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Rig'n'Roll ”»N½±¹N‰ 3 ŸN€½






Rig'n'Roll Truckers 3 Conquest




2009-12-15 (by sikirin)


Дальнобойщики3 Покорение Америки Дата выхода: 27 ноября 2009 Жанр: Racing/Simulator Разработчик: Softlab Издательство: 1C Минимальные cистемные требования: Операционная система: Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista SP2. Windows 7 Процессор: 2.4 GHz Dual Core Processor (Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon X2) Оперативная память: 1,0 Гб оперативной памяти; Звуковая карта: Совместимая с DirectX 9.0 Свободное место на жестком диске: 10 Гб свободного места на жестком диске; Видеокарта: Видеокарта класса NVIDIA GeForce 5700 или ATI Radeon X800 со 128 Мб видеопамяти, совместимая с DirectX 9.0; Тип издания: pic Язык интерфейса: RUS Язык озвучки:RUS Таблэтка: Пока нет! Вам предлагается испытать себя в роли российского водителя, который прибывает в Калифорнию в поисках удачи на ниве дальнобойных перевозок. Впереди вас ждут большие и малые города, жаркие пустыни и цветущие долины, побережье Тихого океана и заснеженные горы Сьерра-Невада, а главное мили и мили американских хайвеев. «Дальнобойщики 3: Покорение Америки» — это продолжение знаменитой игровой серии. Однако на этот раз игровой мир не придуман разработчиками, а срисован с мира реального. Игрок оставит под колесами своей мощной машины сотни миль калифорнийских дорог от Сан-Франциско до Рино, от Юрики до Сан-Диего. Игроку предстоит завоевать уважение корпоративных клиентов, доказав, что он самый быстрый и надежный дальнобойщик Калифорнии, добиться признания в среде дальнобойщиков, участвуя в гонках и просто сталкиваясь с ними в различных ситуациях в повседневной жизни. В процессе игры игроку также придется подтвердить свои качества лидера могучей транспортной корпорации, претендующей на первенство в сфере дальнобойных перевозок штата. Кроме того игрок будет вовлечен в увлекательную историю с неожиданным финалом. Он найдет новых друзей и разберется со скрытыми и явными противниками, раскроет заговор, но это потребует от него всего имеющегося у него опыта и сил. Особенности игры: - Лицензированные грузовики, в том числе Freightliner, Western Star, Sterling, а также более тридцати типов полуприцепов. - Около ста технических усовершенствований, множество вариантов раскраски кузова и оформления кабины каждого автомобиля. - Современные автострады настоящей Калифорнии, воссозданные в масштабе один к десяти. - Реалистичная физика объектов и система повреждений, учитывающая множество разнообразных факторов. - Более трехсот заданий, от выполнения которых зависит репутация героя. - Поддержка трехпедальных игровых рулей с функцией Force Feedback и других контроллеров. To add distribution in a personal RSS-tape Дальнобойщики3 Conquest of America Date of an output: on November, 27th 2009 Genre: Racing/Simulator The developer: Softlab Publishing house: 1C Minimal cистемные requirements: Operational system: Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista SP2. Windows 7 The processor: 2.4 GHz Dual Core Processor (Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon X2) Operative memory: 1,0 Гб operative memory; Sound card: Compatible with DirectX 9.0 Empty seat on a hard disk: 10 Гб an empty seat on a hard disk; Videocard: the Videocard of class NVIDIA GeForce 5700 or ATI Radeon X800 about 128 Mb of the videomemory, compatible with DirectX 9.0; Type of the edition: pic Language of the interface: RUS Language озвучки:RUS Таблэтка: While is not present! You are offered to test yourselves in a role of the Russian driver which arrives to California in searches of success on a field of long-range transportations. Ahead of you greater and small cities, hot deserts and blossoming valleys, coast of Pacific ocean and заснеженные wait for mountain Sierra-Nevada, and the main thing of mile and mile of the American highways. « Truckers 3: Conquest of America » is a continuation of the well-known game series. However this time the game world is not thought up by developers, and copied from the world real. The player will leave under wheels of the powerful machine of hundred miles of the Californian roads from San Francisco up to Рино, from Юрики up to San Diego. The player should win respect of corporate clients, having proved, that it the fastest and reliable trucker of California to achieve a recognition in the environment of truckers, participating in races and simply colliding with them in various situations in a daily life. During game the player also should confirm the qualities of the leader of the mighty transport corporation applying for superiority in sphere of long-range transportations of staff. Except for that the player will be involved in fascinating history with the unexpected ending. It will find new friends and will understand with the latent and obvious opponents, will open plot, but it will demand from it all experience available it and forces. Features of game: - The licensed lorries, including Freightliner, Western Star, Sterling, and also more than thirty types полуприцепов. - About hundred technical improvements, set of variants раскраски bodies and registrations of a cabin of each car. - The modern motorways of the present California recreated in scale one to ten. - The realistic physics of objects and the system of damages considering set of various factors. - More than three hundred tasks on which performance the reputation of the hero depends. - Support of three-pedal game rudders with function Force Feedback and other controllers.



Files count:



3505.78 Mb




sikirin (2009-12-15)

There is no tablet

sikirin (2009-12-15)

It is not forgotten to tell thanks
?? ???????? ??????? ???????

oktan (2009-12-15)


sikirin (2009-12-15)

Tell normally at me the translator does not translate it {why?}

kevmeister95 (2009-12-15)

has this thing been cracked and translated yet?...

sikirin (2009-12-15)

There are no we hope for your hackers. At you this game has left in the license version?

sikirin (2009-12-15)

??????? ????? ????????

sikirin (2009-12-15)

Promise to crack soon

sikirin (2009-12-16)

Excuse for not qualitative translation

sikirin (2009-12-17)

Here crack only I do not know guys the worker or not ??????? I it cannot is forbidden for our country. The greater request if who ??????? and it the worker write. Also lay out on torrent. All thanks.

sikirin (2009-12-17)

Here crack only I do not know guys the worker or not to load I it it can not is forbidden for our country. The greater request if who will load also it the worker write. Also lay out on torrent. All thanks.

sikirin (2009-12-17)

h* t* t*p* :* /* /* w* w* w*.*
o w n l o a d - r a p i d s . h* t*m *# Blanks clean

eldaveous (2009-12-18)

props for the attempt at translation Sikirin, I'll say that much.

kevmeister95 (2009-12-19)

hey, sikirin, I tried that link and it tells me that "all the download slots are full, try back later". any ideas?...

strangerberry (2009-12-19)

thx i was looking for it a long time
i don't know of he is working XD

smok77 (2009-12-20)

Rig'n'Roll no dvd

sikirin (2009-12-20)

Works only it is necessary no dvd

FokaBG (2009-12-20)

sikirin your link is broken :( Pls upload another plase

sikirin (2009-12-20)

How to fill in torrent on new?

strangerberry (2009-12-20)

what is the serial number
plz answer plz
I want to play the game
plz plz plz plz

sikirin (2009-12-20)

Break this game and will be to you crack

strangerberry (2009-12-21)

don't you have a serial number sikirin?
because I don't know how to ''break'' the game
I think if you but this torrent on the web that you have the gamebe yourself..

sikirin (2009-12-21)

Here crack

FokaBG (2009-12-21)

how? how? how i can't download this file? This ask send sms for this file. Pls uploud here in torrent

husky25p (2009-12-21)

i had a question why put up a game torrent whit out the actevation cod ????

strangerberry (2009-12-21)

thx for the site
but the say that Hollanders love money
and they are right
I want torrents becausse I don't have to pay

stre10k (2009-12-21)

sikirin take this fake to your ...
if it real why don`t you put it on free share site?

strangerberry (2009-12-21)

stre10k has a point
but white the torrent is nothing wrong
onlything I want is the damned key

stre10k (2009-12-21)

torrent is good, but links for nocd (actualy noactivation) are bad.

strangerberry (2009-12-22)

if you have pay for the key would you put the key here plz

kevmeister95 (2009-12-23)

thanx to Xfreeloader for the links. they all want me to enter some kind of code...

strangerberry (2009-12-23)

jezus can't do nobody a dam download on a site where you don't have to pay!!!

husky25p (2009-12-23)

why cant you just put a crack torrent or the activation code in a torrent file that's the only thing i ask from you plz put the code on here whit a torren plz

sikirin (2009-12-23)

As soon as will leave crack here I shall lay out

smok77 (2009-12-23)


FokaBG (2009-12-24)

smok77 this not work :)
The application module E8.exe was modified. It may be damaged or infected by a virus. Scan your computer for viruses and reinstall the application.
If the error recurs, press "Error report" and send the report to product technical support.

sikirin (2009-12-25)


zigzag12345 (2009-12-26)

it work

brandonbb (2009-12-26)

working crack right here

Zenit33 (2010-01-15)

The crack that's on pirate bay works, but you can try this also:

Extract the rar, move files into RnR folder (just mds & mdf not necessary). Use virtual drive program such as Daemon Tools Lite to mount the mds, and you can do the rest (install then play). Select lower of 2 options for custom rather than express install. Unselect all 4 options on 1st page of custom install if you dont want junk. Then select all following options and pick your own folder like c:\games\rnr
it's easy. for english translation of menus search on "RignRoll- Brief Overview of Main Menu (With English Tool Tips)"

saeedo (2010-02-24)

Please, Someone put the damn correct activation key here!

strangerberry (2010-02-24)

hello zenit I think the crack is working:)
he say if I click on the rungame something that nobody understand something lik eaeaeeaeaeeeeeeeeeaaaaa so...
can you help me

saeedo (2010-02-25)

I've got the new crack. I just can't write the download link here. shit...what's going on here?

saeedo (2010-02-25)



saeedo (2010-02-25)

delete those mother f?????? *.ok.People here is the crack and it will work and no need to virtual drive or something,
just remember do not use F6 for quicksave in game and use the save game from game manu.

saeedo (2010-02-25)

another link:

password: rnr

strangerberry (2010-02-25)

hello saeedo I have downloaded the crack and I try it but he say that I don't have a WIN32 :(
so do you know what I must do now???:)
plz. answer becausse I want to play the game :P

saeedo (2010-02-25)

What? I replaced the rnr.exe in the bin folder with this crack and it was worked. well, i have xp sp3...what is your OS?

saeedo (2010-02-25)

exactlly win xp x86 sp3...what's yours man?

strangerberry (2010-02-25)

windows vist I don't know the exactly things about my pc so...

strangerberry (2010-02-25)

I have placed the crack into the rnr folder...
he is gonna load for 5 seconds and then he stops loading...:(
and after he stops loading he don't do anything...
that happend if I click on the crack:(
if I click on the real rnr button he shows me that thing that you must give a activation key:(
its real (...) if you want the game...

saeedo (2010-02-26)

You're exactly right. Because of this, before anything else i asked for correct serial number. damn those starforce protection, but don't worry, you'll play the game soon. we will find another way. be sure...just a little patient..maybe our brothers for Russia...they can help us better than everyone else.

strangerberry (2010-03-04)

you must have power iso or something
its a very good game only it is in russian
but wait 2 weeks or something he is out now in englisch

kevmeister95 (2010-03-07)

I hope yer correct Strangerberry. I REALLY wanna play this game...

kevmeister95 (2010-04-23)

anybody got a copy of the english version of this game?...

helomydi (2010-05-13)

can enyboddy give me the link to the trivium crack?
thank you

Asko999 (2011-05-19)

I took off this game and installed but they can not play when I go look for vako:
This product requires activation. Enter and you serial number and press "next ".
Okay so I write what I do need help urgently.