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Battlefield - Vietnam + Crack
Games PC
Battlefield - Vietnam + Crack
2005-02-13 (by Ketamin)
Battlefield - Vietnam
+ Crack o Cd-key
Files count:
1964.56 Mb
oscar53 (2005-02-24)
funkar den här torrenten bra eller undrar bara snälla seeda lite mer tackswe_solid (2005-02-24)
Updaten som finns med är uråldrig och cracket e gjort för den så den som vill spela online tanka inte denna torrent för cracket funkar inte till 1.2 patchen, tyvärr:(oscar53 (2005-02-26)
jag behöver hjälp jag har installat och cracka men det står att jag ska sätta i rätt cd vad ska jag göra någon som har fått i gång sitt.....villka filer ska jag mounta när jag kör snälla behöver hjälp nu tack till någon som kan hjälpa mig....:)oscar53 (2005-02-26)
svara snarast tackGangster_G (2005-03-08)
Kan någon vara snäll och skicka den till mig behöver bara cd 2 och jag har BBB 10 Mb/s plz någonthebear (2005-03-10)
funkar inte.. music.rfa och sound.rfa is corrupt... har laddat ner 3 gånger men funkar ändå inte. Vet någon varför? Vad har ni för program för att installera?naaada (2005-03-15)
funkar juu fint fint!! götte mos.. fast mitt grafikkort pallar int.. man annars så funkar d gött! ^^ :DAbelkanabel (2005-03-25)
sittter på 82,9%, kan ingen seeda??? Schyrra!!! :)Abelkanabel (2005-03-29)
Cracken funkar inte, eller så gör jag fel. Nån som kan hjälpa mig?game_nord (2005-03-31)
Nån som vet var man ska lägga crack filen på denna torrentAgentti006 (2005-04-02)
Vad är CD keyn.PirateStyle (2005-04-19)
Seeda!!!Even1 (2005-04-23)
"insert the correct cd-rom" hvor skal cracken leggges for at denna skal virke??darkhell (2005-04-24)
haha oj vad noobs man hitta här då alla samlade på ett å samma ställe :)darkhell (2005-04-24)
faan får kalla mig själv noob har fan provat allt men får inte igång spelet,,första gången jag har fått problem med å installera ett spel.......:(Even1 (2005-05-02)
tja, du som er så jævlig pro kan vel vise alle oss andre hvordan DU får starta spillet da eller?sekert (2005-05-02)
hur ska man kunna spela online???ogglet (2005-05-10)
ladda ner crack från dc++ dåPMHR (2005-05-27)
Hei. eg har brent battlefield vietnam ut på cd og eg har fått innstalert det gjikk heilt fint:) men når eg skulle spille det kom det opp"please insert the correct cd-rom"og eg prøvde å legge inn cracken gjorde det rett men kom samme beskjed igjen:( kan noen vere så snille å hjelpe meg?? eg har battlefield vietnam cdkey viss noen trenger den:) plizz hjelp meg
Jay-Z (2005-05-28)
himla noobs kan inte cracka, kan man köra online på denna torrent lr?Habanero (2005-05-30)
Tjena, ingen som kan lägga upp CD 1 bara??jag har alla andramen nån idiot baxade min skiva och jag har skit slött internet!!! vore tacksam om nån kunde slänga upp CD 1!!!GetenGeten (2005-06-03)
hallå mina vänner här är en link till en sida medcrack:
hade samma problem som er andra så jag fick hitta crack åt oss men en varning!!!! för vid nedladdning linkas man vidare till nästa sida och den innehåller virus så ladda ner på egen risk har provat cracket det fungerar håll till godo muza (2005-06-04)
var finns cd-keyn??Zacke_w (2005-06-05)
Tack! till alla som seedar laddar i 800kb/s tack vare er :)GetenGeten (2005-06-05)
Det är en sida med många olika crack jag laddade ner den som var längst ner på sidan och den fungerade bra till speletZacke_w (2005-06-05)
Men vad e sidan da dummerZacke_w (2005-06-05)
Skriv sidan vill gärna veta vart det dära cracket ligger?PMHR (2005-06-10)
cdkey noen som trenger den?eg trenger crack vis noen har den som di kan send kan eg sende bfv cdkey.
PMHR (2005-06-10)
eg har fann-med lastet ned 6 forskjellige cracker men ingen funker spør etter cd når eg starter det.:( noen proffer som kan hjelpe meg?please noen må hjelpe meg. feks: ketamin du burde vite eller sende den rette cracken til dei som trenger den :)..........
PMHR (2005-06-10)
hei. eg har fått til å spille men kommer opp ein beskjed når eg vil joine multiplayer game:(beskjeden er:"please insert battlefield vietnam cd" er dette bare singelplayer game eller???
sessario (2005-06-13)
seeda!!dekuboy (2005-06-24)
maybe it could help if i knew what version this game was, so i can narrow in the search for a decent crack.cheers!
torus (2005-06-27)
Nån som vet nåra crack servrar?Pussy Devil (2005-07-29)
Nå har jeg lastet ned denne torrenten,,, men jeg får ikke startet den.,,,, hva skal jeg gjøre?Kan noen venligst forklare det til meg??
Haonguyen (2005-08-07)
Please seed!dvaz (2005-08-17)
CD keyn ligger i battlefield vietnam mappen och det ee en Msinfo-fil heter rzr-bfv (öppna med antekningar för de noobs som inte visste de.....Anti-Monarki (2006-03-04)
Hur ska jag cracka det här spelet? jag hat testat med flera olika crack med när jag ska försöka starta spelet så funkar det inte. kan någon snälla hjälpa mig och berätta hur jag ska göra..Freeland (2006-03-22)
går det lira online med nerladdat lir?Nex88 (2006-03-23)
YO! noobs you can't play online on a not original game you have to have a online hack and then play on a hacked server = Get a online hack by searching "battlefield vietnam online crack" and this will probably not work, but if it does youre a lucky one :) Or you can just buy the game... it's up to you.. but I wouldn't have done it cause I've download every singel game i've ever played at home!!!fvg_fvg (2006-03-23)
jag har fått ner spelet och instalerat det, men när jag ska spela det så står det: wrong disc insert :(vad ska jag göra?
floyd2 (2006-05-08)
seedcris29 (2006-06-09)
is this multilanguage ?ZafrullaH (2006-06-19)
ERA NOOBS HÄR E LÖSNINGEN!!öppna filen rzr-bfv med anteckningar sen står cd keyn där era mongon
Xcider (2006-06-20)
seeda plzXcider (2006-06-21)
seed PLZ i'm on 98.4Xcider (2006-06-21)
PLEASE Ketamin seedCengoo (2006-06-29)
Har ingen fått den till att funka eller jag har nog testat 10 olika crack men inget fungerar så måste vara något anat fel.Blink3 (2006-07-11)
Please someody seed ffs, i want more seeders pleasemaltelump (2006-07-16)
Haha tack till alla som seedar!(skämta, jag låg i 230 kb/s till 73,5% sen dess har det gått i 20 kb/s)Dougy00 (2006-07-17)
PLEASE seedfalafel_93 (2006-07-27)
Snälla seeda!Please seed!
Tack på förhand!
falafel_93 (2006-07-27)
Hej, tack till alla som seedar... nu har jag en fråga: Jag använder BitComet, MEN jag får aldrig någon bra nedladdnings hastighet.. vad ska jag göra för att få mina nerladdningar att bli snabbare? (Om ni föreslår en bättre client så skriv görna till mig!)Tack på förhand! MVH Falafel
tenggren85 (2006-07-31)
seed plsXoKa (2006-08-01)
can you plz seed im in a hurryBlamz (2006-08-05)
please seed i really need this game before next wednesday im gonna give the game to my brother on his birthday please please seedpunk (2006-08-08)
...but not as low as Glocalnet.Frogsplash (2006-08-12)
I might be doing something totally stupid but hey, i try. I have tried to download this torrent twice now, but even if it says that the download is complete and the percentage says 100% it states that the files are incompleted downloads. What am I doing wrong? or better yet, what am I not doing at all?Dasspapper12 (2006-08-17)
ALLA Vet Ngn som Om vilken grafik som krävs ????? Seeda Gött folk :) :Pviva la roos (2006-08-30)
jag har spelet och man behöver 1ghz processor 256mg minne 64mb grafikkorttysonayt (2006-09-06)
hittar ingen ck - key, snälla hjälp mig!XoKa (2006-09-23)
the game doesn´t work, i have tried many different cracks, no point of downloadingBananski (2006-10-12)
packa upp alla grejer som finns i crack få cd1 in till din mapp du har installerat spelet på sen funkar detvicke_boy92 (2006-11-02)
Spelar nån via hamachi elr ?!Droitykaas (2006-11-25)
I think we need more seeders becuse i dont think 29 peers and 6 seeders is very goodHembre (2006-12-09)
I have to computers home, and I tried to play multiplayer but I get a message with "please insert cd-key" or something like that.. Doesn't work playing multiplayer??Hembre (2006-12-09)
I have two***KewlTr@ck3r (2007-01-19)
HI I'm not so good with torrents but, can an1 help me out? My torrent says Battlefield Vietnam is completed but when I click on the exe. Its says cannot find file "binkw32.dll"Plz help
KewlTr@ck3r (2007-01-20)
Hey is Ketamin there?Chrelle123 (2007-02-21)
heeyi have installed the game and all that but when i am beginning to play it says: please insert the correct CD_ROM nad restart application.
what am i going to do ?
Chrelle123 (2007-02-21)
heeyi have installed the game and all that but when i am beginning to play it says: please insert the correct CD-ROM nad restart application.
what am i going to do ?
Chrelle123 (2007-02-21)
heeyi have installed the game and all that but when i am beginning to play it says: please insert the correct CD-ROM and restart application.
what am i going to do ?
nmdf75 (2007-02-22)
ketamin i need help the crack dont work all good but the crack dont work i copy 3 cd ok the crack is there i copy to the directory but no good help if you can tanksnmdf75 (2007-02-22)
if any one can help me tanks very muchkrumar (2007-03-04)
the no-cd crack does not work can anyone help me?Lord_Mz (2007-03-24)
the crack doesen´t work!!!need a fucking crack NOW!!!!!!!
zouzay (2007-04-10)
find a crack at : http://ww.gameburnworld.comseva1 (2007-04-28)
dont download this its a vlc shit not the gamejona123 (2007-05-01)
cracket funkar inteNinjaa_master (2007-06-13)
Sorry for my bad english and a bad explenation, but whatever.1. Mount the game witch Deamontools, or some other program.
2. Install the game.
3. Go to My Computer, and rightclick on the logo there battlefield is, clik Explore
4.Go to the crack map
5.Copy all the files
6. Go to My computer again
7. Go to C:
8. Go to programs and find map where the games are (For exampel: If Ubisoft has createt the game the game's map in in that map)
9.Paste all the files in there, when it says: Do you realy whant to owerwrite this files, click yes.
I hope you will understand a litel better how to do. And i'm sorry for my english, i'm from sweden so i don't know what all the icons name is in english. But i think you will understand.
Ninjaa_master (2007-06-13)
This is just crapbendikdover (2007-06-19)
hi! where is the serial code that you have to insert before you can contimue the instalation?please help
pederski (2007-08-12)
you need to crack the gamemarre102 (2007-09-01)
Seedmarre102 (2007-09-02)
very nice seeders, thanks !!!!marre102 (2007-09-02)
ffs.... if you want to play online!!!! buy tghe original game at some shop.... okay !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!marre102 (2007-09-02)
ge mig nått crack, snälla!!marre102 (2007-09-02)
kan man bara köra instant battle om man ska köra singleplayer ??, can you only play instant battle on battlefield vietnam ??Mojoj (2007-10-20)
This is bullcrap. Just a bunch of moviefiles.DO NOT DOWNLOAD!
1bp13 (2008-02-06)
this is the second time downloading this because i deleted a file by mistake and it takes about 3 days straight all day and nights. this torrent is better than the others because you can actually install the game onto your computer other than just the mess of files being there1bp13 (2008-02-06)
what are you talking about? its not moviefiles1bp13 (2008-02-06)
1bp13 (2008-02-06)
THIS A COMPLETE LOAD AND A WASTE OF TIME!!!!IT WONT EVEN LET ME INSTALL IT JUST GOES FROM 0-100% AND IT MAKES A EMPTY EA GAMES FOLDER! I FOLLOWED THE INSTRUCTIONS EXACTLY! and theres really no point to unpack it because when you do there is no files that are mountable! Dont even bother with this!
1bp13 (2008-02-06)
it worked for me before but now it doesn't!?1bp13 (2008-02-06)
That was a waste of my life1bp13 (2008-02-15)
if you uninstall this it wont re-install again. and it leaves it on the add and remove program list. and the crack does not work.1bp13 (2008-02-15)
200kb/s thats an awesome speedyaran-o (2008-05-25)
It's not completley forbidden to seed!!!15i1 (2008-06-09)
Uhmm, that about "It's just a couple of VLC movie files!" is true .. But you'll have to use Daemon Tools (or some other program of that kind) to mount the files.It's quite easy, and there is a crack too so it's no problem.
bp13 (2008-06-29)
for those who just want the keys for this they areV2W6-54VJ-9R11-XJPU-79CM
bp13 (2008-06-29)
The no cd patch does not work you can download one from here
then put it in the game dir ( C:/Program Files/EA Games/Battlefield VietnamNarutojake (2008-08-04)
please seedNarutojake (2008-08-04)
11 seeders22 leachers
it stands still. comeon plz seed
el_chupanibre (2008-09-28)
Use perfect uninstaller to uninstall and it removes all traces, then it should work to reinstall..el_chupanibre (2008-09-29)
pass på å putte dll fila som ligger i mods in i BF vietnam mods mappa.. da funker crackenmake sure to put the dll file in mods into the BF vietnam mods folder.. then the crack works as a charm..
lokilopa (2008-11-08)
i was in 230kb/s until i came to 60% and it started to go in 112kb/s wtf!Oriax666 (2008-11-27)
Seed!!!invalido_ (2009-01-29)
Please seed.. Only downloading in 170 kb/sMazin_Z (2009-02-18)
I have buying this, so I have cd key! ;)add:
Have A nice Day!
Greetings/Mazin_Z ;)
everettpf3 (2009-03-07)
"please seed" does not bring forth a flood of people simply waiting for your command, in fact, "please seed" is just a way of pointing out how much of a tool you are.gamer3000 (2009-03-21)
i have try to start the game but i just this fucking set in pc 2.what are im gonna do?gamer3000 (2009-03-21)
please answer:)jakedacake (2009-03-23)
för er som inte kan installera och det står sätt i nästa skiva så måste man öppna nästa skiva i deamontools!Daniddi (2009-03-26)
Seed this pleasejckob123 (2009-04-18)
it's working NO VIRUSES tnx manjckob123 (2009-04-18)
o if you need to play on internet yust download hamachi server: jckobplay and password: jakaMarvinGommans (2009-04-19)
Nice download speed. It varies from 200 kb/s to 250 kb/s on my pchp_dv5 (2009-05-29)
how new this game is?? is this good game?toniforlife (2009-11-17)
seed 50kb\srobi97 (2009-12-26)
Ketamin you are a fucking stealer !!You guys said you can't get cd keys anywhere, then go to (XP)My Computer -> and Right Mouse Button click on BFV_1 and select "Open" !
Then open folder "Razor1911" and there you have, a key generator MADE BY Razor1911 and a Crack MADE BY Razor1911 !
So that means that "Ketamin" downloaded this torrent from "Razor1911" first and then uploaded it himself !
So that means that "Ketamin" is a fucking stealer !!!!!!
murius (2010-01-15)
bra spill:)FtblCmdr (2010-04-27)
Ketamin your a tool. This torrent doesn't work go for razor1911 guysilytorrents (2010-07-03)
ok to all you stupid noobs. you have to copy ALL the files from the crack folder (bvvietnam logo and the folder called mods)and replace and copy this to the main folder where the original.exe is. then you have to say yes to replacing all of the files, version 1.01 from works for me. if you just replace the one exe crack it wont workFem0o0o (2010-07-05)
**WARNING** this torrent is a Virus if you download it and install it you may never uninstall it from your system. I Repeat**WARNING** this torrent is a Virus if you
download it and install it you may never uninstall it from your system.
PX173 (2010-10-17)
@Fem0o0o yeah, because there's at least one ISO file there that does that. lol. you don't even have proof.PX173 (2010-10-17)
PS to those idiots who are complaining about the crack, you are quite dumb. You have internet connection, use it, unless you have an IQ of less than 60, which I can see most people have. Same goes for DLLs.Xramas (2011-03-02)
Fem0o0o Are you an idiot or something? Perhaps you should learn how to fucking UNINSTALL before you complain and attack ok?Xramas (2011-03-02)
@robi97 ehh what? Ketamin is a stealer? maybe he has gotten permission its not like hes saying that he has made all the stuff in this crack. AND MAYBE just MAYBE he just wants this game out to people and he wants to hel Razor 1911 to get it out to more people. and btw its not like Razor 1911 has the sole rights to give his stuff out because you cant copyright protect illegal stuff you know.Bosse6614 (2011-03-21)
Thanks a lot...!!!jkukulski (2011-06-19)
its suck its only a crack and othe shity filesHowdy117 (2011-08-03)
I wish this worked for console :(MrPipa94 (2012-04-15)
For those who want to play online:1. Install TUNNGLE (Hamachi only allows 4+ yourself to the network, so that doesnt work any more for larger networks)
2. Make the account for tunngle (obviously...)
3. Join the Battlefield Vietnam network
4. Go to the game and search in LAN for a game,
5. DONE!
TESTED AND WORKING, only problem is that its just me and my friend there, so we need some players (tired of bots)
futreason (2013-01-31)
Perfectly working!From Brazil reporting for those who can't play the game:
You must add all the content of the file "crack" to the root folder of Battlefield Vietnam. If you don't, you'll receive the message "Insert correct CD-rom" or something... However, you must put the files "bfvietnam.exe" and "" in the root folder of the game (Ex.: C:/Program Files/EA Games/Battlefield Vietnam) and the files in Mod into respective folder inside the root folder of the game.
Sorry for the bad english :(
Hope it help!
mpkpro (2013-04-28)
the game is so stupid.Files:
1. Battlefield - Vietnam/crack/Mods/BfVietnam/settings/VideoDefault.con 93 bytes
2. Battlefield - Vietnam/crack/Mods/BfVietnam/Mod.dll 4.00 Kb
3. Battlefield - Vietnam/crack/bfvietnam.exe 8.83 Mb
4. Battlefield - Vietnam/crack/ 8.83 Mb
5. Battlefield - Vietnam/battlefield_vietnam_crackfix.nfo 478 bytes
6. Battlefield - Vietnam/rzr-bfv.nfo 3.99 Kb
7. Battlefield - Vietnam/rzr-bfv1.bin 707.81 Mb
8. Battlefield - Vietnam/rzr-bfv1.cue 74 bytes
9. Battlefield - Vietnam/rzr-bfv2.bin 702.82 Mb
10. Battlefield - Vietnam/rzr-bfv2.cue 74 bytes
11. Battlefield - Vietnam/rzr-bfv3.bin 536.25 Mb
12. Battlefield - Vietnam/rzr-bfv3.cue 74 bytes