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Quake 3 Arena Full




Games PC


Quake 3 Arena Full




2007-11-03 (by Neorotik)


Full version of Quake 3 Arena. No Key needed, just click accept and your good to go. 469mb ~Neorotik []

Files count:



468.94 Mb




TehZorroness (2007-11-12)

Seriously. Winzip? Haven't we grown up. Use a free software archiver man. Not all of us are using Windows.
Fortunately, it seems that WINE was able to handle it properly, but I cant convince myself to seed something packaged so wrongly.

TehZorroness (2007-11-12)

nope, this is useless on GNU/Linux. -_-

sramberg (2007-11-12)

Then fuck off an find it somewhere else. Quit bitchin about it.
Thanks for the up man

Esset88 (2007-11-16)

Till er som använder Linux/GNU så funkar programmet 7zip utmärkt till winzipfiler. Jag vet att 7zip finns i Debian-, SUsE-, och Ubuntureleaserna och säkert till många fler.

jerkie-toni (2007-11-25)

Hmm..? Is this a demo version... -.-

vai99 (2007-11-27)

thanx for the up :D

NegroMan (2007-11-27)

is this working?????

NegroMan (2007-11-28)


MaidenKing (2007-12-06)

is this without steam???

Zaerdna (2007-12-15)

hi dose anyone knows a good hamachi quake 3/2 server or know were i can get one?

Godweed (2007-12-27)

Works great!! Woohoo!

Godweed (2007-12-27)

btw checked out your site. you rock =)

El-Diablo1991 (2008-03-30)

Use 7zip if your on linux

jonksu467 (2008-04-29)

Works!!!! and online!

44gambit44 (2008-05-07)

I downloaded this as well and it works very good.
Online and everything, plus very easy to install.

UnbelievableGirl (2008-05-09)

Is it 1.16????????

shatterfrag (2008-05-21)

does multiplayer work?

ferret23 (2008-05-28)

thank you. checked clean, easy install and straight into multiplayer on line. thumbs up

ferret23 (2008-05-28)

oh well scrap last comment, i got online once now nothing

itix (2008-06-05)

Seconded on linux....
We linux ppl don't want useless formats like .zip which don't compress more than 2 % anyway.
Try tar.gz which usually compress up to 60 %

mistajack88 (2008-08-13)

Works great. Works online sometimes, but it has always done that, if you want to play I suggest you write down the IP addresses to your favorite servers that way you can play 24/7. :)
So there you go, it works like its out of the box, meaning it is a very good download. All support in seeding!

Maggot_0330 (2008-09-20)

omg its work...yaay nice job bro

KevinAmirkhanian (2008-12-24)

Why is it not working? Whenever I want to install it has a error with the check for updates...

swartal (2009-01-05)

so fucking sweet download speed! 1.31mb/sec

Jupexii (2009-02-06)

can i play this in LAN?

cage009 (2009-04-10)

Does this full version includes the background music ? u know the rock music of the game while playing it...Plz.if any one know can u tell me. my email is - [email protected]. If u can tell me that would be very helpful.

cage009 (2009-04-10)

Does this full version includes the background music ? u know the rock music of the game while playing it...Plz.if any one know can u tell me. my email is - [email protected]. If u can tell me that would be very helpful.

camicio (2009-11-05)

This is already updated to 1.30, and there is no image file, so if you want a version older than 1.30 don't download this.

TheBroshir (2009-11-20)

Working (For sure) + Quick (1.2mb/s)

Sarcasticf0x (2009-12-12)

Does LAN work? No one has YET to answer? =0)

Xiphias57 (2009-12-14)

Awesome download speed, can't wait to see how it works. Done in about 30 mins.

Black-Bug (2009-12-16)

"An error occurred during the move data process: -113
Component: Minimum
File Group: Minimum
File: C:\Quake III Arena\quake3\Check for Q3A Updates.exe"

spoken97 (2010-01-01)

i'm download it with 192 KB/s down

mrmonkfish (2010-02-10)

downloaded at 4.2mb peak. works. awesome.

om.mani (2010-02-25)

Yeah! 1017.3 kbps downloading! Thanks.

Aquilidae (2010-03-10)

listen idiots... does this work in LAN? fuck you chomps who can't even answer a simple question!

Aquilidae (2010-03-10)

wow, so fast download! so what... if it doesn't work, what's the point? does this work on LAN?

cupahutla (2010-03-15)

Aquilidae, why should any of theese "idiots" answer you? Tell your parents to teach you some manners. Otherwise better keep your fingers off keyboard.

segin (2010-04-19)

who cares if it works on lan, there are no serious compy gamers that aren't korean... all anyone does is play this casually... lol all hardcore gamers use consoles

jimmyman24 (2010-05-01)

Why i cant update it to 1.32 version? And the multiplayer isn't working except sometimes.

Detoxster (2010-05-20)

310kb/s amazing dl cant wait to upzip and whip some chinky winky

nuggetsonwow (2010-06-07)

this torrent downloads so fast. thx good seeders :]

TechnoPhyc (2010-06-23)

I think its about time to bust out my thinking grenades.

ivanjacob (2010-07-22)

help me this download have no seeds

XLdoofy (2010-08-23)

works good, but multiplayer wont find server list sometimes, can anyone figure the multiplayer part out??

_sk1tsyst3m (2010-09-01)

"who cares if it works on lan, there are no serious compy gamers that aren't korean... all anyone does is play this casually... lol all hardcore gamers use consoles"
you have no fucking clue what you're talking about child.

DarkVolva (2010-09-06)

Hell even I don't have a fucking clue what he's talking about...

DarkVolva (2010-09-06)

Yes LAN works... fuck...
@_sk!tsyst3m Hell even I don't have a fucking clue what he's talking about... and I'm supposed to be the smart one of all my friends...

Codoyu (2010-10-13)

Thanks for the upload Albert. :D

Codoyu (2010-10-13)

Thanks for the upload Albert. Works Fine:D

MykZkyM (2010-10-14)

Holy crap downloaded in 7 mins.

daredav1l (2010-10-15)

Thanks @ Neorotic and Br14th...............

TheMightyHutch (2010-11-01)

You don't need to install it.

heroin99 (2010-11-11)

hooray !! thank you Neorotik and seeders.. downloaded and playing in less than 10 mins xD

heroin99 (2010-11-11)

Working CD keys

lovely_same (2010-11-12)

seeds plzzzzzzzz

[FOTL]Kiwi (2011-01-26)

Download speed: Medium.
Virus found: None.
Time took to downlaod: 7-8 minutes.
WinRAR Format: No.
File size all up: 478mb.
Rating: Good, Clean, And fast.

grassmover_94 (2011-01-29)

bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb is also a cd key!

jeroenruiter (2011-02-05)

Nice Upload,
download speed was 1,5mb/s
works fine =D

99k (2011-02-22)

just go on rocking dude..... ;)

Mr_n_MrsDreadJonny (2011-03-04)

wow... 6-7 min DL great quality exactly what it says it is quite refreshing :) where do i put in my vote for your presidency good man?

Mr_n_MrsDreadJonny (2011-03-04)

will seed for a week

mac_GR (2011-03-23)

just started downloading. will seed too for at least 3-4 days.
@EveryOne : please note that sometimes a torrent might be good but for some reasons it might not work on several machines. you can't just say that this works fine or not. All of us ,we don't use same OS , same GPU , or drivers... (yes in the past ,I had some issues and fixed them by updating my graphics card drivers or directX or GL blah blah blah.)
You want to play for free ? Just try installing and then you will see. Google if any issues comes up.
otherwise the whole thing with torrents client will not work.

dmpq3a (2011-04-02)

Just downloaded, really fast ~3minutes ;) But maybe someone can help me? I need some working servers, to play online ;)
P.S. I have installed q3pointrelease_132c, so can i play in servers with this version? or maybe i have to use q3pointrelease_132 without c?

Kunker77 (2011-04-19)

Great downloadspeed!
Also, works excellent. I've been looking for a good torrent like this one. Thanks a lot!

Tenho2 (2011-04-26)

Can't install this one. :/
Problems with OpenGL.

ivanjacob (2011-05-12)

it doesnt download
on my old computer i downloaded it and it works fine no virus
(sorry for bad english)

ddobbledog96 (2011-06-04)

should use with an iso program or basic programs

aiglet2 (2011-06-23)

disable the peerblock , if you have it activated in system tray . most people with a torrent client usually have a program similar to peer block .
after exiting the peer block you can see the online servers

lysol29 (2011-06-28)

works.. and is completely virus free

ltsonic (2011-07-07)

hold 2 till the bar fills thats a cd key. it works for me i can even install instagib mods and play tournament servers.

koenderoode (2011-07-27)

nice, works fin expect one thing i cant find no servers :S some one plz help me out.

collinbhai008 (2011-08-18)

lmao 3.7 mb/s dl. thanks

Cl4u (2011-08-23)

4.7 mb/s download! thx

h4wk69 (2011-08-27) Quake 3 arena is free online now for all those fans that didnt know :)

delviskar (2011-08-30)

Quake live sucks ass, it's censored and has freaking ads all over. Not only that they expect you to pay money for something that's essentially free, lol. Screw that.

kristoffer3x (2011-10-06)

yeah totaly, quake live suck!

ggf162 (2011-10-19)

@Codoyu Ha ha ha very true. Thanks albert!

Flurtyburd89 (2011-11-07)

Thanks alot @ TheMightyHutch, seeing as noone else bothered to answer

dagda88 (2011-11-28)

I had problems connecting to the servers too. Once I went to and got the 1.32 update, I had no problems. You may also like Urban Terror if you like this game, it's based on quake 3.

c0ldbr34th (2012-02-08)

Dling now, thx dude...

prajwalk7 (2012-04-20)

great game..........

kylarthorne (2012-05-02)

excellent torrent. can't wait to bring this to school XD

hemz89 (2012-05-08)

guys plz help....i have downloaded to install.....???????? when i double click it displays open with progrm and lists a program to open the file to install it...????should i use winzip or iso file prgm??? using windows 64 bit

hemz89 (2012-05-10)

guys plz help....i have downloaded to install.....???????? when i double click it displays open with progrm and lists a program to open the file to install it...????should i use winzip or iso file prgm??? using windows 64 bit

stevewhite (2012-05-19)

8.5 MB/s! Thanks! Loved this game years ago

Semblance (2012-06-23)

Works fine, thanks a lot.

Nicholaechs (2012-08-30)

I can't find any servers. Anyone who knows how to solve this problem. I have tried to upgrade to 1.32 but then the game wouldnt start it said something about it couldnt find the default.cfg file.

Spendorf (2012-10-08)

Thank you!

BRASUCA (2012-10-10)

haha muito bom o jogo, estou baixando pra recordar os bons momentos quando eu não parava de jogar, massa demais!!!

Reverse7 (2013-04-22)

This package contains IOQ3 (latest Q3A version) and has TeamArena with it.

LouEv1l (2013-11-04)

Rail fast. Die.

LeQc385 (2013-11-18)

An error occur during the move data process -113 ? anyone knows how to fix this?

BolvinSarano (2014-01-25)

thanks man for all russia moscow

Nycc (2014-08-04)

Anyone knows how to set the resolution to 1920x1080? So it fits my monitor without any cropping.

.POSEIDON (2015-08-24)

An error occur during the move data process -113 ? anyone knows how to fix this? !! get an answer please i have this too.

.POSEIDON (2015-08-24)

am nevermind just read the readme ahaah i hadnt see it


1. 468.94 Mb