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Video/Movie clips


2006-12-30 (by Naiykga_x77)


911 truth wtc execution terror united 93 flight saddam

Files count:



19.17 Mb




D_V (2006-12-30)

What the hell... that has nothing to do with the execution... just some photos of 9/11 and such...
Sounds like a fucking political campaign

AbioticFraggel (2006-12-30) execution here...

Alex x (2006-12-30)

If you post a clip when he dies please post a picture of him dead O.o

bobdole3 (2006-12-30)


 Jag92 (2006-12-30)

there he is dead..

wilcofan (2006-12-30)

This is about WTC 9/11, has got nothing to do with Saddam but is quite watchworthy...

hib_2bornot2b (2006-12-30)

This is some fucking bullshit political propaganda! I've made sure not to seed this bullshit!

speakeasy (2006-12-30)

Crap conspiracy theory video - not the execution at all.

arne_414 (2006-12-30)


desecrator (2006-12-30)

Förbannad usa-propaganda..

MadeInKurdistan (2006-12-31)

hahaha fuck G W BUSH IN HE ASSS

imizrahi (2006-12-31)

that's a don't HAVE two senses to put in, much less rub together...
you're just another rabid dog wanting to be part of the feeding frenzy...
i haven't seen this...but i know the type...
you think bin laden or hussein had ANYthing to do with 9/11? yeah. and kennedy was assassinated by lee harvey oswald...
i am a former american, living elsewhere...
i won't pay taxes to a govt that not only lies to their people, consistently(weapons of mass destruction? PLEASE...bush won an election?
what a JOKE) people like you pretend to not know what's REALLY going on so that they don't have to take responsibility for that knowledge...
that there IS no democracy(once the vote is made a farce)...and the the 'govt' will send 'its own' to be killed(even AFTER it's well known that a)there was no constitutional reason to go and b)that they had lost before they even got there. witness aNOther viet nam)without any remorse whatsoever. as long they get their REAL objectives...strategic military positioning to take over as much oil as possible...
not to mention killing innocent women and children for no justifiable reason...
so be simplistic. pretend. or argue with me and show how REALLY uninformed you are...
foaming at the mouth yet?
goes to show how contagious this disease is...
people seem to welcome it with closed hearts and open arms...
but not open minds...

BloodCrow_X (2006-12-31)

Ok i wont dl till the real thing. Even if he dident have anything to do with 911, he still funded and shelterd terrorists for many years(give me proof he dident) Imizrahi, yer a fool. I love America, doesent mean i even like my government, or its policies. I work hard and (try) to keep my nose clean. And to hear fools like you insulting other Americans i couldent keep my mouth shut. So insult me you fool, kiss my ass, go fuck yourself, and i hope a terrorist near you screws up and (your) the only fatality.

Alex x (2006-12-31)

max11max (2006-12-31)

Fuck America, they go about this world beating on nations they can steal from. If the USA wants it they take it and the people can do nothing. Just wait and see what the next WAR the USA will START. It's time the people TOOK back the POWER, rise up against the dictatorship.

Ph4ZeD (2006-12-31)

Hammerman44, for as many countries like that that American is against, America SUPPORTS countries like Saudi Arabi/Egypt where there is no freedom of expression and political opponents. But how can I expect a stupid fuck like you (aka, American) to understand that your country is just one big hypocritical waste of space?

esstrom (2006-12-31)

Anyway, just search on videos "saddam.execution" if you want to see him hang

zibbes (2006-12-31)

denna vidio har INGET med saddams hängning att göra men kollen är inte als paranoid tror att 9-11 är en stor konspiration från myndigheterna och påstår ha massa fakta samt svar.

CoMMaNcHe (2006-12-31)

Do your own research.
Fire does not melt steel at 1200 degrees F.
Steel melts at 2750 degrees F.
It's a technical impossibility for steel to melt at 1200. And it will certainly not melt in a dirty un-controlled open-air kerosine-fuelled fire.

CoMMaNcHe (2006-12-31)

You cannot get a 110-story pancake collapse in 8,4 seconds (free fall speed - the speed at which an object drops through air).
Never would a pancake collapse GAIN speed and go beyond the speed of gravity, it would LOOSE speed since it would fall into the path of most resistance - the building itself. For it to fall at free fall speed the floors beneath would have to cease to exist completely BEFORE the upper floor reaches them.
George Bush and the other goons in the government can't change the laws of physics, even if they say they can.
Learn to think for yourselves.

Bjabbo (2007-01-01)

En idiot mindre!

CoMMaNcHe (2007-01-01)

9/11 = Total Inside Job
Do your own research.
Fire does not melt steel at 1200 degrees F.
Steel melts at 2750 degrees F.
It's a technical impossibility for steel to melt at 1200. And it will certainly not melt in a dirty un-controlled open-air kerosine-fuelled fire.
You cannot get a 110-story pancake collapse in 8,4 seconds (free fall speed - the speed at which an object drops through air).
Never would a pancake collapse GAIN speed and go beyond the speed of gravity, it would LOOSE speed since it would fall into the path of most resistance - the building itself. For it to fall at free fall speed the floors beneath would have to cease to exist completely BEFORE the upper floor reaches them.
George Bush and the other goons in the government can't change the laws of physics, even if they say they can.
Learn to think for yourselves.

All_Your_Sky (2007-01-01)

The simple facts of temperatures:
* 1535ºC (2795ºF) - melting point of iron
* ~1510ºC (2750ºF) - melting point of typical structural steel
* ~825ºC (1517ºF) - maximum temperature of hydrocarbon fires burning in the atmosphere without pressurization or pre-heating (premixed fuel and air - blue flame)
Diffuse flames burn far cooler.
Oxygen-starved diffuse flames are cooler yet.
The fires in the towers were diffuse -- well below 800ºC.
Their dark smoke showed they were oxygen-starved -- particularly in the South Tower.

JoakimLj (2007-01-02)

Love US and hate Iraq (!!)
On the execution of Saddam Hussein the US did a good job in this case :)

Jacky_D (2007-01-02)

still, wright thecorrect name on the torrent...

ldmen (2007-01-03)

Wow your 9/11 conspiracy theory information makes sense that a difused fire cannot melt steel but you fail to factor in the fact that the planes impact detroyed colums forcing weight unto back up colums then the explosion made those colums fail. Now a high temp fire not hot enough to melt steel but hot enough to weaken it burned for 1 to 2 hours. those steel beems were designed to hold it's weight plus 1,300 tons per floor. lets say your holding 100 pounds over your head but your cpable of holding 250 pounds. first i punch u in the nose (impact) then set off a fire cracker behind your head(explosion) then constanly shoot your arms with a pellet gun to simulate the fire weakening the steel. you havent been catastrophically damaged but in less than five minutes i'll bet you will pancake and fall to the ground!!

vangelis1492 (2007-01-04)

eking (2007-01-04)


Hiero101 (2007-01-04)

iron doesnt have to get to melting point to get seriously weakened, especially under high load such as a tall building, it will bend under much less temperature..

harvey187 (2007-01-05)

Ok, Seriously.
Your entire argument on the colapse is flawed deeply.
You dont take into consideration that EVERY floor that colapses adds its weight and momentum to the impact of the next floor. So every floor it goes thru it would pick up speed and force making the colapse happen as it did.
Also the structural supports did not have to be melted completely, just softened enough to not hold the weight of the upper floors.
And when you say that the fire is not hot enough, you obviously have no concept of how hot JET fuel burns. This is not just some fire fueled by paper and drywall or some small amount of normal run of the mill kerosine. It burns hot enough to soften those supports. Perhaps not melt outright, but they didnt need to be completely melted.
Your theory is completely wrong here.
ALTHOUGH I do agree with you that ALL of our world governments need to get their collective heads out of their asses and do something for the good of all of us.
We just need to let all conflicts die and work to better all of us. Its not hard to make a perfect world. Its just hard to give up the belief that you CANT make one.
Once we let go of the greed that makes us all want more than our neighbors we will learn that shareing and cooperation help EVERYONE alot more than greed and hate.
Peace out.

nUDiE<3 (2007-01-05)

LOOOOOOOOOL avliva alla usa hatare...

grgagiga (2007-01-07)

o.k. steel need Mr.Bush

Drac0nis (2007-01-09)

You make the mistake all narrow minded fools make in your counter to harveys argument, You ignore facts that don't fit with your theory, and try to argue the wrong point. This Is NOT freefall you are talking about with the trade centers colapse. Freefall and something crumbling from internal failures are two very different things.
What you dont think that the added weight from taller floors falling onto the next has not effect?
But hey, these are just facts you will ignore so that your convoluted story works.
Another thing, All this BS about it being some internal plot is completely unfounded. There is WAY too much proof that it was a massive hijacking attack and then there is the FACT that theses insane fucks have claimed responsibility MANY TIMES. Use your fucking brain.
Also, what the fuck is with the anti commi shit? Yeah that form of government didnt work but whose to say that some future enlightened form government that actualy TAKES CARE of its people wouldn't work?
What your saying is that this is the best it gets for the common man. And that I think is the greatest disservice of all. Cause the world now, Needs alot of work and some tolerance. Not more hate and inflamatory bullshit.
I realy dont see why in this age we still have barbarians at the gates, but these desert snakes that have perverted their own faith are those demons.

[email protected] (2007-01-13)

why kill saddam ? :S
why dont set him in prison the rest of his life , now some say he's a hero
