droll, ennui, indisposed, injunction, purloined.mp3 1.99 Mb
89. Word Master/088 regale, vagary, acetous, alacrity, comport.mp3 2.38 Mb
90. Word Master/089 cryptic, cursory, denizen, desiccate, egress.mp3 1.81 Mb
91. Word Master/090 impecunious, maladroit, malediction, mendicant, refute.mp3 2.02 Mb
92. Word Master/091 salutary, umbrage, abscond, aplomb, contrite.mp3 1.96 Mb
93. Word Master/092 puerile, sang-froid, trenchant, buffet, contentious.mp3 2.09 Mb
94. Word Master/093 craven, detritus, didactic, erudite, prevaricate.mp3 2.45 Mb
95. Word Master/094 deleterious, erudition, exculpate, garrulity, incipient.mp3 2.05 Mb
96. Word Master/095 pithy, rarified, succor, acerbic, bucolic.mp3 2.70 Mb
97. Word Master/096 calumny, cavil, cogent, firmament, halcyon.mp3 1.95 Mb
98. Word Master/097 habitude, nonplussed, prepossessing, rapacious, revile.mp3 2.56 Mb
99. Word Master/098 risible, supercilious, torpor, tumid, unctuous.mp3 1.98 Mb
100. Word Master/099 abjure, canard, capacious, diaphanous, querulous.mp3 2.12 Mb
101. Word Master/100 restive, sublime, sycophant, virulent, equanimity.mp3 2.08 Mb
102. Word Master/Word Master List.txt 4.78 Kb