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FCL Series - TTC - The American Dream - Ethical History
FCL Series - TTC - The American Dream - Ethical History
Audio/Audio books
2009-05-04 (by rambam1776 )
Since I’ve launched my little ‘FCL’ project, I have to admit I’ve gotten far fewer accusatory and foolish comments / PMs than I expected. It would seem that those bothering with the series have been reading the descriptions and putting some thoughts into comments. Still, I have had a few who knee-jerked and accused my of being a neo-con fascist (an interesting label, that) and so forth. Perhaps this offering in the series will go some way in the other direction.
Professor Roth’s 1992 lecture series on the ethical history of the American Dream as it pertains to all American groups and points of view is a fairly bipartisan approach to that idea. I am further to the right than he is on many things, but the purpose here is to examine such questions as
• What do we MEAN by the American Dream?
• How have we defined or pursued it in the past?
• What terms or philosophies have been employed in its search?
• Is our system designed to forever deny the Dream to some (race, class, gender)?
In my base arguments for the FCL series, I contend that (a) some issues are far more important than others, particularly economic ones, and (b) that most people have no sound basis for why they think as they do vote as they do. I charge that this is true for both left and right, but in my experience it is far more often the people on the right who have never even made a perfunctory effort to examine in depth the viewpoints of people with whom they radically disagree. It is insufficient to wave the flag and proclaim America the land of opportunity and then be done with the subject. A lot of confusion muddies the water of that opportunity, and it cannot be denied that people’s chances have (perhaps still are?) been different. Therefore, let’s spend some time examining this dream, what it means, and just how accessible it is. If nothing else, the phrase alone will cease to have such power when mumbled by smarmy politicos seeking votes.
The American Dream – By Prof. John K. Roth
The Teaching Company, 1992
Coursebook included, 96 kbps
Read by the Author.
The “FCL†Series – For some length of time now, I’ve given some thought to putting out something like this. A principal problem is that of labels, and another is the lack of room in a torrent description to write anything approaching even a SYNOPSIS of a clear manifesto. Therefore, I have decided to call this FCL (an acronym for Fiscal Conservative Libertarian) for the sake of brevity and clarity.
There are in America (and to a lesser degree in Europe) a huge number of people who would largely fit into this camp. We are the practical, the scientific, the skeptical and the truly logically analytical. We are IN NO WAY dogmatic or organized, but we generically agree to a certain extent on some core ideas. We think people who attend rallies or protests are shmucks. We think people can express their political opinions on bumperstickers are too stupid to vote. We think whenever we hear the phrase “there ought to be a law!†that there probably shouldn’t be. We have differing opinions on abortion, gun control, the death penalty, flag burning, and gay rights, but agree categorically that such decisions ought not to be Constitutional issues and are best left to the local voters. We think that the Federal Government ought not to do much of anything other than core responsibilities, especially if they have no idea how to pay for it. We don’t vote with out hearts but with our heads. We are never loyal to any party. We are very pro-military, and most of us have served. We don’t trust any politician and we despise empty symbolism, ignorant populism, and idiotic sloganeering. We are all about practical economics, actual freedom from the leftist nannies and rightist religious police, and we like individual responsibility.
People like me have been going nuts for a long time with the economic stupidities of our government and fellow citizens, the general inability of these to understand real long term effects, and we are sick to death of people blaming US for George Bush instead of the RELIGIOUS and SOCIAL conservatives who elected him. We are NOT “neo-consâ€, “dittoheadsâ€, or lovers of Fox News, and we are sick and tired of lefties telling us we must be supporters of Limbaugh and Falwell. WE are the people who watch Penn & Teller’s BULLSHIT and love SOUTH PARK. We think Obama is a very nice fellow whose economic policies at best will lead America on a path in the long run to a low rent failed soft-core Socialism. Finally, we think that the 40% on either side that make up the core of the two major sides are usually reaching bad conclusions and voting stupidly because they listen to propaganda and don’t truly understand some complicated issues with an honest degree of depth.
Therefore, since there is no shortage of people here with an agenda (some of which borders on the insane), I am going to put out a collection of material that gives a good accounting of the fiscal conservative point of view. Some of it I personally take as gospel, some of it is merely generic. Speaking as a history and social studies teacher, I feel qualified to select materials that reflect this point of view. It is my hope that many will increase their knowledge of complicated historical and economic events by this effort. I do not seek to foster argument or win converts, but merely to explain to the right wingers why we would rather have freedom than ban abortion or marijuana, and to get it through to the left that not everyone who doesn’t toe their fantasy line is a flat-Earther or fascist. Most of this material will be conservative, and most will deal with economics. There will be no political diatribes from dogmatic and non-practical people (Sorry to all the Coulter and Chomsky fans) who are more intent on pushing a fantasy utopia than pursuing practical liberty.
Files count:
253.39 Mb